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New Riverclan oc I just made!

Her name is Mistyfur!

She was born in the sunningrocks (when they were riverclans) because her mother was lying there when she was born, she tried becoming a medicine cat, but starclan refused her. She went back to a warrior, and she had a mate and kits. Because starclan refused her as a medicine cat, she refused to believe in them. Once she became  leader,  she refused to get her nine lives, even if her medicine cat urged her too. She lived for 200 moons even without her nine lives, and she retired from leader at 175 moons.

totally didn't make up at story as I wrote it, no no, definitely not.


hey ur on lol :)

My roblox nor padlet isn't working because at the library but hai lol

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OMG i do that too. It's how I write Stormsong

same with bubblepaw's destiny lol


how did she live as leader for 200 moons if she is only 175 mooms?

or is it the opposite

ohh that would make sense

yeah, she retired from the leader role at 175 moons, and died at 200 moons

Bubblepaws, when i searched this game on google search, THIS PHOTO WAS THE FIRST THING THAT CAME UP!! CONGRATS YOU ARE FAMOUS


Heyy everyone

so im taking a poll, pls reply with your fave warrior cat from the first series of books:




or greypaw

I somehow haven't read the prophecies begin or the new prophecy, but I have read most of the others

but based on the books I HAVE read, I'd say spottedleaf.



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grey paw I love him

Bluestar ofc

BIRCHY! YOU CHANGED YOUR PROFILE PICK AGAIN! >:C (I'm not mad lol it's just funny)

u on?

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I am

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I can't seem to go a day without thinking of a better pic idea LOL


nice. You drew that right?

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no, she used a picrew

anyone on?

I am!!


oops still here 😉 

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I am!


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IT WAS 2:00 am FOR ME WHEN YOU POSTED THISSSS I’m sorryyyyyy this happens to me to

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anyone else here in yr 6?

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what? Grade 6 or year 6!?

grade six

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I’m grade 6

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I’m older than 6 lol

grade 6? if. You use other terms born in 2012? Yep!

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I'm in 6th grade!

im in school rn lol

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really? It’s 9:30 pm for me rn and tomorrow is a holiday yayyayayayyay no school

which country do u live in? i live in australia

for me rn its 4:55 pm and i have swimming in an hour and a half

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I live in Canada 

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so it’s 6:45 am  I just woke up

Australia! My little brother has always wanted to visit Australia! (PS. I live in Texas/the US)

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OMG australia is so cool! Do you get to see kangaroos?

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OMG australia is so cool! Do you get to see a lot of kangaroos?

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And I play this in school so much my classmates are so suspicious of me lol


My teacher yelled at me like 5 times for playing this game but im still playing it😬

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omg mine too lol

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y’all try this especially when u get to the fireclan this weird-

ya i did that already

btw, do you guys like my new profile pic?

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it’s good I love it!



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once i was playing as jaypaw, and my warrior name was jaypaws


if y’all are playing on safari or things similar you can open another tab type in then play any playlist of music you want to listen to I’m listening to a therian playlist have fun❤️

im on chrome

and i listen to music from my playlist already

but yea thx


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Hiii is anyone alive? lol

I’m here

sadly not

is anyone online?? im rlly bored

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hiiii I on now



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Bella sprinted past the trees, ignoring the rain dripping into her eyes. She had to keep the kit safe. She had to get the kit to a- what did they call it? Tribe? Clan? Her thoughts were cut off as she tripped over a tree root, the kit dropping out of her jaw, and got up painfully as she watched it rolling into the river. “NO!” Bella yelled. She started running after it, but not before she was pinned down by a heavy figure. The badger had found her. She turned to the kit, which was on the edge of the river, dripping wet and curled in a little ball. “I’m sorry,” Bella rasped. “I’m sorry if I’ll have to leave you to do this by yourself. But I can’t let you die. You are the only hope.” She turned back to the badger, and striked it with her claws. The badger roared, and the two began fighting.

Out in the woods, a little kit sat beneath a tree, next to a loud, running river. She had only been in this world for such a small amount of time, and already she had watched her mother being killed. Slowly, she took her first steps. Walking around to look for the cat who had sacrificed her life for her. Out in the woods, a little voice spoke. “Mom?”


Heatherclaw woke up, a little shaken. She’d had the dream where she watched her mother die in front of her eyes. Heatherclaw’s mother - Bella - was a kittypet. When the Clan had found little Heatherkit all alone in the forest, they took her in. And when they’d searched around the area she was in, they found the dead body of her mother. Heatherkit had kept on repeating a name - Bella. So BrambleClan had assumed that was her mother’s name. But then name had always felt weird to her. Like it had a deeper meaning…And she was sure that the dream where Bella died wasn’t a dream, but a real memory. Although Milkyminnow kept insisting that Heatherclaw wouldn’t have been able to remember something that long ago. Still…It scared her. Her mother had tried to stop something dangerous from happening - and must have thought that Heatherclaw was the only one who could? Well Bella was wrong. Heatherclaw wasn’t special. “HEATHERCLAW!” She flinched. Liontooth must be in a bad mood. Even though he was one of the cats who suspected Heatherclaw of being a rogue spy (which she wasn’t), he was also the deputy. But even Liontooth didn’t yell at her unless he was having a really bad day. “Yes, Liontooth?” She replied politely. The only way to avoid getting yelled at was to act like you weren’t getting yelled at. “WHY AREN’T YOU UP YET?” He roared. Heatherclaw leaped out of her moss bed. She’d have to get the bedding changed later, too. Heatherclaw quietly walked out of the cave, and saw Liontooth barking orders at fellow warriors. He spotted Heatherclaw and walked up to her, looking quite furious. “What’s taken you so long? We don’t have all day, Heatherclaw! Now get out there, and make yourself useful! Milkyminnow will tell you the patrols for today. Great StarClan! Can’t ANYONE do ANYTHING right?” He muttered to himself, as he walked away. I might as well go ask Milkyminnow about the patrols, Heatherclaw thought to herself. She padded over to Highrock, and saw Milkyminnow waiting right outside the Clan. She saw Heatherclaw walking over and relief flooded her eyes. “Heatherclaw! Liontooth’s in a really bad mood! What took you so long?”

