Lucy solo se puede ver en luna nueva (cuando la luna está completamente negra) y si Nutshade confía lo suficiente en ti como para decírtelo. Para encontrarla, debes ir al área donde está la guarida del gato curandero y hacer clic en la flecha que apunta hacia abajo. Esto solo funciona durante la noche, pero también hay un problema técnico si has hecho la pesadilla en la que Lucy no aparece.
Furstyle : fluffly as fluff ,but tail is the fluffiest in The world
Eye color : amber
Personality: depends on The cat ,normally adventerous but slow
Short backstory: Rouge, found by ThundaClan, Brother ded , apprentice, lover, frend , warrior, sister be medicine cat ,sister killed by frend ,lover has kits , kit, her own kits , lover ded ,grandkits
i need help with the peace of mind, peace and quiet, nightmares, couples therapy and the cheater cheater flower eater quests please! i just cant figure them out T^T
okay so I don’t know much but you can hide deathberries in the fish the complete the ‘peace and quiet’ task given by Lucy, and the pink tulip is near the fallen clan caves , pink tulips are how to get mates and kits
You first get a pink flower, which should be near Fallenclan, and click on the cat u want to be mates with. and u can conceal deathberries in fish by holding a deathberry, and then clicking a river for fish.
I don't know if you found it by know but if you go into FallenClan territory outside the camp entrance talk to the black cat with white on his tail then come back a day later and he will give you the stone.
there is a bar above the screen, the bar has a pointer, switch rooms until the bar moves, when the pointer is on the blue/purple section, find the rat or rabbit
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Ayuda no encuentro el fantasma de Fire Clan
Lucy solo se puede ver en luna nueva (cuando la luna está completamente negra) y si Nutshade confía lo suficiente en ti como para decírtelo. Para encontrarla, debes ir al área donde está la guarida del gato curandero y hacer clic en la flecha que apunta hacia abajo. Esto solo funciona durante la noche, pero también hay un problema técnico si has hecho la pesadilla en la que Lucy no aparece.
everyone sry to those who liked my drawing i cant send any more art here cause its difficult to send the art from my ipad to my pc and send it here
Oh ok its alright
Somebody help me I can't get couples therapy no matter what
Turns out I just needed to talk to a certain cat Whoopsie Daisy
I went as meeting the ghostof Fire clan before computer crashed
i can draw ocs for all of y who wants
if y want one reply to this message and type the below details:-
4.eyecolour if y forget i will add any colour i feel
6.short backstory(optional but it will make the charecter better)
7.eyelash style
8. face and neck drawing or full body with seperate face and claw caps
ill try sending it as soon as possible
Name: daylight tale
Eye colour; green and is half blind
Fur colour: grey-ish blue colour with no patterns
Fur style: hairless
Personality: Rude , flirty and bad-tempered
Back story: she was a river clan cat as a kit then when she almost drowned by a flood there her brother ran away with her and raised up at the barn
Eyelash: short
Meck and shoulders pls :)
Name Bloodscar
Furstyle : fluffly as fluff ,but tail is the fluffiest in The world
Eye color : amber
Personality: depends on The cat ,normally adventerous but slow
Short backstory: Rouge, found by ThundaClan, Brother ded , apprentice, lover, frend , warrior, sister be medicine cat ,sister killed by frend ,lover has kits , kit, her own kits , lover ded ,grandkits
Eyelash style : any
8. : any youd Like
Hiiii! I can make your warrior cat oc's! Just follow the steps below for the best results.
1. describe their personality (Ex.Silly, flirtatious, smart)
2. give me their pronouns (Ex. she,him,they,it, etc.)
3.tell me their name (If you have trouble making a name click here! (COMPLETELY SAFE! JUST A THING TO HELP WITH YOUR NAMES!)
