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Anybody else freaked out by the prophecy nightmare? LOL

YES it is so creepy!

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whew I thought I was the only one :)

I got scared

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yay now I have a support group for this LOL

I’m sad since I keep randomly getting disconnected when I press things and I have to restart.

i feel the need to judge every single person who posts their ocs but i dont want to get a bad reputation but i really want to bully people here

maybe dont bully people :skull:


but i really want to bully people its fun

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In SunClan I can't find any apprentices besides Smallpaw. Are they not coded in yet or something?

there is 2 back stage

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All I see in the tent is Sleetshine and Shyeyes, but let me look around

behind sleetshine there is a door/room thing (click it)

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oh i see it now

(2 edits)

I love this game! My main OC, aka the one I play as most, is a female called Riverflower. Her mate is Robinfur, and her kits are Lillykit, Coyotekit, and Daisykit. Her apprentice was Blizzardstep, and she later became a medic, and saved her clan from Firestar and Lucy.

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My main OC is a female gray cat with red bangs named Cherrytuft. She lives in SunClan and is mates with the cat who tells stories. 

Oh cool I have even made one of my main OC's on here to, encluding Deerfall!

I'll send a pic up to here! BTW if your wondering where else you can make your OC, use WCUE on Roblox! Its where i made my avatar for Deerfall! She was made, and inspired in Moss-shadows kit to leader

I played this game like for who knows how long, waited for two new moons, AND LUCY STILL HASN'T SHOWN UP! Where in starclan's name is she?!

shes at ever black moon at the old fireclan

I've been at the dead land on Fireclan territory during a new moon twice and she's still not there. I've killed like.. Three cats in three different this I got so bored with trying anymore


I wanna play the game :(


Why there's this weird white thing appearing when im trying to play the game?

What white thing?

it crashed, u usually will need a pc to play it

why no updates/hj

how do you get rid of the hunting bar when you've started hunting???

(1 edit)

come back to Hawkfeather/Willowclaw/Gorsefur

whoever you talked to for hunting


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i really like this one

btw how did you get those pelt controls, i don't see buttons saying "head" "chest" "back" on mine

edit: never mind found it

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this is amazing!


he is back 

why hello tigerstar the first or second?


with green stripes? ok

he he he

(1 edit)

U got his bangs wrong- but then again you can never get them right :)

oops lemme try again


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yes they are the curly ones

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he he he he he thats really good


You: "Um hi"

Moose: "AAAAAAA"


when u train your app put it in another's clan's camp at day and the time outside stats will increase

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omg hahahaha that is so cool

why didnt i think of that :(


 how can you expose nightlight

follow moose's orders, say no to nightlight, talk to moose again and follow their orders, then talk moose again, then talk to nightlight and there boom

Generated Name: SunBlaze

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thx also did you draw your profile pic or make it on an app, if you made it on an app pls tell me what app! ❤️😄

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I did it on a website called Picrew, Wattlesplash told me about it, it's 


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Wheres hollybreeze?

nvm i found her

When you have your litter of kits in your clan do they ever grow up into apprentice and warrior?

not yet sadly

training your apprentice is kinda fast if you focus on it only unlike me sometimes  ;-;

Deleted post
Deleted 322 days ago

she’s dead

Me murdering everyone with deathberries (Yes, even Nutshade) >:)

:0  >:) I did the sameee

How do you poison someone I wanna kill a kit

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either become medicine cat and get deathberries from Fireclan medicine cat, or hit c and m keys at same time and type "deathberries"

Nutshade is homophobic?

looks like it, he's stated as straight in the wiki and never said to be an ally or tolerate lgbt so-

how do I find a rock for the memorial

Talk to Ebonysong. (The black cat with blue eyes and a white-tipped tail outside of FallenClan camp).

(1 edit)

The sound effect when you (unalive) someone 💀

how do you get the cheater cheater flower eater and chilly pepper achievement?

you get chilly pepper by helping Blizzardpaw (as a warrior) with his crush

I know but when i give the flower to holly smth and she tells me who he really likes hes too embarrassed to say anything to me at all

then you go talk to pepperspring (I think that’s his name)

How do you get to the cold stone for the nightmare?

you just kill some cats with deathberry fish... no big deal

I'm asking where the coldstone is-

oh in brambleclan camp if you click the arrow under the three dens it will show you 2 dens you press the left den. in that cave (if you haven't killed them) are three cats that you need to kill before you can go in. it should show the cold stone.

how do you make a deathberry fish?

If you're a med-cat, get deathberry and click river (under that one log bridge in FireClan camp) and boom, deathberry fish

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any water will work

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you can hit c and m keys at same time then type "deathberries"

you can also type "love" or "divorce" for the proposal flower or break up flower

hope this helps

How do I make my apprentice a warrior?

Deleted 324 days ago

check in with your leader with your app to see your training bars make sure all are full. To do training talk with other mentors for hunting and fighting and walk around the map to increase ‘time outside camp’ bar. Hope this helped! :D

so seastripe is straight (ally) and seerslower is pansexual?

new OC!

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haha thats cool

thank you

I want Thunderclaw to be my mate, I am playing as a male, how do I do that? Everytime I give him the pink flower Nutshade is mean about it.

You can't be his mate as a male unless you kill Nutshade. (I don't think he goes to gatherings. He might, so you can check every time there is a full-moon).

how do you put Deathberries in the fish!?

take deathberries and click on the river besides Plumclaw

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