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can you be mates with robinfur?

nvm :)

whatre the kits names? all ive been able to get is juniperkit.

Blizzardkit (the one that looks like Juniper, mentored by Willowclaw,), Starlingkit (brown) and Cloverkit (gray)

how do i get a mate?


oops i found a glitch- i talked to robin after the medi den convo and he did the prophecy dialogue even tho i havent gotten it yet 


I swear I'm working on this. Finals just ended lol

Congrats on the finals :)

Lucky- I had a midterm today and I didn't understand half the questions-

when can we start in fall clan or bramble clan in the over or welcome in the woods game

how many times do you have to cure cats to be a full med cat?

like 8 or 10 i think

okay, thank you


How do you get into the nightmare?

Click sleep nest after getting prophecy

i got the prophcey and slept, nothing happened and I can't press the moonstone (or whatever it is) again

you should get the nightmare, idk wuts goin of for u

this is what I did, I killed the guards, entered the moonstone, got thte prophecy thing about bengal spots bla bla, went to sleep. Was I meant to do the Lucy quest?


its ok i found out but wheres the rock i need for the memorial?

i think one of the fallenclan cats at the entrance have it

cuz im stuck

how do u do firestars dream?


what are the kits names ;-;


I said Pepperkit to Breezestar as and she said ok let me know later

how do I say which kit I want as my app?

also how do we have kits?

wait I found out the kits stuff but the apprentice ceremony hasn't end and Breezestar stopped talking after saying Plumclaw and Crescentheart had kits help ;-;


if you leave the area in mid meeting then it stops

There is no "Pepperkit," and first you have to answer "Yes"

what do you have to do to get the 'molding young minds' achievement

be a mentor to Crescentheart's kits


as an fnf player, i see the battle training as a total win

same as a high school musical on ps2 player its a total win yes im old lol

how do you battle train the apps?

talk to hawkfeather

how do you poison someone with deathberries?

You need to get deathberries and then tap the water get fish, but make sure you talked to Lucy and stuff

you dont need to talk to lucy first

How do I find Crystal and Rye? Where are the other territories?

there is a map...

I know but I can't find where they are.


No, it does not explicitly say where the territories are.

click the map again... it shows borders bruh

Talk to hawk, talk to bee, go back and forth until hawk tells your where the farm is, go to the farm, crystal and rye will be there im pretty sure

Thank you!!

Can someone please tell me how to help Robinfur, and I already did firestars nightmare but I need to find out how to help the headaches.

poppy seeds, be med cat, get prophecy, talk to him

I gave him the poppy sees, became med cat, got the prophecy, talked to him, but I still haven't got the "Peace of Mind" achievement. Do I have to fulfill the prophecy or something like that? idk

sometimes the achievement doesnt work, also i think you have to experience the firestar nightmare?

i did firestars nightmare

sometimes, well its a bug, but sometimes the achievement doesnt load or smthn

Why can't I talk to some cats? Like Moose!

some just dont want to talk :\

Also, how do I reunite Sparrowtail?

give a pink flower(or any flower) to sparrowtail, she will ask for you to talk to milkywillow, talk to goldenstrike, talk to them kits(you will know what im talking about...) and boom

THANK YOU SO MUCH OMG- and how do I have kits with Robinfur? Also when it said I had kits with Nightlight I couldn't find them anywhere.

i dont think you CAN have kits with them, idk check the wiki, also kits appear in the nursery, i know where the fallenclan nursery is btw(it was difficult to find lol)

How do you get the 3rd starclan thing? I can only tap it twice :/

i think its only twice idk

How do you find the pink tulips??

Fallenclan territory

thank you


I had kits with Moose as a she-cat how-

I think moose is like, nonbinary

and it happened to me with the blue fallenclan cat at the cave entrace lol

I finished the nightmare with firestar and stuff but how do i achieve "peace of mind"??

please cant figure out why she leaves

talk to bumblestripe or sunnygaze and then go to the dead tree, go right and tadaaa! Family Meeting

where is sunny gaze

or if i talk to sunnygaze the sparrowtail reuion thing wont happen

pls tell me🙏

idk how

still dont know why sparrowtail leaves after i leave spawn den

Did this happen when you first started playing the game? Because if not it's because she talking to sunnygaze of bumblestripe

idk what happens to sparrowtail then she just disappears after i leave the spawn den

Hmmm, doesn't happen to me

Might be a glitch, hasn't happened to me or my friends before :/

omg if you propose to nutwhateverhisnameis after the quest it's hilarrious XD
"Yes... YES! Together our kits will rule the forest!"

I'm pretty sure that's Nutwing, but yes it's pretty funny

Actually, his name is Nutshade

lol I can't even be bothered to check his name XD ty

What are the apprentices names?


Blizzardkit, Starlingkit, Cloverkit and Junipterkit

you have to be a med cat in training first 

or exp med cat



(1 edit)

how do you get the deathberries?The med cat wont let me get them

how do you find sparrowtail, she leaves, after you leave the den where you spawn.

No she doesn't, you must be going in the wrong den

did everyone just forget that Sliverstone killed Firestar? Or did Littlebird just lie about killing Firestar? Why does everyone say that Littlebird killed Firestar?

I think there are different realities, one with Silverstone, and one without

see above

Sliverstone is a dream

No, there's two different timelines, one with Silverstone and one without. I think the true timeline would be the one that you think is the canon timeline.

The Sliverstone timeline was Lilacpath's dream. She's infertile. This is literally canon.


What do I do after I've killed everyone?


then what is the firestar nightmare? Many people are talking about it in the comments

I have no clue even though I basically beat the game

The Firestar nightmare happens after finishing Robinfur's quest and getting into the Cold Stone either by killing the guards, waiting until they're not there (like for gatherings and stuff) or becoming a full medicine cat. After, just sleep at night and you'll get it

ok ty

how do you wake up from the nightmare?

Find firestar in the areas in order, leaders den, shore of brambleclan border, and the empty area to the right of the leaders den, then you escape nightmare :)

what do I say to spottedstar to find a way to hide the deathberries?

Nevermind, you just have to say mom to her

You can also say Agatha. It's what I did.



i found a bug, the kit says "i cant talk about that with   in here" or something,

It's your apprentice that the kit is talking about, make sure you have an apprentice before talking about the whole main plot thingy :)


I found a bug! When I k!lled crescentheart I left and she was still there

That for some reason happens with some cats

Am I the only one who realized that the only apprentices in the 4 clans are the plum siblings?

Oh wait, yeah lol

SunClan has apprentices too, Featherpaw, Smallpaw, Pepperpaw, and Hollypaw

Oh, yeah, I forgot about 'em

But at the first gathering they are warriors


whens the next update?


How do I stuff fish with deathberries?

get yew(deathberries) then tap a river

My brambleclan mate is ignoring me :( (lol not like I care) and is part of the map unrecognizable (area where it doesn't show path but shows "?") on purpose or just not updated...

I'm a bit confused with the lore(mostly bc I didn't read the books made yet) but is that a dog in sunclan???

Yep! Shes called Xerus and is the medicine cat  ( or medicine dog.... XD )

is she in the silverstones destiny or a different one

She's in sliverstone's destiny :)

ah ty

theres books? wouldn't the books get copyrighted by Erin Hunter for using the Warrior Cat ideas and systems and stuff?

not ACTUAL books, its on a website

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