Hey Mossy, my friend Glaceondragon999 wants to know how to upload a Scratch game onto Itch.io. (I tried to ask you in Scratch but then I got muted for an hour because I said the website name)
Go to brambleclan and keep going until you see a diamond arrow and press it. There will be two caves. The coldstone is in the left one. But the only way i know how to get in is to kill all the cats guarding it.
you can ask lunarclaw to be her apprentice, then follow her instructions and heal cats untill she says 'youre an exp medicine cat' when you go into her den, usually it'll take like 10 cats healed, you can also used the comand magic (i belive, if not, try wizard) to automatically get the herbs needed to heal a cat
Can anyone tell me, what is doing Random True is creating a character, pls? TwT (btw did Nightwhisper and choose FireClan where her mother is, who understand that understand *skeleton emoticon*
Yeah. (Warning: Do not do the following if you are easily moved by sad things.) Go to Wattpad website and search for "Sliverstone's Destiny". It takes a while, but you get to the part where Nightwhisper sends herself to Cold Waters. It's.......... :'(
(TW: Mentions of sU1c1d3) She did not join fireclan, instead she joined the place of cold waters. In kit to leader, if you keep talking to her she will eventually say "Do you think you will you miss me when I'm gone?" The next time you visit her, she isnt there, instead, there is just flowers. If you click/tap on the flowers the text "I wonder where Night'Whisper went." (Hint: she jumped into the river to end everything, here is a website to go into her story: https://westwoods.fandom.com/wiki/Nightwhisper)
This is how my OC, Thunderstorm looks. He's a half-Clan cat; half ThunderClan, half RiverClan. He lives in ThunderClan. His mother is Amberflower from ThunderClan and his father is Stormcloud from RiverClan. He's serious, strict, good organizer and loyal. His past was really difficult, being a half-Clan cat. Thunderstorm has a crush on Snowfur, but he doesn't want to show it. He wants his own kits so they could also carry his legacy and strength to generation to generation. He's the strongest ThunderClan warrior. Thunderstorm is destined to save the Clans. The prophecy is:
“When the moon gets covered by dark clouds, a shadow shall fall upon the Clans, but have hope, for Thunder will rise to dispel the darkness that never ends.”
This prophecy was interpreted by Goosefeather and had been told to Amberflower when she was expecting kits. Thunderstorm was her first and only kit. His destiny has not yet been started yet, but when the time comes, he alone, will be the saviour. He is 45 moons old. Moreover, when he was born, his size was twice the size of a newborn kit. He looked 2 moons old.
When he was a kit, he received a prophecy from Goosefeather, the previous medicine cat, to become a medicine cat apprentice, thus becoming one. On the day before he was going to become a true medicine cat, he again received a prophecy from Goosefeather to become a warrior.
The next day, Thunderpaw had declared at sun-high that he would become a warrior instead. Sunstar, the leader of ThunderClan, happily agreed this and it came as a shock when this was announced in the Clan meet. Even his mother fainted at this, for she so wanted her son to become a loyal, dedicated warrior. Sunstar appointed his mentor as Longtail. Longtail was strict and made Thunderpaw work really hard.
Many times he was insulted by a particular cat called Robinwing. She loathed half-Clan cats, and before Thunderstorm was born, she was told by Goosefeather that he alone was destined to save the Clans. At this, Robinwing spat at Amberflower and despised Amberflower's kit and said that Thunderkit would just be a traitor and a useless kit. Amberflower retorts back and says that every kit in a Clan is useful, and her kit is even more than useful.
Despite this, he was supported by some cats in his Clan. His most trusted friend as an apprentice was Thrushpelt, who also later on, as a warrior remained a loyal friend throughout Thunderstorm's life. Thrushpelt always had given him advice and had always been at his side.
You may now think that I made him TOO much special, but you're wrong. He has some flaws too. Every warrior does. No warrior can ever be perfect. Every time he goes past ThunderClan's nursery, he always tell them to stop making so much commotion and try to lower their voices. Seeing kits makes him remember of his own difficult past, and so he tries to make the kits life like his. Thunderstorm wants every apprentice, every kit, to understand what his life was when he was in their age. His past makes him shout at also the queens, because his other personality is that he can't control his anger.
See? Even the best of warriors have some dark personalities and some dark thoughts. Unlike other warriors, he hardly ever laughs. Hardly jokes or hardly ever socializes like his apprentice, Lightningtail, or like the other warriors. Instead, he just stays in the corner of the warriors' den, looking at the other warriors and pondering how their past life was so good... and... happy...