“Being scolded by Liontooth.” Heatherclaw replied. Milkyminnow giggled. “Alright, come on! You, me and Duskheart are in the patrol for now. Now hurry up!” She sprinted out, following who Heatherclaw assumed was Duskheart.

After the patrol, Bramblestar called a Clan meeting. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!” He called. Heatherclaw and Milkyminow made their way to Highrock together. “I have called you all here because of an important announcement I have to make,” Bramblestar began. “I am very old, and have lived a long time. So I wanted to inform you all that I will be retiring to the elders den, and Liontooth will be taking over as leader for me.”

I like it

wow! It’s amazing!

Love it

Deleted post


Meanwhile with Bee and Stripe, they had made it to the barn. And Bee had met a nice cat named Jewel. Jewel was silver and white, a perfect diamond on her head and short fur. Something about Jewel amazed Bee (CAN YOU TELL WHERE THIS IS GOING XD). Stripe went to bed. He dozed off quickly. “Hi! What’s your name?” Jewel asked with a smile. “Oh– I’m Bee! Nice to meet you.” 2 moons passed. “Night!” Stripe yelled from the top floor in the barn. “You go to bed so early!” Jewel laughed. A few minutes later Jewel and Bee were still awake, but not stripe. “Hey– Uh, Jewel?” Bee asked “Hm?” Jewel smiled. “Can we go outside?..” Bee asked shyly. “Uh..Sure!” Jewel said nervously. The two she-cats headed outside the barn and onto one of the boxes. “So um.. Jewel.” Bee said nervously “yes?” Jewel said scared. “I-I like you. A lot.” bee said nervously. “Bee, I’m straight..” Jewel said uncomfortably. “O-oh.” Bee ran into the barn. A few minutes later both Jewel and Stripe were disappointed, Jewel was straight, and Bee broke up with Stripe. Bee ran into the woods after that, she never was found by the barn cats or Iceclan again. She sat down by a tree in the middle of the woods. When she woke up, a group of cats were near her. “Who are you.” Bee said unimpressed. “Shallowfang and Hopface.” A strange tom said. “What do you guys want from m-” Bee got cut off from her sentence as Shallowfang and Hopface grabbed her and dragged her to Whistleclan camp. “Hey what are you doing with me!” Bee said angrily. A few minutes passed and Bee arrived in Willowclan. “Hello dear!” Lightstar, leader of willowclan bounced around in excitement. Gosh, she’s childish and energetic. Bee said in her mind.”I’m lightstar! This here is Whistleclan! We live deep in the forest, cause we don’t want anybody to see us!” lightstar started looking creepier as her eyes widened. “Ok?” Bee mumbled. “I’ve been waiting for you! Such a tragic story you’ve went through. Why don’t you stay here and be my deputy? We’ve recently lost ours. And if you don’t.. Well.. Something.” Lightstar said creepily. “W-WHA?!?!” Bee yowled. “I’m just kidding! I would prefer if you join though. You can go ba-” Lightstar laughed. “I WILL NEVER GO BACK TO THE BARN AFTER WHAT HAPPENED.” Bee yelled. “Alright! But if you don’t want to be deputy i’m fine with that!” Lightstar said politely. “Thank you. I’m Bee by the way.” Bee said kindly. “Oh that won’t do hun! I will host a ceremony for your clan name.” Lightstar said shocked. “Oh.” Bee said. “LET ALL CATS GATHER AROUND THE HIGH STONE FOR A CLAN MEETING!” Lightstar yelled. All cats gathered around. “We have a new cat named Bee. We are here for her clan name! Her clan name will be… Beestrike!” Lightstar said happily. All cats left the clearing as the meeting ended. But…. something sparked in Beestrike. Something nobody had made her feel before.. She felt.





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Stormsong: Chapter 18

"Amberpaw, your mentor shall be Firetail. Skypaw, your mentor shall be Dragonwing." Stormsong blinked as she scanned the faces of her siblings' mentors.

Dragonwing was a former kittypet. She used to bear the name Dragon. When her twolegs died, she ran from her home in grief, and discovered WillowClan. Yarrowstar had kindly taken her in, but insisted she have a proper warrior name, so she settled for Dragonwing.

Firetail had been born in FireClan. She had been mercilessly teased by her Clanmates about her prefix, both kindly and unkindly. It was a heavy pain to bear, that every time she stepped out of her den she was met with a barrage of chanting, so she switched to WillowClan.

After the Clan meeting was over, the two apprentices ran joyfully first to Stormsong, then to their new mentors. Laughing, Dragonwing gently pushed Amberpaw away. Firetail raised an eyebrow when Skypaw leapt at her. "You ready to start training or something?" she said neutrally.

