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(1 edit)

Chapter seven: Already a warrior

After the ceremony and visiting the medicine den for injuries stereotype was done, Coyotepaw rushed over to Dreampaw rapidly. " DREAMPAW! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! " He screeched worriedly. " Yeah! I guess so! " Dreampaw whimpered in a soft tone. Coyotepaw curled around Dreampaw, making sure the wounds weren't too bad. He was obviously over-reacting since she already got checked by the medicine cat and the medicine apprentince. " I was so worried! " He sighs, relieved that Dreampaw was alright then thinks about what he just said " Well uhhh, it's not that I like you or anything! I was just worried! " He saids as his fur rose, embarresed. 


" For all cats old enough to travel through the wanders of the forest, gather around to hear my words! " Cloudstar yowled out, when all the cats were herem, Cloudstar yowled out " I, Cloudstar, hereby sit on this rock firmly and would like to make five apprentinces warriors, Featherpaw, Dreampaw, Coyotepaw, Slitheringpaw and Snakepaw, step up, " He paused so they could get the opportunity to do what he said. " Featherpaw, you shall be known as Feathersky, Dreampaw, you shall be known as Dreamstep, Coyotepaw, you shall be known as Coyotebark, Slitheringpaw, you shall be known as Slitheringfall and lastly, Snakepaw, you shall be known as Snakebelly. You all proved me you shall become true warriors of Cloudclan so there, your warrior names. Clan dismissed. " He huffed.

Chapter six: The exile of a Dark Forest Cat

" For all cats old enough to travel through the wanders of the forest, gather around to hear my words! " Cloudstar yowled and nearly all the cats came, surrounding him and the mistyrock alone, he looked rather unhappy about what happened with training. " I'd like to announce an exile of a Dark Forest Cat, " Cloudstar said, looking at Charmingheart in disappointment then carried on with the sentence. " It hurts me to exile this cat but Starclan has all right to unrefuse the exile. " Charmingheart, go, get out of Cloudclan. You served our clan well but not my daughter, Dreampaw, so go. I am graceful for today so I will give you a chance of survival. You may take only a mouse with you and if my clanmates report that they have seen you during moonhigh patrol, I give them every right to attack you. You may say your last words. " " I do not regret my choice! Me and the other dark forest cats have every right- " Charmingheart yowled furiously but was inturrupted by another furious warrior which was Smallrain. " You heard Cloudstar, go before we attack you! "
(1 edit)

Chapter five: A rather interesting 'training' technique type

" Dreamkit, are you ready to head out of camp? " Charmingheart asked politely around the other warriors. " Uhhh, it's Dreampaw and uhhh, yes! " Dreampaw replied. " Oh, please excuse my manners. You were so cute when you were young! Well, let's not waste anytime and go now. " she mew as she signaled Dreampaw to get out of camp. " First things first, " she chirped gracefully, padding out of camp with the young apprentince. " Let's go explore the fields. " She said so the warrior and apprentince ran out onto the plains. " Heh, Dreampaw, Dreampaw... " Charmingheart snickered. " You are far too young to die but I must do what the Dark Forest saids... " She saids darkly. " W-What..? " Dreampaw saids, flattening her ears onto her neck. " It's time you go! " Charmingheart saids, lifting a paw and scratching Dreampaw on the body. Dreampaw quickly ran fast but Charmingheart was faster so she pounced at Dreampaw and was about to scratch open her thoat until a patrol found them. " What are you doing with my future ma- I mean, Dreampaw?! " Roared Coyotepaw. (Apprentinces can go on patrol too if you didn't know) " Traini- " She saids, about to lie to Coyotepaw but Dreampaw inturrupted her. " HELP! SHE'S TRYING TO MURDER ME! " she yowled out loud as tears rolled down the side of her head. " Coyotepaw, go tell Cloudstar, I will stay here along with the other warriors. Tell him that Charmingheart is a traitor! " Hissed Tigerstripes, Coyotepaw straight away disappeared far off into the misty and cloudy distance. " No! it's not what you think! " yowled and hissed Charmingheart. They all went back to the clans and had to cats besides her along the way to make sure she doesn't cause anymore harm.

Chapter four: Welcome to an apprentince's life.

