This is Lostfang. her story: In Shadowclan a kit named Lostkit was born healthy. But this little itty bitty kit was nothing but a trouble-maker. She would sneak out of the nursery and into the Warriors Den. By the time she became an apprentice, she maxed out training and she was better than every other apprentice. She was then later on named Lostfang and she was planned being leader until she murdered one of her own clanmates over jealousy. Why did i choose the suffix fang? search what it stands for.
All the way in Windclan, a litter was born on a beautiful full moon. The grass blew from the wind, making a pretty pattern following the elegant breeze. A polite queen was having a litter of four healthy kits. Pebblekit, Badgerkit, Jaykit, and Heatherkit. The quadruplets raced to the other side of the nursery. “Now be careful there! You might tri-” they all tumbled on each other. Featherberry was an extraordinary mother to all of the future warriors. Doestar made sure these kits would be safe, since there were a bunch of ambushes striking every clan. “Can’t catch me, Pebblekit!” teased Jaykit. “Wanna bet? I’ll strike you like a true warrior!” shouted Pebblekit. Featherberry was proud of them. They played together like siblings would, they argued a LOT about who would get the best mentor, until the day came. They would be beaming apprentices, everyone would adore them. Doestar was cleaning herself, entirely forgetting about the ceremony. “Doestar! These kits are waiting! Have you forgotten?” shouted Foxstream, the deputy. “Right away, Foxstream!”. Doestar called every cat to get to the highrock, as she smiled at the apprentices. It was a consummate morning for the clan, as sunrise soared over camp. “As my duty as leader, I shall choose mentors for these four brilliant kits.”. Doestar delayed, she thought for a couple seconds. “Jaykit, your mentor is Lynxsong, Heatherkit, your mentor is Danglingear. As for the rest, Mousefang and Ashfeather.” Doestar established. The cats of the clan cheered like a pride of lions roaring all at once. Lynxsong was the absolute BEST cat of Windclan, so Jaypaw basically won the argument. “You only got Lynxsong because you were lucky! She should be my mentor!” hissed Badgerpaw. “You’re just jealous! Doestar knows best!” replied Jaypaw. They both walked away from each other, looking back at one another like it was a staring contest. Pebblepaw went with her mentor, Ashfeather. Ashfeather didn’t really pay attention to Pebblepaw, he would just groom and glance at her every so often. “Ashfeather, teach me how to fight! I bet I can beat out Jaypaw and prove him wrong!” cried Pebblepaw. “Fine. Just don’t do ANYTHING wrong, or I'll be transferred to the Elder’s den.” growled Ashfeather. Pebblepaw trained with Heatherpaw, who was way better than her. Danglingear was the best at fighting, but not really hunting. Heatherpaw was for sure going to beat Jaypaw, but that was Pebblepaw’s job! So she pounced on Heatherpaw, making sure she was weak from nose to tail tip. “PEBBLEPAW! WHAT ARE YOU DOIN- OUCH!!” screamed Heatherpaw. “Making sure I'M better!” hissed Pebblepaw. Ashfeather and Danglingear had to separate the two of them so another blunder won’t happen.
Hey! So back when I was MCAKLEE, I made Dragonwings prophecy, and chapters have been going on since. I'd just like to let you know that, the last chapter will be posted today! Thx for the supprot on that story:3
Tigerheart raced through the brambles toward Dovewing. "You came ".Dovewing said," I was so worried". " Is something wrong" Tigerheart said.
"No". she said
"Then what is it ". Tigerheart said.
"I'm Expecting kits". Dovewing said.
Tigerheart was so surprised a purr rumbled in his throat,he let the purr go through his whole body and her.
"That's amazing". Tigerheart said.
"I know" our kits are going to be ours... but I fear that something will hurt our kits and I fear danger will come." she said
"No worries my dear nothing will hurt our kits they will grow into fin warriors and you can join shadowclan our kits will be happy and we would be happy" he said.
There was a long silence between them until Dovewing spoke again."
"No I am not joining shadowclan I thought about that and I have dreams about the thunderclan nursery".
"All cats have dreams Dovewing Can it be a bad dream".
