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nice! OMG you used the names I gave you! :)

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Yeah. I kind of figured that was why she was gray. Because there are no green cats in the cat creator. Haha.

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how do you wake up  the nightmare thing 

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He/she means the prophecy nightmare, from the Robinfur quest.

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Find all three black Firestars. Firestar 1: Leader's den. Firestar 2: BrambleClan border. Firestar 3: I actually entirely forgot, but look around BrambleClan...


you need to keep finding then talking to the black ghost

How do you battle train with featherpaw? to hunt you talk to the cat by the dumpster

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To do battle train find the light gray and white cat at the very far right of the fair.

teaser for the story

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I wish Moss-shadow made an achievment that they found out you mated with a cat from another clan so you have clan cross kits 

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Im mates with Breezestar!

(you have to be a she cat to ask her out bc she only likes she-cats

I just wish I can be mates with plumclaw like Moss-shadow should add this to the game like when moonheart dies he'll have to find a new mate but I guess it has to be like realistic so he needs time to move on or something xD. 

I got 4 kits. It’s just not loading

how do you find out about tansystar's and briarripple's father???

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so u need to talk to hawkfeather and then go ask Beestripe at FallenClan. Keep talking to Beestripe (whatever her name is) until she says she cant give u any more information pr when she keeps repeating the same thing. Talk to Hawkfeather again then still tell youi to go to the barn (find a white wooden arrow and click it) then talk to the cat thats laying down next to the fence and I think u talk to hawkfeather again

where is the white arrow???

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like a room right of Hawkfeather (I thimk()

how do u teach Nightlight about healthy polyamorous relationships now T-T

nvm watching a tutorial <3


how do u help Blizzardstep talk to his crush lol


wait how

talk to him give his crush a pink flower

how do you name your kits

where can you find a stone


You hve to go to bramble clan and click the blue arrow to the south and go to the left den and kill the guards and you press the stone and you get a vision you can press it too times and you will go to the nightmare like robynfur and you have to find the black figure that are at 1.leaders den (fire clan) to plumclaw and outside the leaders den to the right and thats how you get the achivement ''help robynfur with his headachs.

Talk with one of the fallenclan guards i think

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try Sparrowtail next! Maybe that'll make her mellow up lol!

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Hey again! I keep meeting everyone that replies to me xD

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LOL. Want to talk on a padlet?

how do you learn about tansystars and brairriples dad?

so u need to talk to hawkfeather and then go ask Beestripe at FallenClan. Keep talking to Beestripe (whatever her name is) until she says she cant give u any more information. Talk to Hawkfeather again then still tell youi to go to the barn (find a white wooden arrow and click it) then talk to the cat thats laying down next to the fence and I think u talk to hawkfeather again

how do you help robinfur with his headaches?

You'll have to go to bramble clan and click the blue arrow and go to the left den and put c+m and you type deathberries and kill the guards and you get a vison of the cold stone and you sleep and you'll get the nightmare like robynfur and you can find the black figure in thes places (fire clan) leaders den next to plumclaw and outside the leaders den to the right and the nightmare ends and hell say the words that the black figure tolled you and say ''I'll bring this up to lunarclaw'' you'll get the achievment then.



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do you want to perform or watch the show? If you like to watch, press the button in between moose, then press the spacing in between the curtains

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Thanks! Is there a way to perform, too?

Aparently  no  but I think Moss-shadow is gonna add that at some point after all the clans are joinable.

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My random generated name was Bigbird

Like as in sesame street

I have no clue why, but the first thing that came to mind *earrape* LALA LALA ELMO'S WORRLLLDDDD

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(Post stories and read them in Kit To Leader Comments)

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What?! OMG *insert crying emoji*

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I know, right! And these are people who are fans of a game made by Moss-Shadow, who can identify as "they"!
Hey... do you want to hang out on padlet? Silent_Echos and I have a padlet you can join. (I'll ask her if she's okay with it.)

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what happend to mouse;((((((((((((

she grew up and had kits

Name: Willowstorm  Gender: She-cat Clan: Sunclan

Personality: A kind, gentle cat the will always put her clan first. Can be fierce when being judged of loyalty or when she faces an enemy

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a bit like Stormsong! :)

What should I name me and (a cat I don't know the name of)'s kits?

