You have to be a sunclan cat and then go to where hollypaw and featherpaw are and then walk to the side and then again and you have the skirt infront of you
hey did u know if u kill some of the fallen clan warriors *insert name of yellow and black fallenclan cat by border* will actualy look sad? no new text tho..
Yeah, the "yellow and black" cat at the FallenClan border is Beestripe, and since she has a mate, Ebonysong (the black-and-white male cat at the FallenClan camp entrance) he will be sad that she is dead because they were mates
You can get both, but you can't get both in the same run. You have to do Nightlight and Moose's quest twice but change up one thing while doing the quest.
what do you change? because I tried not accepting being nightlites mate then telling moos and going on with that but didnt get the acheivment, then I killed nightlight but that didnt do anything. (Im going for the Cheater cheater Flower Eater, i know how to get the other one)
It depends on how you reply to Nightlight when she asks you if you think that there's anything wrong with having multiple mates when she's trying to be poly. Simply changing your answer to no when replying to her gets you the Cheater Cheat Flower Eater achievement.
If you're trying to become the FireClan medicine cat, then the herbs are in the med den. The river redirection thing is just telling you how they have so many herbs and doesn't really do anything in game.
Talk to nut shade (the red-brown cat from brambleclan) and do what he says. Then, when the Moon is Black at the Medicine Cats den you go One Tiel down and there is Lucy, say yes to continue, click her again and you'll get it.
Also, I'm baffled about which cats are who, I know you're busy Mossy but maybe you could do what you did on kit to leader and add their names when you hover over them :)
This varies from which Clan you're training an apprentice in. I'm currently more familiar with the FireClan cats. With the time spent outside of the camp, you just have to be outside of the camp. This is a great time to talk with characters to pass the time and train your apprentice at the same time. The cat that you train with for hunting and fighting varies with which apprentice you get in FireClan. In FireClan, either Willowclaw (the white she-cat left of the medicine den) or Gorsefur (the sitting she-cat to the right of the dens) with teach you how to hunt (Gorsefur if you don't have Cloverpaw as your app and Willowclaw if you DO have Cloverpaw as your app.) Also, in FireClan, either Hawkfeather (the light gray she-cat with white legs) or Willowclaw again will teach you how to fight. In SunClan, Tigerheart (the brown tabby tom guarding the camp enterance) will tell you about how to get outside the clan reputation. Thrushtail (the dusty brown tom with a darker tail next to the dumpster) will teach you how to hunt. Finally, Stonefur (the she-cat at the far right side of the SunClan camp) will teach you how to fight. I hope this helps for now! :)
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what does plumclaw look like? i wanna murder some cats with death berries!
hes by da beach near brambleclan border*
you cant kill him tho
Oh ok!
How do you get Plumclaw to leav?
Talk to breezestar
Okay thanks!
lol idk thnx Enkai
How do I get the "G-Ghosts???" achievement and also how to fulfill (or at least do SOMETHING about the prophecy)? :(
I keep going there and the ghost isnt there :(
I did multiple times and I even used cheat codes to fast forward time to a new moon (empty moon)
Where is the Dead Land?
Edit: Nvm
Where will I find stones?
Talk to the right FallenClan cat at the FallenClan camp entrance
Where is Hollybreeze??
In the room where Featherpaw is (the room where a cat is standing on boxes) she is the dark-gray cat
go ALL the way to the left, he's the black to
where is the gathering at?
Can you add Ace and his shop?
Ace is not in the game currently.
You have to be a sunclan cat and then go to where hollypaw and featherpaw are and then walk to the side and then again and you have the skirt infront of you
can you make all of the places available pls.
he will this game is still wip
i didn't know tha
Im feeding death berrys to every one, MUA HA HA HA
How do you complete cheater cheater flower eater achievement?
didn't work for me.
Plumclaw is not eating the death berries :(
That is because he is the deputy
soooooo how do you feed them deathberries?
how to become FULL med cat? I am lunerclaws appertise and leader said yea
so sorry for asking so many questions, but i cant find a playthrough anywhere! does anybody know how to go on the sunwheel?
you cant
how do you make cats eat death berries? I WANNA MURDER EVERYBODY
hold the berries in your mouth and go to where plumclaw is, keep them in your mouth and click the river (you cant kill leaders, deputys or med cats
Why can you kill you only good cat!!?? whatever I am doing it
You can k!ll moose and moss-shadow too!:0
ok ty
I love your pfp
ty! making a new pfp soon!
Wheres is the rock for the meroible thing?????????
never mind got it
@help i think i developed an adiction to this game..But ive done all achievements,HELP!
