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How do yo learn about Tansystar and Briarripple´s dad??????

talk to beestripe over and over

Do your kits grow up?

(1 edit)

No (I don't know if the 3.0 update that Mossy says is coming will change that or not)

it's out? 

Show post...

think so

Wdym think so? It is out

Show post...

thats what ive heard... beats me!


...And here we go,another one.

GUYS WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING now we got Dustfeather x Cottonwillow



Whats next? Duskclaw?

Deleted 26 days ago

where is the wilted flower

The first area to the left of SunClan towards BrambleClan


Talk to Ebonysong (The black cat guarding the FallenClan entrance)


diferent hights



and heres another (not to mention,Evil) OC



She looks like a 💅diva💅

Shes my most slay OC rn


Over Borders v.0.3.0 should be coming out soon. Sorry for the year-long wait.

Im so excicted!!!

yippee! :D

It's alr! You know we'll wait! :)

YES!!!! I cant wait!

YAYY!!! It's allright anyway! Take ur time! :)


question for mossy:will kits age up in over borders v.0.3.0?


will they ever grow up?

Bro i want to put my OC here but my device is such an idiot it wont let me screenshot :'3

Finally i somehow screenshoted it

r u on labtob?

my oc


Her design is so good! Could i use her for a project im doing (fine if not)

yeah sure! can you link my account in it tho? sorry lol. i made her a while ago and i really love her <3

Okay i will

Wahhh I love this game but can someone tell me how to get a mate bc I can’t find the pink tulip (on mobile

mobile makes no difference 

here he is >:3


Wait...but Spirekitclaw's gender is IDK,not male../j

he needs his drivers license

first time playing OB in a long time, time to become spirekitclaw eheheheheheh

My warriors oc! Color'Splotch! Color'Splotch uses Any Pronouns(Other than male pronouns), Yet Her Main Pronouns are She/Her, she is pansexual, and has many died fur colors, she is rather masculine in appearance, snapping back when some call her a tom, she has a rather bouncy persona! Her parents are unkown, she is a circuscat!


ty ty

moor flower is my oc and she is a villain 

she looks so slayy


thank you this is amazing  

thank you sooo much

np! That's for the compliment! :D

Awesome art! I'm moorflower's friend

*Moorstar sorry

I just got in the game and thus is the first random cat i got

best one yet


um whistle I'm not trying to expose you or nothing but um are you a furry (if so I'm not a bully I support you)  

My oc


No, not the *real* ivypool I get that a lot :O

I knew she wasnt the actual ivypool i just thought that was funny XD

I drew fan art for my character

and a set of emotes www I was bored

me when i accidentally drop my phone:


I drew them!!! :D (sorry if the art ain't that good I tried-)

Thanks! I love it!


hey um I followed you cause I was being mean 

Well moorstar saic they can see my messages so ima say it, fine i will stop bothering you with saying this sites age rating anyways i have no way to prove you are even underage but could you pls unblock me cause what if you posted like an oc or smith and a liked it and i wanted to say something nice about it i could not cause you blocked me

but I would also like to say when you said that you can choose to see my messages it made me a bit upset with how you had "your" in bold

I'm so sorry I just ment that I can see it  now 

New OC!

She is so pretty!


not bad

why does she remind me of a steven universe character, still she looks SLAYYYY

Guys, please help. I can't seem to get Peace and Quiet

you press c+m and type  "dethberries"  then click/tap a cat to make them die

how to get kill cat achievement?

Become medicine cat in Fireclan, take a deathberry in your mouth, go to somewhere with water, click the water so u get a fish in your mouth (remember so have the berry in your mouth when you do this) than you go give it to someone (i think it doesnt work on everyone but most cats)

Doesnt work on deputies,Meds and leaders.By the way,you need to put the deathberries into a fish for some characters.(When you got the berry,click the river and the fish should have the berry

it only works on warriors/loners/kittypets???/rogues

thank you

I know moorstar blocked me but I'm still goona say it this was for moorstar Btw-  I don't care if you block me I don't care what you think and I don't like you cause of the way you respond to me all I did was say this site is 13+ 

Also could someone say this to them cause i cant (say its from me)

i told them for you ^^ not sure if anyone else has but i did just in case


just leave me alone you started it and I already know all  the stuff yall is trying to prevent me from knowing so LEAVE ME ALONE  pls

can you deliver another message? If you can this is the message " why don't you leave me alone ?? All you do is talk rudely to me like f### off all I did was say this site was 13+"

of course, i'm happy to help with anything ^^ (i would like you to note i don't wanna get dragged into this too much tho, i cannot do fighting/yelling ^^"")

oki i won't ask you to deliver any more and I hope that I won't even need to send any more messages

yall im going mad bc no one in fireclan is getting sick like guys just get sick or smt i just wanna be able to do my job

is moss shadow a girl or boy

they go by they and he I think, hope this helps :)

Mossshadow is male with He/They Pronouns!

Moss-shadow goes by they/them pronouns

Y do some ppl keeping saying (usually in response to others) that certain things haven't been added YET. There is no "yet" as Moss isn't updating any west wood games due to them using the scratch speech bubbles and scratch having terminated his account (for a hypocritical against their own TOS reason). Sorry if this is a lil aggressive, I'm not trying to be but ppl need to stop saying things like "X hasn't been added yet" as that implies that Moss is going to update the game at some point. I do wish that instead of not updating the game, he would redesign it and just not use the scratch speech bubble, but he has already stated that he isn't going to update/make any games about West Woods.

Tho I do kiinda wanna know why Sliverstone/Sliverstar doesn't seem to exist in the game. Did she become a Kittypet or a Loner before becoming leader and that being why we don't see her in game??

Mossy IS gonna update the game

hopefully :(

they are have you not seen the live streams?

eh no

(1 edit)

No, because I haven't been to their yt channel in a long while and in general don't watch live streams. I was also going by the fact their bio states this "Due to ScratchTeam deleting my almost 10-year-old account, I'll no longer be making West Woods Games" (this is copied directly from their bio)

it says making not updating 

sorry to burden you with that

I am

Are you saying i am to being 11 cause if you are you should not be on itch its 13+

to bad so sad suck it up if you don't like it

This site is 13+ you are 11

(1 edit)

I DO NOT CARE that you don't want me here existing and so I'm blocking you

not sure if anyone's told you this yet, but Whistlewhisper has a message for you: " don't care if you block me I don't care what you think and I don't like you cause of the way you respond to me all I did was say this site is 13+" ^^

Is it just me or does libby/moorflower/frost sound like a random 11 year old (so sorry if you are not)


hey if you want you can go here

yall it snowed for the first time in 7 years my name is Libby by the way can yall call me moorflower/frost


Hey Moorflower! 

hey come here pls    


I think not


Lil bro met his twin sibling after 9999999999999 long moons,

My name is lynx

i just love moss shadows games...


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