After the clan meeting was over, Dreampaw headed over to the apprentinces den but bumped into a tomcat on the way. " Oh sorry! " she said then looked at the tom. " It's fine, wait, I haven't seen you around before, are you Dreampaw? " The mysterious cat asked her, sitting down. " Oh, uhhh, yes. I'm Dreampaw. " Dreampaw responded softly. " Oh cool, i'm Coyotepaw. Nice meeting you. " Coyotepaw said, heading over to the apprentince den too. " Oh wait, are we going the same way? I suppose we can chat for company while. " He said with a welcoming to apprentince life smile. " Oh sure. " Dreampaw responded calmly so they padded along the path together. " What's it like being an apprentince? " she asked. " Oh well, it's pretty cool. You get to go on patrol, Hunt, Train and battle! " Coyotepaw responded proudly. " Oh wow. " Dreampaw said with beaming eyes of grace. " Ah, we're here now, the apprentince den. " Coyotepaw saids, signaling her to get in. " Where's Featherpaw? " Dreampaw asks nervously. " Oh, he's in the medicine den, he already started training with Treespot, " Responded Coyotepaw but then noticed that HE didn't train yet! " Talking about training, we should start to. See you later! " He said, running over to his mentor.
(1 edit)

Chapter three: New ages

It's already six moons, Cloudstar could hardly believe his eyes and so could Smallrain. They've already grown six moons! " Dreamkit and Featherkit dear, time to get up, It's your ceremony! " Featherkit woke up instantly, excited for his ceremony while on the other paw, Dreamkit, she woke up, but not in an instant. Dreamkit was very nervous about her apprentince ceremony but decided to give it a shot, how bad can it be? The kits well, kit sized apprentinces now stepped out of the den where the trees swang from side to side, feeling the breeze running through their fur. " For all cats old enough to travel through the wanders of the forest, gather around to hear my words! " Their father, Cloudstar yowled then every cat (besides the kits and queens) came to the main clearing in almost a speed of a quick footed mouse. " I, Cloudedstar would like to celebrate the season of my two kits, " He said in a serious tone then waited for Dreamkit and Featherkit to step up then continued his sentence " Dreamkit and Featherkit, by the power me with the side of Starclan, I'll make you apprentinces, do you accept my offer and train hardly to understand the ways of a true Cloudclan warrior? " " I do. " Said two voices. " Then your names from now on till your a true warrior shall be Featherpaw and Cloudpaw, Featherpaw, you would like to gladly accept a life of a medicine cat so your mentor shall be Treespot. Dreamkit, you would gladly accept a normal life so your mentor will be Charmingheart. Clan dismissed. "
(3 edits)
Chapter two: Already 2 moons old

" DREAMKIT! DREAMKIT! " Featherkit yelled out loud, almost echoeing the entire nursery. Dreamkit woke up in a suprised shock as her fur rose up high. " Woah there dear, no need to shout. " Smallrain said in a soft tone. Smallrain is usually nice but can get a bit cranky sometimes. " Alright.. " Featherkit mumbled to his mother but he then continued to finish his sentence. " Well, wanna play mossball? " Dreamkit shook her head shyly, knowing she isn't that good at it. " Awh.. " Featherkit moaned, looking at the moss ball. After a few seconds later, Dreamkit scooched over to another side of the nursery as she tried exploring, she was so interested in exploring the nursery she even tried to stick her nose into one of the wall cracks! Featherkit carefully crouched towards Dreamkit as if she was a hunter and Dreamkit was the prey, then, outcame Featherkit, leaping onto Dreamkit in a fragile manner, he even shocked himself he was able to jump that perfectly, while Dreamkit, she was FRIGHTENED! " Get off me! " she mew in fright. " Hahaha! Coward! " Featherkit teased jokingly, Dreamkit just wandered off to her mother.

(1 edit)

Chapter one - Dreamkit's beggining

" Congratulations, Cloudstar, your mate had kits, theres a white and calico coloured kit. " Treespot mewed softly as she was about to grab some poppy seeds to calm the queen down. " That's amazing! " Cloudstar couldn't believe it, he and her mate, Smallrain had some kits! Cloudstar rushed to the other side of the den to see her, as the medicine cat described, there were a white kit and a calico kit right besides Smallrain. " What do you think we should name them? " Smallstep said in a calm voice, looking down at her kits. " I still remember having my first prophecy in a dream so I think I should name this one Dreamkit, " Cloudstar paused and purred then continued. " The other should be Featherkit since he looks so light like a feather. " Featherkit opened his eyes first as sunlight beamed into his eyes, next, Dreamkit opened an eye then the other. The two siblings looked at their father and mother in a cute manner.

Ima write a story


how do you get cheater cheater flower eater?

How do you get someone to eat yew berries?

nevermind, I found it out: Hold yew berries, then go to a source of water and click it, then feed that fish to your victim

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they are called deathberries in warrior cat

Sometimes in warrior cats, they call the berries yew :)

Deleted 127 days ago

you cant

he is in the show

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is really fun! I really like the story youre trying to tell here and all the achievements. I feel like this is one of the most enjoyable warrior cats games there is. Theres only 1 thing that really bothers me though.

