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No, for changing genders I mean.

By the way, CHEAT? HOW?

(1 edit)

press c+m then type time :D

changing genders? you are in the wrong game go play kit to leader for that


who moose in the game? THAT MEANS NOTHING

Deleted 218 days ago

excuse me?

what do you mean

Wild Cats Kill Mice for Food to not Stave Animal Kills other animal.

Deleted 218 days ago

Oop Clan cat?

Deleted 218 days ago

yea its nature. cats hunt mice but its kinda your fault not putting the mouse in a cage.

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Literally, are you hating on Mossy or cats or just nothing at all?

fr like I'm so confused

Deleted 218 days ago

ok but why? genuine question

ignore them mossy does not care about them


what in the world :6


my oc :D

amazing job!

ty! :D

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14 days ago they said they would be gone for like 2 weeks so this week?


Why is everyone hating on Mossy?



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Not everyone. Just one person.


Wait.. are you birchblaze from scratch??


birchblaze is famous for me

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Yes :D I'm famous!

yep you are :>

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Deleted 220 days ago


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Deleted 220 days ago
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what’s going on? i see a deleted post and i see, up, something about someone hating on mossy, WHO IS HATING ON MOSSY?

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What did they say?

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idk, just hate stuff as always :/

Deleted 218 days ago
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that's not cool.

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Deleted 220 days ago
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Do you actually want people to not like you? If you don't, then I'll try not to be as mean to you. And people are going to hate me for it, but I'm going to do it.


bros starting his villain arc lol

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Could you stop being aggressive, just for a little bit? I'm trying to be nicer to Opal and see what happens. Not saying I think it'll even work, but worth a try...


oh ok sorry

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Opal. I gave you a chance to have a friend, not a hater, and you ignored it...

Deleted 220 days ago
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I asked if you actually wanted people to hate you and said if not I would be nicer, and you ignored me

how would you like it if there was someone like you saying all the mean things you say to mossy but YOU were that person getting those comments

Deleted 220 days ago

would it rlly be that easy to do that??



it would be fun if you could start as a kit



what should i draw?

hmm how about your ocs in their own clan or westwoods clans or something like a comic possibly so you can develop personalities and stuff for your ocs 

to much work to draw

probably just a sketch or something then lol idk it’s up to you :)

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Ooooooo 10/10 :D

10000000000000000000000000/10 its so good

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i don't like fright nights at freddy's or whatever its called, but this is pretty good! 7.5/10 (im very critical)

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So sad... My kits are all alone in the BrambleClan nusery...



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I had kits with Quail_____ But she wasn't in there...

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Quailburst is the white she cat with blonde hair in brambleclan

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Wait you're Springblossom123? And Petalswirl? OMG! Ok I was wondering where she went xD

How do you get kits?!


How do you complete Blizzardstep's quest?

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(1 edit) (+1)

edit: her email isn't working so she's gone for now :(

Thank you!

How do you start Hawkfeathers quest?????????

by talking to them?

(1 edit)

-go to Hawkfeather ( Grey and White she-cat with green eyes in Fireclan) and talk to her

-Go to Fallenclan and find Beestripe (Yellow and Black she-cat with yellow eyes by the Fallenclan camp entrance

-Keep talking to her until she has no new dialogue (she will give you a long backstory)

-Go back to Hawkfeather

-Go in the direction she pointed in and you should see a new white arrow, click on it

-Keep walking right until you see to new cats ( or 1 depending on the time of day)

-Talk to the grey and white she-cat (keep talking to her until she has no new dialogue as she will give you a long backstory)

-Walk left until you re-enter Fireclan

-Find Hawkfeather and talk to her

images for extra help:

Where to find Hawkfeather

Where to find Beestripe

Where the white arrow is located  after you ask Hawkfeather about the barn

The way you have to continue walking after you click the arrow

The grey and white she cat you have to find

How do you start Hawkfeather's quest

How do you start Hawkfeather's quest?



awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww aren't they so cute

hehe moose looks so goofy

(1 edit)

They cute but Ace X Moose fans be raging rn lol (not a Ace x Moose shipper myself btw)

Also fun fact you can’t ask to be Grasswhispers mate anymore :( 


 fun fact you CAN ask them to be your mate

You can? Interesting I’ve tried before so but that’s probably because I broke the game when I was doing the therapy quest

no you did not break the game you can only talk to them when you are in fireclan

TYSM!! How did I not know that XD

how do you interact with them I keep clicking on them and nothing happens?

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(1 edit)

:0 Amazing job making it there a whole lot of different stuff in it! love it!

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I don’t think advertising here is the best place ^^

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But it is true. This is someone ELSE'S project.

Dats her own project


I mean this is Moss-shadow's project. Advertising on someone else's project is a bit rude.

Sorry. But I'm just telling you that at least know where to post your advertisements./nm /lh

name ideas?