4. tell me their backstory (Former kittypet, was abandoned by her parents as a kit)
4.give me some guidelines (Ex. CANNOT LOOK VIOLENT)
5. Tell me if they are FLOOFY, fluffy, or sleek and the type of their fur. (ex. Curly, straight, ect.)
6. Tell me their fur color and markings (Ex. Orange with Black stripes)
7. Tell me their eye color (can be blind)! If you don't/forget, I'll change it to what I think suits your cat!
8. Tell me if they have scars or torn ears and stuff like that. (ex. one eye is completely destroyed and is scarred.)
9. Reply to submit it
note: I can only make the head and shoulders of your cat.
I'll do my best to make your cat as soon as possible! (PLEASE USE NATURAL COLORS FOR THEIR PELT) if you don't like the outcome tell me what to fix!
Credit to feildaze’s cat maker!
Omg where is Nightlight at ?
happy sunday yall!
its Monday but sure
Look at me now... >:3
Look at me!
being a medicine cat is a great way to explore! just learn all the herbs and click lunarclaw again then you can go to other clans
violet fall the medicine cat
no way...
imma be moss-shadow and meeting moose
but thats moose meeting moose?
no its moss-shadow meeting moose
moss-shadow is a pale yellow w/ blue eyes. moose is...the moose in the game/
i k but i could nt make that color
how do i hunt and fight??
Opalhousecake is sorry
can u join the sunclan show?
i dont think so
for real
i need help with the peace of mind, peace and quiet, nightmares, couples therapy and the cheater cheater flower eater quests please! i just cant figure them out T^T
For cheater cheater flower eater be sun clan and talk to moose
okay so you hold deathberries and then catch a fish
Когда нибудь я обязательно дождусь завершения загрузки...
How do you get the "peace and quiet" thing?
how do i get a mate and what is the use of the fis
okay so I don’t know much but you can hide deathberries in the fish the complete the ‘peace and quiet’ task given by Lucy, and the pink tulip is near the fallen clan caves , pink tulips are how to get mates and kits
Sry it long
For peace and quiet, you need deathberries and a fish... or just deathberries, i think
Edit: If you decide only deathberries, you need to be an experienced med cat
how catch fish?
You first get a pink flower, which should be near Fallenclan, and click on the cat u want to be mates with. and u can conceal deathberries in fish by holding a deathberry, and then clicking a river for fish.
Can you make a tutorial for players so that we know where to go and what to do?
theres one on nala's yt acc
do your kits ever grow up? Its been like 2 moons since my kits have been they've been born but they're still lying there in the nursery.
They don't grow up
awwww thats sad
Dey ley dere forever
hey guys just tellin' you, there are heaters if you you play wildcraft and wcue (warrior cats ultimant edidion) (ik im bad at spelling)
so good luck.
Mine keeps crashing
How to get brambleclan
BrambleClan is not a clan that you can play in
love this game but when’s the next update?
this game will not be updated again, as for Mossy’s scratch account got deleted. sad, but there’s nothing we can do
Wha- why
noone knows why, it really isn’t fair at all.
Yea ikr...
where is the stone to mark littlebird's grave?
I don't know if you found it by know but if you go into FallenClan territory outside the camp entrance talk to the black cat with white on his tail then come back a day later and he will give you the stone.
Fallenclan. Ask the back cat guarding the cave
Can you go to the gatherings if you are not a warrior?
You can come if you're a Medicine cat I think,
aww, pretty,
Is there a way to join the circus?
How do ask to go to the gatherings?
Depends which clan ur in, if ur from FireClan you need to ask Breezestar to go on a full moon.
im flirting with a dog xD
Wait. Can it be mates with you???
where is the pink tulip?
nevermind, I found it
What do I do after my kits are born?
dunno, my kits arent growing up either..
They dont the game isn't finished and I don't think has the motivation to make it
HOW DO I HUNT? I'm stupid.
there is a bar above the screen, the bar has a pointer, switch rooms until the bar moves, when the pointer is on the blue/purple section, find the rat or rabbit