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do yall wanna hear chapter 2 of my story?

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you can't get her back

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and yes i totally wanna hear chapter 2


would you rather: want the ability to be able to see starclan and dark forest cats in AND out of dreams? OR would you want the ability to be able to practically be a shield for you and your friends, and never be wounded in battle?

Oo hard! Probably starclan and dark forest cats tho 

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because everyone is sharing their stories I decided to share mine too so here it is

Moon Prologue

Spot walked up to the wailing kit. He looked at the kit for a moment then flicked his tail in disapproval. I thought the badger would have killed him, not the other one he thought.

But as he looked into the weaker kit's eyes he saw fear.  After a few seconds, he tried to put on his most friendly face and said: “Hello young kit my name is Spot. come with me if you want to live” 

The kit looked unconvinced "I'm just here to help you. I saw what happened to your mother" After he said that he saw a flash of sadness in the kit's eyes but after a few minutes, the kit said, “Oo..ok...” Huh, this kit is easily convinced. Maybe this kit is good for my plans after all…

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aaaah this is so spooky and good! i love it! :)

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thank you so much!

OOOO this is good :D

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Thanks so much :)

np :3


heres my story...i um...hope you like it. echoing silence, book 1: the beginning. chapter 1: the outcast.

Echopaw sat in the shadows of the clan walls like she always would, and she watched as her clan would go about its normal day, firepaw and greypaw saw her from the corners of their eyes, ravenpaw was eating a vole so for once he paid no attention to anything. "I'm gonna go see if she's doing ok" firepaw muttered grabbing a thrush from the fresh-kill pile, "what you got a crush on her or something?" Greypaw said with a teasing tone and a playful hiss. Firepaw flattened his ears in embarrassment and just walked on to Echopaw not paying greypaw any attention. "Hey, Echopaw, um you want to join Me the guys for a hunting session later? Tigerclaw and lionheart are letting us do a hunt on our own" firepaw's fur prickled with hope. "And um I was hoping you'd like to join us" Echopaw's eyes were glazed with sadness as she was lost in her thought. She looked at firepaw and nodded softly and muttered, "at least it'll get me out of camp and for once I'll want to be near other cats" she said with a shrug and sniffed the thrush firepaw gave her and she began eating it Firepaw gave a smile and then walked off, Echopaw sighed she knew she couldn't stay cooped up in camp for her whole life, so what could she do? Just die now. Or finally do something with her fox brained life. She, Firepaw, greypaw, and ravenpaw all hunted until sunset, the toms had already made their way back to camp and Echopaw told them she wanted to stay and still hunt for a bit. She then caught the scent of a vole and crouched down into the ground and then saw its plump tan pelt and its teeth nibbling on some nuts, she gave a soft grin then immediately struck a pounce and the creature squeaked and whimpered in pain at the grip of the she-cats strong paw, Echopaw silenced its pain with a swift bite at its throat. She carried everything she had caught back to camp and instead of being welcomed by purrs of joy, warmth, and proud meows, the young she-cat was greeted with looks of astonishment and confusion. She stifled a defeated sigh and put her prey in the fresh-kill pile, it seemed like a mountain now it was as tall as the biggest Tom in the clans. As moonlight shined down into the camp, Echopaw's grey fur seemed to turn a beautiful and magnificent silver. She saw the black body and amber eyes of the stone like Tom, she knew very well. her father, shadowstrike. She approached him with her head down like always. "Hello Echopaw" the tom mewed coldly; she did not reply she only sat down staring at her paws as she felt her father’s amber eyes burn into her fur. "I said hello" shadowstrike gave a small hiss not attracting attention. She still did not reply, then she was met with sharp and strong claws along her muzzle, she gave a gasp of surprise as she stared into her father's blazing eyes, she looked at the ground as saw a small pool of blood and realized it came from her muzzle. "Would it kill you to greet me? Or even say hello to anyone once and awhile you mouse brained piece of fox dung!" Shadowstrike snapped at his daughter towering over her his claws unsheathed for another strike. "You must be as stupid as your mother to think I'd ever accept YOU as my kin" he growled then grabbed her by the scruff and dragged her out of camp,

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OMG its so good i love it :D

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this is great!

It's so good lol!

I play it in school to I love this game to 😀 and also I like the story. 

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idk why but i had this idea to make three warriors ocs.... bloodkit, echokit, and ghostkit....