PetalSwirl? what OC do use to be you? (like one of your cat OC's) i want to see it so i can make something

Cool idea: if you keep annoying the clans after you get escorted out  you could get a scratch or a nick in your ear since the cat I forgot the name of said "Amberstar wont hesitate to claw an ear" I don't know just a cool idea-

and it could be like a random genreater from 1-4

the higher the number the more severity of the injury so the more ear is torn

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Hold down the right arrow key. Then, while still holding it down, hold down the left arrow key. YOU GET A KITTY PEDALING A NOT MOVING BICYCLE

WAIT did you only just find this out? (sorry if that sounds rude)

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I've known this for a while but only thought to share it now

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does Deertail ever have her kits?

not in any game so far sadly


can someone help me with these quests? I don't know how to do them (I know how to do the gathering one, and heartbreaker already, just working through those!)

and theses :)


for generational bond, find a yellow flower, somewhere in FallenClan territory. then bring it to Sparrowtail, an keep clicking her with the yellow flower until she say something like " So you really want to do me a favor? Talk to Milkywillow for me. " then go to BrambleClan and look for Goldenstrike. Talk to her until she says " I wish she knew.... " then, go back to Sparrowtail and click her. keep talking to her until she says " I'd rather be left alone for a while. " after that, go to Goldenstrike and talk to her. Keep talking until she says " It's not my choice. " So then go to Bumblestripe and talk to him and after that, go to the right until you find a yellow arrow ponting down. click the arrow and keep moving to the left until you see Sparrowtail, Bumblestripe and Sunnygaze happy and talking to eachother! click Sparrowtail and there you go! " Generational bond. "

You can use the blonde one as well it works I perfer that one bc Im sometimes to lazy to go past the border for some reason...

(2 edits) (+1)

for G-Ghosts 

-Go to brambleclan

-Talk to Thunderclaw (yellow cat with one light brown paw)

-Then talk to The brown cat next to him he will ask you get plumclaw off patrol

-Go to Breezestar and ask to go on patrol

-Then go back to Nutshade and Thunderclaw


If Cresenthearts kits aren’t apprentices follow this

-Go to crescentheart she will tell you she wants you to train her kits

-Go to Breezestar and she will ask if you want to train the kits, say yes and you can suggest a certain one if you want

-Wait 3-5 in game days

-Then go to the clan meeting sit through the entire thing


-Go back to Nutshade and talk to him

-Go back to Fireclan and enter the apprentice den, move your apprentice out of the den

-talk to the kit Nutshade asked you to talk to

-the kit will will tell you “the ghosts are awake” memorize it

-go back to Nutshade and tell him the ghosts are awake

-Keep talking to him until he has no new dialogue 

-wait until the moon is completely dark (become a medcat in the meantime while you wait because it will be necessary for later)

-Grab 2 death berries, click on the moving water to make a poisoned fish keep the other one normal on your ear

-go to the old field with dead grass in Fireclan

-put down the poisoned fish and talk to the ghost cat

-when she asks show her the normal death berry 

-When she asks show her the poisoned fish


Images of the locations I talked about

Nutshade and Thunderclaw

Where the apprentice Nutshade wants you to talk to is at

The dead field where you will find the ghost cat

who Are the killable charracters?

everyone except for the cats at the farm, leaders, deputes, kits, or med cats

(2 edits)

witch one do you sugest killing? I feel A Lil Bit devious >:3

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Try killing Sunnygaze and Bumblestripe so then Sparrowtail will be sad forever. Then kill Robinfur to stop him whining from his headaches xD then kill Deertail because she's pregnant and you're killing her kits at the same time >:)

Wheres no Witnesses?


the cat did nothing i am their lawyer


I meant barn- XD


Tigerheart's astrology :D

Frostcloud... a Steepfoot born on a spring day

Lookie! My baby kit yas! Can someone think of a name for her? 


Rosekit - Rosepaw - Rosefeather

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how do you do cheater cheater flower eater? I got couples therapy, but i can't do cheater cheater flower eater


How I can get the stone? for Littlebird

(3 edits) (+1)

-Talk to Gorsefur (light brown she cat with brown eyes) say yes when she asks if you can do a favor

-Go to Plumclaw (dark blue eyed cat at the Fireclan and brambleclan border)and talk to him

-Go to his brother Robinfur (red eyed brown cat by leaders den)

-Talk to Robinfur 

-Talk to Breezestar for permission 

Go up the hill (arrow by Hawkfeather The grey and white she-cat) 

-then go to Fallenclan camp and ask the black and white guard for a stone

-wait until the same time next day and you should see a stone by the black and white cat, click on it and then walk to where you last saw Robinfur

-Talk to Robinfur to place the stone

-Then go back to plumclaw and talk to him

hope that helped

what mates can u have kits with as a female? i need a mate for Frostcloud (me)


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