IT WOULD BE COOL IF WE COULD HAVE MATES AT THE FAIR! and anyway Moss-shadow why does it say BrambleClan has a clan meeting when im not in the clan anymore.
yea! mossy literally has it in one of his scratch project! DO NOT MISTAKE A FERAL CAT FOR A FURRY or something like that. but i am a furry and i understand the hate ur getting from those ppl
Yeah, lol, first furries aren't bad, and second of all, it's just an animal-
Fun fact! The literal definition of a Furry, is "Furries are people who have an interest in anthropomorphism, which specifically refers to giving human characteristics to animals. In its most distilled form, furries are a group of people who formed a community — or fandom — because they have a common interest in anthropomorphic media, friendships and social inclusion."
At the end of the article, it says "Furries are a fandom, like anime, Star Trek or football. They enjoy bonding with like-minded others over things they have in common.
The fandom provides a social network for its members, and furries can benefit tremendously from these friendships. The inclusive nature of the furry fandom means that, for many furries, it’s a safe place where they can be their most authentic selves."
hi bubbleheart! sorry for the REALLY long wait, but here's the cover for Bubbleheart's destiny(by the way, there are shells on the beach but are covered by everything-)! and oreo's request will be done tomorrow or in 2 days. ^^
OH MAH GAWD IT'S BUTIFUL! Lol, it's for a book two I'm planning called Paws of Hope, once Bubbleheart's Destiny is finished. (DON'T WORRY I DIDN'T FORGET, I JUST HAD LIKE AN ANYTHING CREATIVE BLOCK, BUT TRUST I AM WORKING ON THE NEXT CHAPTER ON WATTPAD, AND IF YOU FORGOT [Which you probably did] the previous chapters are on there too :3)
MCAKLEE here! Changing my username to Lunchboxmelanie and will be changing my profile ! (so sorry to anybody who got confused cause my name wasn't mcaklee at one point) just remember this comment and feel free to ask if you ever forget who i am! I will now be going by Lunchbox or Riku! Thank you for reading! Have a good day / night!
hey! Do you guys want me to draw your ocs? I'm only good at drawing humans so it must be a human or an animal with a human body (or whatever thats called) !
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When you say "Breezestar", Gorsefur blushes, and when you say "Gorsefur" Breezestar blushes.
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She's actually white with black patches not black with white patches, but... cool
IT WOULD BE COOL IF WE COULD HAVE MATES AT THE FAIR! and anyway Moss-shadow why does it say BrambleClan has a clan meeting when im not in the clan anymore.
it looks like toothless... but 10/10!!!!!!!!!!
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how do you draw so good i suck at drawing :(
Petal can u draw these pls? u can whenever you'd like! EDIT: in the same picture btw
sure! it'll take a few days or more, though. ^^
does anybody want me to draw their human ocs? They can also be ur cat ocs as a human ! :3
can u draw parsleyshadow/me as a human?
could you give me a photo or smthn? I dont know what they look like :'3 EDIT: nvm i saw a photo
i almost swallowed gum.
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Where did you get that pic???
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But where in the game???? (OH NEVERMIND I GOT IT YOU'RE PLAYING AS MALE, I always play as female because that's my real life gender)
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hmm then why is cottonwillow blushing?
I am one too
I’m one to again lol and this is a reminder for all to BE KIND!!! Even if u don’t like people >:(
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Also... how to change your frog to a different pec??
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You can get a frog?
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WHY??THANKSShow post...
The golden paw is the cat, and the bloody one is the zombie.
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Hi, um... do u like my online drawing??
are there any peeps here who barely play the game and just chill in the comments or is it just me
it isnt just you XD
lol good xd
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LOL i do too
ikr? i only play when there's an update
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Lol, I don't even play anymore, I just chat xD. If I want to play I play either I'm Sometimes Too Lazy To Draw, or Caliclan xD
does anyone wanna draw Cherryfrost?
