in sunclan you talk to the cat that tells you stories WHILE YOU HAVE YOUR APPRENTICE WITH YOU, same with fireclan but you talk to the brown shecat that gives you the memorial quest
Let me suggest some updates (PS: I'm not trying to be rude; I honestly really love your work moss)
Editor changes: The ability to color each part of your cat individually (I understand if that's a bit complicated, and it's not necessary, but a neat feature)
The ability to become leader. Instead of murdering everybody for lucy, you could become leader and take over the clan.
Your kits growing up, and the ability to name your kits. Maybe even a kit update? Idk, maybe.
That's about all I have, and again, love your work moss!
Yeah i definitely wish you started as a kit and then grew up. also maybe add a way to continue as cat from V5 kit to leader on scratch? also, is this the "full version website"? if not, can someone plz give link?
Hey I have a few questions! How do you kill a cat? I have the death berries, but they won't take anything. How do you find Hollybreeze? I looked everywhere around SunClan, but I can't find him. How do you have kits? I know about the flowers, and I've tried it, but I don't know how you know if you're preggers.
grab your deathbirries and go to the river where plumclaw is and with the death berries in your mouth click the river (you cant kill leader,meds,deps,apps,or kits but every other cat you can kill)
the kit timer will show if you are gonna have kits (an orange cat head with its eyes closed) also be give your mate the pink flower to become "Preggers" XD
dip the dethberrys in the water, black cat on the box, if your a girl it will tell you if you're a boy (or any other gender) give them another pink flower
become an experienced med. cat, go to the cold stone and then tell robinfur. Sleep, and then tell him again after finding all the firestars and finishing the nightmare
Also, how do you go to sleep? I keep tapping the down arrow, tapping S (it works in Kit to Leader), typing "sleep" and hitting enter, doing EVERYTHING and I cannot sleep :(
Okay. Okay. I know I am asking too many questions. But how do I mate with a cat? I keep talking to them and talking to them until it falls into repeat mode and I still can't get them to mate with me.
Blizzardkit is decently the best, because of a few factors. He's the only kit with actual lore as a warrior, plus he's a more nervous kit, and being his mentor is more soothing to him than Willowclaw, who is harsher than she would be to a normal apprentice because he's her kin. Cloverkit is probably the least best, and then Juniperkit is second best, with Starlingkit in the middle. I hope this helped!
kill every one you can with deathberries. Basically become a medicine cat apprentice (or use the command deathberries). Then get a deathberry and click the river. then click a cat.
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Which clan is Hollybreeze in?
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Umm... where is Plumclaw's memorial AND WHO IS IT FOR I DON"T KNOW ANYTHING
nvm I found it out
who are the possible mates???
you can find it in the over borders wiki
Over Borders | West Woods Wiki | Fandom
Anybody know any other fan made warrior cats games (no install 'cause my dad will kill me) I played all of moss-shadow's, and I can't find more.
On scratch or itch?
What should i name them
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just keep looking through the dens in fire clan territory. you'll see it. fire clan only has 5 den.
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uhh maybe Bluekit? Creamkit? Identicalkit? (JUST KIDDING) Berrykit, Mosskit (resembles Moss-Shadow the character)
I wanna draw this
Can you make FallenClan and BrambleClan availible
I find it kind of creepy how almost EVERY cat knows my name...
actually, now that u bring it up, the cats in ur clan SHOULD know it bcuz of ur ceremonies, but the rest of the cats knowing is scary.....
Your warrior name would've been announced at a gathering beforehand, though. So the cats would know your name due to your leader's announcement.
How do you find a stone for the memorial?
Talk to one of the cats on patrol in fallenclan
fr though how do u have kits?
once you have a mate and you give them a pink tulip twice
How do you hunt???
Talk to the she-cat with light brown fur in fireclan.
she only says "hello hello"
You'd need your apprentice with you for that
she still only says "hello, hello"
does she have an apprentice beside her? if not go talk to willowclaw, she's the cat where the sand starts
how do you become a med app in fireclan???
Talk to leade
How do you have kits?
also how do I use commands?
oh wait NVM I got it
for anyone who doesn't know press C+M
It won't work for me :(
how do i get deathberries? she wont let me tak them.
finish your medicine cat training,and she`ll trust you,or,wait until she leaves for the gathering
wheres Ace??
not in the game
but in the ask my characters 100 questions on scratch ace said he was on the map
Like VT says, maybe he was oblivious and Pidge didn't make him break the 4th wall for that question?
who- what- huh???(nvm this figured it out)
How do you become a Med cat?
