I remember doing it before, but I forgot how. The dude who is like "If you don't have anything for me, leave me alone" Is like "Okay fine, you want to help me?" and then you do something that I forgot.
for Sunclan check in on Cookie regularly (a lot) until she says, "Want to attend the Gathering tonight?" say yes and she'll tell you when... i dont know for fireclan
Here's how to find them: 1. Go into the tent in Sunclan. 2. See the brown cat? The gray area up and to the left of the brown cat should be clickable, click it. 3. Hollypaw is the black apprentice on the floor, Featherpaw is the brown one on the box.
i know where two are. one in the leader's den, the other: go to brambleclan and keep going right, then hit the down arrow (NOT THE ICY BLUE ONE!). Then go left. Hope this helped! :)
me and moose look like brothers bro!! Yes, I look like a she-cat but I'm actually a tom, my name is snake. Snake and moose.. the trouble brothers, nice ring to it eh?
you and Emmy do look like brothers (moose is Emmy/Em but he changed his name so for your name to make sense you had to change it to. like moose's mom would not name you snake)
hello! Does anyone want a free Warrior Cats story? Well, here it is! you don't have to read it tho lol
Spot walked up to the wailing kit. He looked at the kit for a moment then flicked his tail in disapproval. I thought the badger would have killed him, not the other one he thought. But as he looked into the weaker kit's eyes he saw fear. After a few seconds, he tried to put on his most friendly face and said: “Hello young kit my name is Spot. come with me if you want to live” The kit looked unconvinced "I'm just here to help you. I saw what happened to your mother" After he said that he saw a flash of sadness in the kit's eyes but after a few minutes, the kit said, “Oo..ok...” Huh, this kit is easily convinced. Even though he is weaker maybe this kit is good for my plans after all…
Chapter 1
My first memories were of my mother. I still remember snuggling next to my brother and mother as all kits do. A few days later I finally opened my eyes to see the world. I gasped when I finally saw the world I was amazed when I saw how colorful everything was. Her name was Brownie. She despised her name and didn't even know what it meant. So my mother decided to ignore the names the twolegs gave us and named me Moon and my brother Tree. My mother was a brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes. My brother was cream brown with a few dark grey spots and green eyes. I looked a bit different I was grey with a white stomach and blue eyes. I always wondered what my father looked like. My mother never mentioned it though. As she said it's “unimportant.” One day when me and my brother were playing outside he found a hole in the fence. He said “We need to go outside! Mother is sleeping she will never know! I'm so bored of her not letting us do anything!” I thought It was dangerous but didn't want to seem weak in front of my brother so I said “Let's go” and walked out with my brother.
Robinfur's quest: After you gave him poppy seeds talk to him again and type Y/Yes when he asks "Do you really want to help?" Then talk to him at the medicine cat healing nests AT NIGHT(If you don't know where that place is go to the Fireclan cave and click on the right hole)After he says something about Cold Stone and Firestar you can choose one of these options to get to the cold stone:
1.Become a full medicine cat(I advice you to use the second way because this one takes too much time)
2.Kill the cold stone guards with deathberries.
It's NECESSARY to be a medicine cat apprentice since Lunarclaw won't let you take any deathberries.
After the prophecy you got from the place of cold waters go back to Robinfur and then sleep you should get a nightmare with Firestar.
These are the places Firestar appears in the nightmare:
1.Breezestar's den.
2.Next to Plumclaw.
3.Near the dens.
After you find all three Firestar's silhouettes talk to Robinfur and you're done.
There is also a Firestar that is not a silhouett. One of the silhouetts is found in that dead dried grass area. To the right of it (a few scenes later) is a ghostly but orange and highly detailed Firestar
what happens after the apps become warriors but before that you've done the secfret kill quest and then afterwards youve killed EVERYONE, what do you do?
here are all the commands: Press c+m. The commands are: Love (lets you get a pink tulip), Divorce (gives you a wilted flower), Fireheart (Makes your apprentice fully train if you have one), Time (changes the time to your liking), Wizard (summons an item), Magic (gives you the correct herb to heal a cat if you are a medicine cat), Deathberries (gives you hidden deathberries).