"No it's not a bad dream like I said it's a dream about the nursery"Dovewing said.
"Then tell me about it". Can't you.He said
"Okay" when I am outside I feel strange. So when I look inside...the nursery is empty so I run outside and the darkness follows so when I look back the darkness covers the whole forest."
"It's just a dream Dovewing" he said
"NO" IT'S NOT A DREAM"Dovewing hissed. It's something bad I... can feel it"
"Have you talked to Jayfeather and Alderheart"
"How can I".If I tell them that I have dreams about the nursery then they would already know that I was expecting kits".
"Then you can join Shadowclan I know it will be perfect for us and the kits and we will make Shadowclan healthy again and do not worry about any cats reaction.And I know that Rowanstar would recover. And Rownastar would be so happy.And the Shadowclan cats would be happy that there is kits in the clan."
"Then what does it mean. come on you can tell me"
"It..Means that we have to leave the clans"
Tigerhearts pelt ruffled with anger."SO YOU WANT US TO LEAVE THE CLANS AND NEVER COME BACK"
"Tigerheart I know where to go".We should go far away near the Twolegplace where the spikes reach the sky it will be safe I know.It will be safe for you.And for the kits"
"No" I just want our kits to be safe"
"Well I can't just abandon my father"
"Then don't I'm leaving If you want to come then meet me here if not"
whetever she was about to say was difficult for her to say
ok but it also gives spoilers to people that didn’t read it. It’s like rewriting into the wild and changing firestar to redstar. It’s not really changing the book
so basically he was a kit then an app then a warrior he trained and killed the badger to give the med a nest. then he got 80 reps and got moss kit, became leader, and got nine lives. his sis went to Fire clan and he killed Firestar. he also changed his gender from girl to boy had kits and cheated on everyone POSSIBLE I accidentally deleted the tab and he hasn't lost a single life.
i claimed fair cat's life lol (if someone don't know how, i'm telling: you have to make ur sister leave the BrambleClan, when Sunfall come, you have to go to your sister and talk to her untill she says you maybe will stay in the fair - or something like this- and go to Aghata. YOU WILL CAN'T BACK TO THE BRAMBLECLAN! idk if you needed this)
Hi Moss Shadow! I was just asking if you could make it to where you don't have to constantly ask Amberclaw if you could go on patrol because it takes so much work to have to run all the way back and jump that GIANT cliff... Thanks! You're so awesome for making this game. I'm obsessed!
Bubblepaw padded after her mentor, Breezesong, towards the marshlands to practice battle moves with Finpaw.
Her and Finpaw almost always trained together, their mentors were friends, and she loved it; Finpaw is her best friend. She heard that they would have their warrior assessment within the next moon, so she was training extra hard to learn everything she could, so was Finpaw.
As they got to the open marshlands, she was excited, they were going to practice battle moves in the water! Those were her favorite battle moves, as she loved swimming.
"Hey Finpaw! Last one in the water is crow-food!" she meowed playfully
"HEY NO FAIR! YOU GOT A HEAD START!" Finpaw yowled as she raced into the water
"I'm not going to practice with crow-food," she said playfully to their mentors.
"You two are supposed to be training, not messing around like kits!" Birchstar's stern meow stopped their playtime
"Yes Birchstar.." they both meowed
They trained from sun-high, to the evening, perfecting the battle moves.
"Great job you two, you better get some rest, your warrior assessment is tomorrow!" Breezesong said, and both apprentices were shocked, it couldn't be this soon, could it?
Finpaw and Bubblepaw woke up, they were the last apprentices in the clan, and they wouldn't be for long!
"Finpaw! Bubblepaw! Come on, it's time" Breezesong called.
The two apprentices raced towards their mentors, it's finally time, and they bounced up and down in excitement.
"You two calm down, stop acting like kits just out of the nursery." Breezesong reminded them, "Bubblepaw, catch as much prey as you can. Same to you, Finpaw."
The apprentices raced into the forest, searching for prey in different directions, Bubblepaw went to go fishing in the lake, there was always a lot of prey there, whereas Finpaw went to hunt in the marshlands, frogs, birds, and a few fish were there.
