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Whats the name of the discord server?

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we don't just hand it out y'know. especially not where there's a problem with underage users.


lol Noki invited me. Yknow it’s  Sandyflower

It’s me- night it says I’m banned


As x-x-M3RCURY-x-x said, there's been a ton of 8-12 year olds playing this for some reason, so I don't want a link in the comments to a 13+ social media/server

lmao it's me mordred

Noki invited me lol

I’m 14 not 8-12

I’m not 8-12

I wasn’t asking you

I never said you were

He wasn’t asking you either

Hi Moss shadow, I have no idea why magenta star hasn't been banned already but I noticed those website links in the comments I clicked on them and there was NSFW stuff on there so idk if there is anything you or me or anyone can do about it but I will try have a nice day


Nuh uh

Deleted 42 days ago




it was in KtL comments :(


someone sent a pic of bill cipher... not that important...

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 sending this again but also I AM NOT A SIMP HE'S JUST...sdjfdsajfdsa


noOoo NOT A SIMp. He's just...


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...NooOo just LOOK AT HIMM I'M NOT A SIMP HE'S JUST.......

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ok he is kinda hot tho-

...i hate that we agree

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mordred the simmmpppp


Hi yall. I just fixed the ban issue. I was testing that system. Anyone who was falsely banned should now be able to play. Please refresh.

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clear your cache

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Just a heads up, there's a glitch where if you set your name as blank, you get banned. To fix this, clear your browser's cookies and cache and reload. We're working on fixing this and we apologize for the inconvenience.

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it bans you for entering a blank username. you may have done that

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hi! that admin here. I didn't mean you, dw! the other darkpelt who was underage came back before you joined for the first time

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ah that was probably me, I apologize for making that mistake /gen

the underage darkpelt joined right before you and we assumed that you were them because of the similar typing style and name

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I asked the other mods if they banned you, and no one did apparently
did you enter a blank username? cause you get banned if you do that for some reason (ik cause it happened to me too)

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yo! this is Mordred, one of the mods! I just wanna say some things.

1. If you're under 13, please leave for your own safety.

2. Listen to the mods please! It's incredibly rude and annoying to have to ask the same thing five times because someone's ignoring you.

3. This is not often used as a place for roleplay. It's basically just a chatroom.

4. If someone says they're uncomfortable with a topic, please change the subject!

5. Don't be a jerk. Seriously. It makes my life harder, and it's not cool, edgy, or funny

6. swearing is fine. this is a 13+ site. just no offensive language.

7. don't be discriminatory against anyone.


thanks for reading this! please keep these things in mind! and stay safe! 

- Mordred

wait whos deleted post is that

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oh ok

Deleted 45 days ago

You're underage, and yes, that is your last warning.

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Deleted 45 days ago

....sorry for... doing our jobs? We thought you were someone else.  Sorry.

hi! there was someone named Darkpelt who joined earlier and who happened to be underage. we speculated you were the same person because of the similar name and chat style. mods are also humans, and humans make mistakes.

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im finally 13

happy bday


happy birthday! :D


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Someone joinnnn

joining 3:30 PM CST


I’m not playing sparkly my little pony multiplayer idc bro

(1 edit) (+2)

heya folks! this is rye/ryespark, one of the caliclan chat mods! 

please keep in mind that itch is a 13+ website, as well as this chatroom. if you are 12 or under, please avoid joining and wait till you are 13 as there is swearing. (keep in mind that lying about your age to get in is discouraged, and mods are usually able to tell when you do!)

in addition, we would like chat to be kept at a pg-13 level: which means 18+ jokes and topics should not be mentioned under any circumstances.

have a wonderful day and stay safe!

- rye


Dude I play multiplayer games like ajpw and classic, also Roblox. Seriously what is wrong with this crap


if you'd like to be toxic, go be toxic somewhere else :]

(1 edit) (+1)

!! ATTENTION TO EVERYONE UNDER 13!! This place is not safe for you as it contains swearing and older people topics! If you would like to socialize you can go to My Little Pony Multiplayer and West Woods Multiplayer links to both games can be found here: My little Pony Multiplayer  West Woods Multiplayer ,goodbye and I hope your have a good rest of your day :)


Adult language? We literally just swear and talk about 13+ topics, no 18+ shit

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Yeah hold on I’ll fix it rq thx for pointing out my error I put adult language as a way to say swearing is in the game sorry 

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Like why?????????????????? Me crying :(


you're under 13, please leave this website and don't come back until you're 13 /srs

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Why can people swear!? I swear and I am under 13 by 2 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's so avowing!!


Me too...

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i know right!


It's 13+ and you're too young to be on Itch if you aren't 13 /nm /lh


This is a 13+ website

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lol I realize that the ktl community is the most wholesome one xD

you're not supposed to be on itch. seriously. you're too young.

I was born in 2011 but my birthday is Aprill 11th so I AM 13 but the thing at the beginning makes it so I can't play this anymore ;-;

same tho im so mad

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I mean, there isn't much we can really do about this. I feel like the only way to fix this is to update all the birth dates... I cannot explain what I'm thinking because I sort of lack the words Ig, but I doubt Mossy wants to update it every day, and I don't blame them

I just fixed that. Sorry. I had the less than/more than sign mixed up

It's fine, you were just trying to keep all the underaged ones out /gen

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i'm not a simp you guys i stg


hehehe simp


i hate you all/silly



Deleted 45 days ago

I'm on

Ok sorry i'm on now!

I'm waiting for u!


i fuckin love this game it lets me say the fuck word hehehehe


i love being a mod heheheheh

anyone wanna talk with me?

You still there?

Who is online?


i am lol


How to change your profile photo? 

its hard to explain..

if ur talking about ingame, then just click the customize character

mossy ty for letting me know i get to windrun dad smthn later on X333


Btw, we plan to ignore someone named opal_housecake for being homophobic and all-around mean. So if you see them, just ignore them please

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I've been quoted lmaoo

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i personally dont think its that bad since noki is kinda funny but still its a kids game.


This website is literally 13+. They were warned at the start that younger audiences weren't encouraged to play, but they chose to be here underage and ignore the warning


Didn’t you say you were 11? If so why are you on a 13+ website swearing?


noki caught in 4k



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I'm not 11 nor did I say I was; please don't spread misinformation

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I'm not 11 nor did I say I was; please don't spread misinformation


Also, Oreo, you were underage as well

HAHAHAHA, Okay i'll stop now

womp womp

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That was me. Hi

lol hi did u see my post in california clan someone bein' a hater so i posted it

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u guessed it, Opal housecake

edit: if ur wondering what i said at the end i said "RUDE! IM SENDING THIS TO MOSSY!"

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Get off bro. you're not 13+

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that is NOT a robot


I actually am a robot

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Wait, wut? xD


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Deleted 41 days ago





a roleplay, I see?

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