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question, who wants to see my ocs?
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i totally do! show me echo!
ok, but she may look strange like hawk, sry
Also after the ghost says "A valid idea. It may work" HOW DO YOU MAKE THEM LET YOU KILL PEOPLE
I remember doing it before, but I forgot how. The dude who is like "If you don't have anything for me, leave me alone" Is like "Okay fine, you want to help me?" and then you do something that I forgot.
How do you go to the Cold Stone? I'm a med cat, but it wont let me in
heal I think like...6 or more cats when they need help, then go back to lunarclaw everytime
No idea how to find Ace, lmao.
i found him, when the show cats are preforming the show at the end ace is in it
I want to rob the man's Black Market. >:3
And where do you get the stone for littlebird's memorial?
tbh it says ur not invited idk if u can go as a warrior but u can always go if u are med app
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for Sunclan check in on Cookie regularly (a lot) until she says, "Want to attend the Gathering tonight?" say yes and she'll tell you when... i dont know for fireclan
oh thanks
Help my apprentice (Starlingpaw) has disappeared
same lol
Also is there a way to sleep in this game? If so, how? (Sorry about all the questions, this is my first time playing)
you can sleep but I'm not going to tell you because its more fun when you find things out yourself
im to lazy to type click the green beds in the dens or boxs
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fireclan medicine cat in cave
Also what is the name of the brown kit in the nursery at the start of the game???
Is there a way to choose the color of your tail and bangs? Is there a way to choose the type of tail you have? If so, HOW?!?!
Oop nevermind I figured it out
First one on the left can be named, Oakkit. The next will be named Graykit. The last one will be named Nightkit.
Starting from the left: Hawkkit, Stonekit and Shadowkit.
howd u get a skirt-
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go backstage with hollypaw and featherpaw, go left until you see a skirt in front of a horse. click on it. then click on skirt to change color.
hollypaw and featherpaw are who?
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Here's how to find them: 1. Go into the tent in Sunclan. 2. See the brown cat? The gray area up and to the left of the brown cat should be clickable, click it. 3. Hollypaw is the black apprentice on the floor, Featherpaw is the brown one on the box.
(4. Go left to see HORSES!)
wait, what is the brown cats name?
2 things, 1: are u able to become sun clans med? and 2: how did you do that?!
do what ?
updates you would like (they may not be added)
a the be all to do the show
b see you kits grow up
c kill the leader
d died and go the the darkfroset or starclan
f be adle to have a dest friend
g more mate
k whach your app metor a ather app
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If that's what it means, i want to a) be able to do the show
and also g) more mate
and ALSO c) definitely definitely!!!! I also want to be able to murder leaders of other clans >:)
i would like d
put in you vote one more day then we see which one won
are all the clan cats dead or something?
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one sec i see xerus in that meeting
yeah i know he's the med of the clan i think
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he's the med cat?? i mean... med-dog?
well he's sitting were the other 3 meds of the other clans are so i think they do have a med-dog
their sisters btw

she does look like a rising moon :/
Where can Firestar's silhouettes appear? I only found one
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i know where two are. one in the leader's den, the other: go to brambleclan and keep going right, then hit the down arrow (NOT THE ICY BLUE ONE!). Then go left. Hope this helped! :)
p.s. you'll also see lucy there
what are silhouettes?
me and moose look like brothers bro!! Yes, I look like a she-cat but I'm actually a tom, my name is snake. Snake and moose.. the trouble brothers, nice ring to it eh?
you and Emmy do look like brothers (moose is Emmy/Em but he changed his name so for your name to make sense you had to change it to. like moose's mom would not name you snake)
How do I know if aNY clans need herbs?
Hey, do you also get an error face? I think that unity was a virus
Which one looks better this one or the one below
The top one
ok thank you
Can someone pls tell me how to expose Nightlight and get Moose and Grasswhistle together? (Never mind, I figured it out
I wanna know please!!!!!