Thunderstorm always tries to get into every hunting patrol or border patrol. Why? It's because he wants to push those dark thoughts away and think about the future. I mean, obviously, what's the use of mourning your past when you can't even change it?
And you want to know why I made my character so unsociable, serious and strict? Because I am like that too! I honestly don't know where I belong to, what my destiny is! You can't put two paws in two different worlds! You have to choose one only! I am unsociable too. Like Thunderstorm, I think how others are so happy, while I am so... well, sad and not jolly like others. Like Thunderstorm, I can't control my anger. I just burst it out in a big argument.
In conclusion, that's why I made Thunderstorm special, because I myself is like him. This is Thunderstorm's life.
I just realized that if you kill everyone and then go to a gathering, the leaders still say, "Sunclan continues to shine bright" and then LIST OFF EVERYONE WHO DIES!!!! They say, "Ebonyclaw had passed away. Hollybreeze had passed away" and all of them do this with EVERYONE!!! WHY!?
I mean, as a FireClan cat, you would call it "The BrambleClan border" because it's the border between your clan and BrambleClan. I'm saying it's near "the border of BrambleClan".
How in the world did you get that Cheat Enabled Press Space to hold "Hidden Deathberries box? Did moss-shadow put that option in the game? HOW? I never ever got it.
Hit the C and M keys at the same time and type in "deathberries", then hit enter. The box will pop up. Then, whenever you need to, you can press space to hold deathberries hidden in a fish skin.
talk to Blizzardstep when he becomes a warrior and talk to him until he mentions having a crush on hollyflower. go into the tent next to moose in sunclan, click on the space between the show entrance and the wall. Give the flower to her then talk to Blizzardstep. then (im not sure with the flower or not) go to the black cat at the area before the fence border and click on him. Then go back and talk to Blizzardstep.
You need to talk to the white cat. I’ve gotten it before. Then, you need to talk to another cat. Once you know where it is, go to the barn and keep talking to the cat laying there.
did you say yes when nightlight asks you if you think it's okay and then back and forth between them? it might also be you need to wait a little longer
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here is moss shadow >:D
The pelt color is a little different...
the creator of this game is a boy and the character in the games is more orange.
True I couldn't. are the exact colour
it’s not hard to change the colour. Hit the orange button to start with. It might just work.
guys how do you get tigerheart off patrol for the ghosty whosty when ur in sunclan
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You cant
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When I radomized my name it gave me Pantherstrike and thats perfect for a black cat!
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go on the padlet if you can
"a prophecy from you-know-who himself?"
am i the only person who hears psycho killer by Talking heads when you do the sparing?
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when the game starts look in the credits. yup it’s psycho killer!
hang on a second.. we can spar?
I have choosen the path of a murderer >:)
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Hey Mossy, my friend Glaceondragon999 wants to know how to upload a Scratch game onto Itch.io. (I tried to ask you in Scratch but then I got muted for an hour because I said the website name)
You have to convert the game to Javascript before uploading
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Hmm ok thanks
how to do that?
guys where's hollybreeze..
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backstage in SunClan, click the opening above Sleetshine
:thumbs up: thanks!!
Birchblaze:3 I have a message for you. WHERE IS THE PICREW WHERE U GOT UR PROFILE?????
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Also, you can call me Birch or Birchy if you want :)
I’ll stick to birchblaze
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ok nice
so um, i got all the K-lling badges >:3
With the c+m trick?
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Yuki are you Glaceon? Just wondering cause you two keep finishing each others' sentences and stuff
no we are not the same person sorry for the confusion. I meant to put a ? At the end of that and forgot to
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How do you learn the truth about Tansystar and Briarripple's father?
my random name was ryeheart
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i love this game lo
Yes yes, randomized name: Flowerflower
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where is the wilted flower
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hit c and m keys at the same time type in "divorce" that's one way to get it
the gathering was 2 nights long lol
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I posted a panel of storm song check it out
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I don't see it
Does anyone know where i can find ace? Iv'e looked all around and outside of sunclan at night, but i can't seem to find him.
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You can't see Ace. He hasn't been added to the game yet.
no he has he's in the show
where is the cold stone?
