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hi anyone online?


Hey guys! I decided to make my own scratch game, it's definitely not complete, but it's a start! Here's the link:

I grew my own moss-shadow!!!

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hey did you know lol looks like a drowning person? I just noticed that lol

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lol, shadowy moss!


moss in the shadows, and mud?

yep! Lol

(2 edits)

i need motovation for this lol

that one might not work

Hey! Yuki here. I so have s amll channel and I am trying to find what I want to post more of! So if you could subscribe and get me to my goal that I've had for MONTHS now of getting 100 subs I'd really appreciate it!

Channel link is here! (1521) +. Yuki_WCUE .+ - YouTube

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I can’t sub cause I don’t have yT but I have yT studio and have a small Chanel of my own. It’s called glaceondragon999

This u?

that’s me alright!

Bubblepaws' Destiny: Chapter 3 (Finally)

"May all cats who are old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Wet Rock for a clan meeting!"

Cheetahstar used to ancient call for clan meetings, Bubblekit bounded forward, it was her time to become an apprentice, who would her mentor be? She noticed Troutheart wasn't there, you'd think the clan deputy would come to a clan meeting, and none of the elders were there... odd, she was also kept away from the clearing the night before, does that mean... Troutheart was... dead?

"There are several things to discuss this meeting.  First and foremost, Bubblekit, step forward."

"Bubblekit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Bubblepaw. Your mentor will be Breezesong.  I hope Breezesong will pass down all they know to you. Breezesong, come forward. You have received excellent training from Fallenfeather, and you have shown yourself to be kind, and strong. You will mentor Bubblepaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Bubblepaw. Congratulations" she smiled, new apprentices in the clan were always a good thing. "Next, I must choose a deputy for this clan, as our past deputy, Troutheart, has moved onto StarClan after ShadowClan's attack at the gathering.  I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of RiverClan is Birchblaze."

As she heard her clanmates chanting her name, she smiled, her clanmates approved

"The final thing I have to say is... I am retiring, to become a queen." before she could explain why, she was interrupted by yowls of protest. "SILENCE! Let me explain myself! I have decided to adopt a young kit I found in the woods, she explained that her parents have died, and she was left all alone near the river." she beckoned with her tail, "Come out little one"

The young kit came out, the kit was white as a ghost, and appeared to be blind. Her clanmates noticed this, and decided it was a good choice, no matter how good of a leader Cheetahstar is, "I have decided to name her Ghostkit, after the color of her pelt." She leaped off the Wet Rock, letting Birchblaze speak

"This is... unexpected, at the least. I was unprepared to become leader, but I will just have to do my best. I understand I need to select a new deputy, and I believe I have made my decision." he glanced at his clanmates "I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of RiverClan is Dustpounce."

"Dustpounce! Dustpounce! Dustpounce!" they all chanted in unison.

"Tonight, I will head to the Moonstone with Oakriver to recieve my nine lives. Dismissed."

Bubblepaw was 7 moons now, she practiced battle moves with Finpaw, her best friend, and she was doing well, they both were. As their mentors watched them, they practiced battle moves for hours, and then Birchstar said "Bubblepaw, Finpaw, I have a challenge for you. First to catch three mice wins."

Bubblepaw raced into the forest, heading for a beech tree where mice usually hunted, she saw two mice. Dropping into the all too familiar hunting crouch, she pounced, clamping one paw on each mouse. They let out squeaks of pain, and she silenced them with a swift bite to the neck, she buried them in the dirt, and searched for more. She heard her name being called by Breezesong "Bubblepaw! Bring back your catch, Finpaw has won." she frowned, she almost caught her third mouse, but she dug up her prey and padded back to the clearing, when Birchstar said "Good job, both of you, Finpaw, you get first pick of the Fresh-kill pile once we get back. No more work for the both of you today, you did well." 

Bubblepaw smiled, being praised by the leader always warmed her pelt, and she flicked Finpaw with her tail "Race you back!" she instantly broke off into a run, giving herself a head start, not like she needed it, she was the fastest apprentice in RiverClan, she won with ease, once Finpaw got back, she gently clawed his nose "Haha! Slowpoke!"

