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How do i get the death berries???

become med kitty

how tho

(2 edits)

Talk to Lunarclaw and she will ask if you wanna be med cat. Then you talk to Breezestar, and after that you go back and talk to Lunarclaw. She'll then teach you herbs, and......that's all I know.

or c +m then type deathberrie

or wait until the gathering then sneak into the med den and just snatch em.

Lunarclaw attends gatherings and will leave den

how do you killl?

get death berries and then click on a river, then click on a killable cat >:)


I killed 49 cats in the game


Good Job Son! 😁🤣🤣🤣

if i play in sunclan and i do the *g-ghost* quest who is tigerheart , if hes the one guarding the camp when you first come in, how do you get him off guard duty?

It's not finished yet, you can only do those quest in FireClan right now

Ask SpottedStar

it wont let me, did it let you?

Im not sure actually, I just assumed since thats how it works with breezestar 😅

love the game but it sometimes crashes on me and i just lost all my progress 

That happens to me too.

Who is Moose and Blizzardstep's crushes? They give no specification and I keep giving the pink tulip to the wrong cat

Blizzard step: the black cat at the fair if you are in the tent. Then go back to blizzardstep and then to the black cat with spots outside the fair one tile after spottedstar. 

Moose: the blue-gray cat guarding the fallen clan entrance.

thanks :D

im still stuck about the blizzerdstep one

Go to the SunClan tent then go to the horse area and just before that you will see a black and brown cat, Holly breeze (I think that's right) the black cat, is blizzardsteps crush

How do you train your apprentice?

find them in the apprentice's den, click them, answer 'yes,' then find the other mentors and click on them to learn how to train them. you can check with breezestar in her den for your training progress.


Hi! I love this game mossy, and i wanted to suggest a few things!

1: Be able to swap clans (eg: Fireclan to sunclan, Brambleclan (when finished) to fireclan)

2: Kits growing up

3: Murder a clan leader

4: Get exiled 

5: Loner mode (when exiled, before swapping clans, or chooseable.)

I hope you have a nice day <3


Hi there! I can't speak for Mossy, but this is currently an in-development game. This means not all the features are in yet. Mossy is a very busy person, and he already gets a lot of these notifications, plus there is a lore attached to all the West Woods games. I suggest not doing these messages as he will likely never respond to them, or before the game is finished.


I have been a west wood fan for a year, and i do know mossy is very busy. His games are talented, so they must take a lot of time. I do not understand why it is bad to suggest things. May you please explain this to me?



It isn't terrible to suggest things I'm just saying because he won't be adding them-- for starters, checking out that he does state this is a work-in-progress and future updates will include kits growing up, more clan opportunities, etc! This is also a whole timeline, as well as there being kind of a lore. Being able to play as your random character in this game does step out of the lore a bit, so I'm saying you can't murder a Clan leader, because that's not part of the lore, as well as not getting exiled because it's not part of the lore.

okay. Ty <3

Oooo I love these suggestions, esp swapping clans

Hey Mossy! Just wanted to ask how are Quailburst or Sparrowtail pregnant? I'm a bit confused on that :]

theyre both shecats

No, I meant how she drew costumes for them being pregnant.

ayo- why is smallpaw so BIG?



Bc they thought she wood be smol


it seems like juniperkit is skipping his first line of dialogue since when I talk to him he talks about getting me as a mentor instead of introducing himself. don't know if it's intentional but it seems like a bug

no, happens to me :)

Try talking to Juniperkit on day 2, that's when I know his/her name

I was randomly generating my name and got Strikestrike XD

How do I have kits?

If you have a mate of the opposite gender, you can give them a pink tulip and they'll ask to try for kits. Keep giving them tulips until either you're expecting or they say they're expecting.

Thanks :D

give your mate a pink tulip it will ask you if you want to try kits. if you a male and your mate is a she-cat it will say "Oh honey in case you didn't know I'm expecting kits" and if your a female with a male mate it will show a kit symbol in the upper right

Thanks :D

Wait- I'm doing the nutshade thing and i talked to the spirit person but now what do i do- I got the deathberries

talk to lucy's spirit with the deathberries in your mouth

u need deathberries?

not to talk to her the first time, but after talking with her a few times, she will require you to get deathberries. to show you got them, you have to talk to her with them in your mouth


What do the different roses do?



No, I know they do SOMETHING

At least the tulips do

Pink- Mates/kits

Yellow- friendship

White- friendship

Yeah I figured that out, but thanks anyway! :D

yellow and white can be used for friendship while giving someone pink means you like them romantically

Pink - Love confession
Yellow and White - Friendship

Yellow and white tulips are just like friendship flowers. Give them to whoever and nothing really happens. The pink heart-shaped tulips are used to ask someone to be mates. And the wilted flowers are used to break up with your mate

pink tulips are used to advance romantic relationships, gray flowers are used for breakups, and yellow/white tulips are used as platonic gifts and to advance certain quests

Okay thanks everyone but how do you get kits? Is that any other flower or do I do something else?

Keep giving mate pink tulips. It's good if it doesn't say "Try for kits?" 'cause that means there won't be any

after the first flower, biologically compatible mates should ask "try for kits?" at the end of their dialogue when given pink tulips. saying yes will result in a random chance of pregnancy, meaning it'll probably take a few flowers to produce results. if you're female, a kitting countdown will start and you'll give birth in your clan's nursery, but if you're male, you'll have to give your mate another flower for them to tell you they're pregnant, and a bit after that kits will show up in their clan's nursery. there's currently no way to tell your mate has given birth past the first litter unless you go to gatherings, in which case the births will be announced, so you may want to periodically check the nursery. hope this helps

Yeah I figured that out a while ago, but thanks anyway! :D

ah I didn't realize how long ago this thread was, sorry ^^"

Deleted 262 days ago

the roses are signs of friendship

How do you get a wilted flower?