Later, Bubblepaw had caught 3 fish, and Finpaw caught a starling, a thrush, a carp, and a toad. They walked through their territory back to their mentors, hoping they passed their assessment.
"May all cats gather beneath the wet rock for a clan meeting!" Birchstar yowled, it was time for both of the warrior ceremonies. "I, Birchstar of Riverclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Finpaw, Bubblepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do," They both mewed eagerly
"Then by the powers of me, I give you your warrior names. Finpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Finblade, Starclan honors your loyalty, and your strength. Bubblepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Bubblepaws, Starclan honors your speed, and kindness."
Bubblepaws was outraged, Bubblepaws?!?! that's barely more than an apprentice name! She didn't speak up though, she didn't want to go against Birchstar's wishes.
"Bubblepaws! Finblade! Bubblepaws! Finblade," the clan chanted.
Hey y'all! Next time I'm planning to reveal the prophecy to Bubblepaws, and possibly reveal what the prophecy means! I know I skipped a long time in this, but it's chapter 4, it's time for them to become warriors.
Cloudkit took a big yawn as she slowly opened her big, green eyes. "Welcome to FireClan, Cloudkit." Said Lilacpath as she brushed her newborn kit's calico coat. "Hey Cloudkit!" Said Crystalkit. "Wanna play?" "Come on, Crystalkit. Let's let Cloudkit explore on her own a little bit." Said Lilacpath. "Okay. Talk to me when you want to play mossball!" Young Cloudkit wandered around until she reached a rocky cliff. She ran and tried to jump over it, but failed. "Help! Please!" Shouts poor little Cloudkit. "I'm falling!" Cloudkit's eyes shut for a while. They opened at the nursery. "You took quite a fall there," said Milkywillow. "Try to be more careful next time." Cloudkit limped outside. "Come to Highrock," Said Bramblestar. "I'm calling a clan meeting."
Hej zawsze sie zastanawiam co zrobic zeby zostać liderem bo nigdy mi sie nie udaje :( a bardzo chce mam juz dwa te "kamyczki" do jaskini z krysztalem /zielony i niebieski chyba/ wiec prosze o pomoc 😭😭
Polak, co? ale to nie ważne. więc by zdobyć żółty kryształ musisz iść do rzeki (na lewym końcu mapy), biały przechodząc przez strumień (na prawo od wysokiego głazu), potem jako wojownik musisz wysłuchać historii od szarej kotki na polu z kwiatkami. potem idziesz do legowiska wojowników, bierzesz kulkę mchu i idziesz nad rzekę. klikasz na czerwony x i dajesz tam kulkę mchu. gdy następnym razem tam idzesz jest tam moss-shadow. zaprowadzasz go do wysokiego kamienia. by zostać potem przywódcą musisz mieć 80 punktów w tej łapce. idziesz do legowiska starszyzny, klikasz na żóltego kota, dostajesz rożowy kamień i idziesz do lewej jaskini w miejscu do polowania. mam nadzieje, że pomogłom :)
Poharatana_gwiazda said, “Hey, I always wonder what to do to become a leader because I never succeed :( and I really want to have two of these "pebbles" to the cave with crystal / green and blue I think / so please help 😭😭.”
Amberleaf said, “Pole, what? But it doesn't matter. so to get the yellow crystal you have to go to the river (at the left end of the map), white passing through the stream (to the right of the high boulder), then as a warrior you have to listen to the story from the gray cat in the field with flowers. then you go to the lair of the warriors, you take the ball of moss you go to the river. you click on the red x and give there a ball of moss. the next time you go there is moss-shadow there. you lead him to the high stone. to become a leader you have to have 80 points in this paw. and you go to the elders's lair, you click on the yellow cat, you get a horn stone and you go to the left cave In a place to hunt. I hope I helped :).”
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the rouge collecting herbs? i think so
i think its queen from moss-shadows queens mystery on scratch epesically because he has an herb shop.
you mean ace right?