EDIT: here's the link for the maker
People when they see a therian:😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😡😱😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡👉🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Mean while me asf wearing gear in public:
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By the way I think you mean "lmao" with a L, imao means "in my arrogant opinion" lol
Me too
Btw ty all for the commenting nice things! I really appreciate it <3
ANOTHER song i wanted to share... if u know HammyAndOlivia you'll know when they used this song T-T
EDIT: here's the short if u don't know, you'll see why i put a T-T
omggg i watch hammy and olivia, OLIVIA DIED *SOB* they got a new puppy called fiona tho :) and they have the cats too lol
did u notice they put angel wings and a halo above olivia T-T
yea T~T
Did anyone else realise theres a second section of the warriors den?! i've been playing this game for ages and never realised
ye the two paws at the bottom
Two Birds | PMV |
instead dragons
this has mild blood in it
EDIT: i found another but it's Smudge and Rusty!that's the same with MOST little kids online- like- isn't the difference between a FERAL animal and an anthropomorphic FURRY obvious?
yea! mossy literally has it in one of his scratch project! DO NOT MISTAKE A FERAL CAT FOR A FURRY or something like that. but i am a furry and i understand the hate ur getting from those ppl
literally everyone preppy online to a furry:
edit: stop hating on furrys and therians, get some respect ;-;
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Yeah, lol, first furries aren't bad, and second of all, it's just an animal-
Fun fact! The literal definition of a Furry, is "Furries are people who have an interest in anthropomorphism, which specifically refers to giving human characteristics to animals. In its most distilled form, furries are a group of people who formed a community — or fandom — because they have a common interest in anthropomorphic media, friendships and social inclusion."
At the end of the article, it says "Furries are a fandom, like anime, Star Trek or football. They enjoy bonding with like-minded others over things they have in common.
The fandom provides a social network for its members, and furries can benefit tremendously from these friendships. The inclusive nature of the furry fandom means that, for many furries, it’s a safe place where they can be their most authentic selves."
hi bubbleheart! sorry for the REALLY long wait, but here's the cover for Bubbleheart's destiny(by the way, there are shells on the beach but are covered by everything-)! and oreo's request will be done tomorrow or in 2 days. ^^
yaaaaaaaaaaay and it is so cutee
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OH MAH GAWD IT'S BUTIFUL! Lol, it's for a book two I'm planning called Paws of Hope, once Bubbleheart's Destiny is finished. (DON'T WORRY I DIDN'T FORGET, I JUST HAD LIKE AN ANYTHING CREATIVE BLOCK, BUT TRUST I AM WORKING ON THE NEXT CHAPTER ON WATTPAD, AND IF YOU FORGOT [Which you probably did] the previous chapters are on there too :3)
MCAKLEE here! Changing my username to Lunchboxmelanie and will be changing my profile ! (so sorry to anybody who got confused cause my name wasn't mcaklee at one point) just remember this comment and feel free to ask if you ever forget who i am! I will now be going by Lunchbox or Riku! Thank you for reading! Have a good day / night!
hey! Do you guys want me to draw your ocs? I'm only good at drawing humans so it must be a human or an animal with a human body (or whatever thats called) !
yes plz if u can here’s my man
his name his Cloud’whisker tc deputy :3
thats true i read the graphic novels :0
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Not cursed-
how do i sit i saw a Youtuber play this and they sat during clan meeting how do i sit on mobile?
press E to sit
i don't think you can sit on mobile normally you'd press E
more art from me because why not
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i drew Oreo! EDIT: i didnt draw the collar but i did change it a bit
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175 reputation now
150 reputation
how do you catch the butterfly
click on it it will start to follow you :)
AHHHHHCKKK That looks friggin awesome! I have like mega art block rn so im very jelly lol
SHE LOOKS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!111
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is it me or is scratch down T-T
followed! (i am Oreo__Cookies, with 2 underscores)
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oh mah gawd so pretty!
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Thats so good!!
If It'll work..
Ya'll I'm remixing my games on Scratch to my Alt, Flamingivy_ALT
shadow-song not trying o make u upset but i dont see it T-T its okay tho, i can see ur profile pic at least!