In BrambleClan, the den next to the ginger cat with black stripes (Ashtail) which is next to where Amberstar, Moss-shadow and Duskfall are. In FireClan, the same place where Crescentsomething and her kits are, however, there is a glitch now that she and her kits don't move so they're literally sitting on them, so probably wait for her kits to become apprentices before having kits in FireClan. In SunClan, by the boxes. In FallenClan, the first den you see.
Rahh, I miss when I could go inside the project in Scratch to see all the updates instead of figuring it out as I played the game... Oh, well, this is more fun I guess.
help him with poppy seeds and then talk to him again then talk to him at night at the nest near the medicine cat den. then become a full meddicine cat by becoming apprentice then healing 10 cats then go to moonstone and have vision keep on having visions until you can't then sleep in warriors den once done with the red vision talk with Robinfur
Can the next update be your kits growing up plz. I've been waiting ever since version 2.0. but if not thats okay i just love you game i play it everyday.
I'm a bit confuse on who is who sometimes but I think this is a really neat game! I remember playing your old games on scratch years back, it is amazing to see that Kit to leader has came back as I remember loving to play that game and I am excited to play this game more later on tomorrow when I get the time. Also, this is kind of out of the blue but I wanted to say if you ever need music made I could try and help, I only know so much in music as I am still learning (I do make mostly digital with musescore) however, I do have a kalimba, violin, ukulele, harmonica, and something else (forgot the name) so I could record myself playing if need be.
Once again, your games are really neat and I am excited to see how these are updated in the future, wish ya luck on them.
On the achivments, it says that ive killed cats with deathberries. Ive restarted multiple times. It still says that - it didn't say it yesterday. (yes, i love your game so much i play it on multiple days) But I don't mind! I have an achievement = acomplished
When I try to talk to Bumblestripe or Sunnygaze for the Sparrowtail quest, they just say the usual things they say. Like Bumblestripe will talk about Fallenclan and Sunnygaze says that I'm not allowed in the Cold Stone
when i chose not to have an apprentice and attempted to do the evil route, juniperpaw wouldn't let me talk to him because "someone else" was in the den, but nobody was there. how do i fix this without restarting??
I am trying to get the Nightmares achievement, but when I try to talk to Beestripe about her past/the farm, she says "There isn't much more I could tell ya," even though I had not previously talked to her.
oaky I'm going to the nursery in fallenclan because its says the achievement but when I got there, there were no kits at all. So I went back to my mate (Female) and she asked me to try kits. I think this is a little bug because if you play as a female and choose a male outside of our clan your kits will always spawn so I think this is a bug besides this is great!
If you are a male and you choose a female mate out of your clan and you try kits it dosent say if you are expecting kits or not. And if you keep giving them pink tulips it will keep asking you to try for kits. One more thing is that when you do get a kit as a male where does your kits go? (including: Sunclan, Brambleclan, and Fallenclan)
If you give the she-cat a pink tulip, if she's pregnant, she'll say "In case you didn't know, I'm expecting". For the kits spawning, SunClan will be the boxes, BrambleClan is their nursery in that bush Ashtail is next to, and FallenClan is their nursery which is the first cave opening when you enter
go to the apprentice den take your apprentice out and then go back in and talk to Juniperpaw or if Juniperpaw is your apprentice just got talk to him. then go to Nutshade and say something with ghosts.
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Also...Where is the Gathering held?
theres something like the fourtrees in middle of the four clans
Above the Grey cat with White paws, Hawk Feather, is an Arrow. The go all the way right and there is the Gathering.
How do you take Plumclaw off patrol?
talk to breezestar
I have a bunch of mates but idk how to have kits with any of them. they aren't giving me the option to :(
you have to give them another pink tulip and then ask
Where do I find my kit once I've given birth?
In BrambleClan, the den next to the ginger cat with black stripes (Ashtail) which is next to where Amberstar, Moss-shadow and Duskfall are. In FireClan, the same place where Crescentsomething and her kits are, however, there is a glitch now that she and her kits don't move so they're literally sitting on them, so probably wait for her kits to become apprentices before having kits in FireClan. In SunClan, by the boxes. In FallenClan, the first den you see.
You can't wait for her kits to be apprentices, you gotta mentor one
Lol, no you don't. You can say you don't want to.
the sound when i kill someone
where's hollybreeze or whatever her name is. NVM I found her
where did you find her?
She's the black cat that sits next to the horses with her sister.
Let me know if this helps!
where can i find the horses?
go to where the tent is and where ceris and her mate r
then click the empty space beside the tent
hope this helps
Where is the stupid rock? I can't find it!
ask the black kitty at fallenclan
Ask Ebonysong of FallenClan for a rock, then go back a day later and he'll give it to you. Then talk to Robinfur.
um so it says im a murderer??????
its a glitch right now
oh, ok
The Fireheart cheat doesn't do anything.
Yeah, it's probably a glitch.
Or unfinished.
Rahh, I miss when I could go inside the project in Scratch to see all the updates instead of figuring it out as I played the game... Oh, well, this is more fun I guess.
you can look at the dev log
it shows you what was added
Lol, I know. It isn't as detailed as Scratch, however, as in Scratch it shows a lot more.
It says I have killed tons of cats 😕
Its just a glitch right now
Wait, which cat is Plumclaw?