Chapter 4 coming... soon.. The last time I put a deadline on myself I released the chapter a week later so no deadline this time lol. <3

lol. I love it I don’t care about deadlines

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Birchblaze Birchstar is female :)


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I’m online 

I know, I just didn't have the chance to mention her gender in the story, if I said he it was a typo lol

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oh ok

I loved it!!!!! I feel like I'ma cry cuz I love it so much

:3 half the story was you making it though-


OMG this is awesome!! ngl i tried making my own story too but gave up on the third chapter lmao


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    very bad dot art      

  O                                 O


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What is it?

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idk lol


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I got a new profile pic lol its of my hamster Snowball

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Aww cute!!!

what is the keyboard shortcut to go to the chapters of storm song?

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Hit command F or control F and type in “Stormsong: Chapter”. Scroll down to load more comments until it pops up

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Hi, it's me, Birchblaze. I'm wondering if there's anyone who would like to make a Queen's Mystery style comic to go along with Stormsong. Do you want to or know anyone who wants to? If you're wondering if this is actually me because it sounds a bit formal, I'm just trying to sound polite LOL

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I mean I can try a few panels but idk how good it will turn out 

Hey just wanted to let you know I followed you!!

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Oh! thx!



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It just roughly follows the story, there can be a lot of room for improvising

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hey, I know I said I would do the comic but I Tried a few panels and it was kinda hard. I have a lot to work on like homework, my scratch game and I promised Gla eon dragon 999 I would do her book as a comic. So I’m sorry that I can’t do your comic (sorry if it sounded rude)

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it’s ok, glaceondragon999 is doing it anyway 

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Do y'all think I should just keep writing Stormsong and not change anything, or ask if anyone would make a Queen's Mystery style Scratch comic to go along with it? (I can't make my own comic because I don't have the time to do it. If someone makes it they don't have to be dedicated. It was just a thought.)

Id love to make a story on scratch but 1 idk how and 2 I'm bad at coding and 3 I'm TERRIBLE at drawing 

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1. It's not that important don't worry about messing up one or two panels, the overall story is what's important. 2. Make the background change when clicked, put the panels in the background, it's pretty simple. 3. Aw you're not terrible at drawing! I saw your Echo and Hawk picture. That's more than good enough for a little comic that pretty much no one except you and I will be seeing. 4. Sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to push you into it!!

It's fine also thank you so much I will love to try and make a comment on scratch but my computer needs to restart first and also maybe you can add some of my characters from my story if you want to and maybe make it off with your little with your own little twist and maybe you know maybe add like ghost kit or echo or I don't know maybe echo and Hawks and hawk I mean so yeah I will I love your stories and I will love to read the rest of them byeeeee!

Also u should continue your story, also can u add one of my characters in?

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Sure! What are your characters? Maybe I can add more than one!

you can continue with storm song normally but look for someone to do the comic. If u don’t find anyone who cares! 

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Yeah! So... let's begin the search! Will you do my comic? LOL

i can try. I'm not the best at drawing but il do a few panels at home and tell you how it goes

it’s not very good. I put all of chapter 1 into one panel lol. But shadowfall isn’t there

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It’s nice, I really like your Cherrytuft

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the dirt is really bad, there is too much of it and not enough den.

Anybody on?

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Hi, it's me, Birchblaze. I'm wondering if there's anyone who would like to make a Queen's Mystery style comic to go along with Stormsong. Do you want to or know anyone who wants to? If you're wondering if this is actually me because it sounds a bit formal, I'm just trying to sound polite LOL

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anyone online?

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Hi, it's me, Birchblaze. I'm wondering if there's anyone who would like to make a Queen's Mystery style comic to go along with Stormsong. Do you want to or know anyone who wants to? If you're wondering if this is actually me because it sounds a bit formal, I'm trying to sound polite LOL

Heyo~~~ Names WillowWisp! I'll be commenting parts of my fan fiction sometimes, I'll start with chapter one!!!