Go to brambleclan and keep going until you see a diamond arrow and press it. There will be two caves. The coldstone is in the left one. But the only way i know how to get in is to kill all the cats guarding it.
you can ask lunarclaw to be her apprentice, then follow her instructions and heal cats untill she says 'youre an exp medicine cat' when you go into her den, usually it'll take like 10 cats healed, you can also used the comand magic (i belive, if not, try wizard) to automatically get the herbs needed to heal a cat
Can anyone tell me, what is doing Random True is creating a character, pls? TwT (btw did Nightwhisper and choose FireClan where her mother is, who understand that understand *skeleton emoticon*
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she's been reborn!
pfffttt they hate each other- and nightwhisper's dead she never went to fireclan ILLEGAL LORE!
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It's True Random. If you turn it on you'll get entirely random colors for your cat, usually not realistic (green tail, purple ear, etc)
Thx, I was really wonder<3
true random turns you into a rainbow barf
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I guess that's one way to put it lol
Nightwhisper umm... lets just say she sent herself to the place of cold waters. You can go to the west woods wiki for more.
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Yeah. (Warning: Do not do the following if you are easily moved by sad things.) Go to Wattpad website and search for "Sliverstone's Destiny". It takes a while, but you get to the part where Nightwhisper sends herself to Cold Waters. It's.......... :'(
Yeah, i know about it... that's why i said ,,Who understands, that understands" because she was depressed because of her mother...
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what does Who understands that understands mean?
Random true makes your cat random but usually with unrealistic colors.
(TW: Mentions of sU1c1d3) She did not join fireclan, instead she joined the place of cold waters. In kit to leader, if you keep talking to her she will eventually say "Do you think you will you miss me when I'm gone?" The next time you visit her, she isnt there, instead, there is just flowers. If you click/tap on the flowers the text "I wonder where Night'Whisper went." (Hint: she jumped into the river to end everything, here is a website to go into her story: https://westwoods.fandom.com/wiki/Nightwhisper)
random true makes the cat have neon colors
Thunderstorm's Life
This is how my OC, Thunderstorm looks. He's a half-Clan cat; half ThunderClan, half RiverClan. He lives in ThunderClan. His mother is Amberflower from ThunderClan and his father is Stormcloud from RiverClan. He's serious, strict, good organizer and loyal. His past was really difficult, being a half-Clan cat. Thunderstorm has a crush on Snowfur, but he doesn't want to show it. He wants his own kits so they could also carry his legacy and strength to generation to generation. He's the strongest ThunderClan warrior. Thunderstorm is destined to save the Clans. The prophecy is:
“When the moon gets covered by dark clouds, a shadow shall fall upon the Clans, but have hope, for Thunder will rise to dispel the darkness that never ends.”
This prophecy was interpreted by Goosefeather and had been told to Amberflower when she was expecting kits. Thunderstorm was her first and only kit. His destiny has not yet been started yet, but when the time comes, he alone, will be the saviour. He is 45 moons old. Moreover, when he was born, his size was twice the size of a newborn kit. He looked 2 moons old.
When he was a kit, he received a prophecy from Goosefeather, the previous medicine cat, to become a medicine cat apprentice, thus becoming one. On the day before he was going to become a true medicine cat, he again received a prophecy from Goosefeather to become a warrior. The next day, Thunderpaw had declared at sun-high that he would become a warrior instead. Sunstar, the leader of ThunderClan, happily agreed this and it came as a shock when this was announced in the Clan meet. Even his mother fainted at this, for she so wanted her son to become a loyal, dedicated warrior. Sunstar appointed his mentor as Longtail. Longtail was strict and made Thunderpaw work really hard.
Many times he was insulted by a particular cat called Robinwing. She loathed half-Clan cats, and before Thunderstorm was born, she was told by Goosefeather that he alone was destined to save the Clans. At this, Robinwing spat at Amberflower and despised Amberflower's kit and said that Thunderkit would just be a traitor and a useless kit. Amberflower retorts back and says that every kit in a Clan is useful, and her kit is even more than useful. Despite this, he was supported by some cats in his Clan. His most trusted friend as an apprentice was Thrushpelt, who also later on, as a warrior remained a loyal friend throughout Thunderstorm's life. Thrushpelt always had given him advice and had always been at his side.
You may now think that I made him TOO much special, but you're wrong. He has some flaws too. Every warrior does. No warrior can ever be perfect. Every time he goes past ThunderClan's nursery, he always tell them to stop making so much commotion and try to lower their voices. Seeing kits makes him remember of his own difficult past, and so he tries to make the kits life like his. Thunderstorm wants every apprentice, every kit, to understand what his life was when he was in their age. His past makes him shout at also the queens, because his other personality is that he can't control his anger.
