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this gives discord server vibes and i love it

the people here are genuinely so nice

hi icicle and sandy :3

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey guys, we're having another temporary shutdown. We'll be back soon!

Edit: We're back!

(1 edit) (+1)

Also, we've been having an issue with impersonators. If someone claims they're a mod, don't believe them unless they have this symbol above them 


sorry to ask but what does that symbol mean?


Like I said in the first comment, it means that they're a mod

ok thank you

its just a lil ban hammer-like symbol to let people in chat know that person is a mod

ok thanks


heya folks! the spammers appear to be gone, so we'll be opening calichat back up for now :D

what is spammer?

a spammer's someone who repeatedly sends messages with the same content
for example, if I were to send ':3' multiple times one after the other, that would be considered spamming ^^

ohhhhh thanks


PSA from the mods. There have been spammers and it's getting hard to handle. Not to worry, Caliclan will be up soon but any messages made will be getting removed to try and slow down the spamming. 


Whoever downvoted needs a life.

There is an impersonater going around

Who are they impersonating??


so far just me and other people


I'm sorry ;-; Maybe the mods will find out who they actually are, and ban them >:(

(1 edit)

no problem I'm just spreading awareness

Deleted 4 days ago

ok, thanks!!


hiii gys! Anyone doing a bloody marry ritual?


We've asked you multiple times to leave. now I'll have to email Itch about you being underage, then your account will be banned.


-_- You don’t scare me.>:3

Night, you know your continued refusal to leave after we've told you to multiple times makes you seem really underage, right? This is like the fifth time I've warned you about this /nm


WOW. You too? I can trust NO ONE! >:(

I never said you were, just that it's really seeming that way.

Not trying to scare you, just letting you know what's gonna happen. This is for your own safety, kiddo

same here, bitch


Hey rye I need to ask you a few questions

I'm here


Okay! <3 so can mods unban people?

at the moment we can't, maybe nala can but they haven't unbanned anyone yet


So zackry said that he was banned and I also got banned for no reason

about zack, I can't really say much about it since we don't say others ban reasons for general privacy, but it was mainly due to him and his sibling's actions in the chat and in our disc server.
also I believe you were banned for spamming and not listening to mods, as well as the underage thing iirc



noone is on

before many people were there including whiteleafy

me bored

this is back

my account chat got blocked for no reason

i am now: Whiteieafy but with capital i



unban mee auuhh 

-zackry auuhh


No auuhh


dang auuhh


yesss auuhh


We cannot and will not disclose ban reasons, get your nose out of moderator business. Please leave the site, you are underage.  Do not be a messenger for banned folks either, so if they sent you, please stop.





Are you zackry? It’s me Night! <3

night, please don't try and bring banned people back into a space they were banned from. That goes for you too.

Deleted 38 days ago
Deleted 38 days ago
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Nice to meet ya!


Hi, firstly, please credit the artist. Secondly, don't make off-topic comments. Thirdly, if you're under 13, you can't be on itch


ok no off-topic comments. but i dont know the artist my friend send it to me as a gift.


since they aren't gonna credit the artist: Art done by NeCroven on deviantArt (if any mods would like me to delete my comment and try to have them credit the artist themselves, just ask)




You're underage


says who?


says you


When did I ever say that?


you said you were 12. Darkpelt


Says your birthdate, whatever that is


Aaaand what is my birthdate?


Somewhere within the past 12 years, making you underage



😡 🤬


if you have been banned from calichat, the most likely reason is that you joined while being underage, or you said something offensive. what was your chat username there?


I wasn't the one that banned you, so I asked the other mods about it and they said that you were in fact banned for being underage (and saying you were 12 in the chat) I also saw your aggressive comments towards other mods- being rude makes it less likely that you will be unbanned, and makes you seem more like someone that's actually underage.

I never did any of that-it was probably my brother- he’s extremely homophobic 

(2 edits)

Then why not politely explain that to me and the other mods instead of lashing out in the comments like you did here? I'm sure the others would have understood that if you just talked to them about it /nm

(edited to fix typos + add another ss)

...I don't mean to minimod or anything, but you shouldn't be on Itch at all if you aren't 13

I know that. I’m 14

Then why are you banned for being underage..? Not saying you should be unbanned or anything like that because Idk if you did something wrong on the server or something, but why'd you type the wrong age?

I don’t even know what happened I just got on and I was band.




We’re aware

im super sad about it

i miss him already on scratch :

It feels so strange that when you search “warrior”, Kit to Leader isn’t the first thing that pops up :(

ikr, im actually sad.

Oh fuck, Magnet found this

My thoughts exactly

wwait why are we calling them magnet did I miss something

Idk, it's just a nickname some of the mods started using


We call her that to annoy her. It’s short for Magenta.


Get off Itch, DA, and any other 13+ site  and PLEASE get therapy.

(1 edit)

Are you actually targeting that to me?- I'm not the real Magentastar- 😭 /nm

...Then why do you have her name- (My apologies, JUST noticed the magnet and the stir lol)

That's alright, I think you might have to find the real Magenta to say that again lol-

Oh good lord

what happened?