Hah, same.
hey did u know if u kill some of the fallen clan warriors *insert name of yellow and black fallenclan cat by border* will actualy look sad? no new text tho..
Yeah, the "yellow and black" cat at the FallenClan border is Beestripe, and since she has a mate, Ebonysong (the black-and-white male cat at the FallenClan camp entrance) he will be sad that she is dead because they were mates
im unfamiliar with the lore here,i just like death
Same I'm familiar with da lore but I like death too
Peace and quiet achieved
I would personaly appricieate the whole name thing popup thing from kit to leader to be in this,would help a LOT
Agreed, since there are so many more cats now.
This game is more of exploring all of the characters and talking to other characters to learn stuff about characters and to move along with quests.
im REALY confused by this game is there guide?
Just explore and talk to cats; you'll figure it out eventually (=
question how do i get the couples therapy achievement?
When I talk to moose and complete the quest, I only get one of the dual badges for the nightlight quest.
The Nightlight and Moose quest actually has two different endings. It depends on how you reply to Nightlight.
so you cant get both?
You can get both, but you can't get both in the same run. You have to do Nightlight and Moose's quest twice but change up one thing while doing the quest.
what do you change? because I tried not accepting being nightlites mate then telling moos and going on with that but didnt get the acheivment, then I killed nightlight but that didnt do anything. (Im going for the Cheater cheater Flower Eater, i know how to get the other one)
It depends on how you reply to Nightlight when she asks you if you think that there's anything wrong with having multiple mates when she's trying to be poly. Simply changing your answer to no when replying to her gets you the Cheater Cheat Flower Eater achievement.
Click on them
how get kits? how get mate??
Give pink flower to a cat and if they say yes give them another pink flower.
I got a mate but how do you get kits??
give them another pink tulip
where is ace
He's not in the game yet.
Where's the gathering at? (the one Breezestar's talking about in the beginning)
Hey do y'all know where to find all the herbs? I can't seem to find the river redirection thingy
If you're trying to become the FireClan medicine cat, then the herbs are in the med den. The river redirection thing is just telling you how they have so many herbs and doesn't really do anything in game.
hai mossy, i know your like.. super duper busy, but how do you confront nightlight and do/get both of those badges?
Talk to Moose, He will give you the quest
Talk to nut shade (the red-brown cat from brambleclan) and do what he says. Then, when the Moon is Black at the Medicine Cats den you go One Tiel down and there is Lucy, say yes to continue, click her again and you'll get it.
Hope it helps!
Where is the tile next to Breezestar's den for the nightmare spot?
Basically I kinda got stuck in the Nightmare spot, Cant get out for the life of me.
Im Confused on a couple of things and i was wondering if people know how to do this stuff
1. How do you get A Mate?
2.are you able to get/change markings on your characters bodies and if you do how?
3.are you able to change the color of the cats tail and bangs or change the tail and bangs and if so how ?
sorry if im asking a lot im just really confused...
get a pink tulip
click the leafy thingies
same as number 2
yo, I'm really confused how to train my apprentice, where do I go?
Also, I'm baffled about which cats are who, I know you're busy Mossy but maybe you could do what you did on kit to leader and add their names when you hover over them :)
go apprentice den
talk to hawkfeather to spar
talk to gorse-something to hunt
this only works if your apprentice is with u
just talk to other cats if confused
also talk to breezestar for progress
Can you describe them pretty please? I don't know who they are 😅
This varies from which Clan you're training an apprentice in. I'm currently more familiar with the FireClan cats. With the time spent outside of the camp, you just have to be outside of the camp. This is a great time to talk with characters to pass the time and train your apprentice at the same time. The cat that you train with for hunting and fighting varies with which apprentice you get in FireClan. In FireClan, either Willowclaw (the white she-cat left of the medicine den) or Gorsefur (the sitting she-cat to the right of the dens) with teach you how to hunt (Gorsefur if you don't have Cloverpaw as your app and Willowclaw if you DO have Cloverpaw as your app.) Also, in FireClan, either Hawkfeather (the light gray she-cat with white legs) or Willowclaw again will teach you how to fight. In SunClan, Tigerheart (the brown tabby tom guarding the camp enterance) will tell you about how to get outside the clan reputation. Thrushtail (the dusty brown tom with a darker tail next to the dumpster) will teach you how to hunt. Finally, Stonefur (the she-cat at the far right side of the SunClan camp) will teach you how to fight. I hope this helps for now! :)
what do yellow tulips do?
friendship - white do the same
if u want to mate - pink tulips
once mated pink tulips- kits
How do u cure the headache with robinfur
Talk to Robinfur and complete his quest. The instructions on what to do are clear
How do you sleep?
Click on your nest in the warriors' den. It with light up brighter when you hover over it.