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im already at 223

I tried it and it didn't work 😥

you have to be a female

you cant be male or both

maybe you are reborn?

what og skin the lilacpath one?


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one brown ear, brown shoulder spot, blue eyes (see


#Best game Kit to leader

on scratch

where is the official website?

this is it

I got passed Garble so many times.

all 3 of my future mates all hanging out and they know nothing (I HOPE)

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How do i become leader

Edit:please help I can’t figure it out

Edit 2:nvm i googled it

I dont understand! I died when i was leader and i jst died! But i did have my 9 lifes:(

you probably died of old age. That happens on like, idk I think at age 50. you slowly lose lives

For anyone who didnt know, you can have three litters of kits! First you have kits with Duskfall, then nightwhisper, then Dustfeather :D

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what about cottonwillow and fallenfeather you can have kits with them to

Actually, you can have FIVE litters of kits plus two if you mate with Breezestar.

ye thats what i was saying but i dont rlly count the other two 

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Vote for which is the best game: Kit to Leader or West Woods: Over Borders? I'll edit the score every vote. But do NOT write the votes in the replies please, use hashtag #BestGame and make a new comment. :)

EDIT: You CAN VOTE IN REPLIES. I just didn't want to be getting all those reply emails but then I figured out how to not recieve emails yay

Kit to Leader: 9

Over Borders: 5

Over borders

Kit to leader

Over Borders

kit to leader

kit to leader

over borders

Over borders


kit to leader


#BestGame is KTL

How do you increase your health? I've been softlocked because idk how

Fight with either Duskfall or Dustfeather. I found fighting with dustfeather increases your health quicker

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Really? I thought it was Duskfall (red eyed) but idk


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fight with dusk or dust and you get health when u win or lose 

edit: i normally spam the attack button and let him kill me so i grind on health until im able to kill him

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You cant KILL him can you???

no you cant but i guess you make him surrender or smth

Hi guys,nez from youtube AND scratch,expect a speedrun for kill firestar % soon

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ah what a lovely day it is i see you got a new mate creamfrost

ah what a lovely day

Yes, yes, very lovely!

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A calm and quiet summer day.

Totally not about to die of badger trauma...

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The birds are chirping, the breeze is blowing, and the Badger is attacking Creamfrost- WAIT WHAT?!

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WAIT WHAT? i thought that was her new mate

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yes what a beautiful day so calm, the sun is shining and there is definitely no badger attacking Creamfrost.

Click on creamfrost. She says something along the lines of: HDSHKJHDIUFBKJHFIUHNSFJSKL?????

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Just look at the expression on her face: 😱

How did you get the splint thing?

falling off the cliff 

ok ty!!

Omg the aromantica

I wonder if you truly can die from old age 

You can.

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Welp i need a list of endings

At the moment i know 3? Endings

- killing Firestar,

- Firestar's attack,

- And dying to a badger

-Dying from a old age

Are there more of them?

I think you can die of old age 🤔

Haven't gotten that far ye

I meaned that by Firestar's attack, cuz you cant do anything then and you just die

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joining the fair (later known as sunclan in west woods: over borders)

i say its an ending because there is like nothing to do

How to d this? Can u tell me?

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tell on crystalblaze. then wait till nighttime and go to the stream (where she used to sit). you may need to leave and go back a few times. sunfall will appear (yellow cat). click on him. he'll ask you to go to the fair and visit crystalblaze. click the up arrow onscreen, then up arrow again, then go right. click on cat to left of tent, she'll ask you to see Cookie. keep going right till you see a black cat and a spotted cat. Click on the spotted cat and ask her about crystalblaze. then go inside the tent and find her. then go out to the ferris wheel, you'll see sunfall, tell him you want to join fair.

I mean, if you count going to the fair an ending, then that could be another one.

well, if firestar attacks and you have easy jump off, if you fall into the crack thingie you die because milkywillow cant heal you

i think you can die to firestar 

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I remember when there we could go with Max to be a kittypet, or idk, with Nightmare on the farm
I miss old times :')



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hunting grounds

my. name. was. starpaws. WHAT. 😭

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like star wars?


A long time ago, in a Clan far, far away...


Omggg. I-- Okay, this is gonna sound crazy and, no I'm completely serious rn, I once had a cat named Starpaws. She was a gray tabby with I think green eyes? Maybe gold. The only other people before now who I've told abt her are my friends and people who ask abt my pets. This is such an INSANE coincidence, I had to say smth. Like, the chances??!?!?!?!

I've always wanted to know what Nightkit says before Sparrowtail cuts her off...Idk if it was said before and I'm just really slow, or everyone else wonders too

Maybe its something like "I hope in turn you'll be a great warrior"

ive seen MooseShowers/Mossshadows vid its " in return i hope you will accept me "


how do you get more kits :(


you mate with another cat, sadly you can not have more kits with one mate yet


aw :(

naw you can, you have to wait till your kits are warriors (that's what i heard)

mate. with. another. cat. when. your. previous. mate. is. in. the. NERSURY


she is the black cat by the gap, and if you have already talked to her, go towards the dens and tap the down arrow you should see her again then after that dialogue simply go up and over and talk to her again

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btw if you choose the red coat and speak to night kits mother and your mother it gives you some lore

I know

or if you name yourself redkit and speak to her

yall i cant leave the elders den after my pet birds wings get clipped is there a way to leave or no?

how can you not leave??

