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Where do I find Ace?

He’s not in yet, I think!

Post your favorite cat you made pls!

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I randomly got a cat named Ryerose LOL and I killed everyone :P

I don’t have a picture though..

This is Tigerwing. (I just like tigers too much tbh...)

My favourite cat is "Frostsahne" (don't ask)

She is white with blue eyes

how do i figure out tansystars and briarripples father?

u talk to the white cat (hawkfether) in fireclan, then u go to thunderclan and ask about it then go back to hawkfeather and she will tell u to go to farm. find and arrow and click it, then talk to the cat u see there

no wait u need to talk to bumblestripe who is outsde the fallenclan cave


how do i get in the cold stone without killing or being a med cat aa

become a med and heal 10 cats

you can't i guess

That's the neat part. You don't

Welp. No more pacifist run without medicine cat for me! (Moonspots, please just go to the gathering with Fallenfeather...)

you mean Lunarclaw?

no I meant the spotty yellow cat at the cold stone cause him not leaving ruined my run-

.... am confusion.

how do we get the reunite sparrowtail with her family quest 

give her any flower, keep clicking her till she takes it, talk to the sleeping yellow cat in brambleclan and keep going back and forth until you have to talk to bumblestripe or sunnygaze, sunny is at cold stone, bumble is out leaders den, and then they should go to the river at the dead land at fireclan



bruh all she needs is stripes and she would be perfect

How do you get a wilted flower?

It's just best to use the C + M menu and type in "divorce" I think and give it to ur mate.


smallpaw cloned herself?!



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i tried being a medican cat, idk how.. also WHERE IS A STONE!!! good game though

To become the medicine cat, you need to talk to Lunarclaw, and then breezestar. Then click on Lunarclaw, then all the herbs. Then ta-da, your a medicine cat

yes, but never talk the queen that has 4 kits

Get the stone from the black and white cat outside of the cave, if you've killed him, the stone is in the cave

You do need to talk to her. Talk to her, then breezestar and say "No" to when she ask you to mentor one. Then do what I said

I dont think you need to do that, since I was mentor as a med cat

where is robinfur?

Robinfur is the brown cat in Fireclan with red eyes. He's near the leaders den.

where's hollybreeze?

in the sunclan tent go to the dirt looking thing. shes on one of the boxes

What happens when you kill every killable player?

you get an achievment and then you exist as far as I'm aware

oh cool :)


How do you get to the cold stone? Do you have to heal a certain amount of cats?

nvm i just killed all of the guards...

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XD Same here, to lazy to heal 10 cats

What do you have to ask the cat in Fallenclan?


The med cat who appears right when u enter.

I think its a glitch there shouldnt be a thing that requires to talk to the med cat.

Ohh ok!

oh, you can ask her about a herb if you are holding it. just same as Lunarclaw, nothing special at all.

You say Herb when you Hold something

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Which cats can I kill?

Any cat beside kits, leaders, authority (like medicine cats).

How to get deathberries

You click on the river and then click on a deathberries from med den (or other way around) and then click on a cat. You can also use the C + M menu and type in Deathberries and there u go.

its driving me crazy

how do you make the fish skin and the death berries work?

You click on the river and then click on a deathberries from med den (or other way around) and then click on a cat. There are certain cats you cannot kill like leaders, kits, med cats, etc. But most cats are killable.


go to fallenclan camp

to heal ho 

i know



The *boom* sound when I tried to talk to Nutshade with poisonde prey in my mouth caught me off-guard

how do you put the berries in the fish?

click on deathberries in fireclan med den, then click on river

How i find the cheat menu code button?

On pc C + M

How to get Tigerheart off patrol? And who IS Tigerheart?

You can't really do that yet.

Ohh ok, thanks!

Can someone tell me  how to get deathberrries

there in the medicine cat den but you have to be a medicine cat to get them

Yeah I figured out. But thanks for telling :)


Did anyone notice that in this game, Breezestars a girl? In Kit to Leader, Breezestars a boy.

No, Breezestar has always been a girl. Idk where you got that from.

And, by the way, I went to a gathering and there were no cats, even at moon high. I still got the achievement though.

Oh but wondering, why did you think in KtL Breezestar was a boy?

No, Breezestar has always been a girl, she's just a girl who likes other girls

She was always a girl she's just gay

WHERE do i find the rock???

Which rock?

The rock for Littlebird's memorial.

talk to the cat that isn't nightlight on fallenclan patrol (outside cave)


how do you hunt

With an apprentice talk to Gorsefur in Fireclan or the other cat (which I forgot) lol. And then they will teach you how to hunt. You just find the prey and click on it. 

ok! thanks 

oh and do u know how to battle train?

cos i dont 

You can battle train with an apprentice as same and either talk to Hawkfeather or some other cat. Follow the instructions in game and for PC you use the arrow keys to match the battle game.

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i am a medicine cat but i still got the option to tell breezestar i wanted to be one, this must be a bug

Yeah it prob is, that happened to me.

It's my problem, too!

And I can't get to the Cold Stone (or how it names)

do the kits grow up?

Currently not implemented.

sad. their so cute D:

how to get kits?

Give a pink tulip to your mate.

I did how long till I have them? (I'm a she-cat)


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so fun! 

Deleted 1 year ago

nvm just go to my profile


i made a project of Fan art i've made for my clan! :)

where can i find ace and ceris

Ceris = Shyeyes and Ace doesn't exist in the game yet

Which shyeyes? Plz help-

She's the white cat with black spots in the tent next to the cat wearing the skirt.

bro wheres hollybreeze? i legit cant find her anywhere 

She's the cat in the tent when you click on the black area.

Where is the raining areas in sun clan?

Where? It rains randomly sometimes but idk.

Sorry I meant where is the training area in sunclan lol

Lol. The training area is all the way to the right, talk with the gray cat when having an apprentice for the battle training.

How do I put deathberries in the fish??

You grab the deathberries and then click on the river, or the other way around, i can't remember. 

Ohhh, really?

O: I was to stupid to find it out XD

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