I don't know if you found it by know but if you go into FallenClan territory outside the camp entrance talk to the black cat with white on his tail then come back a day later and he will give you the stone.
there is a bar above the screen, the bar has a pointer, switch rooms until the bar moves, when the pointer is on the blue/purple section, find the rat or rabbit
After training a Apprentice talk to her again and ask her to be medicine cat then click on the sandy stuff in the right corner of your screen at the top then go into the den and find the medicine cat then talk to them and talk to leader again
talk to Moose a bunch and do his quest when he asked you to give tulip to someone and they ask you to be their mate just go back and talk to Moose again
You can also become an experienced medicine cat, and go on your own accord! I'd refrain from killing cats until the end, because you might need them for another acheivement.
It depends which clan you are in, and if you or your mate is the female (I think). If your mate is female, the kits should be in your mate's clan. The kits will be in a nursery.
Does anyone know how to find the she-ghost? I keep going when the moon is completely dark, but it wont work! If someone could help me out, that would be awesome!
Did you talk to her ghost when you were in the nightmare? Like, when you had to talk to Firestar. Because if so, then I find for me that its glitches and she won't appear... So, I think it's like a glitch or something.
Once you have an apprentice, talk to them to train. Go up to the brown she-cat in Fireclan (I forgot her name, but she is usually laying down. She is Plumclaw's aunt.) and click on her. She asks if you want to hunt, and you say yes. Then she explains how to hunt!
Mossy I see you've got the ending and maybe finished product named Californiaclan (i'll scream if there's a story continuation) BUT don't forget about Over borders , I've been waiting a whole summer-
guys my name is ejfhnrf4irufjriufjiufj4iufj4iuf4jf4uifj4ufju5fjufj54ufj4iuf4jifu4jfiu4jfu45jfiu5jiu54fjiu5jiu45jfi4u5fj45ufj54ufj4iu5jf4ufj45iufj4iu5fj54iufj4i5ufj4i5ufjiu54jfi5ufj54iufji4ujfiusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhryhurefurfjeiuruyuerehyucffchffbgchcbnfhucvfucvdfundfuhfcbnhufdbu hdfbdu dfuh bfhucvfuceb cvhuerbcrhbveru erchbeuhcfbfhberucfhbefhbhbrhubf4rhufb4rufh4rbfhu4rbfrhbgf4gf4rfhub4rfhub4hufc fgvbnhcf gvhgvncf gvbnc gvbhtfvgbhgfvbhtfvtbgytfvgbynhugfvtbgytfvgbyb4uhbg4ugfbt4rf4hurfnuh4fnt4rfhun4tuhfn4rfhu4rnfhub4rfhunuhbnhutnguthgnuthbnhu4brnhnnn nn nnnnnbbbvdfvghbtfdcrtfvgbyhujtfvgbynhujfvtrnhujfvtrbgynhujftvbgynhjfvtbgynhujcv gtfbynhjuvtfbgynhjdftvbgynhujtfvbgnhujfvtbgynhujtfvbgynhujftvbgyhutfvgbyhtfvgbyh sun
every few nights youll see that the cats are painted (some of them) then go in the tent in the night when the cats disappear and click the main tent part go in and you can see it
so, first you become a med, after a while you become exprinced med, then you get deathberries, so if you click on some cats, they will ask do i eat this and if you say yes, they dissapear and leader will say "---has fallen"
i love this game. the game like this is sooooo rare. good drawings, edit yourself and name, story, achievement, love, kits, and cats with in multiple clans.
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love this game but when’s the next update?
this game will not be updated again, as for Mossy’s scratch account got deleted. sad, but there’s nothing we can do
Wha- why
noone knows why, it really isn’t fair at all.
Yea ikr...
where is the stone to mark littlebird's grave?
I don't know if you found it by know but if you go into FallenClan territory outside the camp entrance talk to the black cat with white on his tail then come back a day later and he will give you the stone.
Fallenclan. Ask the back cat guarding the cave
Can you go to the gatherings if you are not a warrior?
You can come if you're a Medicine cat I think,
aww, pretty,
Is there a way to join the circus?
How do ask to go to the gatherings?
Depends which clan ur in, if ur from FireClan you need to ask Breezestar to go on a full moon.
im flirting with a dog xD
Wait. Can it be mates with you???
where is the pink tulip?
nevermind, I found it
What do I do after my kits are born?
dunno, my kits arent growing up either..
They dont the game isn't finished and I don't think has the motivation to make it
HOW DO I HUNT? I'm stupid.
there is a bar above the screen, the bar has a pointer, switch rooms until the bar moves, when the pointer is on the blue/purple section, find the rat or rabbit
Guys how do you talk with the med cat to become the med cat
be in fire Clan talk to leader
After training a Apprentice talk to her again and ask her to be medicine cat then click on the sandy stuff in the right corner of your screen at the top then go into the den and find the medicine cat then talk to them and talk to leader again
You might need to walk around a lot to find the sandy stuff
Hello guys! Quick question -- how to get "Cheater, cheater, flower eater" achievment?
talk to Moose a bunch and do his quest when he asked you to give tulip to someone and they ask you to be their mate just go back and talk to Moose again
im dying bc beestripe is too cut :3
erm no offense but like
Top tip: Get off Itch, get a life and get off your ipad, practice circle-drawing for cleaner art and do some anger management
..... nobody?
not an iPad kid I'm 13 ok
I followed you
ok, sorry. thx for the follow!
what did they say?
how do you get in to the cold stone area
kill the cats
the cats at the cold stone
Or you could become medicine cat but to do that you have to be fireclan and you have to heal a lot of people
how do I kill?