Bloodkit is a sleek, dark red tom with fierce blood red eyes. Despite his intimidating appearance, he is gentle and caring towards his two best friends, Echokit and Ghostkit. Bloodkit has the unique ability to create a protective shield around himself and those nearby, ensuring that he never gets wounded in battle.

Echokit is a delicate tabby she-cat with bright amber eyes that seem to see beyond the physical realm. She has the special gift of being able to see glimpses of the future, often providing warnings and guidance to her friends and clanmates. Echokit is wise beyond her moons and carries herself with grace and dignity.

Ghostkit is a mysterious white she-cat with ethereal ice blue eyes that seem to hold the mysteries of the stars themselves. She is able to communicate with StarClan and Dark Forest cats in her dreams and even in reality, making her a bridge between the living and the deceased. Ghostkit is often lost in thought, pondering the messages she receives from the spirit world.

Despite their extraordinary abilities, Bloodkit, Echokit, and Ghostkit are shunned by their clanmates who fear their powers and consider them to be outsiders. However, the three kits find solace and strength in their bond with each other, knowing that they are stronger together than apart. (what do ya'll think? and should i make another wc story that these three are the main character's?)

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this is soooo cool

Heck yeah you should!

 this is my friends

~ Prologue ~

Cyfrin Starblast trudged swiftly through the rain, tugging his cloak closer around him. He kept his head low as he approached the Academy gates. Briskly brushing rain from his coat, he opened the heavy wooden doors and stepped inside. He strode quietly down a long hallway until he reached the principal’s office. Adjusting his hood, he opened the door and entered the room.

Upon entry four fellow cloaked figures turned their heads. 

“Cyfrin,” a female voice hissed from behind the expensive desk in the center of the room. “You’re late.” She clicked her tongue disapprovingly. 

“There was a slight complication on my mission,” Cyfrin replied, his voice deep.

In the dark room, he could see her raise an eyebrow questioningly. “You weren’t seen, were you?” Her voice was cold and questioning.


She looked him over. “Good.” Her gaze lingered before she turned toward the other figures in the room. “Let’s begin, shall we?” She motioned for everyone to take a seat in the shadowy office. 

Once everyone was comfortable, she sat down as well and removed her cloak, revealing her face and dragon-like wings. She had long, brown hair that fell around her shoulders and thin lips drawn back in a line. Her wings were a dark yellow-brown color, and she stretched them after the confinement of her cloak. Everybody else kept their hoods up.

“So?” she asked sharply, her eyes on Cyfrin. “Is she what we think she is?” 

“It appears she may just be. Of course, she has no idea. Nor does it appear that her parents do,” Cyfrin answered.

“How long do you think until she blazes?” the woman asked.

Cyfrin thought for a moment. “I’d say about three months, give or take. I don’t think she’s experienced any symptoms yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they started soon. I’ve noticed … a change in her,” he finished thoughtfully.

The leader considered the information for a moment before replying. “I want her advanced to Wings Academy early.” She looked at one of the cloaked figures. “Can you do that?”

“Of course. I will arrange it immediately,” the figure replied.

“Won’t it seem a bit strange though, advancing just one student early?” Cyfrin cut in.

The woman turned a piercing gaze upon him. Her expression gentled a little as she said, “You do have a point.” She turned back towards the cloaked figure. “I want you to select two other students to be advanced with her. Choose whoever you think would be best. But no one that will create a spectacle. Do you understand?”

The figure bowed their head and said, “Certainly.”

The woman nodded, satisfied. “This child is our history and our future. The dragonfolk world will never be the same once she rises.”

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wow that's good i might share my story that I made

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wow thats amazing, maybe the best

i'm already a huge cyfril stardust fan :)


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Please don't tell me I'm the only one who is playing this at school when I'm supposed to do work I love this game too much 😭

lol i do it to 

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hahaha! im online school(i go to ovca, k-12 :D im 15 and i still love warrior cats!!!) also, so im at home and i got no school on fridays so..i basiclly play this everyday!

I do online school as well lol! I just got into warrior cats (a friend recommend it to me). I also play this everyday xD. I'm so happy to find a community I fit in with :D



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i do it too haha

You're not alone dw lol

I currently have 2 tests im procrastinating, help :D

lol i had 5 tests o-o

oh my-

btw have you read book 4? ive been posting the chapters lol

I became leader and defeated Firestar and now Breezesong is Breezestar and i have 9 lives. what now?

Deleted 156 days ago
Deleted 156 days ago

If you leave your clan, can you go back?