Amberpaw and Skypaw told Cherrytuft the good news, then immediately went off to train with their mentors. Stormsong chuckled softly, recalling the joyful times she'd had with her own mentor. Her eyes glittered as she watched the apprentices walk away. So focused was she that she was taken entirely by surprise when Mudfur attacked her from behind.

Birch, i need to search thru ur chats to find the chapters of stormsong cuz i read the first line and now im invested.

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I love it

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yesss more storm song!

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Bubblepaws' Destiny: Prolouge

“Born of the gentle flow and nurtured by the moon’s caress, bubbles shall rise as the river’s envoy to bridge the divided shores.”

This is the message the medicine cat, Oakriver of RiverClan, has received on the night of the full moon, also the night that Bubblekit was born to Lilacshine, and Featherfall. Her sister, Nettlekit, seems to have nothing to do with this prophecy, Bubblekit on the other paw...

"Oakriver," Cheetahstar called "Are you there?"

"Oh, sorry. I was lost in thought" Oakriver sighed, she has been thinking about that prophecy for 4 moons now.

"Right, what were you telling me about your herb store?"

As the two continued speaking, Bubblekit was splashing around in the water that flowed through camp, she always took a particular liking to the water, more than the other kits.

"Bubblekit! Stop splashing around in the water and go tell your sister to gather the cobwebs she can find around camp for Oakriver's store." her mother called, Lilacshine never treated Bubblekit like her sister. Bubblekit felt that her mother loved Nettlekit more than her. At least Finkit was nice to her, the tomcat was always kind to her, always bringing her flowers that he found around camp. She bounded over to her sister, "Lilacshine said to collect cobwebs around camp for Oakriver." she padded off, she didn't need to hear her sister's know-it-all response, she padded towards Finkit, nuzzling his nose, and they played mossball together.

"Cheetahstar, I believe there is something... special, about Bubblekit." Oakriver mewed.

"What do you mean?" Cheetahstar asked curiously

"Well, Cheetahstar, I believe she is part of a prophecy I received on the night of her kitting," she recited the prophecy perfectly from memory, "Born of the gentle flow, and nurtured by the moon's caress, bubbles shall rise as the river's envoy to bridge the divided shores."

Cheetahstar gasped, realizing the only plausible explanation. "It has to be her," she concluded

(Note: each chapter is 0.5-1 moon apart, this one is one moon. Bubblekit is now 5 moons old.)

Bubblepaws' Destiny: Chapter 1

"Finkit, want to pretend that I'm prey, and you can hunt me?" Bubblekit mewed

"Sure, flower!" he mrrowed happily, he came up with that nickname a few moons ago, because she was beautiful, like a flower.

She chuckled, Finkit was the sweetest cat alive, sweeter than her mother, the cat who was supposed to love her most.

"Oakriver, do you think we should tell Bubblekit's mother and father about the prophecy?" Cheetahstar was speaking with Oakriver in the medicine den.

"I... don't think so, they don't really care about her as much as they should, they would just doubt us, and ignore it." Oakriver replied

"You're right, Oakriver. So, what do we do?

"The only thing we can, keep it to ourselves until she's at least 12 moons old." Oakriver replied gloomily, keeping a secret this big was going to be hard, especially for this long of a time.

"If you say s- What is that rushing noise?" Cheetahstar asked warily, "Is that what I think it is? That sounds like a... FLOOD!"


They ushered every cat out of camp to a higher ground, as the camp flooded, it ruined all of their hard work on the camp for moons, "GO!" Troutheart, the deputy, ushered "WE HAVE TO GO, NOW!"

"Featherfall, why aren't you coming? What's wrong?!" Troutheart asked worriedly

"M-my daughter's in there... Nettlekit.." he mumbled

"Sh-she is?" Troutheart asked "Why?"

"She went to try and save her favorite stick..." he meowed, eyes full of grief

"Her favorite stick? I'm so sorry..." He glanced around, and he noticed another cat was missing: Hollytail, the elder. She must not have made it out. This flood was horrible, Nettlekit and Hollytail died, and all the prey wouldn't be back for moons!

"Featherfall,  Lilacshine, I have bad news." Troutheart announced, "Nettlekit is... dead..." 

The parents of the dead kit just stood there in silence for a moment, Lilacshine especially, as she didn't know.

Bubblekit sat in the clearing, a half-moon after the flood. She looked around her camp, it was destroyed, there was a makeshift den for everybody, no true dens. Her sister, Nettlekit, was dead, and so was Hollytail, this clan is weak, what will the other clans think? That we can't protect ourselves? The gathering was tomorrow, and the only prey we have now is fish. Every cat is weak, hungry, tired. This flood was the worst thing to happen in all of her 5 moons, she would be an apprentice soon enough, so would Finkit, he's a half-moon older than her, so it's time for him to become an apprentice, but Cheetahstar hasn't had time.

(1 day after the last chapter, full moon, right before the gathering.)

Bubblepaws' Destiny: Chapter 2

The cats traveled across to the gather, Cheetahstar, Troutheart, and Oakriver in the lead. RiverClan was the closest, so they arrived first. Oakriver leaped up onto the great oak, the branch that the medicine cats sat on, Cheetahstar hopped up onto the oak as well. Because Finkit was apprentice aged, he brought Finkit along.

"I know this an unconventional place for a meeting, but I believe it is time for Finkit to become an apprentice. I have brought his mentor with me. Finkit, step forward."