See? Even the best of warriors have some dark personalities and some dark thoughts. Unlike other warriors, he hardly ever laughs. Hardly jokes or hardly ever socializes like his apprentice, Lightningtail, or like the other warriors. Instead, he just stays in the corner of the warriors' den, looking at the other warriors and pondering how their past life was so good... and... happy...
Thunderstorm always tries to get into every hunting patrol or border patrol. Why? It's because he wants to push those dark thoughts away and think about the future. I mean, obviously, what's the use of mourning your past when you can't even change it?
And you want to know why I made my character so unsociable, serious and strict? Because I am like that too! I honestly don't know where I belong to, what my destiny is! You can't put two paws in two different worlds! You have to choose one only! I am unsociable too. Like Thunderstorm, I think how others are so happy, while I am so... well, sad and not jolly like others. Like Thunderstorm, I can't control my anger. I just burst it out in a big argument.
In conclusion, that's why I made Thunderstorm special, because I myself is like him. This is Thunderstorm's life.
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WOW! This writing is 100% AMAZING! I totally relate, please write more!
I just realized that if you kill everyone and then go to a gathering, the leaders still say, "Sunclan continues to shine bright" and then LIST OFF EVERYONE WHO DIES!!!! They say, "Ebonyclaw had passed away. Hollybreeze had passed away" and all of them do this with EVERYONE!!! WHY!?
I guess it makes sense but why
do they not notice ANYTHING weird about the fact that 99% of their clans 'passed away'
only the brown guy, the leader, and the dog are left in sunclan
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Brown guy? Who?
That guy who says "Sleeping! Snore!" I think
the guy in sunclan who asks you to mentor an apprentice
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that happened and it was so long I started reading a book until it was over
It takes one billion years to load T^T
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right! I usually read the comments and respond to one or two while I’m waiting
where is lunarclaw?
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in the cave to the left of the brambleclan border
It's FireClan. Not to be rude, but uh... why do you always say BrambleClan?
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I mean, as a FireClan cat, you would call it "The BrambleClan border" because it's the border between your clan and BrambleClan. I'm saying it's near "the border of BrambleClan".
The OC I've been playing this game as, mostly:

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Surprised Cat!
generated a beautiful cat and name
that's what I thought when I saw the name come up
same LOL XD
wings of fire lol
Clearsight is the ba
omg. I thought fallen clan was just that one cave...I never thought to look there.
anyone see the glitch? hehehe. There are four featherpaws
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I think if you kill featherpaw? i'm not sure.
thats what happened to me! I just didnt realize it
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Cookie/Spottedstar: "We're all here."
The Four Featherpaws: "Yes, all of us Featherpaws are here!"
How in the world did you get that Cheat Enabled Press Space to hold "Hidden Deathberries box? Did moss-shadow put that option in the game? HOW? I never ever got it.
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Hit the C and M keys at the same time and type in "deathberries", then hit enter. The box will pop up. Then, whenever you need to, you can press space to hold deathberries hidden in a fish skin.
is that why they don;t look like deathberries? huh.
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yeah, because no cat will eat just deathberries, you have to pretend you're giving them a fish.
nice pfp
this is stormflood:3 blusnows brother
"You need to have pink tulips to be mates with Moose/breezestar!"
Me asf:
this is my oc Bluesnow i use her almost everytime i play:3
How do I get the achievement "Nightmares"?
I'm supposed to learn about Tansystar and Briarripple's dad, Idk how though.
I think if you have kits and sleep in your nest in fireclan for a few days, it should happen
Oh thanks! I'll try it!
I think you might also need to get the prophecy. Just kill the cats guarding the cold stone with deathberries.
Also need help with getting "Chilly Pepper"
(Don't worry I ain't no noob thats the last thing I'm asking)
talk to Blizzardstep when he becomes a warrior and talk to him until he mentions having a crush on hollyflower. go into the tent next to moose in sunclan, click on the space between the show entrance and the wall. Give the flower to her then talk to Blizzardstep. then (im not sure with the flower or not) go to the black cat at the area before the fence border and click on him. Then go back and talk to Blizzardstep.
You need to talk to the white cat. I’ve gotten it before. Then, you need to talk to another cat. Once you know where it is, go to the barn and keep talking to the cat laying there.
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Mmm nice!!
Guys,im having trouble with cheater cheater flower eater, i tried what people said and it didnt work? Yelp
did you say yes when nightlight asks you if you think it's okay and then back and forth between them? it might also be you need to wait a little longer
she didnt even say it :(
How to I find the stone Robinfur asked me to find?
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Black cat to the right of the FallenClan entrance.
Thx a lot
the calico one is Forestleap