I feel like there's a little more that could be done with mates instead of just having kits. Like once in a while go on a walk or something like that. It feels a little empty without it. I appreciate how some characters have quests you need to do before they consider you a mate, but it's very few and I end up liking those characters more because I get to know them. I don't want to get a mate and the only interaction with them being trying for kits or just saying hello. It just makes having a mate incredibly boring

hit the leaves atop the charicter custimisation thing to switch to color of bangs tail or pattern

Sorry, youre right. I didnt realize that after playing the game for a while and i just assumed that it was just kinda stuck that way? It wasnt exactly clear to me that u could click the leafs and change it to ur liking and it makes way more sense now. Ill edit it but ill keep the thing about the mates because i feel like that stll stands

I was the same way. Then I watched moss shadows official totorial for some achievements and saw that

Talk to Hawkfeather then Beestripe until she says : Tansystar and Briarripple have been doing great even with all the hardship then talk again until she tells you to ask someone who knows wheres the farm get back to Hawkfeather and talk then go where she points there shoild apppear a white arrow to the farm then talk to the she cat whos there talk until she keeps saying the same thing go back to Hawkfeather talk and then ur done

Thank you


wheres Hawkfeather?

How do you learn about Tansystar and Briarripple's father? UM....

what the hell have you been doing

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You got so many achievements!


blego...... I remember you...........


use wilted flower!

Deleted 119 days ago

Y'all check out californiaclan. of Nightkit's legacy.


O CHOLERA CZY TO FREDDY FAZBEAR?(Ye i know that the colours are a bit dull but I like it)

feel free to copy everything


Who is just like me :

Has all the toms in other clans as mate and speedruns peace of mind to get Robinfur

Kills Crescentheart and Mouseheart then fails to be mates with Plumclaw and Cloudfoot💅

Gets the apprentice and makes them death stare at Nutshade for 5 in-game days straight


steals Robinfur's or Gorsefur's pelt colour sometimes

yos i know im weird and im cool with dat💅

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breezestar isn't calling the apprentice ceremony for crescentheart's kits? any ideas to help?

Did she say something like "{Your apprentice name} has come a long way with your training...I just want their siblings to catch up and make them all warriors at once"If yes, you have to wait, if no, then talk to her once you've trained your apprentice to max stats.

she's not calling the ceremony at all, lol, they're still kits

If you were asking how to make then your apprentices, talk to Crescentheart and then Breezestar

got more kits 


Since there's a brown kit Im sure those are Owlblaze's


 Lavakit and Poppykit

Me tryna guess the father: HMMMM PROBABLY A BLACK TOM..OR AT LEAST A TOM THAT HAS BLACK PATTERNS🤔Im guessing that the father is Owlblaze

nah, I forgot the father


where do you get wilted flowers?? (trying to do the nightlight thing rn)

go to the front of the fair then just walk out, you'll see them there

Deleted post

help I cant escape the weird net thing


There's an annoying net that almost looks like a volleyball net and I cannot get past it! helpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp oh btw ur my first reply to any comment in my entire life so thank you <3


you mean the one at the end of SunClan?

uhh... ya

your not supposed to go further then that

(4 edits) (+1)(-1)

it wont load

Try reloading your page or turning your device off or on. Let me know if it works or not and i'll find a solution!

i already tried, but i just deleted some stuff and now i can play it again

Oh no... Sorry:(

I want our kits to grow up🤩


is it possible to become leader or deputy? and what are those empty dens in fireclan for? and the ones in fallenclan! Are they unfinished?

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Those empty dens ARE for cats, the cats just aren't in them at the moment

when you say, "aren't in them", do you mean their outside or their unfinished

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I mean they're outside

how do you get a kit

Get a heart flower (Pink flower) then give it to a female or male cat, then get the same heart flower and give it your mate agian, its a fifty, fifty so tyou may not get it but you can try again soon. But if you get it first try wait 5 or 4 minutes then go to the camps nursery and you should get kits but you cant name them or they wont age, a update will fix that tho (Hope this helps)

They are also known as Pink Tulips.
They are found in the fallenclan clearing

Ive found out how to see Lucy (te ghost of the tribe/dead grass ghost in fireclan)! do whatver u want with juniperpaw and nutshade just DONT get the prophecy at the cold stone! This worked for me so i put this out for anyone whos having trouble

By the way, where does Ace do a market?

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You can’t find it in this game

you CAN he is in the show

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BUT YOU CANT FIND A M.A.R.K.E.T!!!!! (not mad just teasing)

You can look it up


There's a list of available mates in over borders wiki


They also have sexualities and can be loyal so not 100% guarantee that they will be your mate


They may reject though

Give them a pink tulip (it's next to fallenclan camp)

you have to click reply

how do you get a mate

even though i am a medicine cat they wont let me go to the place of cold waters

u want to kill the cats guarding the stone with deathberries

or you heal 8 cats to become an official medcat

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