talk to Blizzardstep when he becomes a warrior and talk to him until he mentions having a crush on hollyflower. go into the tent next to moose in sunclan, click on the space between the show entrance and the wall. Give the flower to her then talk to Blizzardstep. then (im not sure with the flower or not) go to the black cat at the area before the fence border and click on him. Then go back and talk to Blizzardstep.
You need to talk to the white cat. I’ve gotten it before. Then, you need to talk to another cat. Once you know where it is, go to the barn and keep talking to the cat laying there.
did you say yes when nightlight asks you if you think it's okay and then back and forth between them? it might also be you need to wait a little longer
Am I the only one that just realised if you give Blizzardstep a flower and say no when he asks if it's for him to wear, he gives it to his mate? <3
Also, can someone help, I'm trying to get the 'G-Ghost' achievement but Lucy wont freaking show up, I'm always there during a new moon but I still don't see anything???
Take a white tulip and click on Sparrowtail. Click on her again and she will ask you to talk with Milkywillow. Get out of the den and click on the sandy entrance. Go right and also press x to drop the white tulip. You'll see a grey tom beside 2 stones. Go right again and you'll see a yellow she-cat resting. Click on her. After that, go left and click on the yellow arrow. Go left again and go to the right hand side corner den. Talk to Sparrowtail. Again go to the yellow she-cat resting and talk to her. This time, go right and you'll see a grey she-cat. Then go again right and you'll meet a yellow tom. Talk to him. Now go further right till you reach two grey and brown cats. One is a tom and the other is a she-cat. Now just go one more time to the right and click a yellow arrow. Go left till you reach Sunnygaze, Bumblestripe and Sparrowtail. Click on Sparrowtail. Now you finally get the "Generational Bond" achievement. You can talk to Bumblestripe to hear about how Sunnygaze and Bumblestripe found FallenClan. Thanks for asking!
To help blizzardstep talk to his crush-> After he becomes a warrior, talk to him. He would ask for a favour. say yes. Go to sunclan. Click the tent.Click the spacing at the back of the brown tom. Click the black cat. Go back to blizzardstep. Then go to sunclan, click the other black cat near the end of the border. :D
To get cheater, cheater, flower eater: You have to talk to moose until he asks for a favour, do the favour go back to moose and talk to him, give nightlight a wilted flower, go back to moose AGAIN talk to him, then go back to nightlight.
Hello! I did everything you said, but after I talked to Moose for the last time and talked to Nightlight, they just said their normal dialogue. Am I doing something wrong
hi! Give Nightlight a pink tulip (near fallenclan) then go back to moose. click moose, go back to nightlight, say yes or no. If you say yes,go back to the tent and talk to the brown tom with ceris. Then go to nightlight. Good Luck!
Op Nevermind! For people who are wondering (Only for FireClan), you just go to Breezestar and type in the option that says "Go On Patrol". Then go back to Nutshade and do the rest of the stuff.
Oh, Okay. Here is a screenshot, click where the white border is (I just equipted a random generated cat) The Black cat in there is Hollypaw. You could also go left if ya wanted to some see horses. :
talk to the other mentors. You also need to spent time exploring outside camp. Like (example) You are a fireclan cat, go to other camps/clans. You can check with the leaders for your training progress. To hunt, you need to talk to a mentor. When the arrow point to dark blue, a rabbit is close. :D
Me neither. I don't think you get it that early. Like, then you'll have to go to the dead part of FireClan (Regardless of your clan) and see Lucy (I think it was Lucy) and then she asks you to do some stuff, like stuff deathberries in a fish, and then show it to her. I can't get her to come back too. Idk, really. Just said some stuff I think might help.
Hey! If you wanted obnoxious, Go to brambleclan territory and keep talking to amberstar until she says "Brabmbleclan will have no hesitation to escort you out of the clan." Talk to amberstar once more and it will teleportt you to the beach, with a bubble over you it will say "i was escorted out of the clan."
Ebonysong, maybe? Practically all cats except for some that weren't coded to do so. Just keep clicking, and who knows? Hopefully the cats will become annoyed and kick you out, and ta-da! You get Obnoxious.
Creampaws x Thrushtail their so cute together wish I can show you the picture but my pc camara won't let me
And she has a bold personality like Featherpaw/Featherfall and is kind and sweet and playful loving and loves kits and she becomes the the mother when the queens and elders wanted to rest and lives in Sunclan.