Happend with me, it's a glitch and you have to restart.

how become KittyPet?

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i don't think you can? not sure

uhg! I just really wanna

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More on coats... if u pick dark red coat and name yourself Redkit, Sparrowtail says secret dialogue about Redclaw. For those who dont know, Redclaw was our father Ryeheart's brother and Sparrowtail's mate.

You dont have to name yourself Redkit though. You can also choose the light red coat i think

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When you talk to Breezekit she says, "I look just like my mom. You look very different." If you pick the white, calico, or classic Sliverstone coat, she also says, "But you and your sister look very close."

If you pick the one that looks like lilacpath she says "You do too!"

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Oh thats cool never tried that

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my game isnt loading ;0;

Edit: Nvm yes it is-

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It takes a while to load

What happens if you say "pull away" when Duskfall boops you at the beach >:)

he says oh uhh... :( I should go... then he disappears

He actually says, "Oh, uh......sorry about that, *name goes here*"

oh yeah lol thanks for the correction 

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He actually kisses you not boops you

boop? kiss? you pick.

He apologises and leaves

how do you win mossball?

You can’t I think

yea you can't : (

If you stay in the corner behind your mother while you play mossball with Crystalkit, she'll complain about it not being fair, I THINK (I haven't played in a while)

it goes on infinitely, keep dodging it and it just doesnt end


I won mossball!



Please explain how on earth you did that


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I dont think you can


did you cheat were you to far away for her to hit you

Wait, how do I go to Fireclan to kill firestar

when you go to the beach there should be a arrow to go into fireclan, make sure you have over 200 hp tho he’s strong. If there isn’t a arrow make sure you have ur 9 lives 

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No you need 300 health

I was afraid I would lose at 300 so i went up to 500! Thx

you have to be leader and have 200 health(i promise you need 200 health)

No I had 260 health and he beat me you need at least 300 health

I'm kinda disturbed, I got reborn and now I'm an apprentice maybe two days in, then I talked to Breezepaw and she KISSED me!!!!!


She's lesbian

Yes, but I was so young and she just like asked to go on a WALK

I know! <3 It's so cute!

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Its cute that shes lesbian? isnt that offensive or something? i dont get it...

No- they're talking about inclusivity- they're saying it's "cute" that a cat in a video game is lesbian. It's not like, offensive, relax man :)

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oh i see :)

I just love Breezepaw

In the beginning, Mossy used to have an intro I think that said "I am very against homophobia. Comment anything hateful I will have comments turned off" -something like that, I can't remember word for word. But yes, Moss-Shadow used to have an intro like that I think. It was on the earlier scratch version I believe. That's not me saying "Mossy turn comments off" or anything, I'm just informing (i'm sure many know about it though) ciao :)

How do you become leader?

first, become a warrior, make sure you have 80 rep, then talk to the gray cat in the herb field. Once she tells you about moss kit grab the moss ball in the warriors den and put it on the X near fireclan, keep checking there until you see her, bring her to bramble star and he’ll make you leader! :D

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You have to have at least 80 rep and find mossshadow. To do that, talk to Moonheart when you are warrior, then go to warrior den, take the moss ad put it on the red x on shore and wait.

I had the same questionlol

and if you fall in the cliff as an apprentice then you get teleported to the warrior den which is on the other side of the cliff-

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It doesn't matter if you're an apprentice you always get teleported

i know but its just a way to get past the cliff

No, if you are a kit you get teleported to the nursery.

It used to be the warrior den until kits got stuck there foreva

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if you talk to breezekit with the cast on breezekit will say secret dialog

edit= the cast is not needed you just have to talk to breezekit multiple times

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what is the dialog so i can know if i got i and does she have to be sleeping?and how many its do you have to click on her?

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its when she is awake and i forgot the dialog-

edit 1 = i think its just 2 times (so you get past the dialog about the coat colours)

I wrote down her other dialogue (Dialogue not about you and your mother looking different. Also I don't remember all the dialogues word-for-word so correct me if I get any of these quotes wrong!) "Mossball looks kinda dangerous... I'm happy playing with the feather I found"// "You know what? We're pretty similar too! We look similar, and we both don't have fathers!"// "You know Duskpaw? He's Bramblestar's son. I want to grow up to be an awesome apprentice like him!"// "I heard the other apprentices are going to be warriors soon. I hope not. I wanna train with them!"// "We're gonna be friends forever, I hope?//

do you mean the i hope we're friends for ever dialog?

what if you are having kits and you leave brambleclan for the fair

Hmm.....Never tried that before......

ima try that


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