As Finkit padded forward, he trembled in excitement, who would his mentor be?

"Finkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Finpaw. Your mentor will be Birchblaze. I hope Birchblaze will pass down all they know to you. Birchblaze, come forward. You have received excellent training from Sliverstone, and you have shown yourself to be brave, and courageous. You will mentor Finpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Finpaw."

As Finpaw touched noses with Birchblaze, he was proud, he knew Birchblaze was patient, yet stern.

"Finpaw! Finpaw! Finpaw! the cats chanted, just as WindClan arrived.

Onestar leaped up to the rock, followed by Kestrelflight, while his deputy Ashfoot stayed near the bottom of the Great Oak.

A little while later, the clans were gathered, Cheetahstar announced "Let the gathering begin." Cheetahstar is going first "I have great news to announce, Finkit is now Finpaw, mentor is Birchblaze. I also have devastating news, there has been a flood in our camp. All prey has disappeared, and there are fish left, but not as many as before. Two cats have also died: Hollytail, and Nettlekit." He dipped his head to Onestar, signaling his turn

"All is well in WindClan, we chased a dog off our territory, and we have two new warriors: Dandeliontail, and Nettlefur." Onestar finished, dipping his head to Firestar

"Nothing special happened in ThunderClan this moon, only a rogue near the border, but we chased it off quickly. Blackstar, your turn."

Right as Firestar said that Blackstar yowled "ATTACK!" Every warrior there pounced on the RiverClan warriors. RiverClan tried to fight back, but they were weak from the lack of prey. Troutheart attacked Tigerheart, raking his tired claws down Tigerheart's flank, but Tigerheart pinned him easily, delivering hard blows to his soft underbelly, blood spilling out, he moved on, Troutheart was dead.

StarClan covered the moon and stars, it was complete darkness. RiverClan fled to their camp, Oakriver treated them, but she couldn't treat Troutheart's wounds. The clan deputy was dead. This has been a terrible moon. Finpaw went to sleep in his nest in the nursery, he still wanted to sleep there until Bubblekit became an apprentice.

Bubblepaws' Destiny: Chapter 3 (Finally)

"May all cats who are old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Wet Rock for a clan meeting!"

Cheetahstar used to ancient call for clan meetings, Bubblekit bounded forward, it was her time to become an apprentice, who would her mentor be? She noticed Troutheart wasn't there, you'd think the clan deputy would come to a clan meeting, and none of the elders were there... odd, she was also kept away from the clearing the night before, does that mean... Troutheart was... dead?

"There are several things to discuss this meeting.  First and foremost, Bubblekit, step forward."

"Bubblekit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Bubblepaw. Your mentor will be Breezesong.  I hope Breezesong will pass down all they know to you. Breezesong, come forward. You have received excellent training from Fallenfeather, and you have shown yourself to be kind, and strong. You will mentor Bubblepaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Bubblepaw. Congratulations" she smiled, new apprentices in the clan were always a good thing. "Next, I must choose a deputy for this clan, as our past deputy, Troutheart, has moved onto StarClan after ShadowClan's attack at the gathering.  I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of RiverClan is Birchblaze."

As she heard her clanmates chanting her name, she smiled, her clanmates approved

"The final thing I have to say is... I am retiring, to become a queen." before she could explain why, she was interrupted by yowls of protest. "SILENCE! Let me explain myself! I have decided to adopt a young kit I found in the woods, she explained that her parents have died, and she was left all alone near the river." she beckoned with her tail, "Come out little one"

The young kit came out, the kit was white as a ghost, and appeared to be blind. Her clanmates noticed this, and decided it was a good choice, no matter how good of a leader Cheetahstar is, "I have decided to name her Ghostkit, after the color of her pelt." She leaped off the Wet Rock, letting Birchblaze speak

"This is... unexpected, at the least. I was unprepared to become leader, but I will just have to do my best. I understand I need to select a new deputy, and I believe I have made my decision." he glanced at his clanmates "I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of RiverClan is Dustpounce."

"Dustpounce! Dustpounce! Dustpounce!" they all chanted in unison.

"Tonight, I will head to the Moonstone with Oakriver to recieve my nine lives. Dismissed."

Bubblepaw was 7 moons now, she practiced battle moves with Finpaw, her best friend, and she was doing well, they both were. As their mentors watched them, they practiced battle moves for hours, and then Birchstar said "Bubblepaw, Finpaw, I have a challenge for you. First to catch three mice wins."

Bubblepaw raced into the forest, heading for a beech tree where mice usually hunted, she saw two mice. Dropping into the all too familiar hunting crouch, she pounced, clamping one paw on each mouse. They let out squeaks of pain, and she silenced them with a swift bite to the neck, she buried them in the dirt, and searched for more. She heard her name being called by Breezesong "Bubblepaw! Bring back your catch, Finpaw has won." she frowned, she almost caught her third mouse, but she dug up her prey and padded back to the clearing, when Birchstar said "Good job, both of you, Finpaw, you get first pick of the Fresh-kill pile once we get back. No more work for the both of you today, you did well." 

Bubblepaw smiled, being praised by the leader always warmed her pelt, and she flicked Finpaw with her tail "Race you back!" she instantly broke off into a run, giving herself a head start, not like she needed it, she was the fastest apprentice in RiverClan, she won with ease, once Finpaw got back, she gently clawed his nose "Haha! Slowpoke!"

