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why is mt name so long, my random name is marigold'whistle

blizzardpaw cloned himself :0

how is sparrowtail goldenstrike's grandmother when her daughter was the same age as breezestar??????????

Sparrowtail is Milkywillow's mother, and Milkywillow is Goldenstrike's mother.

No that wasn't my question

Different litters.

I know but mulky willow is WAY older. and dies before sparrow tail... HOW OLD IS SPARROWTAIL?????????

Sparrowtail first mated Redclaw, and they had Milkywillow and Stormclaw. Redclaw left for FireClan during the Severence, so Sparrowtail became mates with Webbedfoot, even though her and Redclaw never really "broke up", he just left. Webbedfoot and Sparrowtail had Nightwhisper, who is actually deceased. Milkywillow and an unknown tom had Goldenstrike, and yeah. Sparrowtail's the grandmother. Oh, and the reason she's in FireClan is because she moved there after the main character in kit to leader (cannonly Sliverstar) became leader, so she moved to be with Redclaw. Sorry this is a lot lol.

no but how is her other daughter (nightwhisper) younger than her first daughter's (Milkywillow's) daughter. it just doesn't make sense to me.

Didn't Milkywillow adopt Goldenstrike?

Nope! Milkywillow had Goldenstrike with Gorsepelt/fur/claw (forget which one) and she had her right before Gorsepelt/fur/claw moved to FireClan.

Mossy please add the bramble clan and fallen clan!

he will


go to fallen clan and ask the black cat near the entrance

lol real

omg you can wear a skirt as a Sunclan cat.

I'm not telling anyone how >:)

don’t you just go to the back area of the tent where the horses are?

no! of course not... darn it. Also, you can change the color of the skirt- but I'm not telling anyone how either. Don't spoil it!



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Oh hey nobody's noticed that I've almost killed 10 cats XD

I also am wearing deathberries as well as using them owo

*accidentally kills one of my mates* Woops, I'm *not* sorry

one of the randomly generated names I got was Danglingtoe xD 


How do you help Nightlight fix her polyamorous relationship?

If you want to fix their relationship, then when she asks you if it's wrong to have multiple mates, say no. Then do the rest of the quest.

Ok thank you!


where do you find deathberries?

med den

me losing my alt account what my game is posted on casually

how do you like,, "fix" Nightlight's poly relationship thingy?

Talk to Moose until he requests you to give a pink tulip to Nightlight, give the tulip to her, talk to Moose again, when he requests you to speak with Nightlight again when Nightlight says "Do you think it's wrong?" respond with yes then speak to Seerflower and then to Nightlight again and then speak to Moose.

So that's where i was wrong- i didn't speak to seerflower .
thank you SO MUCH thou!!

I killed Sparrowtail.

I’m not sorry.

same i also did that with nutshade. the world is saved

everyone except lucy thanks you


Yeah sometimes I wish you could kill lucy. I guess then you wouldn't be able to click on her with the hidden deathberries but still.


How do you have kits???????!!

get a mate then give them more of the pink flowers

do you kill everybody to help FireStar? Oh and I forgot how to get the nightmare! PLEASE TELL ME

be med and get proph and sleep


but how help firestar??

firestar? firestar is the cat in the nightmare and Lucy is the ghost and the old fire clan, its not done you cant help her yet

oh okay~!

To get rid of firestar find him in the random places around camp and click on him. What he says is also pretty important.


sry :/ i don't know

Where is Hollybreeze, Blizzardstep's crush?

ye i need to know 2

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shes the black cat sitting on the boxies in the tent 

In the tent of Sunclan, not at the stage area but the area beside it. She's the black cat.

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how do you find the rock???

u go to fallenclan and ask the black cat with white tail guarding the cave for a stone

Sadly I can't do that bc I probably killed them XD

if you killed them go into the cave

who all is killable? Do you have to make the fireclan apprentices warriors to kill them?


every cat except leaders,kits,meds and deputys

for randomized name i got Bigface



well thats probs true


what exactly does the "true random" button do?

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it makes it true random

what does that mean?

it means that your character can be randomized to any color like green, purple, blue, and all the colors and not just the natural range.

Previously, when it was random, it made it unrealistic like neon. 


gud game.

cresentheart is missing a kit

Did the game glitch for you or something? How many kits did you see?

If you're a medicine cat, the kit might be at the healing area.

cool was this game gen? if not its still soo pretty

who is Nightlight?

The dark purple/blue cat that is on the left side of the FallenCLan cave entrance.

How do you expose her for cheating?

When she asks you if you think that there's nothing wrong with having multiple mates, answer no.


There are a few more steps - After you say no, talk to Moose. Give the wilted flower (can be cound to the left of the entrance to Sunclan camp) to Nightlight. Wait a few days and go in the tent once Moose disappears from outside the tent, then talk to Moose and Grasswhistle. After that, talk to Nightlight. She will be frustrated, but you will have gotten the achievement. I hope this helps! 

How do I give the deathberries to the Brambleclan cat?

Which cat are you talking about? Are you talking about one cat in particular or all of them?

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once you have the death berries click on any water to hide them in fish then you can kill cats

edit: you cant kill some cats

I like this game!

But... how can I kill somebody? Yes, I know, whit deathberries, but if I'm holding deathberries and talk to the SunClan-Leader, he/she only laugh!

You gotta hide the deathberries in a fish by clicking a river while holding them to hide them.

Thank you!

i'm seeing what will happen if i kill all of the available mentors


Where is juniperblaze once he becomes a warrior

He's to the right of the dead land in FireClan


LOVE THIS!!                   

Who do I ask to find out who Tansy and Briar's father is

Beestripe :)

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