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Try to give a wilted flower to a horse they're going to eat it


guys, who knows how to get nightmares

Talk to Gorsetail

Where is he?

I was bored so I clicked on a horse with the wilted flower and the horse ate it so I went to the other horse and I gave it a wilted flower and it ALSO ate the flower

No matter how many times I play this game I don't understand how nala coded all this greatness! In other words this game is really good

Deleted 74 days ago

Real smart commenting this on the actual moss-shadow's profile. And Moss wasn't banned on here, only on scratch. It's not cool to impersonate someone, it's very immature


You aren't fooling anyone, quit trying to get attention. You are clearly not Nala.


The actual moss-shadow sounds literally nothing like this and isn't even a fan of warriors. Maybe get your facts straight before trying to impersonate people :)


Please don't impersonate people, thanks


hello loser

Does this game support mobile? It doesn't load for me I'm on tablet

I really doubt that it is mobile friendly, it has movement (arrow keys and w, a, s, d) and it looks like it doesn’t like it.

The game is mobile-friendly if you select the mobile option, but it likely isn't loading for you on your tablet due to how large the game is


Name ideas?

Maybe ‘The Watching Eye’?

Oo thats a  good one

(1 edit)

If you want new character with certain characteristics for me to draw, I can do that :)

could I see an example of your art?

(1 edit)

I’ll just get that!

Here      ^


how about the secret of the moonstone?

oo i might use that for a ch name

:3 I was thinking maybe we can work together on some panels or whatsoever. Do you have a scratch account? Mine is Frostfang_Goldenpelt, but there aren’t any projects yet, so you can search up Zaizai_Official and go into followers to find me, because I follow her.

I commented on your profile 


Anyone know how to get the 'Cheater, Cheater, Flower Eater' achievement? cus i can only get the 'Couples Therapy' one lol

when nightlight ask about having more than one mate say no

i've done that but it never works, maybe my thing's just broken lol, thanks for the help tho ^^

Have you talked to moose and grasswhistle?

ah i didn't know i needed to talk to grasswhistle, thank you so much

problem, grasswhistle only says their usual dialogue, did i do smth wrong? i gave the pink tulip to nightlight as moose requested, did the other thing, then said no to nightlight when she asked the question, then spoke to moose again, gave the wilted flower to nightlight, talked to moose, now i'm talking to grasswhistle but they just keep saying the usual thing (i'm so sorry for being a bother btw-)

maybe take moose as a mate but also you need to talk to nightlight again then wait 2 days then moose and grasswhistle are mate


the greenish-blue lookin cat by the horses at the fair :>

I'm the complete opposite no matter how many times I try I can't get the achievement couple therapy please help me!

When nightlight  asks you if theres anything wrong about her wanting multiple partners, say no, then go back and talk to moose, moose will ask you to give a wilted flower to nightlight, do that then talk to moose again, then take moose as a mate and wait  two days, moose will move to inside the tent thing and will be sitting next to grasswhistle, talk to them and then go talk to nightlight again, you should get the achievement then ^^

problem is it keeps on giving me cheater cheater I have no idea what's going on and why it doesn't give me the right achievement

oh! wait sorry, i read your message wrong, to get couples therapy, say yes when nightlight asks you if theres something wrong with her wanting multiple mates, then umm, i forgot to give me a second to play it through again

alright, so you want to say yes when nightlight asks you if theres smth wrong with it, then you talk to sleetshine(inside the tent at the fair), go back and talk to nightlight, then talk to moose, you should get the Couples Therapy achievement 

I cannot figure out how to get the Peace of Mind achievement I think it's because I'm bad at games does anybody else know?

Talk to Robinfur (the brown tom next to Breezestar’s den). Once you do that, go to the medicine den, click on the bright orange flower, and your character should the have a leaf with a bunch of poppy seeds in their mouth. Then, go back to Robinfur. There is more to the quest, so if that doesn’t work, just ask and I’ll explain more.

Can somebody draw my oc? It's just because I want to see your guys beautiful art. :D He is a medicine cat and has a nice personality, pretty emotional though.

This is so so cute thank you sorry that I was offline for a while


Talk with Ebonysong- the black cat with the white tail tip guarding FallenClan camp. He’s next to Nightlight.

Wisteria-moon :

I'm new so idk what to do :0

(1 edit)

I was experimenting with dead flowers, and both of the horses in the circus ate it! I don’t know, found that pretty funny.