Robinfur, too.
Robinfur is the deputy and plumclaw is the one at the edge of the border
no plumclaw is the deputy but hes on a patrol, robinfur will be the next deputy and is standing next to breezestar`s den
I only managed to get into the Cold Stone because I used Deathberries on everyone in the cave. lol
how do you complete robinfur`s quest?
help him with poppy seeds and then talk to him again then talk to him at night at the nest near the medicine cat den. then become a full meddicine cat by becoming apprentice then healing 10 cats then go to moonstone and have vision keep on having visions until you can't then sleep in warriors den once done with the red vision talk with Robinfur
but i still cant be his mate :,c
I know it made me sad too.
how do I complete the help robinfur with his headaches quest?
(Never Mind I Found Out)
Can the next update be your kits growing up plz. I've been waiting ever since version 2.0. but if not thats okay i just love you game i play it everyday.
I'm a bit confuse on who is who sometimes but I think this is a really neat game! I remember playing your old games on scratch years back, it is amazing to see that Kit to leader has came back as I remember loving to play that game and I am excited to play this game more later on tomorrow when I get the time. Also, this is kind of out of the blue but I wanted to say if you ever need music made I could try and help, I only know so much in music as I am still learning (I do make mostly digital with musescore) however, I do have a kalimba, violin, ukulele, harmonica, and something else (forgot the name) so I could record myself playing if need be.
Once again, your games are really neat and I am excited to see how these are updated in the future, wish ya luck on them.
Hey there! The west woods wiki page might help if you don't know who people are :)
I think the achivements that you get from killing cats are bugged as they seem to show up like you made them even though you just started the game.
On the achivments, it says that ive killed cats with deathberries. Ive restarted multiple times. It still says that - it didn't say it yesterday. (yes, i love your game so much i play it on multiple days) But I don't mind! I have an achievement = acomplished
When I try to talk to Bumblestripe or Sunnygaze for the Sparrowtail quest, they just say the usual things they say. Like Bumblestripe will talk about Fallenclan and Sunnygaze says that I'm not allowed in the Cold Stone
ask the yellow she that is laying in the herb grounds
All she says is to let her rest
Talk to Goldenstrike again first
Uhh do your kits grow?
when i chose not to have an apprentice and attempted to do the evil route, juniperpaw wouldn't let me talk to him because "someone else" was in the den, but nobody was there. how do i fix this without restarting??
I'll take a look at that. I don't think I've really tested not having an apprentice lol
What do you do to find ask Briarripple for their father?
ask the bee like kitty! till she says she has nothing els to tell you
Help it says i killed 10 cats with deathberrys and killed everyone that you can kill but i just made the cat and only did one quest!
Okay i made a new cat started the game looked at achievment and its says the same thing help
Also how do you put deathberries in the fish?
You hold death berrys then tap a river
How do you go to the Cold Stone? I'm a med cat but the cats guarding it still say you have to be an exp med cat to be allowed in.
You have to Cure 10 cats
I am trying to get the Nightmares achievement, but when I try to talk to Beestripe about her past/the farm, she says "There isn't much more I could tell ya," even though I had not previously talked to her.
You have to have the black and white nightmare then go to the farm
oaky I'm going to the nursery in fallenclan because its says the achievement but when I got there, there were no kits at all. So I went back to my mate (Female) and she asked me to try kits. I think this is a little bug because if you play as a female and choose a male outside of our clan your kits will always spawn so I think this is a bug besides this is great!
(sorry I keep misspelling and asking you so much)
pink flowers in fallenclan terretorry give them to said cat (not all take the proposal tho)
can you be in a different clan as of the latest update?
Not yet, but I think soon SunClan will be unlocked
Okay question:
If you are a male and you choose a female mate out of your clan and you try kits it dosent say if you are expecting kits or not. And if you keep giving them pink tulips it will keep asking you to try for kits. One more thing is that when you do get a kit as a male where does your kits go? (including: Sunclan, Brambleclan, and Fallenclan)
If you give the she-cat a pink tulip, if she's pregnant, she'll say "In case you didn't know, I'm expecting". For the kits spawning, SunClan will be the boxes, BrambleClan is their nursery in that bush Ashtail is next to, and FallenClan is their nursery which is the first cave opening when you enter
Hi Moss-Shadow question, It wont let me be brambleclan how do i unlock that if you dont mind me asking? <3
You can't be brambleclan yet
hi mossy :D I named by account DarkSong-Of-BrambleClan, she's my character in the West Woods games :D:D:D
where is aces black market
No, she forgot to take it out via the newest update.
Moss-Shadow's pronouns are he/they :)
I know this is a comment for the game but i just want to say Merry Christmas and Happy new year
Merry Christmas to u too :)
This is an amazing game mossy! i hope you could post it on scratch soon!
What do i say when Nutshade asks what Juniper paw said????
go to the apprentice den take your apprentice out and then go back in and talk to Juniperpaw or if Juniperpaw is your apprentice just got talk to him. then go to Nutshade and say something with ghosts.
the ghosts are awake
also are the white markings on moose supposed to disappear
During a new moon, the show cats will get into their paint "costumes" and perform that night. The next day, they'll take it off until next new moon
ah, tysm, my brain was scrambled
Awww, if i click spottedstar then xerus just looks at me very cutely