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hello! Does anyone want a free Warrior Cats story? Well, here it is! you don't have to read it tho lol
Spot walked up to the wailing kit. He looked at the kit for a moment then flicked his tail in disapproval. I thought the badger would have killed him, not the other one he thought. But as he looked into the weaker kit's eyes he saw fear. After a few seconds, he tried to put on his most friendly face and said: “Hello young kit my name is Spot. come with me if you want to live” The kit looked unconvinced "I'm just here to help you. I saw what happened to your mother" After he said that he saw a flash of sadness in the kit's eyes but after a few minutes, the kit said, “Oo..ok...” Huh, this kit is easily convinced. Even though he is weaker maybe this kit is good for my plans after all…
Chapter 1
My first memories were of my mother. I still remember snuggling next to my brother and mother as all kits do. A few days later I finally opened my eyes to see the world. I gasped when I finally saw the world I was amazed when I saw how colorful everything was. Her name was Brownie. She despised her name and didn't even know what it meant. So my mother decided to ignore the names the twolegs gave us and named me Moon and my brother Tree. My mother was a brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes. My brother was cream brown with a few dark grey spots and green eyes. I looked a bit different I was grey with a white stomach and blue eyes. I always wondered what my father looked like. My mother never mentioned it though. As she said it's “unimportant.” One day when me and my brother were playing outside he found a hole in the fence. He said “We need to go outside! Mother is sleeping she will never know! I'm so bored of her not letting us do anything!” I thought It was dangerous but didn't want to seem weak in front of my brother so I said “Let's go” and walked out with my brother.
tell me if you want me to post more
how come when i type Yes or just Y for try for kits it doesnt do anything
Robinfur's quest: After you gave him poppy seeds talk to him again and type Y/Yes when he asks "Do you really want to help?" Then talk to him at the medicine cat healing nests AT NIGHT(If you don't know where that place is go to the Fireclan cave and click on the right hole)After he says something about Cold Stone and Firestar you can choose one of these options to get to the cold stone:
1.Become a full medicine cat(I advice you to use the second way because this one takes too much time)
2.Kill the cold stone guards with deathberries.
It's NECESSARY to be a medicine cat apprentice since Lunarclaw won't let you take any deathberries.
After the prophecy you got from the place of cold waters go back to Robinfur and then sleep you should get a nightmare with Firestar.
These are the places Firestar appears in the nightmare:
1.Breezestar's den.
2.Next to Plumclaw.
3.Near the dens.
After you find all three Firestar's silhouettes talk to Robinfur and you're done.
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There is also a Firestar that is not a silhouett. One of the silhouetts is found in that dead dried grass area. To the right of it (a few scenes later) is a ghostly but orange and highly detailed Firestar
no that ghost is lucy firestars mother you find firestar in the nightmare
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lucy is orange? oh :) i thought she was brown lol
how do i find out about nightlight cheating? and how do i help her out with her polamary relationship?
Anyone know what to do after you kill everyone except the tribe that supports Lucy?
you have to kill the tribe that supports lucy to
Ok so, I've done that, but when I go back to her she just says same thing, what do I do?
how did u find her
You find her in the old fire clan lands, under the med den
i also did everything, and looked to the fireclan lands, is she specifically in the dead tree? and does using the time command affect findig her
how am i able to get to talk to tansystar?
thats the thing, you dont
look at above comment
go into fallenclan and keep going right
how can i help robinfurs headaches other than poppy seeds?
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um theres no other way
btw do you know how i can find plumclaw? where is he??
there is a way im just to lazy to type it so i wont tell you
go to the med den, but don't entire, just go all the way to the right and that big brown tom is him.
whos the best one to have as an apprentice?
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what happens after the apps become warriors but before that you've done the secfret kill quest and then afterwards youve killed EVERYONE, what do you do?
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yeah xD
here are all the commands: Press c+m. The commands are: Love (lets you get a pink tulip), Divorce (gives you a wilted flower), Fireheart (Makes your apprentice fully train if you have one), Time (changes the time to your liking), Wizard (summons an item), Magic (gives you the correct herb to heal a cat if you are a medicine cat), Deathberries (gives you hidden deathberries).
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omg thanks!!!!! i am totally using fireheart next time