Deleted post

It's really upsetting about that women/girl. 

Deleted 41 days ago

Wut? I meant the person threatening Moss-shadow


the person you replied to is the person threatening Nala /info



Threatening nala?!

nala or moss-shadow is the creator of this game a few others. Magenta star has been harassing mossy for a while now (not sure exactly how long)

It's been about a year, if not then longer /nm

Please stop harassing moss-shadow 

(4 edits) (+7)

hello all users! this is ryespark, one of the calichat mods. there is a user named magentastar who is known for harassing mossy, and she's sending links in the comments. please do not click on these, they are likely unsafe and may contain gore and other icky stuff! /srs

thank you!

edit: another mod has confirmed that these links are in fact 18+. DO NOT click on these /srs

Deleted 41 days ago
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I and other mods have been reporting her, dw

Oh sweet Jesus

Why the hell would they do that? moss~shadow hasn't done anything!

Deleted 41 days ago
Deleted 41 days ago
Deleted 41 days ago
Deleted 41 days ago

don't be sharing NSFW here. /srs

Deleted 41 days ago

green aura and flies

Deleted 41 days ago

dude you're not funny for this, you're putting children at risk with this behavior. Do you *want* others to turn out like you?


Deleted 41 days ago

cute cats...

Deleted 41 days ago


Deleted 41 days ago

how about you go outside

Deleted 41 days ago
Deleted 40 days ago
Deleted 41 days ago



oh hell naw not you 💀 

Deleted 41 days ago

aww im shaking in my boots a terrifying 12 year old trying to pass her trauma to other people how absolutely harrowing /sarc

Deleted 41 days ago

aww is that your only comeback how adorable ❤️❤️❤️

Deleted 41 days ago

lmao get ratio'd

Deleted 41 days ago

lmao get removed

Deleted 41 days ago

magnet?? tf are you doing here lmao

Deleted 41 days ago

girl you didn't even read my message properly XD

Deleted 41 days ago

ok 12 year old

it's telling that you have no life, considering all you do is harass people and send gore to them online.

Deleted 41 days ago

>:0 u should be deleted


Your face should be deleted

Deleted post
(1 edit)

i was banned for no reason??

this is zackry on our older cousins acc,

i use fawns pc because im banned on this one, an unban

or some reasoning would be great.

Do you know if your cousin said anything bad or claimed they were underage?

(1 edit) (-1)

ghosty is our cousin and he is EXTREMELY uncomfortable with sharing the slightest bit of his age because of what happened to him 2 months ago.

edited to fix grammar issue

Then he can't join

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I got banned while afk?


hiya bubbleheart! I'm not sure who banned you exactly, but it's likely because of this.

yeah i saw that too

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lol yeah it was I was just afk looking at scratch and I forgot about that



Are you under 13?

no I'm not 

Deleted 42 days ago

Hi, this is unrelated to the project. Probably not the best place to put it /nm

i tested it and yes it does filter out underaged users

i made up a game, its: you make a character from warrior cats as profile, and others guess who you are! (i made it up btw)

whiteleafy come back

my account got blocked off chat

hi :3


Why does it show I’m banned?


Are you under 13?



why is the comment area in KtL gone? or is it just me?

because of you, sweetheart <33



hello! if the comment section in ktl is gone for you, you've likely been banned from typing there

sowwy i ate them 👉👈


Hey everyone! Caliclan chat mod Mordred here! I just wanna address this, cause i see it alot. MOD APPS FOR CALICLAN CHAT ARE *CLOSED* You cannot become a mod. They're not open. Nala has enough mods. That's all! Have a great day!

mossy i forget to tell u this everyday, but can u add the month and b-day thing back? except u can enter it every time or skip? i accidentally put in september instead of august 

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(1 edit)

If people could skip it or enter it every time they'd go around the age rating


Whats the name of the discord server?

Deleted post

we don't just hand it out y'know. especially not where there's a problem with underage users.


lol Noki invited me. Yknow it’s  Sandyflower

It’s me- night it says I’m banned


As x-x-M3RCURY-x-x said, there's been a ton of 8-12 year olds playing this for some reason, so I don't want a link in the comments to a 13+ social media/server

lmao it's me mordred

Noki invited me lol

I’m 14 not 8-12

I’m not 8-12

I wasn’t asking you

I never said you were

He wasn’t asking you either

Hi Moss shadow, I have no idea why magenta star hasn't been banned already but I noticed those website links in the comments I clicked on them and there was NSFW stuff on there so idk if there is anything you or me or anyone can do about it but I will try have a nice day


Nuh uh

Deleted 42 days ago




it was in KtL comments :(


someone sent a pic of bill cipher... not that important...

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 sending this again but also I AM NOT A SIMP HE'S JUST...sdjfdsajfdsa


noOoo NOT A SIMp. He's just...


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...NooOo just LOOK AT HIMM I'M NOT A SIMP HE'S JUST.......

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ok he is kinda hot tho-

...i hate that we agree

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mordred the simmmpppp

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