Ded beris
You can also become an experienced medicine cat, and go on your own accord! I'd refrain from killing cats until the end, because you might need them for another acheivement.
oh I killed them :.(
its in another clan, BrambleClan.
yup that's the only one it is in I think
Can someone list all the male cat that you can have kits with?
look on the wiki
its cool
Really? How??? I just wanna see how they react :D
you give them a flower or something
you can also get fish. you know the river next to the leader den click on is
but you cant feed the fish to the horse?
sadly yup
I wish that you could be in brambleclan
where are the kits in the different clans?
It depends which clan you are in, and if you or your mate is the female (I think). If your mate is female, the kits should be in your mate's clan. The kits will be in a nursery.
Where's the Fallenclan nursery? I got the achievement for kits, and I only had a mate in Fallenclan, but I couldn't find them
Does anyone know how to find the she-ghost? I keep going when the moon is completely dark, but it wont work! If someone could help me out, that would be awesome!
Did you talk to her ghost when you were in the nightmare? Like, when you had to talk to Firestar. Because if so, then I find for me that its glitches and she won't appear... So, I think it's like a glitch or something.
If you're confused on where to look, you go up to the beach by the med den and walk to the right until you see an arrow, click on it, and you're there
how to kill cat
You kill a cat by either:
A. Becoming a medicine cat, getting to an experienced enough level and handing out deathberries to cats who accept them.
B. During a Gathering, you go to the medicine den and get the deathberries (the red berries) and hand them out to a cat!
how do you hnd out deathberries to cats if you're not a Medicine cat? Does it only work for specific cats?
You have to wait for a Gathering, then you get the death berries from the den while the med cat is out!
i know but how can you hand then out? I tried clicking on some cats while holding deathberries but nothing happened
When you're holding deathberries click on the river to get fish
When does the gathering ocur
How to hunt prey?
Once you have an apprentice, talk to them to train. Go up to the brown she-cat in Fireclan (I forgot her name, but she is usually laying down. She is Plumclaw's aunt.) and click on her. She asks if you want to hunt, and you say yes. Then she explains how to hunt!
Murder ze leaders >:D (Joke, I have no idea what to do next.)
Mossy I see you've got the ending and maybe finished product named Californiaclan (i'll scream if there's a story continuation) BUT don't forget about Over borders , I've been waiting a whole summer-
mossy said that they wont be updating this
That's quite sad
what one?
guys my name is ejfhnrf4irufjriufjiufj4iufj4iuf4jf4uifj4ufju5fjufj54ufj4iuf4jifu4jfiu4jfu45jfiu5jiu54fjiu5jiu45jfi4u5fj45ufj54ufj4iu5jf4ufj45iufj4iu5fj54iufj4i5ufj4i5ufjiu54jfi5ufj54iufji4ujfiusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhryhurefurfjeiuruyuerehyucffchffbgchcbnfhucvfucvdfundfuhfcbnhufdbu hdfbdu dfuh bfhucvfuceb cvhuerbcrhbveru erchbeuhcfbfhberucfhbefhbhbrhubf4rhufb4rufh4rbfhu4rbfrhbgf4gf4rfhub4rfhub4hufc fgvbnhcf gvhgvncf gvbnc gvbhtfvgbhgfvbhtfvtbgytfvgbynhugfvtbgytfvgbyb4uhbg4ugfbt4rf4hurfnuh4fnt4rfhun4tuhfn4rfhu4rnfhub4rfhunuhbnhutnguthgnuthbnhu4brnhnnn nn nnnnnbbbvdfvghbtfdcrtfvgbyhujtfvgbynhujfvtrnhujfvtrbgynhujftvbgynhjfvtbgynhujcv gtfbynhjuvtfbgynhjdftvbgynhujtfvbgnhujfvtbgynhujtfvbgynhujftvbgyhutfvgbyhtfvgbyh sun
that's my name now >:)
same nice
instead of using the arrow keys i just hold the keys down :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
WHEN IS THE SHOWSWWWWW :((((((((((((((9
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
every few nights youll see that the cats are painted (some of them) then go in the tent in the night when the cats disappear and click the main tent part go in and you can see it
ok ty
mossys not updating this
How to find ace??
Idk i never saw him until the 'show' and nothing else
whens the show
its on the night, like on th day moose have this weird markings on his body.
He is not added yet, but if you look closely you can see him in the show, at the fair
she is in there she is the black cat
i killed all the possible cats i can kill.
I tried but I just couldn't!
so, first you become a med, after a while you become exprinced med, then you get deathberries, so if you click on some cats, they will ask do i eat this and if you say yes, they dissapear and leader will say "---has fallen"
can you give a herb to the cat by the horse to help them, if you can whet herb is it?
i love this game. the game like this is sooooo rare. good drawings, edit yourself and name, story, achievement, love, kits, and cats with in multiple clans.
robinfur really have a vision of firestar XD

Haha lol