  Chapter one- A new beginning

    I stepped out of the nursery, watching the cool apprentices and large warriors. I decided to pad over to a pair of gossiping elders. ``Did you hear? BrackenLight had a prophecy!`` LongGaze gossiped with DestinyHeart. ``Oh! Yes, yes I did!`` she responded. ``Ooooohhhh.. A prophecy?`` I piped up from behind, and the two elders jumped in surprise. ``WillowKit? We’re talking! Go away!`` LonfGaze scowled as I padded away, frowning. 

I approached the medicine den, walking in, smiling. ``Hello BrackenLight! Hello CinnamonPaw!`` I smiled, greeting the two cats. ``Oh hello WillowKit!`` BrackenLight smiled. ``I heard LongGaze and DestinyHeart saying you had a prophecy! What is it? Are we gonna see StarClan too?`` I  bounced on my paws. ``Sorry, little friend. It's a secret for now. Maybe we can tell you when you're older.`` BrackenLight grinned once more. ``Ok then! I’ll see you later!`` I smiled, trotting happily out of the den.

I walked over to the freshkill pile, approaching CinderStar. ``Can I grab a sparrow for my mom? She's sleepy! So I wanted to grab her some freshkill!`` I asked, looking up at my leader, who was staring blankly down at her. ``Fine.`` he said, unmoving. ``Thanks CinderStar!`` I smiled, not noticing the leader's blank stare. I grabbed a sparrow, grinned at the sparring apprentices who stopped to stare at me, then I padded back to the nursery.

I dropped the sparrow at BriarFrost’s feet, and her mother grinned warily. ``Mommy… why is everyone staring at me today?`` I asked, wondering if I had done something wrong. ``Nothing, darling. Just, BrackenLight’s prophecy has something to do with one of my kits, and we don’t know which one. It will be fine. Now get some rest.`` BriarFrost looked to the slowly setting sun, grinning. ``Your apprentice ceremony is tomorrow, rest up!`` she grinned, placing a purple flower behind my ear. ``Goodnight, gorgeous.`` BriarLight murmured as I fell into my nest, falling to sleep.

I awoke at sunrise, before the morning patrols left. Her mother was already awake, and it felt like the second I opened her eyes, my mother started grooming me like crazy. ``Moooommmm!`` I complained. ``Hush. Your ceremony is soon.`` BriarFrost whispered, continuing to groom the squirming WillowKit. Eventually, I settled, the purple flower still in behind her ear

``May all cats old enough to run free gather under the tall stump for a clan meeting!`` CinderStar’s voice rang across the clearing, and I padded outside of the nursery by her mothers side, and she had noticed both my siblings and StormLily’s eldest kit, NightKit, leave the protection of his sibling wall and approached the clearing. ``Today we gather because four kits have reached six moons in age, and it is now their time to become apprentices.`` He began, taking a breath. ``ShiningKit, with your mentor being AshenBloom, you shall now be known as ShiningPaw`` I watched as ShiningPaw stepped up and touched noses with their father, before nodding and padding back next to me ``ShinningPaw!`` The clan called out once, before quieting so CinderStar could continue. ``StormKit, with your mentor being DuskCall, you shall now be known as StormPaw.`` StormPaw stepped forward, touching noses with DuskCall before sitting back down next to 

me. ``StormPaw!!`` the clan howled in pride. ``NightKit, with your mentor being FawnThrash, you shall now be known as NightPaw.`` My stomach felt upside down as I awaited my turn to become an apprentice, as I watched the clan call out NightPaw’s name ``NightPaw!`` the entire HollyClan shouted. ``And finally,`` CinderStar continued, ``WillowKit. You have been kind and well throughout your entire Kithood. You shall now be known as WillowPaw, with me as your mentor.`` CinderStar hopped off the tall stump, and touched noses with WillowPaw. ``Is this really happening?`` I  thought, as the echoes of the clan chanting continued. But… there was less chanting than for ShinningPaw, or NightPaw, or even Stompaw. Why did she get less? Had I  done something wrong? ``Thank you, CinderStar. I will make our clan proud, I swear on my place as a HollyClan cat.`` I dipped my head, and CinderStar looked down at me in approval. ``I trust you shall, my apprentice.`` 