Chapter 4 coming... soon.. The last time I put a deadline on myself I released the chapter a week later so no deadline this time lol. <3

Repost for my little brother to read it


y’all when I was playing (played multiple times) I decided to not tell bramblestar about crystal and sun so later I became leader and then I went over to see crystal with sad face :( then I talked to her and she said the warrior code so (again last time I did it a different way) I exiled her and she ran away :( then I ded :p so I went to the fair and she was at the idk😭 and then she said “ OH NO YOU CANT BE HERE! “ and she ran away so I searched everywhere and she gone strange if y’all can plz try👋

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She's in the tent. I don't know if you can get in as a ghost. As an alive cat you can get in by talking to Ceris, then Cookie, who will give you permission to ente.r

i tried to get in the tent so yeah it didn’t work

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Duskfall only has 80 health even though he's a warrior. That means his mentor said that 80 health was enough to make him a warrior. WHICH MEANS THAT HOLLYPELT IS A REALLY STRICT MENTOR!

so true 😭😭😭



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:3 you're on! Want to go to the padlet?

sure I guess

I have it as an open tab rn if you mean the one box made. I need a link for yours


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what padlet is everyone using I can’t find it

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lol yeah. I usually make Darkclaw dep because ngl he looks so attractive when he's sitting in the deputy position lol

Wanna know who wasn't a good mentor? SPARROWTAIL WOW SO SHOCKING I WONDER WHY-

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Yeah no, I have no idea!

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Stormsong: Chapter 17

Stormsong ran towards the WillowStump. She could see the old moss piled high up. Yarrowstar was also running towards the stump. Stormsong could see him squinting, not believing what he was seeing. Mudfur was on the leader's tail. No, not Mudfur! I'll never hear the end of it!

As Stormsong ran, she heard paw-steps behind her, and turned to look. Deathberry was stumbling after her, followed by Amberkit and Skykit. Flowerfur watched from the medicine den. Flowerfur isn't even coming to help! I can't believe I thought I liked her. She's such a trickster and bully! Stormsong shook herself out of her thoughts, which were making her run slower, and sped up. When she reached the WillowStump, she quickly began to brush the moss off of it. Deathberry arrived, and then the two kits, and they helped. By the time Yarrowstar arrived, the moss was all gone. Stormsong hoped that the leader and deputy had not seen that. They hadn't, but they saw the old moss scattered all around the stump, and the traces of moss still on the stump.

"See? That evil bisexual put this disgusting old moss all over WillowStump," hissed Mudfur. Yarrowstar turned an inquisitive eye towards Stormsong. "She's... not evil," he said at last, "and she wouldn't do that." Mudfur laughed. "Then who else would?"

"We would!"

Stormsong spun around. The kits were standing right there, bravely confessing to Mudfur. "It was my idea to put moss on the WillowStump," confessed Skykit. "I found the moss, and then Skykit put it on the stump," continued Amberkit. "So Stormsong didn't do it!" finished Skykit.

"Thank you, kits, for being honest," said Yarrowstar. "Are you ready to become apprentices, then?"

A few minutes later, Amberpaw and Skypaw were assigned their mentors.

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Reply to the story with your OCs, the best OCs will become Amberpaw's and Skypaw's mentors.

Dragonwing. Smart kind she, better at hunting then fighting and prefers not to fight

Looks like this

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Dragonwing alright! Is it ok if I add my own backstory for her or do you have a backstory you want to share?

it’s fine if you make backstory because I do have one but it give of “main character” vibes. That’s because in my story she is lol

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I just posted the next chapter. Dragonwing got Amberpaw!

Firetail: A Flame-point she-cat (unrealistic pelt, but it works) She is greenish at the top, and then fades to a dark orange, and like orange in the middle, she is 97 moons, and is Kind and Understanding, but also impatient and stern. She was once deputy but gave up the role because she didn't believe she was fit for it. She is usually in Thunderclan, but can be in Willowclan for Stormsong.

btw her original name was Flametail, but I changed it when I realized it was a cat in the books lol

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Kind, understanding, impatient, and stern all at the same time? Hmm, tough character to get, but I'll try. She sounds amazing!

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I just posted the next chapter. Firetail got Skypaw!

No Firetail got amberpaw-

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Oh oops sorry, wrote the wrong thing

lol ur goo

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i've been having a problem with moss-shadow not coming after like 10 tries on several lives. anyone else having this problem? (I've played this game for years and am now only getting this issue)

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did you use the mossball?

oh no , ill do that thanks :)

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The mossball in the warriors den btw, you can't get it from Crystalblaze

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Is Cottonwillow Fallenfeather's kit?


I purposely didn't go to fight Firestar so that I could watch my BrambleClan die. SLAYY :3

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I love your way of typing bestie :33

heyo! Back with more progress in "The Life Of WillowKit" I have a recap aswell! Here are chapters 1-3!

Chapter one- A new beginning

    I stepped out of the nursery, watching the cool apprentices and large warriors. I decided to pad over to a pair of gossiping elders. ``Did you hear? BrackenLight had a prophecy!`` LongGaze gossiped with DestinyHeart. ``Oh! Yes, yes I did!`` she responded. ``Ooooohhhh.. A prophecy?`` I piped up from behind, and the two elders jumped in surprise. ``WillowKit? We’re talking! Go away!`` LonfGaze scowled as I padded away, frowning. 

