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(2 edits)

i hope the game will be finished soon, i wanna see who killed ashfur (suspicions on the rouge)

edit: i actually think its Sunstar now, why was he/she so calm about a dead body?

How to find out who killed Ashfall???

That part of the game isn't finished yet so for right now there is no way to find out.

Not sure why this happens whenever I go back to the medicine den after finding the ginger fur in Ashfall's claws but I assume that it's a bug.

Gonnadiesoonkit XD

lol i literally sneezed the same time my character sneezed

great brains think alike :)

yey :D

XD really?

yep-er-doodle! why did i just say that-

yeah why-

i stayed up to late and got crazy...


I suggest making it easier to hunt-- Cause I've been at it for a good hour and I haven't caught anything 😭 But that may just be my bad reflexes

yeah, the only way I was able to progress was because I was a black cat. and it still took a while even once I got the hang of it

I think that it was because I couldn't move my mouse fast enough between the sky and the fallen bird, so maybe making the birds fly lower would help.

Yes! Exactly!

(1 edit)

how do I eat? Edit:I figured it out but who killed Ashfall?

how? I already know it was scraptooth and redwoodpaw cause they were gone when ash fall died so it’s probably them


also how do I eat i'm gonna die :<

go to the med cat den and click on the flower then go to each place and click on flowers and the box with grey stuff (tin) until you reach the other border, and go back too Scraptooth. BTW there is a flower in the warrior den 


There are no birds for me :(

I wanna be a med app!

If you want to be med, you have to be blind.

(1 edit)

how do i become a warrior.

 EDIT = oops i did not know it was not finished yet

how to make the apps warriors(burn meza and flame)

don’t talk to ash fall when you are app.

i did not she just randomly died

she will always die in every game tho but in my game Sun star made burnpaw, mesapaw and flame paw into warriors the only name I could remember is Burnflower

how do I eat

(1 edit)

Stormkit works, when storms mean water/rain. xD


I cant move =( I’ve restarted like so many times and it still doesn’t work

I am blind.

Me: Blindkit :p

Mom: Blindkit... Very good.

I am not blind.

Me: Frostkit :D

Mom: No, I will name you Droughkit.

Me: -_-

(1 edit)

Oh no, I just got back to my game, my song said "I can't save us" And then it said I died of dehydration... oh well... RIP Crocodilekit IV

BTW yes, I do know roman numerals

I got medicine apprentice role and he says 'I kinda hoped I'd get an apprentice ya know?' Please help me

Wait, you can become the medicine apprentice? If so... HOW???

Be blind but you are treated like a warr app and the birds are two hard as blomd

I always name myself "Crocodilekit" I don't know why; I just love the name.

i love sneezing *sneezes irl*

I been sneezing a lot lately BUT I DON'T HAVE ANY ALLERGIES ERMMM

I choke when I sneeze


:o how-

Eh it took me till I was like 10 to start getting pollen allergy :)


If Burnpaw has million fans, then I'm one of them.

If Burnpaw has one fan, then I'm THAT ONE.

If Burnpaw has no fans, that means i was bitten to death


I gave Burnpaw orange flowers

tangerine boi

Wait...I eat tangerines..



if Sunstar has a million fans, im one of them .

if Sunstar has one fan, im that fan.

if Sunstar has no fans then i was bitten to death by Burnpaw-


(1 edit)

Why does lizzardpaw look like a shadow with a white outline? 

(Sorry if it's a dumb question lols!)

EDIT: Limestoneoaw too, is it bc the game's unfinished?

Probably, my “theory” is that they’re hunting

The art might not have been finished

It looks like when you hover your mouse over a cat in the blind option

I named myself Galaxykit :)


Ahh yes, press F to see your family... ehm. Yes... XD


Bushstep is our uncle >:v

yet he doesn't let his nephews and nieces in >:v


I wanna take more flowers and wear it B)


Uhh nice

(1 edit)

how the hell do I train ?? (I chose blind cat lol)

You cant


I like to headcannon that all of these cats just made a clan in nala's backyard and now he made a game with them


:o found you


and to high


the bird is to fast

Deleted 26 days ago

catch a bird first

is it possible to open inventory on mobile?


aaaa i cant hunt

hunting is hard on mobile bc once in a while a notification pops up saying it looks like your typing in full screen and the bird runs away :(

No hunting is easier on mobile than on PC

me: *looks at yellow thirst bar* uh oh *chugs mud*


where are you on scratch? You were inactive on there…

I'm @Birchblaze24

I know 

wait I think it's not just me who's noticed that-

has anyone noticed when you play the game it has the song California girls playing



dont say that mossy would see it then block that name D:

What do you do after the deputy dies?

nothing. ash is not dep

ohh does the game finish?

its not done. the game stopps when ash dies

yeah sorry i meant ash, not deputy. So that is the end of the game for now? Thanks

I'm going to die-drate.

I die-drated.


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