I awoke early, grinning at NightPaw and LightPaw. ``Morning!`` I said, smiling at the pair of cats. ``Oh! Good morning, WillowPaw!`` NightPaw grinned back. ``G-good morning!`` LightPaw stammered, as I tilted my head. ``Are you scared?`` I asked. ``Your way stronger than me!`` I yelped, watching her cautious diameter. ``Nothing, just BrackenLight’s prophecy, it’s creeping me out…`` she muttered. ``Oh! Well, that's ok! Act like we’re uhm… not in a prophecy! Or, one of us, whichever!`` I grinned, padding out. As I left the den, I heard LightPaw whisper to someone. ``She doesn’t know?``

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wow this is amazing!!!

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If you used the Stormsong character for Stormkit and Stormpaw, next time could you please add credit? (If you just thought of it you don't need to.) This is really good!

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Hi, it's me, Birchblaze. I'm wondering if there's anyone who would like to make a Queen's Mystery style comic to go along with Stormsong. Do you want to or know anyone who wants to? If you're wondering if this is actually me because it sounds a bit formal, I'm trying to sound polite LOL

I might be able to. I've finished all my projects and homework for school, so I have a little bit of free time. It depends, though. Can you specify what I'd be doing? (If you haven't already found someone lol)

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Glaceondragon999 is supposed to be doing it, but I can't find the one she's posting for some reason, so you can do one. Maybe a bit like Queen's Mystery (moss-shadow's Scratch comic), in chapters, and the chapters are the same as the book chapters? The story is the important part not the art.

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Helloooo I remixed glaces creating Dragonclan but re drew all the costumes In my style NONE OF THE CODE IS MINE

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I love warrior cats

I love warrior cats

I love warrior cats

I love warrior cats

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I love warrior cats

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Thistle <3 

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Hi, it's me, Birchblaze. I'm wondering if there's anyone who would like to make a Queen's Mystery style comic to go along with Stormsong. Do you want to or know anyone who wants to? If you're wondering if this is actually me because it sounds a bit formal, I'm trying to sound polite LOL

Lil tip, Moss will bring Moss-Shadow back!

Moss'Shadow got removed!?

no the moss ball will lure moss shadow back

Oh i thought the creator removed moss shadow, and i know how to lure moss shadow ty anyways :)


Wait moss'shadow is gone!??

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In the game... yes.

But I did the moss thing to lure her and it worked??

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yeah, it works

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Hi, it's me, Birchblaze. I'm wondering if there's anyone who would like to make a Queen's Mystery style comic to go along with Stormsong. Do you want to or know anyone who wants to? If you're wondering if this is actually me because it sounds a bit formal, I'm trying to sound polite LOL


why was what so big?

XD that's what she said

Here is my prof I responded to the first ever comment

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Hi, it's me, Birchblaze. I'm wondering if there's anyone who would like to make a Queen's Mystery style comic to go along with Stormsong. Do you want to or know anyone who wants to? If you're wondering if this is actually me because it sounds a bit formal, I'm trying to sound polite LOL

in the ask my ocs anything vid moss-shadow made everybody said starclan... ONLY THE REAL ONES WILL KNOW ITS THE PLACE OF COLD WATERS

lol. It’s the place of cold waters all those people who say STARCLAN are wrong 



I thought you knew

yeah, it's been there. also, the footprints exist there! 


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Hola, it's me, Birchblaze. I'm wondering if there's anyone who would like to make a Queen's Mystery style comic to go along with Stormsong. Do you want to or know anyone who wants to? If you're wondering if this is actually me because it sounds a bit formal, I'm trying to sound polite LOL

I replied to the first ever comeent

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YOU DID???? Lemme check

sometimes my computer has a last page option but not always. next time it pops up il show photo proof

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Hi, it's me, Birchblaze. I'm wondering if there's anyone who would like to make a Queen's Mystery style comic to go along with Stormsong. Do you want to or know anyone who wants to? If you're wondering if this is actually me because it sounds a bit formal, I'm trying to sound polite LOL

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My story characters:3







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Jade and Ivyclimb are my faves

(1 edit)

WOW! all amazing!