From left to right: The blue one can be named Bluekit, the other red kit with red cheek fur can be named Hazelkit, the one with a more darker fur can be named Greenkit. The even more darker red kit can be called Russetkit. Russet means a reddish brown color.
Warrior names for your kits; from left to right: The blue one can be named Bluetuft, the other red kit with red cheek fur can be named Hazelfur, the one with a more darker fur can be named Greentail. The even more darker red kit can be called Russetstrike.
Tutorial: Go to sunclan and talk to moose till he tells you "Could you do me a favor?" Say yes and give nightlight (Cat in front of fallenclan camp with blue spots) a pink rose.
Go back to sunclan and talk to moose. Then go back to nightlight.
Talk to crowfall i think (Black cat in front of fallenclan camp)
Go to the cat they tell you to go to (At the last few parts of fallenclan camp)
I know, it is so scary. But don't panic, find one black Firestar in the leader's den. Talk to him till he disappears. Find another black Firestar by the BrambleClan border. Talk to him until he disappears, too. But I don't remember where the third one is, the one that'll let you out... look around!
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How do I get the achievement "Nightmares"?
I'm supposed to learn about Tansystar and Briarripple's dad, Idk how though.
I think if you have kits and sleep in your nest in fireclan for a few days, it should happen
Oh thanks! I'll try it!
I think you might also need to get the prophecy. Just kill the cats guarding the cold stone with deathberries.
Also need help with getting "Chilly Pepper"
(Don't worry I ain't no noob thats the last thing I'm asking)
talk to Blizzardstep when he becomes a warrior and talk to him until he mentions having a crush on hollyflower. go into the tent next to moose in sunclan, click on the space between the show entrance and the wall. Give the flower to her then talk to Blizzardstep. then (im not sure with the flower or not) go to the black cat at the area before the fence border and click on him. Then go back and talk to Blizzardstep.
You need to talk to the white cat. I’ve gotten it before. Then, you need to talk to another cat. Once you know where it is, go to the barn and keep talking to the cat laying there.
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Mmm nice!!
Guys,im having trouble with cheater cheater flower eater, i tried what people said and it didnt work? Yelp
did you say yes when nightlight asks you if you think it's okay and then back and forth between them? it might also be you need to wait a little longer
she didnt even say it :(
How to I find the stone Robinfur asked me to find?
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Black cat to the right of the FallenClan entrance.
Thx a lot
the calico one is Forestleap
do y'all like this Whitemist
did you draw these? I love them
I drew these on a website
what website?
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Picrew, but I don't know which Picrew template.
I don't use picrew i actually draw these on a drawing website
what is it called? I use iArtbook
how do u do that?
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can u give me a link to a unblocked one I'm on a school chromebook
search Felidaze on Picrew and it should be there, you'll know it when you see it
its still restricted
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she is my love every time I play </3
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Ooh you changed your profile pic! I like it! It has a cat! (LOL)
yes, my OC falls in love with another she-cat
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Your OC is a she-cat? Are you a, um, she-twoleg? It seems like a lot of she-twolegs like playing Moss-Shadow games. (I'm a she-twoleg too! LOL)
Ha! yeah that would be correct. (But I would be considered a she-WOLF sometimes)
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Ooh nice, you're a wolf fan? Me too!
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He's crying. He looks a bit insane. WAIT IS HE ACE?
(My theory is that Ace is being controlled by Cookie's herb magic and k!lled his own sister)
It's complicated. It started when a badger attacked her and clawed out her eye.
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Tell me more?
It's complicated. It started when a badger attacked her and clawed out her eye.
Wait where?
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Queen's Mystery comic series on scratch
Am I the only one that just realised if you give Blizzardstep a flower and say no when he asks if it's for him to wear, he gives it to his mate? <3
Also, can someone help, I'm trying to get the 'G-Ghost' achievement but Lucy wont freaking show up, I'm always there during a new moon but I still don't see anything???
yo wheres thrushtail
made something of mixing two animals, might draw more of that
i had artblock
also i use clip studio paint and a wacom tablet plus textured pen for everything, would recommend the pen
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Wow that's amazing!
thanks! im also open for any kind of requests
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Maybe you could draw a cat crossed with a bird?
im gonna make it look more like a bird its gonna be an eldritch horror
give me like a day
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js made some sort of alien thing
give it a human name
its a lesbean might draw her gf soon
was lazy to give her clothes
HMMM how abt Daisy :3
yes i agree it shall be daisy
did you know you don't need to be med cat to kill someone
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hit c + m keys and type in "deathberries". You'll see a little popup. do what it tells you to do
There's a another way too at a full moon don't go to the gathering go to med den and click the deathberries
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did you know you can be mates with breezestar
I know.