(3 edits)

Edit 4: so that mossys Notifications does not get full of like all of this i have made a thingy for you to post your cats Its here

hello there im gonna make stuff based off the west woods series and to do that i need cats so i would appreciate if you gave me a oc i can use for it ofc you will be credited 

Edit 1: if you give me a cat to use a can change there personality

Edit 2: i will change some colours slightly

Edit 3: i dont care if your cat design is rlly basic

have my creation 



usually strict, rule following, strong but rather apathetic shecat

constantly talking with birds


ooo thanks im 100% gonna use this tho if i do can i change there personality (btw i will change the colors slightly)  

hello i have made a sprite for this cat (not fin and also may change)

WAA ITS SO PRETTY WHAT ?!?!?!?!?!?! 

i might make more, tell me how many u need

i need a full clan lol but i might not take some cats from you depending on how much i like them or they might not show up at the same time cause of timelines

(1 edit)

i didn't like that sprite so here is the sketch for the new one im making 

Edit: and the finished sprit

gah ur drawings r really pretty! !  ill make sure to make a few more


A smat, snarky senior warrior. she is no nonsense and has had 2 apprentices. Everyone questions why she doesn't become deputy, but she only says "I'm comfy as a warrior".

could you pls repost that  here i like having all the cats in one place but also i love your cat and the lore you gave me i like

Deleted 85 days ago
(1 edit) (-1)

 I have an oc you can use her name is venusbloom if you have discord account dm me for more artwork my username is fetchstudios2.But if you don't have it its fine.

that cat is so gorgeous! and no i dont have a discord acc

that's ok i don't mind you using them

but i have to ask is that cat by you cause the text seems to be dif for the by kitsun part and the other words

hey, I'm sorry but I see another watermark above the cat's paw and the "By Kitsune" doesn't match with the Venus`bloom name thingy

yes because her name was originally Venus but was changed because I had hard time deciding which name

hi! this artwork was done by brock-hamper(unless you apparently just moved accounts) on buzzly. please don't steal :,)


I moved account because someone was stalking me 

It has another watermark

Here’s Adderleap! I experimented with his colors a bit- if you want to change the grey to some other colors I wouldn’t mind.

My story for him is that he used to be apart of some other Clan  (or rogue group, if there are no other Clans in your story), but was exiled. If asked why this happens, he grows defensive and refuses to answer why. He’s loyal, a skilled fighter, and would die for his Clan, but he is cold to those he doesn’t know well and quick to start a fight. I think him Pansexual.

If you need anything other details, tell me. Or any other cats, for that matter. It’s fun to make ‘em up.

i love the design but could you pls repost it in the cameos project i made? and also i would love if you could make more cats 

gonna start putting my ocs here.

aethershimmer/shimmering aether you cant see (aether)- fireclan medicine cat

their mother was formerly a part of Those Who Follow The Sun (oc group) but left because she was pregnant, usually in fireclan but also traveling to the dry forest to communicate with the Matriarch or the Watchful Ones, usually quiet and observant, does not show sympathy for those who dont deserve it, and has a strict moral code. Has a conection to all kinds of ancestors.

i cant wait for the update!

there's gonna be an update? i thought moss shadow was quitting all their west woods projects

yaa there is gonna be a update

I couldn't believe it either! Mossy is de-scratch-ifying it and whatnot. Super stoked!!



well i saw it on a yt live stream by them

will check it out later, ty

just a reminder, nala uses he/they pronouns, preferably they/them. :)

sorry s key slipped


Hi! I'm still working on West Woods' final MAP. There's around 30 parts open still if you wanted to join :)

Deleted 90 days ago

mossy i cant tell what parts are taken on the scratch thing they all say "(taken)"


The YouTube parts in the description are up to date


I would LOVE to but idk where/how i would send it


Scratch or YouTube. Either works

How on scratch? (I cannot use YT for dis)

Sorry If im Being a burr im your fur XD

You could upload the project and just send me the link to it here

Okay! Thanks! What part do i get/what do i have to do? Sorry for the late reply, i was busy with school

if there are parts still open id gladly like to have one :3

As of right now, parts 5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 34, 35, 37, 39, 42, 44, and 48 are open

(1 edit)

 Is it possible for my kits to become apprentices at all? 


Dey ley dere forever

Nezehal SeventySeven i know your here (properly)

(1 edit) (+1)

where are the Horse

have you looked for them?

yes, I found them 


Hi, can anyone make my oc please🙏 ? 