I approached the medicine den, walking in, smiling. ``Hello BrackenLight! Hello CinnamonPaw!`` I smiled, greeting the two cats. ``Oh hello WillowKit!`` BrackenLight smiled. ``I heard LongGaze and DestinyHeart saying you had a prophecy! What is it? Are we gonna see StarClan too?`` I  bounced on my paws. ``Sorry, little friend. It's a secret for now. Maybe we can tell you when you're older.`` BrackenLight grinned once more. ``Ok then! I’ll see you later!`` I smiled, trotting happily out of the den.

I walked over to the freshkill pile, approaching CinderStar. ``Can I grab a sparrow for my mom? She's sleepy! So I wanted to grab her some freshkill!`` I asked, looking up at my leader, who was staring blankly down at her. ``Fine.`` he said, unmoving. ``Thanks CinderStar!`` I smiled, not noticing the leader's blank stare. I grabbed a sparrow, grinned at the sparring apprentices who stopped to stare at me, then I padded back to the nursery.

I dropped the sparrow at BriarFrost’s feet, and her mother grinned warily. ``Mommy… why is everyone staring at me today?`` I asked, wondering if I had done something wrong. ``Nothing, darling. Just, BrackenLight’s prophecy has something to do with one of my kits, and we don’t know which one. It will be fine. Now get some rest.`` BriarFrost looked to the slowly setting sun, grinning. ``Your apprentice ceremony is tomorrow, rest up!`` she grinned, placing a purple flower behind my ear. ``Goodnight, gorgeous.`` BriarLight murmured as I fell into my nest, falling to sleep.

I awoke at sunrise, before the morning patrols left. Her mother was already awake, and it felt like the second I opened her eyes, my mother started grooming me like crazy. ``Moooommmm!`` I complained. ``Hush. Your ceremony is soon.`` BriarFrost whispered, continuing to groom the squirming WillowKit. Eventually, I settled, the purple flower still in behind her ear

``May all cats old enough to run free gather under the tall stump for a clan meeting!`` CinderStar’s voice rang across the clearing, and I padded outside of the nursery by her mothers side, and she had noticed both my siblings and StormLily’s eldest kit, NightKit, leave the protection of his sibling wall and approached the clearing. ``Today we gather because four kits have reached six moons in age, and it is now their time to become apprentices.`` He began, taking a breath. ``ShiningKit, with your mentor being AshenBloom, you shall now be known as ShiningPaw`` I watched as ShiningPaw stepped up and touched noses with their father, before nodding and padding back next to me ``ShinningPaw!`` The clan called out once, before quieting so CinderStar could continue. ``StormKit, with your mentor being DuskCall, you shall now be known as StormPaw.`` StormPaw stepped forward, touching noses with DuskCall before sitting back down next to 

me. ``StormPaw!!`` the clan howled in pride. ``NightKit, with your mentor being FawnThrash, you shall now be known as NightPaw.`` My stomach felt upside down as I awaited my turn to become an apprentice, as I watched the clan call out NightPaw’s name ``NightPaw!`` the entire HollyClan shouted. ``And finally,`` CinderStar continued, ``WillowKit. You have been kind and well throughout your entire Kithood. You shall now be known as WillowPaw, with me as your mentor.`` CinderStar hopped off the tall stump, and touched noses with WillowPaw. ``Is this really happening?`` I  thought, as the echoes of the clan chanting continued. But… there was less chanting than for ShinningPaw, or NightPaw, or even Stompaw. Why did she get less? Had I  done something wrong? ``Thank you, CinderStar. I will make our clan proud, I swear on my place as a HollyClan cat.`` I dipped my head, and CinderStar looked down at me in approval. ``I trust you shall, my apprentice.`` 

I awoke early, grinning at NightPaw and LightPaw. ``Morning!`` I said, smiling at the pair of cats. ``Oh! Good morning, WillowPaw!`` NightPaw grinned back. ``G-good morning!`` LightPaw stammered, as I tilted my head. ``Are you scared?`` I asked. ``Your way stronger than me!`` I yelped, watching her cautious diameter. ``Nothing, just BrackenLight’s prophecy, it’s creeping me out…`` she muttered. ``Oh! Well, that's ok! Act like we’re uhm… not in a prophecy! Or, one of us, whichever!`` I grinned, padding out. As I left the den, I heard LightPaw whisper to someone. ``She doesn’t know?`` 

       Chapter Two - The Brain Becomes Betrayal

I didn’t know three words could be so… so intimidating! I tried to shake it off, approaching CinderStar. ``Good morning! Does training start today?`` I asked, smiling up at my new mentor. ``Yes. Right after patrols. This might be loud.`` CinderStar warned. I covered my ears, I knew how loud my leader could be. ``LAURELFOOT!!!” CinderStar howled, awaking anyone in the clan who wasn’t already. ``I’m coming, I got a burr in my fur!`` LaurelFoot yelped down, jumping to the TallStump. ``Patrols!`` she yowled in a singsong-like voice. I stared up at her. ``Me included?`` I asked. LaurelFoot shook her head. ``Tomorrow, perhaps. Today you must tour HollyClan’s territory, and perhaps get some basic tips. Good luck, darling!`` LaurelFoot grinned, before beginning to set out the morning patrols. ``Come on, WillowPaw, it's time to learn about our territory.`` CinderStar led me outside of camp. ``Adventure!`` I thought, ready to be an apprentice.