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I know.
if your mate is expecting kits, but you arent. will you ever have the kits or not?
you will
can you be a sunclan medicine cat? cause Xeres keeps saying "ghmm"
No. You can be FireClan's medicine cat though.
oh. sad. Ty
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She's mute so that's all she can say. "Ghmm!"
It'd be cool if you could wear more than one of the flowers at a time. You could look so cool.
I guess that you would have to have separate buttons for putting something on and off if you did that though
How do I reunite Sparrowtail with her family
Take a white tulip and click on Sparrowtail. Click on her again and she will ask you to talk with Milkywillow. Get out of the den and click on the sandy entrance. Go right and also press x to drop the white tulip. You'll see a grey tom beside 2 stones. Go right again and you'll see a yellow she-cat resting. Click on her. After that, go left and click on the yellow arrow. Go left again and go to the right hand side corner den. Talk to Sparrowtail. Again go to the yellow she-cat resting and talk to her. This time, go right and you'll see a grey she-cat. Then go again right and you'll meet a yellow tom. Talk to him. Now go further right till you reach two grey and brown cats. One is a tom and the other is a she-cat. Now just go one more time to the right and click a yellow arrow. Go left till you reach Sunnygaze, Bumblestripe and Sparrowtail. Click on Sparrowtail. Now you finally get the "Generational Bond" achievement. You can talk to Bumblestripe to hear about how Sunnygaze and Bumblestripe found FallenClan. Thanks for asking!
To help blizzardstep talk to his crush-> After he becomes a warrior, talk to him. He would ask for a favour. say yes. Go to sunclan. Click the tent.Click the spacing at the back of the brown tom. Click the black cat. Go back to blizzardstep. Then go to sunclan, click the other black cat near the end of the border. :D
To get cheater, cheater, flower eater: You have to talk to moose until he asks for a favour, do the favour go back to moose and talk to him, give nightlight a wilted flower, go back to moose AGAIN talk to him, then go back to nightlight.
What does a wilted flower look like? and where can I find them?
the wilted flowers are near sunclan. once you are at the sunclan border, go left and click the white flower
Oh thanks so much!
This changes everything OvO
or you can press c and m at the same time and tipe Divorce and then press space
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You can hit c + m keys and type "divorce"
Hello! I did everything you said, but after I talked to Moose for the last time and talked to Nightlight, they just said their normal dialogue. Am I doing something wrong
hi! Give Nightlight a pink tulip (near fallenclan) then go back to moose. click moose, go back to nightlight, say yes or no. If you say yes,go back to the tent and talk to the brown tom with ceris. Then go to nightlight. Good Luck!
that's sleetshine and shes a female :)
How do you name kits and how do kits grow up?
Sorry, but this is the truth
Its as simple as this: You Can't and They don't
Well, you can't name them in game
thats sad
It isn't added in the game yet.
How do I get Plumclaw off patrol?
I think its Nutshade... Yeah Nutshade i think is asking me to do that.
Op Nevermind!
For people who are wondering (Only for FireClan), you just go to Breezestar and type in the option that says "Go On Patrol". Then go back to Nutshade and do the rest of the stuff.
You're totally from the Midwest 😭
Nothing 😭
I'm suspicious... kinda
Where do I find my apprentice in sunclan
Who is your apprentice?
Maybe I can help
Oh, Okay.
Here is a screenshot, click where the white border is (I just equipted a random generated cat) The Black cat in there is Hollypaw. You could also go left if ya wanted to some see horses. :
Over here

moments before disaster
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What disaster?
Thats unsettling
wait is Robinfur a girl? i'm mates with them and a girl and I want kits
no its a him... or a they... i think
oki thx

use the pink tulip multiple times
you can get kits with grasswhitsle and robinfur. But you need to be a girl...