Personality: Kind, loyal, sweet, swift

Pronouns: she/her

Name: Wishstar/pool (usually goes by the name Wishpool) 

Backstory: She was found abandoned in a pit, and she was saved by a group of Thunderclan and Skyclan warriors. Her adoptive mother is Moonflower and she was the first leader of Starclan. She is very talented and has the authority to stop any battle in its tracks, she has a secret power to control light and shadow giving her the ability to control cats.

guidelines: she is a gray tabby tuxedo, and her eyes are one green and one blue Very fluffy

somewhat of reference:

Would he be considered a tabby tuxedo? : r/TuxedoCats

i see you everywhere

I am everywhere 😛



LOL I made this:


  • Personality: Kind, loyal, sweet, swift
  • Pronouns: she/her
  • Name: Wishpool (also known as Wishstar)
  • Backstory:
    • Found abandoned in a pit, rescued by Thunderclan and Skyclan warriors.
    • Adoptive mother is Moonflower, the first leader of Starclan.
    • Talented with the authority to stop battles.
    • Secret power to control light and shadow, allowing her to control other cats.
  • Appearance:
    • Gray tabby tuxedo
    • One green eye and one blue eye
    • Very fluffy

if u want a drawing i could make it later

Deleted post


Deleted post

Wait, Your art is a lot like Honey-Flame's do you guys have some connections?

Nevermind :)

Deleted post

Horse:no thots

"im jus gong to- nom

i'm jus going to- NOM**

Give the horses food! to the tent, click it, then point ur mouse pointer next to it, have a wilted flower to the horses! 

It’s wont lemme play :’)

hello! had anybody figured out how to get the learn about tansystar and briarripples father thing?



(1 edit)

You have to go talk to the yellow and black cat to the left of Fallenclan camp until she has no new dialogue, then go back and talk to the cat that asked you (sorry I didn't include names, I'm very bad at remembering them lol) go the direction she points to until you see an arrow that wasn't there before. Click it and go right until you see another cat (Or two depending on the time of day) and talk to her until she has no new dialogue, then go back to the cat that asked you, finish her dialogue, and you should get the achievement!

can u describe what the cat that asked looks like?

Give me a sec-

I decided to become a medcine cat, that made me boring.

Ayuda no encuentro el fantasma de Fire Clan


Lucy solo se puede ver en luna nueva (cuando la luna está completamente negra) y si Nutshade confía lo suficiente en ti como para decírtelo. Para encontrarla, debes ir al área donde está la guarida del gato curandero y hacer clic en la flecha que apunta hacia abajo. Esto solo funciona durante la noche, pero también hay un problema técnico si has hecho la pesadilla en la que Lucy no aparece.

everyone sry to those who liked my drawing i cant send any more art here cause its difficult to send the art from my ipad to my pc and send it here 

Oh ok its alright

Somebody help me I can't get couples therapy no matter what

Turns out I just needed to talk to a certain cat Whoopsie Daisy

I went as meeting the ghostof Fire clan before computer crashed

i can draw ocs for all of y who wants 

if y want one reply to this message and type the below details:-



4.eyecolour if y forget i will add any colour i feel


6.short backstory(optional but it will make the charecter better)

7.eyelash style

8. face and neck drawing or full body with seperate face and claw caps

ill try sending it as soon as possible

Name: daylight tale

Eye colour; green and is half blind

Fur colour: grey-ish blue colour with no patterns

Fur style: hairless 

Personality: Rude , flirty and bad-tempered

Back story: she was a river clan cat as a kit then when she almost drowned by a flood there her brother ran away with her and raised up at the barn

Eyelash: short

Meck and shoulders pls :)

(1 edit)


Name Bloodscar 

Furstyle : fluffly as fluff ,but tail is the fluffiest in The world

Eye color : amber

Personality: depends on The cat ,normally adventerous but slow

Short backstory: Rouge, found by ThundaClan, Brother ded , apprentice, lover, frend , warrior, sister be medicine cat ,sister killed by frend ,lover has kits , kit, her own kits , lover ded ,grandkits

Eyelash style : any

8. : any youd Like 

Hiiii! I can make your warrior cat oc's! Just follow the steps below for the best results.

1. describe their personality (Ex.Silly, flirtatious, smart)

2. give me their pronouns (Ex. she,him,they,it, etc.)

3.tell me their name (If you have trouble making a name click here! (COMPLETELY SAFE! JUST A THING TO HELP WITH YOUR NAMES!)

4. tell me their backstory (Former kittypet, was abandoned by her parents as a kit)

4.give me some guidelines (Ex. CANNOT LOOK VIOLENT)

5. Tell me if they are FLOOFY, fluffy, or sleek and the type of their fur. (ex. Curly, straight, ect.)

6. Tell me their fur color and markings (Ex. Orange with Black stripes)

7. Tell me their eye color (can be blind)! If you don't/forget, I'll change it to what I think suits your cat!

8. Tell me if they have scars or torn ears and stuff like that. (ex. one eye is completely destroyed and is scarred.)

9. Reply to submit it

note: I can only make the head and shoulders of your cat.

I'll do my best to make your cat as soon as possible! (PLEASE USE NATURAL COLORS FOR THEIR PELT) if you don't like the outcome tell me what to fix! 

Credit to feildaze’s cat maker!

Omg where is Nightlight at  ?

happy sunday yall!


its Monday but sure

Look at me now... >:3

Look at me!

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