Bubblepaws I can’t figure out how to upload my scratch game on itch so I’ll put the link on the community tab on your jam. The version I posted does not work at all.

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I'll try to "upload" a small scratch project. If I can't figure out how to do it, I'll try to ask moss-shadow in the comments of a game or two on both Scratch or Itch. (Hey, you never know! I've seen him reply to people who ask real questions.)

I also use scratch!

                                       CHAPTER 4: HONEYSTRIPES SECRET

Dragonstar opened her eyes. She walked through the grass of fireflies, thinking. She made it back to camp. The first thing she saw was Sunlight. “HEYYYYY! How was it? Did you see Moonheart and your family? Was it cool?” Sunlight wondered. Circling around dragonstar. “Oh come on. It was nice, but they just gave me lives.” Dragonstar said. “Awww man!” Sunlight was angry. Dragonstar walked into the camp onto the high rock. A queen named Autumn walked up to her. “Hello autumn!” Dragonstar said happily. “Hello Dragonstar!” Autumn responded. Honeystripe walked by quietly, the whole clan was staring at her, including Autumn. “What’s happened?” Dragonstar questioned.”You don’t know?” Autumn yowled “No? Tell me!” Dragonstar screamed. “Well basically… Honeystripe was spotted talking happily with a rouge. The patrol that caught her reported her to others and went to get her.” Autumn explained. “WHAT?!?!?” Dragonstar yowled. Meanwhile in the medicine den, the black cat that had woken up was used to Iceclan camp. “What’s your name?” IvyClimb Exclaimed. “Stripe, why?” Stripe asked “Perfect! We can call you Darkstripe!” Ivyclimb said “Oh. Okay. Wheres Honeystripe?” Darkstripe asked. “HONEYSTRIPE?!” Ivyclimb yowled with a shocked look on her face. “Yeaaaa? We became mates at the barn.” Darkstripe said confused. “OUT! YOU OUT NOW!” Ivyclimb screamed. “Wha–” Darkstripe didn’t finish before somebody entered. A mad Dragonstar walked in behind Honeywing. “Hi stripe!” Honeywing said. “Dragonstar! This is the cat honeywing was with!” Ivyclimb exposed. “What!?!?” Dragonstar said loudly. She hosted a clan meeting. “All cats of Iceclan at the high rock now!” Everybody gathered around. “Honeystripe and Darkstripe, are, EXILED.” Dragonstar yowled. Honeystripe and Darkstripe looked shocked as ivyclimb dragged them out and the meeting ended. “So, what’s your name now?” Stripe asked. Walking to the barn with Honeystripe. “Bee. I want my name to be, Bee.” Bee said confidently. “Nice.” Stripe said calmly. They reached the barn and found a nest to lie in. “Goodnight, Bee.” Stripe smiled “Night, stripe.” Bee said happily as the two dozed off. Meanwhile in camp everybody was heading to bed shocked. “Can you believe it?” “Its crazy!” “That messy cat from dargonstars patrol?!” “What does she see in that cat?” Everybody was whispering. 


Deleted 253 days ago



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you have not been forgotten! hey moonstar!!!

Deleted 253 days ago

The rouge from my story

are you an apprentice? and if so how do you get rid of the paw

I’m a warrior. Prefix Dra then I requested the suffix gon

Another thing you can do is name yourself dragon(kit, paw) and then you can request the suffix " " basically, when he asks for your suffix, just click space, then enter and it will give you no suffix, just a *


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Try putting in the word "dumb" as your prefix, lowercase, followed by a space. She'll say, "When you're ready, dumb kit, talk to me to play mossball." HAHAHA

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Also goes with "You dumb " for "When you're ready, You dumb kit, talk to me to play mossball."  :3

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that's a good one lol

OR you could do 'my ugly ' so ur name becomes 'my ugly kit' then when ur mom talks about u she says "My ugly kit has started walking" LMAO