Oh, and how do you hunt?
Nvm I figured it out
how do you hunt???
Which clan are u in?
in sunclan you talk to the cat that tells you stories WHILE YOU HAVE YOUR APPRENTICE WITH YOU, same with fireclan but you talk to the brown shecat that gives you the memorial quest
Hi Moss, I just wanted to ask, is there any possible way to save the game and your character?
Let me suggest some updates (PS: I'm not trying to be rude; I honestly really love your work moss)
That's about all I have, and again, love your work moss!
Yeah i definitely wish you started as a kit and then grew up. also maybe add a way to continue as cat from V5 kit to leader on scratch? also, is this the "full version website"? if not, can someone plz give link?
Wow this game hasn't had a comment in a day, that's new, I guess because april fools
Hey I have a few questions! How do you kill a cat? I have the death berries, but they won't take anything. How do you find Hollybreeze? I looked everywhere around SunClan, but I can't find him. How do you have kits? I know about the flowers, and I've tried it, but I don't know how you know if you're preggers.
holly is a female and she`s the black cat sitting on one of the boxes
in the tent
grab your deathbirries and go to the river where plumclaw is and with the death berries in your mouth click the river (you cant kill leader,meds,deps,apps,or kits but every other cat you can kill)
the kit timer will show if you are gonna have kits (an orange cat head with its eyes closed) also be give your mate the pink flower to become "Preggers" XD
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and they aren't showing what happens *after* the pink flower and *before* the preggers LOL
dip the dethberrys in the water, black cat on the box, if your a girl it will tell you if you're a boy (or any other gender) give them another pink flower
Where's Plumclaw???
NvmI'm slow asf
Yooo... VERY basic name but yk, it works
Where is my nest? And how do I get into a nightmare?
Found my nest, don't know about the nightmare though
become an experienced med. cat, go to the cold stone and then tell robinfur. Sleep, and then tell him again after finding all the firestars and finishing the nightmare
or kill everyone guarding the cold stone 🦹
I choose to believe that this says Blaze's car (BlazesCar)
Ummm how do I teach my apprentice how to hunt if both Willowclaw and Gorsefur is dead???
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I don't think you can, just don't k-ll Willowclaw and Gorsefur (at least not until your apprentice has become a warrior)
use the command fireheart when your training it then talk to breezestar
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What. Is. Blizzardpaw's. Secret??
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Also, how do you go to sleep? I keep tapping the down arrow, tapping S (it works in Kit to Leader), typing "sleep" and hitting enter, doing EVERYTHING and I cannot sleep :(
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Okay. Okay. I know I am asking too many questions. But how do I mate with a cat? I keep talking to them and talking to them until it falls into repeat mode and I still can't get them to mate with me.
give them the heart shaped flower at fallenclan
click your nest
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Wow pretty
they need some spots
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a mint-colored patch around her heart... LOL
what are some name suggestions you have for the kits
Lunar, Sky, Eclipse, Shimmer, Tulip, Cornflower, or Petal
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Moon, Shadow, Dark, River, Water, and for the light one, maybe Heather or Lavender?
I played with the name randomizer and got thornthorn lol
thats so cute
how do i make this
starling kit 4 sure
oooo good choice
which kit is the best kit? i say blizzardkit but i havent played that long, so\
I like Cloverkit
Blizzardkit is decently the best, because of a few factors. He's the only kit with actual lore as a warrior, plus he's a more nervous kit, and being his mentor is more soothing to him than Willowclaw, who is harsher than she would be to a normal apprentice because he's her kin. Cloverkit is probably the least best, and then Juniperkit is second best, with Starlingkit in the middle. I hope this helped!
I always choose Clover as my app when I'm a med cat lol
He always seems like he should be a med cat all along imo
Very true
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so WHATS HIS LORE??? I keep trying to find this out. Is it on westwoods wiki?
There is a quest for him, you can give a pink flower to his crush in FireClan once he is a warrior and get the two dating.
how do y'all post ur screenshots of ur oc's? It won't let me post any of mine
My OC!!!
My scratch OC:
I'm trying to get the "Peace of Mind" Quest as a warrior, how do you do it?
kill every one you can with deathberries. Basically become a medicine cat apprentice (or use the command deathberries). Then get a deathberry and click the river. then click a cat.
how do you use that command
type deathberries in command
That's peace and quiet, what I meant is how to get to Cold Stone as warrior
you... Can't
Nice! very cool
I first read this as Luck yeyes