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Hahahaha cottonwillow, so good!
where is the stone for littlebird's memorial?
and how do you train your apprentice? Besides time spent outside camp like how do you fight and catch prey?
talk to the other mentors. You also need to spent time exploring outside camp. Like (example) You are a fireclan cat, go to other camps/clans. You can check with the leaders for your training progress. To hunt, you need to talk to a mentor. When the arrow point to dark blue, a rabbit is close. :D
go to fallenclan. talk to the black cat on patrol. Come back tomorrow to collect the rock near him.
Me neither. I don't think you get it that early. Like, then you'll have to go to the dead part of FireClan (Regardless of your clan) and see Lucy (I think it was Lucy) and then she asks you to do some stuff, like stuff deathberries in a fish, and then show it to her. I can't get her to come back too. Idk, really. Just said some stuff I think might help.
Oh yeah.
Have u visited Lucy?
It doesn't work if you already got the prophecy at the cold stone.
Which one do you like, this one, or that one?

Oh and by the way, they are good, not evil. Sunfall is from FireClan and so is Finchstrike. They are brothers.
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Um, Sunfall is a rogue. In Kit to Leader. :)
I know, would it be better if I changed the name to Liongaze?
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Liongaze... I like that name! Sure!
Thanks! I like your name too, Birchblaze! My name is Thunderstorm.
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Ooh, nice name. Do you want to hang out somewhere else? Like on a padlet or something? (If not we can keep chatting here)
Today. I accidentaly deleted the tab, WITH MY WHOLE JOUNEY IN IT I HAD SO MANY ACHIEVMENTS-
Hey! If you wanted obnoxious, Go to brambleclan territory and keep talking to amberstar until she says "Brabmbleclan will have no hesitation to escort you out of the clan." Talk to amberstar once more and it will teleportt you to the beach, with a bubble over you it will say "i was escorted out of the clan."
You can also just talk to any leader (and some others I forgot who tho) and they will kick ya out
Ebonysong, maybe? Practically all cats except for some that weren't coded to do so. Just keep clicking, and who knows? Hopefully the cats will become annoyed and kick you out, and ta-da! You get Obnoxious.
Russetfeather (Whatever his/her name is) doesn't kick u out!
Some fun fact lol

Who is trushtail?
How do you get cheater eater flower eater?
And heres a funny lil photo >u<|
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Thrushtail is the cat in SunClan outside the dumpster
Creampaws x Thrushtail their so cute together wish I can show you the picture but my pc camara won't let me
And she has a bold personality like Featherpaw/Featherfall and is kind and sweet and playful loving and loves kits and she becomes the the mother when the queens and elders wanted to rest and lives in Sunclan.
What should I name me and grasswhistle's kits?
(From left to right) Icekit, Autumnkit, Leafkit, and Riverkit.
Uh... warrior cats don't know about autumns. They instead refer it to as leaf-fall. Autumn is twoleg language.
If you want a better name for Autumnkit, you can name it Hazelkit, like I did.
ok! Sorry…
From left to right: The blue one can be named Bluekit, the other red kit with red cheek fur can be named Hazelkit, the one with a more darker fur can be named Greenkit. The even more darker red kit can be called Russetkit. Russet means a reddish brown color.
Warrior names for your kits; from left to right: The blue one can be named Bluetuft, the other red kit with red cheek fur can be named Hazelfur, the one with a more darker fur can be named Greentail. The even more darker red kit can be called Russetstrike.
What about one of them Dream kit and Hound kit and Eclipse kit and shadow kit
Go to sunclan and talk to moose till he tells you "Could you do me a favor?" Say yes and give nightlight (Cat in front of fallenclan camp with blue spots) a pink rose.
Go back to sunclan and talk to moose. Then go back to nightlight.
Talk to crowfall i think (Black cat in front of fallenclan camp)
Go to the cat they tell you to go to (At the last few parts of fallenclan camp)
Go back to talk to nightlight
Go back to talk to moose
It's a tulip not a rose but thanks 👍
Hey! I am MCAKLEE!Letting others like Glaceon, And birchblaze know!
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help. I got the nightmare- IM SO SCARED + IDK WHAT TO DO-
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I know, it is so scary. But don't panic, find one black Firestar in the leader's den. Talk to him till he disappears. Find another black Firestar by the BrambleClan border. Talk to him until he disappears, too. But I don't remember where the third one is, the one that'll let you out... look around!
Its the clearing near the clearing next to Breezestar's/The FireClan leader's den, the third silhouette.
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