I have a bunch of homework I need to catch up on, so the next update will likely come early. A lot of things were added/fixed. I think it might be an official release v0.1.0 since the training for the FireClan kits would be finished
Find firestar in the areas in order, leaders den, shore of brambleclan border, and the empty area to the right of the leaders den, then you escape nightmare. If you still need help(just scrolling through comments)
Yeah you can. First you gotta become a medicine cat to get access to deathberries, then while you're holding them click on a moving body of water to wrap them in fish skin. Then you can give them to most of the cats to kill them
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How do you find the Sunclan and Fallenclan nurseries, and can you please make sparring mobile friendly?
How is Moss-shadow so nice while the others are not?
cus she ran away before XD
how do you find a mate?
Get a pink flower from FallenClan
And how did you finish the whole story, because it says only if you played FireClan story you can play another clan's story.
you cannot play another clan's story D:
Whattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt??????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (T^T)
I have Cured at least 7 cats But I am still not a full mud cat, Although I just Use the Death Berries for the Gaurds and *Sniff* Fallenfeather-
Med cat* Not Mud Cat lol
Can you break up with your mate? I have 5 mates, but I only want one. If there isn't, may I suggest you add it?
No, there isn't a way according to what I've learned playing the game
I mean you could kill them, but not break up with them
sparring isn't mobile friendly, may I suggest you be able to tap on the buttons?
How do you spar?
It doesnt work on mobile, arrow keys or WASD on computer.
Where's the Fallenclan and Sunclan nursery?
hmmm....How do you kill a cat with Death berrys? I tried fish it didn't work
Grab deathberries and then click a river
Where do i meet lucy? the dry place by fireclan where is that?
the arrow under the med den, wait for full moon too
New moon
Yeah sorry, I mistyped
how do i get out of the starting area on computer? Ive tried a lot of stuff
never mind i got it
Is there a certain spawn rate for sick cats?
It's 30 seconds to 5 minutes I believe
when i leave the spawn den sparrowtail leaves so i cant do the quest, and i never find her
It won’t load
how do I get to the farm?
Talk to Hawkfeather, then talk to Beestripe, then talk to Hawkfeather again
what one is hhawkfeather
The gray cat with the white paw with green eyes by FireClan by the arrow
I should mention that there's no warrior ceremony for the FireClan kits yet
is there now? sorry to nag lol, just curious
me and bumble arent having kits yet TwT
I have a bunch of homework I need to catch up on, so the next update will likely come early. A lot of things were added/fixed. I think it might be an official release v0.1.0 since the training for the FireClan kits would be finished
Is thw growth of your own kits finished in that version?
How do I get out of my nightmare?
Wait, tyeres a nightmare?
Yaas, and I can't get out of it!
What does it look like?
What nightmare, how do you get it(I was just scrolling through comments, I just found this and was like, what?)
Find firestar in the areas in order, leaders den, shore of brambleclan border, and the empty area to the right of the leaders den, then you escape nightmare. If you still need help(just scrolling through comments)
How do you get rid of the map?
PC, press Z again. Mobile, just press it twice
Why is everything dark? And when I try to talk to people, it just shows my paw!
Sometimes I camt win achievements
I've fixed it in the next update. Hopefully I could have that out sometime this month.
You know where the Sunclan and Fallenclan nurseries are?
Im Gonna Play As Leech`tail BTW Is There A Download Link So I Dont Have To Keep Going To Website?
Yes, there is.
Yes, but you would have to download the newest version every time there's an update. Over Borders Download Instructions | West Woods Wiki | Fandom
oh ok
breezestar sudenly disappeared, and it isn't full moon
If you're a medicine cat, she might be in the medicine den's big nest
I alredy got 1 mate in each clan and I don't get the achievment
another question: can i poison cats? or will it not let me?
Yeah you can. First you gotta become a medicine cat to get access to deathberries, then while you're holding them click on a moving body of water to wrap them in fish skin. Then you can give them to most of the cats to kill them
thanks!! :)
when will my apprentice become a warrior? is it supposed to take long? also, love the game sm!
I don't think they can as of right now
My character's paw keeps following me and is always visible
I just fixed that :)
Am I the only one who when I click on the game it makes me download a .wedp called Index and then the game won't load?
Nevermind it loads on Oprea GX (but for whatever reason it doesn't load on any other browser)
I've fixed the Bumble/Sunny/Sparrowtail bug and I'll be uploading the new version after I draw some things so the new update isn't just a bug fix.
hi moss! have you added SunClan and FallenClan nurseries yet?
there should be a nursery in fallenclan and the nursery in sunclan is in the boxes
Where's it?
moss-shadow made a comment close to the top about that i think
How do you see your kits if youre a tom and you have kits with a Sunclan or Fallenclan cat?
Idk where's the nurseries im Fallenclan and Sunclan even after 3 days
i heart moss shadow
for memorial?
Talk to Ebonyclaw (Black cat with white tail tip; guarding FallenClan)
how do you get stone?
bumblestripe pls get off my screen
Does anyone know where is the Fallenclan and Sunclan nurseries?
Amberstar literally kicked me out of BrambleClan after I talked to Duskfall too many times XD
And when I was doing Sparrowtail's quest, I talked to Sunnygaze and after I left the cave, she was still there everywhere I went
One of Goldenstrikes kits keeps following meee (Its the light yellow on eby the Cold sone entrance)