Do you mean Ace from Galaxy's "under starlight" on or Ace from Moss-shadow's "queens mystery" on
ace from
what do you think?? whos project are we on again HMM????
This is Lostfang. her story: In Shadowclan a kit named Lostkit was born healthy. But this little itty bitty kit was nothing but a trouble-maker. She would sneak out of the nursery and into the Warriors Den. By the time she became an apprentice, she maxed out training and she was better than every other apprentice. She was then later on named Lostfang and she was planned being leader until she murdered one of her own clanmates over jealousy. Why did i choose the suffix fang? search what it stands for.
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FANG stands for Facebook Amazon Netflix and Google, I dont get it...
search: What does the warrior cat suffix fang stand for?
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"Aggressive, good at fighting, strong, and heroic"?
how to play the game It is not letting me play the game
find a turtorial on YouTube :D
ok thank you :)
Has anybody here played ClanGen by stablesteel? It's really fun!
yes, my brother even found mods for it so i have it moded
who wants to see my WC story? only the first chapter is done rn
ofc :)
Pebblenose’s Wish
CHAPTER THE FIRST: Welcome to Windclan
All the way in Windclan, a litter was born on a beautiful full moon. The grass blew from the wind, making a pretty pattern following the elegant breeze. A polite queen was having a litter of four healthy kits. Pebblekit, Badgerkit, Jaykit, and Heatherkit. The quadruplets raced to the other side of the nursery. “Now be careful there! You might tri-” they all tumbled on each other. Featherberry was an extraordinary mother to all of the future warriors. Doestar made sure these kits would be safe, since there were a bunch of ambushes striking every clan. “Can’t catch me, Pebblekit!” teased Jaykit. “Wanna bet? I’ll strike you like a true warrior!” shouted Pebblekit. Featherberry was proud of them. They played together like siblings would, they argued a LOT about who would get the best mentor, until the day came. They would be beaming apprentices, everyone would adore them. Doestar was cleaning herself, entirely forgetting about the ceremony. “Doestar! These kits are waiting! Have you forgotten?” shouted Foxstream, the deputy. “Right away, Foxstream!”. Doestar called every cat to get to the highrock, as she smiled at the apprentices. It was a consummate morning for the clan, as sunrise soared over camp. “As my duty as leader, I shall choose mentors for these four brilliant kits.”. Doestar delayed, she thought for a couple seconds. “Jaykit, your mentor is Lynxsong, Heatherkit, your mentor is Danglingear. As for the rest, Mousefang and Ashfeather.” Doestar established. The cats of the clan cheered like a pride of lions roaring all at once. Lynxsong was the absolute BEST cat of Windclan, so Jaypaw basically won the argument. “You only got Lynxsong because you were lucky! She should be my mentor!” hissed Badgerpaw. “You’re just jealous! Doestar knows best!” replied Jaypaw. They both walked away from each other, looking back at one another like it was a staring contest. Pebblepaw went with her mentor, Ashfeather. Ashfeather didn’t really pay attention to Pebblepaw, he would just groom and glance at her every so often. “Ashfeather, teach me how to fight! I bet I can beat out Jaypaw and prove him wrong!” cried Pebblepaw. “Fine. Just don’t do ANYTHING wrong, or I'll be transferred to the Elder’s den.” growled Ashfeather. Pebblepaw trained with Heatherpaw, who was way better than her. Danglingear was the best at fighting, but not really hunting. Heatherpaw was for sure going to beat Jaypaw, but that was Pebblepaw’s job! So she pounced on Heatherpaw, making sure she was weak from nose to tail tip. “PEBBLEPAW! WHAT ARE YOU DOIN- OUCH!!” screamed Heatherpaw. “Making sure I'M better!” hissed Pebblepaw. Ashfeather and Danglingear had to separate the two of them so another blunder won’t happen.
Coming soon! 🐱
Please reply with ideas for the second chapter
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Amazing book! For next chapter: one of the mentors gets sick maybe?
on it! I'll remember to base the next chapter off of ur idea
give me a thing to animate(must be warriors related)
Firestar becoming leader because idk what else
sorry there’s a lot to firestar becoming leader. I could do a small part like the nine lives, or blue stars death but I can’t to it all.
