How do you get peace and quiet? I keep killing every cat possible but I still don't get the award :( Using both fish with deathberries and deathberries without fish
To get a mate,give them a pink tulip in the Fallenclan territory.if your mate is the opposite gender as your character,give them another pink tulip [Wont always be succesful,so it might take a few tries]
To get deathberries,go to the Fireclan's medicine den,become a medicine cat or wait till its a gathering and take the berries
You can click the deathberries and the fish should have berries in it,and you can kill other characters with it
To murder cats,you need deathberries,Leaders,medicine cats and deputies cannot be killed.You can give the fish with deathberries to other cats to kill them instantly unlike the normal berries
[Hope my yapping is helpful.If you wanna ask some more things,you can ask]
She's the black shecat in Sunclan , inside the circus where Moose is standing just go left from Sleetshine and Shyeyes then you'll see her with Featherfall.
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how do you hunt?
I cant leave the gathering
How do I take Plumeclaw off patrol?
How do you do Hawkfeathers quest? (Tawnystar and Briarripple's one)
Can you name your kits and do they grow up?
where's the wilted flower? I cant find it :[
Go to sunclan and then head towards brambleclan and you should be able to find em
ohh,, tysm !
How do you get peace and quiet? I keep killing every cat possible but I still don't get the award :( Using both fish with deathberries and deathberries without fish
you possibly have to mentor an apprentince,
Then oof em as warriors.
Ohhh tysm!!
yw, but I have never did the quest lol
I'm assuming you can only ki// warriors/rouges/loners
The achievement is probably gonna remain unachievable for a bit because I think Sunnygaze is linked to it and you can't kill her unlike before.
How do i get mate and kits, how do i get deathberries, what can i do with the fish from the river when you click, and how do i murder cats?
[Might be long]
To get a mate,give them a pink tulip in the Fallenclan territory.if your mate is the opposite gender as your character,give them another pink tulip [Wont always be succesful,so it might take a few tries]
To get deathberries,go to the Fireclan's medicine den,become a medicine cat or wait till its a gathering and take the berries
You can click the deathberries and the fish should have berries in it,and you can kill other characters with it
To murder cats,you need deathberries,Leaders,medicine cats and deputies cannot be killed.You can give the fish with deathberries to other cats to kill them instantly unlike the normal berries
[Hope my yapping is helpful.If you wanna ask some more things,you can ask]
Thanks! so informative
Does anyone know where Ace is? Or is he not in the game yet?
Ace isn't in the game yet
Oh okay thanks
you can see him performing in the fair as a showcat sometimes, but he's not available as a character you can interact with.
I killed crystalblaze and her daughter stopped yappin
Why do i always make the evil characters so pretty..😔
How da heck do I get G-ghosts???
will someone play with me?
I will!
(It says on “(Link)” there was a problem)
It's probably crashing because it deemed your device unworthy
Same thing here
My beans :D
Quickkit, Nimblekit, Runnerkit, and Windkit
Nawwww who's who?
can u actually name them in game or is that just what u call them? If u can name them in game how do u do it?
Lol guys I can't figure out how to expose Nightlight arghhhhh-
A little help? TvT
When Nightlight asks you if theres anything wrong with her polyamory,say yes.
Then,talk to Sleetshine or Seerflower and then talk to Nightlight and then again to Moose.
Click on your apprentice
My game somehow always crashes when I try to run it
How do you get a mate?
where are deathberries?
Mate- Use a pink tulip and give it to any mate option and they will say yes to being your mate.
Deathberries- They are found in med den, fish while carrying to stuff berries in fish, give it to a cat to kill them
K thx
Man you can't get lightness of your cat's body , bangs and tail color above 0 it would be cool tbh.
nothing gets past this cat.
Too smart to fall for that
Lmaooooo. I never considered that players could ask about that
How did I get red colored kits if me and Bumble were both yellow-
game logic be like
It turned inside out and its blood is on the outside
Willowclaw is haunting me.. I murdered her but she kept appearing in the medicine den clearing and was training Blizzardpaw..
oh noes
(lunarclaw got stuck during her animation again but itch keeps crashing when I try to upload screenshots)
here my other cat is <3
I'ma draw her Anyone can use my free base <3..
annnnddd 4th
Is that a calico I loaf it :D
Looks like crystalblaze but better :p
I like it
my oc:
mate{s}:Grasswhistle{Died} Trushtail
kits: Larkkit,Lemonkit[grasswhistle]Mudkit and Spurcekit[Trushtail]
role: med cat\warrior
origin: rogue around the woods
slaying more than the cats she had murdered (if she had murdered anyone)
yeah she actually murdered like 13 cats :Sob:-
that means she is very slay
I try to play it on my phone but it won't load the weather here is stormy but I'm wondering if it's a bug.
I'm obsessed with black cats for some reason.. They're both cute and spooky
my oc:
clan: Fireclan
mate: Quailburst
Kits:Yellowkit and Minnowkit
Origin: Rogue from another forest
(idk how to take pictures on pc)
click the ... in the corner below the "making the screen tiny" thing and click screenshot
Argh where is hollybreeze?
She's the black shecat in Sunclan , inside the circus where Moose is standing just go left from Sleetshine and Shyeyes then you'll see her with Featherfall.
You go to Ebonytail , he's the black hecat on Fallenclan patrol talk to him and wait until next in-game day and the stone should appear.
(Edit) His name is actually Ebonysong I just realized-
Me neither
one oc for every gender :3
every oc I posted is free to copy and taking inspo !! thanks to mossy drawing wholesome models