I don't think so

no, i tried, amberclaw blocks me and hates me for it :<


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can you live at the fair? if so, how?

talk to cookie all the way at the far right, near the tent

Deleted 156 days ago
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haha thanks

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Stormsong: Chapter 2

Stormkit was unaware of her parents' concerns. To her, being an only kit was a blessing. She'd heard from Turtlekit that his brother (Deathberrykit) and sister (Flowerkit) greatly peeved him, to the point where he once ran away to FireClan for a short time. Of course, it was only a matter of minutes before he came back, but Stormkit was still awed by his courage.

"Deathberrykit?" Turtlekit had fumed incredulously to Stormkit while the two sat outside the warriors' den. Why had his parents doomed him to forever have to say that the name of his brother was the most dangerous, lethal herb ever encountered? Stormkit listened attentively and patiently to his rantings, excited for her turn to share her world with him.

Cherrytuft and Shadowfall had larger problems than an ugly, some would say grotesque name. For the first bit of bad luck had already fallen, and it was very bad. So bad, in fact, that when Stormkit returned to the nursery, she was able to instantly see what was wrong.

She stood there, motionless, her jaw hanging down, wanting to help, but knowing it would be futile to try.


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apparently i've got a fan already! :)

Yep ^^

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do you think i should change my username to stormsong/stormkit

ooo maybe

were able to share stories in comments?!?! :D can i share my warriors stories that ive made? i have made 4 so far! just finished up the forth one last week in fact!

I'm also working on a book but it sadly isn't warrior cats lol

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that's ok, in my opinion all books are good lol


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oh no now I have two fans XD

yes you do! :)


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4 now >:)

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i feel like a celeb already


I can’t walk when playing on my iPad or my iPhone. Simone save me I’ve been standing still for ages…

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When you're at the menu press the computer and there is a mobile version.

thanks! I just realised that an hour after I wrote that comment…

thanks! I just realised that an hour after I wrote that comment…

i cant get my nine lifes cuz liontail wount die

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just ask him he will give it to you

he died


i said i want my suffk to bes yes i meant yes i would like to 

you can ask for 20 reputation

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uh I was doing something else on my computer and I came back to this

I'm just a big kit :)

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and this one 

everyone is so big

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you and breezepaw are even bigger than your mentors

fallenfeather probably thinks breezepaw got a growth spurt lol


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Hi what would you want in the game ( This is just for fun its not being added)

1. Be able to catch and eat prey

2. Be able to drink water

3. When you die you can watch everyone grow up and see another 'leader' save the clan from Firestar

4. Live as a loner/fair cat and become a clan cat 

5. Talk with your kits like tell them stories

6. Change your stufix like when Stormkit became Crookedkit

7. Your kits find mates and have kits

8. There are kits in the nursery when your leader/warrior

9. When you're born you can be born with 3 legs or something (I can't really think of anything else)

10. Stop being leader or whatever you are and become a Fireclan cat (before and after breezestar)

11. Exile cats from your clan

12. Other ways to die

13. None of these

Sorry if I misspelled anything and I know there is a lot sorry I don't  really no a lot of people that play so I don't have anywhere to do a vote :)


7 and 9 or maybe 10 I don't know



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Hi what can you do when you have done everything like became leader went to fireclan and adopted kits?

Die. (I'm not kidding thats like all u can do after youve done everything lol)

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i dont know how i did it but i have a pet butterfly

you just click on it ig

you clicked on it by accident so now it follows u around :)

fun fact, if you set your prefix to "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" your game will freeze when you start. Well atleast for me:p



Why would you want your prefix to be a lung disease??


Also how can Crystalkit pronounce that she is only like 3 moons old


How do I just die, I mean other than the badger? is there a way??????

Firestar can kill u

old age

i think firestar akkat is a ending 

old age...?

If you dont have safe jump on you can fall in the crack thing and die

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first of all, i know you probably can't, but i really want to have kits as a girl except both mate options in brambleclan are girls too! also, how do you get to fireclan? also, how do you become the leader?

there is duskfall and dust feather as male mates


in order to go to fireclan ( there is no mate options there) you have to be leader, talk to breezy, make her leader of fireclan, say yes to meeting up, talk a lot.

in order to become leader you have to talk to Moonheart as a warrior (she is a grey she-cat) grab the moss to lure moss-kit from the warriors den, when you see her bring her to the leader and get 80 reputation. After that, go to fireclan and kill firestar. He has 200 health

is there any way to save your game?

no but there is on scratch but it doesn't work

oh okay, thank you


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Stormsong: Chapter 1

WillowClan was a new clan, living mainly underground. Their territory expanded under some of the other clans, meaning they had to be very quiet.