I followed CinderStar, looking at the trees and rocks. ``Over there is what remains of our deep ancestors, the FourClan memorial. Made by our ancestors who still roam in SilverPelt.`` CinderStar looked hurt. ``There's… still four clans… SKyClan fell long before the other four… But, I suspect you mean…. WindClan… ThunderClan… ShadowClan…. And…. RiverClan?`` I asked. ``Yes, those are the ones, young one. You are very educated.. More than my past apprentices…`` he murmured. ``Thank you… This place… makes you sad, let us continue…`` I murmured, touching noses with my mentor. ``We shall… we shall…`` 

``Over there is the OwlTree. An old tree where an owl resides. The tree itself has housed thousands of owl’s, including a current one as well.`` I nodded. ``Be wary around here. You're still small. Anyways, off we go.`` As we continued to pad along the territory, pointing out important landmarks as they went along. ``There… is the FlameClan border. Never cross it. FlameClan is ruthless. They don’t even go to gatherings anymore. Not even after we found the island.`` I nodded. My kithood was filled with stories of the ruthless FlameClan. ``Rouges… that's what mother said they were formed by… Mother said they never lost their ways…`` I shivered. ``Can we continue now?`` My mind wandered for the rest of the trip. My grandmother, SilverHeart’s voice, came to me. ``Rouges. That's what they are. Nothing else than wild rouges…`` I shook my head. ``She's dead, she's dead….`` I whispered to myself. ``Who’s dead!`` CinderStar snapped, catching my words. ``S- SilverHeart…. I just… heard her voice in my head…. It happens sometim-`` My voice was cut off by a gasp. ``Follow me. Tour’s over’’ 

As CinderStar walked me back to camp, my vision began going blurry. My thoughts continued to cycle through phrases like ``She’s in a better place`` or ``Its ok…`` By the time we were halfway to camp, my mind was in a twist. I couldn’t think straight, walking was hard. ``CinderStar… I don’t feel well…`` I looked to the sky. ``SunDown`` I thought, teetering slowly. ``Lean on me. I'll keep you safe.`` he murmured. As my eyes closed, heat pulsing through me, I swore I heard CinderStar murmur something odd. ``I’ll keep you alive, prophecy cat. If it’s the last thing I do.``

I awoke in the medicine den, head throbbing. ``What… happened? I asked, looking at BrackenLight and CinnamonPaw, surrounded by BriarFrost, NightPaw, CinderStar and ShinningPaw. ``Are you ok, WillowPaw?`` NightPaw asked. I staggered to my feet. ``Alright. Could be better, but I'm ready for more training!`` I said, trying to sound hopeful, despite my throbbing headache. ``Good. We get back straight away. Follow me, prophecy ca-WillowPaw.`` Cinderstar caught his mistake, flinching. ``We agreed to wait until she was 12 moons! CinderStar…`` BrackenLight growled. ``Wait… I’M THE PROPHECY CAT? WHY IN SILVERPELT WOULD YOU NOT TELL ME!`` I howled, as if our most ancient ancestors of LionClan were inside of me. ``Well…. We thought it was best to wait until….`` I growled at CinnamonPaw. ``I thought you were my friend… Yet it was all staged. How long have you been hiding this from me!`` I was glowing with anger now, as I turned to BrackenLight, she sighed. ``Since the day of your birth. I shared the prophecy yesterday. But it was for your own good!`` She howled, trying to catch my attention as I whipped to NightPaw and ShinningPaw. Their faces were as confused as mine. ``WillowPaw… A prophecy cat… WillowPaw?`` they cycled, looking lost. ``At least you didn’t betray me. I need time to think. Maybe get training in. Don’t look for me, unless I’m not back by half moon in two days.`` 

                 Chapter Three-My “Destiny”

``LightPaw, I need some time to think. Can you teach me some hunting in the forest?`` I approached LightPaw, sighing. ``Sure. And I’m sorry about yesterday… BrackenLights prophecy just…. Scared me, if you know what I mean. Lets go, near the FourClan’s Memorial is always the best spot for learning.`` I followed LightPaw outside of the den. ``I know about the prophecy now… Could you, perhaps, tell me? I don’t want to put anyone in…. Danger.`` I shook at the thought of it. ``Sure, at The Memorial. Follow me.``

We approached The FourClan’s Memorial. ``Thanks for this.`` I murmured, as LightPaw cast me a welcoming glance. ``Now, about the prophecy.`` She began. ``Yesterday, BrackenLight met with all of us, except you, of course. She shared something… ominous to say the least. Shall I begin?`` I nodded, shaking in my fur. ``As I share, copy my movements, I’m going to show you the basics of hunting, but listen to the prophecy, but the basic crouch needs words. Keep your body low, keep your tail straight ahead. Your hind legs must be ready to leap, whenever needed. Keep your front paws ready to pounce.`` I did as she said, and LightPaw nodded in approval. ``Let me begin, just copy my movements.`` I nodded, ready. ``The leaf is your prey, a mouse in this instance. I’m getting ahead of myself, the prophecy, LightPaw, the prophecy,`` LightPaw shook her head. ``Yesterday, BrackenLight shared this with us. `When the moon is full, at its highest point, a legend shall be born. To both Briar and Ashen, a hero shall make joy throughout all. But as a jumble of colors mix, the destiny of HollyClan resides on her shoulders, while her head will be in shambles, messages from the dead… shall be received with horror from her small, pounding heart. In the end, her decision will either save or destroy us.` `` LightPaw exhaled. ``That's it. That's the whole thing. That's all of the prophecy… That's why I was scared… I trust you, now.`` I nodded as LightPaw’s words flooded through me. ``I shall do my best.`` After a long training session with LightPaw, WillowPaw was convinced she could become a warrior soon. We returned to the camp, chatting happily. ``That was sooooo fun!!!`` I chattered, almost forgetting about CinderStar’s betrayal. Almost. I had this feeling that something was going to happen soon. ``Tell LightPaw I love her, WillowPaw.’’ I heard the unmistakable voice of MorningFlower, LightPaw’s mother who died almost… Wow, was it three moons ago? ``LightPaw, I’ve received a message. It’s for you. ``Who is it from?`` LightPaw met my gaze slowly. ``MorninGFlower. She said… That she loves you.`` I smiled softly. ``She misses you.`` I didn’t know why I had received that message at that exact time, but it felt important. Another voice came to me. ``Tell her she can get through what is next to come. Thank you, WillowPaw.``  Now it was StarlightStep, LightPaws father. ``Your father says you can get through what's to come.`` I whispered. ``I know you can,`` I added to myself. ``Why are there so many…. Messages? WillowPaw, I’m Scared…`` She shuddered. I walked over to my friend. ``It will be ok, LightPaw.``