The power of three prophecy, like jayfeather witnessing it.
I forgot the jay feather lol
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OMG you used FlipaClip! That is just about the coolest animating app
I just realized you are Bubblepaws! You changed your pfp. I thought the suggestion you gave me in Roblox was a bit to complex and made this lol.
btw, what app do you use? Is it on PC, or?
thats okay, as long as its at least something
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Stormsong (black cat) and Deathberry (brown cat red eyes) loving on each other lol
Hey! So back when I was MCAKLEE, I made Dragonwings prophecy, and chapters have been going on since. I'd just like to let you know that, the last chapter will be posted today! Thx for the supprot on that story:3
k. Also you never put credit for the dragonstar character it’s ok if you forgot just reminding you that you said you would.
mb, i did forget:'3
my thing said the connection was reset so I can't play
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me too!
Safari is useless for this game. it crashes every time :P as i am literally on safari
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Omg me too I thought I was just my iPad
oh and by the way here is my story
Tigerhearts Shadow
Tigerheart raced through the brambles toward Dovewing. "You came ".Dovewing said," I was so worried". " Is something wrong" Tigerheart said.
"No". she said
"Then what is it ". Tigerheart said.
"I'm Expecting kits". Dovewing said.
Tigerheart was so surprised a purr rumbled in his throat,he let the purr go through his whole body and her.
"That's amazing". Tigerheart said.
"I know" our kits are going to be ours... but I fear that something will hurt our kits and I fear danger will come." she said
"No worries my dear nothing will hurt our kits they will grow into fin warriors and you can join shadowclan our kits will be happy and we would be happy" he said.
There was a long silence between them until Dovewing spoke again."
"No I am not joining shadowclan I thought about that and I have dreams about the thunderclan nursery".
"All cats have dreams Dovewing Can it be a bad dream".
"No it's not a bad dream like I said it's a dream about the nursery"Dovewing said.
"Then tell me about it". Can't you.He said
"Okay" when I am outside I feel strange. So when I look inside...the nursery is empty so I run outside and the darkness follows so when I look back the darkness covers the whole forest."
"It's just a dream Dovewing" he said
"NO" IT'S NOT A DREAM"Dovewing hissed. It's something bad I... can feel it"
"Have you talked to Jayfeather and Alderheart"
"How can I".If I tell them that I have dreams about the nursery then they would already know that I was expecting kits".
"Then you can join Shadowclan I know it will be perfect for us and the kits and we will make Shadowclan healthy again and do not worry about any cats reaction.And I know that Rowanstar would recover. And Rownastar would be so happy.And the Shadowclan cats would be happy that there is kits in the clan."
"Then what does it mean. come on you can tell me"
"It..Means that we have to leave the clans"
Tigerhearts pelt ruffled with anger."SO YOU WANT US TO LEAVE THE CLANS AND NEVER COME BACK"
"Tigerheart I know where to go".We should go far away near the Twolegplace where the spikes reach the sky it will be safe I know.It will be safe for you.And for the kits"
"No" I just want our kits to be safe"
"Well I can't just abandon my father"
"Then don't I'm leaving If you want to come then meet me here if not"
whetever she was about to say was difficult for her to say
"i'm...Leaving without you"
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um not to be THAT person but that's just a copy of Tigerhears Shadow I have it right here lol
No it is not I righted it by typing it and I used my own words I have the book at home so I righted it
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ok but it also gives spoilers to people that didn’t read it. It’s like rewriting into the wild and changing firestar to redstar. It’s not really changing the book
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And your also saying it like it’s YOUR story you didn’t even say it’s from the real books if people don’t want spoilers
I did right it and also sorry if a spoiler
the story of Fawnstar
so basically he was a kit then an app then a warrior he trained and killed the badger to give the med a nest. then he got 80 reps and got moss kit, became leader, and got nine lives. his sis went to Fire clan and he killed Firestar. he also changed his gender from girl to boy had kits and cheated on everyone POSSIBLE I accidentally deleted the tab and he hasn't lost a single life.