Cherrytuft was a white female cat with a red tip at the end of her tail. She looked down at her one new kit, a dark gray (almost black) female kit. Her mate, Shadowfall, a black tom with blue eyes, looked anxiously at the kit. Cherrytuft and Shadowfall exchanged worried glances.

The kit mewed. "I'll name her Stormkit," mumbled Cherrytuft. The lines she'd rehearsed for weeks before came out muffled and afraid. The kit mewed again, and her yellow eyes peeled open. The vibrant lightning yellow of her mother's eyes. But even that did not delight Cherrytuft.

A single kit was always, always a bad omen.

this is amazing!!! ^^

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thanks! :)

This AMAZING!! you need to do more

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oh thanks 😊 i'm blushing

I love to write stories myself but I could never share them

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I know the feeling 😳

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good job :)

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thanks! :D

This is so good! I would totally read more chapters of it! ^^

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thanks! I wanted to make the format a bit like Queen's mystery (except not a mystery)


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Hey everyone, I'm not doing voting things anymore, I'm starting a chapter-by-chapter Warrior Cats book, see first chapter above. 

i won moss ball!

Teach me your ways.



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tell me howwww

just doghe it for a relly long time 


Where is RyeHeart?

He is in Fireclan

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Which update would you rather have (Won't be added just a fun question)

A.Live as a Side character

B.Mate with Ace (Black Cat Near Circus)

C.Crystalblaze's Kit's growing up and, mentoring them.

D.More battles and Ryeheart will reply, (He will tell you he's you dad)

E.None, I want the game to stay as it is.

Mine personally would be C



ace doesn’t date :)

yeah, they're just saying they would like it if that could be a future update. maybe you should read the comment properly :)

But in the cannon series he doesn’t romantically date ppl. He doesn’t experience love. (I forgot the word )


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are you trying to do the same thing as my voting things? (its ok, i'm not mad, just wondering)

and I want C

C it would be fun mentoring them (mabye there would be an option to be a bad mentor lol)

C I'm tired of going to the fair and her kits are newborns when my 4 kits are warrior

A sounds fun!

Why is Duskfall so sad throughout the game?

Idk i noticed that on my first play through, its sad-

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He's depressed, read

I don't know he was only happy when he was watching my kits and when he saw his sister moss-shadow

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what else do i do? ive defeated the medicine den badger, ive become leader and mated with everyone and had kits with them (except cottenwillow) ive made breezestar leader of fireclan and defeated firestar, i have done the berials for the firclan cats and found dustfeathers father (hawkclaw) and found out that that hawkfeather is basicly my step-mom...what else do i do?! just die?....

yep lol

what are the most commen numbers cottenwillow will choose? because its HARD lol

Try starting with 50 and then go up or down by ten and then eventually try the in between etc.

dang i didn't know someone else already knew my tactic! nice job!


I normally start with 50, and if the number is higher I go 80, and if the number is lower I go with 30


i named my second litter, who i had a single kit...i named him ryekit!! my first litter i named: whitekit, lilykit, dawnkit, and duskkit, and my third litter i named: featherkit, and snow kit! and fot my last litter with breezesong, ima name the kits: beekit, and stormkit!!

btw if you mate with cottenwillow as a she-cat are yall able to adopt kits? ALSO how do you mate with fallenfeather?!

you have to be a boi and talk to her a lot

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[#1 if you were to be in a clan in the books OR the tribe of rushing waters, which would you be?] me: i'd be half-cran (clan and tribe, ik its stupid) half thunder and half tribe of rushing water. and my name would be.....either ghost or echo, which would you guys like?

I would be in Thunderclan and my name would be Moonshine or Sunlight

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just like my weekly question yay! i just stopped doing question of the week for a story series so i'm glad someone did this.

my answer is RiverClan and my name would be Cloudmist

I dont know how I managed this but I did.


how do you get to do that?! IVE TRIED IT ALREADY AND I CANT Y^

Heres the steps :D 1: Be a gorl 2: Become a apprentice and head to the hunting grounds. 2: Try to get a lot of prey and wait for her to say "Your so good at hunting" or wtvr. 3: Continue talking to her. 4: Once she asks you to hang out the shore say yes and go there. 5: Splash her in the water, after a while she will say "THATS IT" and the sene will happen :) (I figured it out when I tried to do it again lol)

it didt work for me

you click the arrow when you go where darkclaw is 


How do u get in to FireClan,when BreezeStar is leader?

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