Its to the left of the entrance to sunclan

Okay, Thank you 

No prob 

How do you get the "Cheater, Cheater, Flower Eater" acheviment?

Talk to Moose a few times until he asks you to give Nightlight a pink tulip. Give the tulip to Nightlight and talk to Moose again. Go back to Nightlight and answer "no" to her question. Go back to Moose and talk to him. Wait until a new moon and go inside the tent, where Grasswhistle and Moose will be. Talk to them, them go back to Nightlight and talk to her again.

This is Songripple :] 

this is Sunfrost :)


Nice 😁

Reminds me of Creamfrost from kit to leader

I'm pretending that she is Breezestar's daughter as a rp

I Randomly Generated A Beautiful Character

And I Just Got Shallowstripe Genderbent


How do you train your apprentice? I cant find anything about hunting or fighting

Hunting, talk to Gorsefur, Fighting, talk to another mentor

Thank you! 

How do I get the Cheater,Cheater,Flower eater achievement?

1.Talk to Moose until he asks you to do a favor

2.Give Nightlight pink tulip(found right of FallenClan cave)

3.Talk to Moose

4.Talk to Nightlight and say either yes or no

   4ay.If you said yes, talk to Sleetshine(I said no so you have to ask someone else where Sleetshine is)

   4by.Talk to Nightlight

   4cy.Talk to Moose

   4an.If no, talk to Moose

   4bn. Give Nightlight wilted flower(be at SunClan entrance and go left. NO ARROWS)

   4cn.Go to SunClan at New Moon and meet Moose inside the tent

   4dn.Talk to Nightlight

That's how you get the achievement!

who is Nightlight?

How do you catch Nightlight cheating and how do I help Blizzardstep?

To help Blizzardstep you need to talk to him, give Hollybreeze the flower, talk to Blizzardstep again and then talk to Hollybreeze´s brother, talk to Blizzardstep again, the other one I don´t know

(1 edit)

Sorry if I sound dumb, but...WHERE CAN I FIND HOLLYBREEZE

Edit: never mind

For Nightlight cheating, you have to talk to Moose a few times, then once he asks you to do him a favor, say yes, and then give Nightlight a pink tulip. Talk to Moose after she's done talking then talk to her again, say yes to her question then go talk to Sleetshine. Once you're done with that, go talk to Nightlight, she'll tell you to talk to Moose, talk to him, then you get the acheivment.

But how to do the other achievement?

Talk to Blizzardstep once he's a warrior, bring a flower to the black cat in the SunClan tent. Then, go talk to Blizzardstep. After that, go talk to the black splotched SunClan cat (near the end of the camp) and go talk to Blizzardstep again.

That one is currently broken, but will probably be fixed soon. If you tell Nightlight “no” instead of “yes” then talk to Moose, he tells you to bring Nightlight a wilted flower. Take that to Nightlight and– once the path is fixed– it will break them up. Not sure where it goes from there tho.

Either you can be in SunClan now or Moss-Shadow forgot again :>

he kept sunclan as an option intentionally, u just cant do much rn

mk :D

I love this game

Where's the dead land by fireclan?

its the arrow outside the medecine den

Thank you! 🙂

Also...Where is the Gathering held?

theres something like the fourtrees in middle of the four clans 

Above the Grey cat with White paws, Hawk Feather, is an Arrow. The go all the way right and there is the Gathering. 

How do you take Plumclaw off patrol?

talk to breezestar

I have a bunch of mates but idk how to have kits with any of them. they aren't giving me the option to :(

you have to give them another pink tulip and then ask


Where do I find my kit once I've given birth?

In BrambleClan, the den next to the ginger cat with black stripes (Ashtail) which is next to where Amberstar, Moss-shadow and Duskfall are. In FireClan, the same place where Crescentsomething and her kits are, however, there is a glitch now that she and her kits don't move so they're literally sitting on them, so probably wait for her kits to become apprentices before having kits in FireClan. In SunClan, by the boxes. In FallenClan, the first den you see.

You can't wait for her kits to be apprentices, you gotta mentor one

Lol, no you don't. You can say you don't want to.

the sound when i kill someone

(2 edits)

where's hollybreeze or whatever her name is. NVM I found her

where did you find her?

She's the black cat that sits next to the horses with her sister.

 Let me know if this helps!

where can i find the horses?

go to where the tent is and where ceris and her mate r

then click the empty space beside the tent

hope this helps

Where is the stupid rock? I can't find it!

ask the black kitty at fallenclan

Ask Ebonysong of FallenClan for a rock, then go back a day later and he'll give it to you. Then talk to Robinfur.

um so it says im a murderer??????

its a glitch right now

oh, ok

The Fireheart cheat doesn't do anything.

Yeah, it's probably a glitch.

Or unfinished.

Rahh, I miss when I could go inside the project in Scratch to see all the updates instead of figuring it out as I played the game... Oh, well, this is more fun I guess.

you can look at the dev log

it shows you what was added

Lol, I know. It isn't as detailed as Scratch, however, as in Scratch it shows a lot more.

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