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Umm, Mudkit? Bluekit? Skykit? ???

how do you find ace?

hes in the show

what should I name this sweetheart its a female she also loves fish I don't know why its her personallity she is smart and knows what each herb does and she is a med cat! be aware SHE IS ALSO A MURDER MWHHHAHAHA ( lol I did the laugh for it to be funny) but pls good names for her

goodbye my lil kestrols

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I love Brackenstripe its her new name sorry birchblaze I love wattlesplash's idea

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haha, it's okay.

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 Herbstripe! Fishblaze!

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 to get the rock talk to dark black cat outside fallenclan

When Bramble or fallen clan in joinable I'm  join them right away 

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Me too!

I wish I could just steal the kits from the nest and it could be the acheivment called kidnapper and it will say ''take a kit away from the nursery and raise it as your own'' 

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OMG yes, that's a great idea!

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like think about it if your mates with the she-cat in fireclan that raised tyanstar and the other you can give it to her and she can raise it what you think about that? Bc since she cant give birth and all.

do you think Moss-shadow should add my idea of the kidnapper achievment?

And it would go perfectly with the kits growing up update

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 i had kits with nightlight and idk where they are

Hey again we must like the same games xD

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They're somewhere in FallenClan, look around the dens

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Nightberry is a good one. Night because his fur is dark and berry because he wears a deathberry next to his ear. Good one, right?

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Death berry,Night claw, Scar berry,Night scar

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Bloodberry, Darkscar

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The're all so pretty names but i like bloodmoon and deathberry to be honest if the cat was a evil murdurous cat it would fit the cat perfectly

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Yeah. It's really good! I originally made mine brown like the real Birchblaze cat but decided it looked too much like a rip-off of yours.

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Some ideas to add to this game... 

1.Name your kits and let them grow up. 

2.Kill the leaders and deputies.

3.Become deputy or leader.

4.Can leave clan.

5.Go on patrols.

6.Create your own clan.

(Moss-shadow your my fav game creator and I love all of your games)

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i love moss-shadows games too lol

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The're like so detailed and if you didnt know she also an creator on scratch aswell, I always make games of warrior cats myself and always takes notes when I look inside. 

*he :)

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yea I wish I can kill Spottedstar she's so mean to me and that medicine dog he/she gets on my nerves AND AM I CONFUSED WOUDN'T THE MEDICINE DOG KILL SPOTTEDSTAR LOOK WHAT HAPPEND TO SWIFTPAW!!! I THINK THE SUNCLAN CATS HAVE A DEATHWISH APRRENTLY!!!!!!

{rest in peace swiftpaw you we're brave and would made a fine warrior}

the dog (xerus I beleive) is the med dog and shes mute and freindly

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Hey everyone! Along with the West Woods Stormsong character creator challenge, you can also use to make the cats! Use any style you want (Disney, anime, casual, etc) and try to make the best character. :)

I just realized the phone number here is from the song "867-5309 /Jenny" By Tommy Tutone. So it should be called JENNYS trash service, not JAYS >:(

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hmmm maybe moss-shadow wanted to use a gender neutral name

i don't even know if jay is gender neutral

It is gender neutral. Google "Is jay gender neutral?" and this is the answer you'll get:
Neutral names can help make it safer for people to explore their gender expressions. In English-speaking countries, some of the most familiar gender-neutral names starting with J include Jackie, Jaden, Jan, Jamie, Jay, Jean, Jerry, Jessie, Jo, and Jordan.

that makes more sense!

my picture of my oc dragonstar

I love it XD

I'm new to the game, so I was just wondering, how do you train your apprentice? I would LOVE some feedback and tips!

My 4 kit litter with Moose

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I thought star star was funny. I chose the name btw not random genorated

Here is my story about dragonstar

nvm it’s glitching


ok, i can't find Nightlight, where is she?

Get out of SunClan camp and when you're outside, you'll see a brown tabby tom standing there. You'll see 2 arrows. Click on the grey one. Then continue going left till you reach the pink and yellow tulips. Go left again and you'll see two cats guarding the FallenClan camp entrance. The left cat is Nightlight.

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