you can go back
how can you go back? You've joined the fair and Ashtail won't let you
I went back before are you on mobile or does it not work
im on my chromebook at home, Ashtail is being a true warrior back there
You can't back, Ashtail won't let you there again
i claimed fair cat's life lol (if someone don't know how, i'm telling: you have to make ur sister leave the BrambleClan, when Sunfall come, you have to go to your sister and talk to her untill she says you maybe will stay in the fair - or something like this- and go to Aghata. YOU WILL CAN'T BACK TO THE BRAMBLECLAN! idk if you needed this)
am i the only one who didn't know that in west woods shyeyes is ceris and cookie is spottedstar-
I knew that cookie was spottedstar but I did not know about ceris
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Well this looks familiar!
wait, how'd you get the cat to be on the side like that? I can only make them go straight
I mean technically it's felidaze_felidform's art. but....
Search up 'breezestar west woods' on google and gogle and it wil show this photo i posted!
Hi Moss Shadow! I was just asking if you could make it to where you don't have to constantly ask Amberclaw if you could go on patrol because it takes so much work to have to run all the way back and jump that GIANT cliff... Thanks! You're so awesome for making this game. I'm obsessed!
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You don't have to jump it if you have Easy Jump on
How do I get Easy Jump?*barbie in a box*
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It's one of the settings on the "pick your cat" starting screen
Ok ty :)
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nice barbie
Bubblepaws' Destiny: Chapter 4
Bubblepaw padded after her mentor, Breezesong, towards the marshlands to practice battle moves with Finpaw.
Her and Finpaw almost always trained together, their mentors were friends, and she loved it; Finpaw is her best friend. She heard that they would have their warrior assessment within the next moon, so she was training extra hard to learn everything she could, so was Finpaw.
As they got to the open marshlands, she was excited, they were going to practice battle moves in the water! Those were her favorite battle moves, as she loved swimming.
"Hey Finpaw! Last one in the water is crow-food!" she meowed playfully
"HEY NO FAIR! YOU GOT A HEAD START!" Finpaw yowled as she raced into the water
"I'm not going to practice with crow-food," she said playfully to their mentors.
"You two are supposed to be training, not messing around like kits!" Birchstar's stern meow stopped their playtime
"Yes Birchstar.." they both meowed
They trained from sun-high, to the evening, perfecting the battle moves.
"Great job you two, you better get some rest, your warrior assessment is tomorrow!" Breezesong said, and both apprentices were shocked, it couldn't be this soon, could it?
Finpaw and Bubblepaw woke up, they were the last apprentices in the clan, and they wouldn't be for long!
"Finpaw! Bubblepaw! Come on, it's time" Breezesong called.
The two apprentices raced towards their mentors, it's finally time, and they bounced up and down in excitement.
"You two calm down, stop acting like kits just out of the nursery." Breezesong reminded them, "Bubblepaw, catch as much prey as you can. Same to you, Finpaw."
The apprentices raced into the forest, searching for prey in different directions, Bubblepaw went to go fishing in the lake, there was always a lot of prey there, whereas Finpaw went to hunt in the marshlands, frogs, birds, and a few fish were there.
Later, Bubblepaw had caught 3 fish, and Finpaw caught a starling, a thrush, a carp, and a toad. They walked through their territory back to their mentors, hoping they passed their assessment.
"May all cats gather beneath the wet rock for a clan meeting!" Birchstar yowled, it was time for both of the warrior ceremonies. "I, Birchstar of Riverclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Finpaw, Bubblepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do," They both mewed eagerly
"Then by the powers of me, I give you your warrior names. Finpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Finblade, Starclan honors your loyalty, and your strength. Bubblepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Bubblepaws, Starclan honors your speed, and kindness."
Bubblepaws was outraged, Bubblepaws?!?! that's barely more than an apprentice name! She didn't speak up though, she didn't want to go against Birchstar's wishes.
"Bubblepaws! Finblade! Bubblepaws! Finblade," the clan chanted.
Hey y'all! Next time I'm planning to reveal the prophecy to Bubblepaws, and possibly reveal what the prophecy means! I know I skipped a long time in this, but it's chapter 4, it's time for them to become warriors.