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OMG that is so funny lmao

Why doesn't this have everything the game on scratch has, like why no save system? I see nothing and difference from the game in scratch could you please fix that, I'd appreciate it, I love this game, :3

he’s prob working on it

i hope so tbh

(1 edit)

Yay im i found the the full game here, i love seing this still gett updates i played this in scratch ypu siad this was on its own site and ig thats here, hai, GG,       :3


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Hi, it's me, Birchblaze. I'm wondering if there's anyone who would like to make a Queen's Mystery style comic to go along with Stormsong. Do you want to or know anyone who wants to? If you're wondering if this is actually me because it sounds a bit formal, I'm trying to sound polite LOL

(2 edits)

Do you want me to make your OC? 

1. describe their personality (Ex.Silly, flirtatious, smart)

2. give me their pronouns (Ex. she,him,they,it, etc.)

3.tell me their name (If you have trouble making a name click here!)

4. tell me their backstory (Former kittypet, was abandoned by her parents as a kit)

4.give me some guidelines (Ex. CANNOT LOOK VIOLENT)

5. Tell me if they are fluffy or sleek

6. Tell me their markings (Ex. Black stripes)

7. Tell me their eye color! If you don't/forget, I'll change it to what I think suits your cat!

8. I can only make the head and shoulders of your cat.

9. Reply to submit it

I'll do my best to make your cat as soon as possible! (PLEASE USE NATURAL COLORS FOR THEIR PELT) if you don't like the outcome tell me what to fix! 

(Thanks to Bubblepaw for the website!)

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Birchblaze. Personality: Likes helping others, caring, extroverted, safety-conscious. Pronouns: she/her. Backstory: Birchblaze was a kittypet named Brownie, but her home was destroyed by an earthquake and she escaped to the clan. Fluffy or sleek: Sleek, definitely. Markings: Solid brown, one ear injured, maybe a scar or two from the quake.

Does she need anything?

s-she needs eyebrows-

Sorry, but this is not your cat, it's up to Birchblaze to decide.

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No, she's perfect!



personality: serious, rather quiet, can be silly if they don't think anybody is watching, reluctant to help others

pronouns: they/them

backstory: former rouge named Stone, got lost in clan territory and ended up making friends with someone which led them to seeking shelter in the clan

fluffy or sleek: very sleek

coloration: solid grey base with white speckling across their back and paws

This is a sleek as I can make it. Does it need anything?

hello! this is amazing! thanks so much for making it, its perfect :)


mine are Nightwhisper,Shadowstrike,Whiskerwillow,Dapplefang,Clawshadow,Moonpounce,Sootwhisker,and,Stormyfur

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sorry, I can only do one at a time! Please give me the specifics to your 1 cat by following the Instructions!

Name: Jackal, Personality: Timid, shy, scared, anxious, introvert, always aware, Pronouns: He/Them, Backstory: Jackal was once a kittypet named BonBon, but sadly his home had been invader's, as his owners did not survive, as he had to roam the streets ever since and was then known as Jackal from then on. (Backstory is a bit of a work in progress!) Guidelines: Minimum on the blood pls and thank you, Fluffy or Sleek: Fluffy, Markings: Dark beige spots, grey fur, missing his back leg, a scar over his left eye, torn ear, and big ears. :)

(1 edit)

Does it need anything?

No, he looks fabulous thank you! :)


Your welcome! :D

Can i req one? if i could then, Namie:Rose'Petal

Persona:Rather quiet tho will open to loved ones,skilled in hunting and fighting,lots of trauma,respected in the clan as she recieved the deputy role.


BackStory:Once as a kit she was kidnapped by a rouge,but her mother came to the rescue,taken in by a unknown clan once her mother abandoned her because of a permanent leg injury(Smth like Flame Pelt? y'know the med after Yellow'Fangs pass i read in polish so i dunno how is she in english)

Fluffy or sleek:VERYYYYYY Fluffy:3

Coloration:A very long fured,fluffy calico she-kitty,with a scar or to from the kidnapper rouge.


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