Haha this was long! Im open for feedback if needed! Also this is my image of WillowPaw. 

this is awesome!!! pls continue:) i have no more good books to read:(( this would be rlly interesting tho:D


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AMAZING story... and AMAZING image! Is that AI generated image, or your pet cat?

Anyone on?


#1 warriorCatFan is at my house

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it’s true lol we are having a sleepover 

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OMG you two know each other in real life? awesome!!

yes we do

its kinda weird cos we dont think of 'comments' as a chatting section like discord or snapchat:3 when i was around 7 i thought everyone in the comments section in yt was dead lmao

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Did you actually think they were dead?

CHAPTER 5: Petalfur and Moonheart

Up in starclan, lies Moonheart. Sadly watching as Bee and Stripe trot into the barn. “I knew they would leave!” Bees mother Bubblestripe yowled. “Oh Bubblestripe, they're gonna be fine! Bee and Stripe are really nice! They never meant to hurt anyone!” Silverwing tried laugh off Bubblestripes bad mood. “Honeystripe was clanborn! Clan life is for her! Not barn life!” Bubblestripe growled. “I am trying to sleep over here..” Moonheart groaned. “Me too.” A tired Flamestrike would state. “Bubblestripe quiet down they’re older and need sleep–” Silverwing would remark before being cut off. “HONEYSTRIPE IS A CLAN CAT–” bubblestripe yowled. “Her name is Bee, Bubblestripe! And you’ll be sent to the dark forest if you keep this up!” Silverwing growled. “But!--” Bubblestripe disappeared and woke up in a dark red and black place.”Where am I!?!” Bubblestripe yowled. “Welcome to the dark forest, Bubble.” A cat named Petalfur circled Bubblestripe. “P-petalfur?” Bubblestripe looked scared. “Hello again Bubble. Nice to see you after all these years.” Petalfur replied. “Why.. You killed me..” Bubblestripe froze. “Tell you this, I’ll give you a chance to see Bee. But I get to have you as a pet.” Petalfur offered with an evil smile. “W-Why would I do that?! And don’t call her Bee!” Bubblestripe growled. In starclan, Moonheart watched as Ivyclimb got better. She turned around to silverwing. “Silver, sure Bubble deserved to go to the dark forest, but don’t you think.. Y’know.. Petalfur?” Moonheart wondered concerned. “True. Maybe you can find out somethi–” Silverwin suggested. “WHA– PETALFUR?” Moonheart froze as petalfur entered Starclan. “Hello old one. Remember me?” Petalfur snuck around starclan. “Don’t start this with me just because Bubble said no.” Moonheart growled. She knew a fight that would go on for days had just started. “Oh please!..” Petalfur manipulated. Her gaze stared into moonheart like a tree falling on her. “I know your plans.” Moonheart groaned. “Oh, is that so?” Petalfur circled around They both knew something had started, and wouldn’t end soon.

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Wow this is good! 


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that yours? I think it is but I’m not 100% sure

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Aww cute hamster!

I think I found a bug (I’m on mobile so maybe that’s the problem) so when I’m like in the middle of the game i just get kicked out and I have to restart the game

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yep that happens to me on mobile to

(2 edits)

idk why but when im talking to duskfall about fighting and click on him WHILE he's talking it glitches and then i cant go anywhere or talk to anyone except hollypelt):<

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His name's Garble.

i did that too, but then when sunfall DID visit, cookie wouldn't let me ask about crystalblaze. then i forgot to fight Firestar, and my whole clan died. Ooopsie daisies

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what? she doesn't die. At least not in any of the endings I've gotten..

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Deleted 287 days ago

ohh i saw the flowers but i didnt click on them:( poor nightwhisper:C

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You have to wait a while...

Um, i think i found a bug... basicly, i keep beating Duskpaw, but then it kills me...

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hmmm... maybe you died from old age?

I don’t think so, since I was still only an apprentice…


My tom went from Crimekit, to Crimepaw, to Crimemask and to Crimestar! 

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OH LOL did you go around cheating on your mate or something



you can kill cats?

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No, you can't, but in the story, he can

(1 edit)

oh ok

...ur like the only person replying to me lol

I'm a she and I also i created him in Over borders aswell.

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anyone on...?

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hi I made a hamster scratch game

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