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Tysm for using Finblade!
nice 👍
Anyone on
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hiii :D
what's the story with Creekfoot? (do they ever get up?)
if you make them dep or in a ceremony but other than that no. Her story is her sister died and she is greavng.
Y'all check out californiaclan. of Nightkit's legacy.
Where can you play this?
go to mossy's page and find the CaliforniaClan game.
How do you become medicine cat?
we can't become a kittypet, med cat, or anything else it says. we're waiting for the update for it :3
CHAPTER 1: Cloudkit's Birth
Cloudkit took a big yawn as she slowly opened her big, green eyes. "Welcome to FireClan, Cloudkit." Said Lilacpath as she brushed her newborn kit's calico coat. "Hey Cloudkit!" Said Crystalkit. "Wanna play?" "Come on, Crystalkit. Let's let Cloudkit explore on her own a little bit." Said Lilacpath. "Okay. Talk to me when you want to play mossball!" Young Cloudkit wandered around until she reached a rocky cliff. She ran and tried to jump over it, but failed. "Help! Please!" Shouts poor little Cloudkit. "I'm falling!" Cloudkit's eyes shut for a while. They opened at the nursery. "You took quite a fall there," said Milkywillow. "Try to be more careful next time." Cloudkit limped outside. "Come to Highrock," Said Bramblestar. "I'm calling a clan meeting."
Hope you guys enjoy! Reply if you want Chapter 2!
animation I made!
(This was for a MAP but all art is mine)
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! Did you use FlipaClip?! I use flipaclip like all the time its like soooooooo fun!!!
it is
Yay!!!! Check out my YouTube channel: comment pls!
its about my pet bird :)
hope you like it!
how do you move to the fair?????
just talk to Cryssie (Crystalblaze) a bunch and she'll invite you. Then talk to agatha, who is by cookie
who is cookie ?
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the black-and-white cat on the far left
thank you
yea it is supposed to rain
Yes, just ignore the rain, if you have defeated Firestar.
Gl to ya!
Hej zawsze sie zastanawiam co zrobic zeby zostać liderem bo nigdy mi sie nie udaje :( a bardzo chce mam juz dwa te "kamyczki" do jaskini z krysztalem /zielony i niebieski chyba/ wiec prosze o pomoc 😭😭
Polak, co? ale to nie ważne. więc by zdobyć żółty kryształ musisz iść do rzeki (na lewym końcu mapy), biały przechodząc przez strumień (na prawo od wysokiego głazu), potem jako wojownik musisz wysłuchać historii od szarej kotki na polu z kwiatkami. potem idziesz do legowiska wojowników, bierzesz kulkę mchu i idziesz nad rzekę. klikasz na czerwony x i dajesz tam kulkę mchu. gdy następnym razem tam idzesz jest tam moss-shadow. zaprowadzasz go do wysokiego kamienia. by zostać potem przywódcą musisz mieć 80 punktów w tej łapce. idziesz do legowiska starszyzny, klikasz na żóltego kota, dostajesz rożowy kamień i idziesz do lewej jaskini w miejscu do polowania. mam nadzieje, że pomogłom :)
Poharatana_gwiazda said, “Hey, I always wonder what to do to become a leader because I never succeed :( and I really want to have two of these "pebbles" to the cave with crystal / green and blue I think / so please help 😭😭.”
Amberleaf said, “Pole, what? But it doesn't matter. so to get the yellow crystal you have to go to the river (at the left end of the map), white passing through the stream (to the right of the high boulder), then as a warrior you have to listen to the story from the gray cat in the field with flowers. then you go to the lair of the warriors, you take the ball of moss you go to the river. you click on the red x and give there a ball of moss. the next time you go there is moss-shadow there. you lead him to the high stone. to become a leader you have to have 80 points in this paw. and you go to the elders's lair, you click on the yellow cat, you get a horn stone and you go to the left cave In a place to hunt. I hope I helped :).”
Anyone on?
im stuck in the crystal cave thing?
For rockpaws story-- he looks like shallowstripe!