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Rockkits mentor was a cat named Hollypelt. And rockkit was eventually named rockpaw. Rockpaw went on many patrols, and went hunting a lot. He enjoyed fighting and being able to hang out with people. As an apprentice he found a few gems. His friend Nightpaw gave him a green one. He found a hidden one in the river by the nursery. He found in the water at the beach. And amberclaw introduced him to an owl named alyssa who gave him a blue gem. He and hollypelt learned about the training grounds, and how to fight, and when to go on patrols. And the hunting grounds, how to hunt and when there is more prey outside. The two cats had fun learning but hollypelt wasn’t the only one there to help. Amberclaw and Ashtail let him on patrols and Dustfeather and duskfall helped him fight. He had a great apprenticehood. He even helped milkywillow get a den by fighting a badger all by himself! But all good things come to an end.He heard a shout from Bramblestar that a meeting had started so he came, him and his friends. They were lined up to be warriors. This was it.

This is just the events of the game.

its supposed a story abt my oc in the game--


So, I played for around two hours and got leader, had seven kits, made tons of friends, broke the first battle training cats heart (IM SO SORRY-), changed my gender twice, had so many mates, and so much more. So I restarted-


I broke his heart too lol T-T

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when his heart is broken, mine gets broken too

how did you have SEVEN KITS!??!? WHAAAAAAAAAT??????



To fix, click on the green flag to change your name. Click on "Name me" and choose the first part of your name. for example, if you want to name yourself Moonkit, Moon is the part you would type. You cannot remove Kit. Hope I helped 

I knew- i've been playing this game for forever now-

Oh sorry lol

CHAPTER 1: Kithood

Rockkit woke up as his eyes opened. “Looks like rockets up.” Lilacpath said happily. “Yay rockkits up!” Crystalkit jumped “C’mon crystalkit, let rockit explore for awhile.” “Aww, okay..when you’re ready, talk to me if you wanna play moss-ball!” Crystalkit and Lilacpaths conversation had faded. Rockkit left the nursery and explored, he met nightkit, and ashtail. Brablestar didn’t talk much. It had become night and rockkit fell asleep in her nest next to her mom. When he woke up he saw a new cat, Breezekit. He and her talked and eventually he played moss-ball with crystalkit. He fell asleep and was woken up with a call from bramblestar. He was becoming an apprentice!

typo. When lilac says rockkits up it corrected to rockets up. Other than that I like it

ty for letting me now :3 autocorrect will vanish


moss any updates on the KtL or West woods also love your new game being blind is really cool!

whats the new game? i love playing warrior cat stuff. Im all about it

californaclan. Find it by hitting view all by moss shadow on this game

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chapter one of bushwhisker's legacy

bushkit opened his eyes, "hello bushkit" said lilacpath welcome to brambleclan."bushkit, wanna play?" asked crystalkit "he can't play now, let bushkit get used to the place first" said lilacpath "okay fine" said crystalkit


So much had happened in the past 2 moons. Iceclan had moved their camp to a sparkly cave. Beestrike had moved 3 times. And Moonheart and Petalfur began a war. While moving, Iceclan found new cats! Their names are Deergrass, Cherry, Hospital, and Yarrowpatch. Although many cats are not being accepted right now, and things are chaotic. One group of two has fixed that mess. They started some peace in the clans and those two cats who ended Iceclans relationships with Whisperclan are…

Dragonstar, and Sunlight. Dragonstar, bringing her clan together. Stopping the fights between others. And sunlight, who didn’t do much, but helped Dragonstar. Sunlight was more kind and powerful than anybody could imagine these past moons. Helping Dragonstar help others. Helping Ivylclimb, when the medicine apprentice Ebonypaw got Greencough. When people needed it most, Sunlight proved his honor by being a good cat. He and Dragonstar even had a litter of kits. Flashkit, Tinykit, and Oceankit, and Fallenkit. Oceankit looked like Sunlights mother, Splash. She was a blue-ish color with small spots. Tinykit looked like Dragonstar. Fallenkit looked like Sunlight, and Flashkit, looked like both. “Wow.” Dragonstar said looking at sunflight. “Thanks. Nothing helped more than you Dragonstar. I saw what you did to help, and thought I could do it in my own way.” Sunlight smiled. “Sun, You’re amazing.” Dragonstar said happily. “Will you miss me?” Sunlight said sadly. “Yes, I do hope you make it.” Dragonstar said softly. “I-I can’t. I made the decision so suddenly. I’m not moving to the fair.” Sunlight said. “Ok. I would’ve missed you anyway.” Dragonstar said happily. 

These two made more than a perfect pair. They were..

Dragonstars Sunlight


Sunlights Dragonstar.


What happens when you for some reason can't die but can't ask cookie :')

I had kits with dustfeather and we named them after our mothers


so Amberclaw and lilacpath?

yes lilacbreeze and amberlily

funny idea of what to name your kit: First-Aid-. You'll see :)

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OMG! First-Aid Kit. XD

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it's adorable

alr, you guys like my new profile pic? I told everyone to say pickle to change my name, or pizza to change my profile pic


it's adorable :)

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it’s so cuteeee


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An open bigener friendly map for all interested.


THIS IS NOT AN ADD it’s just I have been looking for open biggener friendly maps on scratch and finally found one.

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uhm, why did it show my kits being called Muddypaw Violetpaw and Jumperpaw when they were already apprentices, but then everyone chanted their warrior names. This happened as i was leader

(4 edits)

A kittypet once discovered a whole forest of cats, all together. She then bounced in there, without warning. She surprised every cat and said she wanted to live in Shadowclan. She insisted on believing Starclan was a thing, and said that was just a silly myth. She then became the a strong warrior and guarded her clan. But another medicine cat trained her so she could properly be a true med cat. Then on a dark blue night, Starclan came down below to Shadowclan and told her she HAD to be med cat, no matter what. And she must always follow the warrior code. Tigerstar then named her Sunflight, and she stayed there until the prophecy began.

a former kitty pet who became the med cat, dosent believe in starclan but the med cat fracked a sign so she could train. Then REAL starclan cats ca,e and let her be med.(mothwing but less scetchy)


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I’m making a scratch game but idk what the storyline will be. The clan is iceclan and I want to do a sorta kit to leader style but not a storyline copy

dragonstar recap! If you have not read chap 6 yet it is here


Redfur was worried. Goldenlight said it would be fine, that it’s completely normal to have pains the day before having kits but she was still worried. “What if they get sick!” Redfur said “what if I get hurt and can’t take care of them!” She bombarded goldenlight with her concerns.

 “They will be fine,you will be fine evryone will be fine” goldenlight said though redfur didint believe her. Redfur tried to lay down for the night, maybe sleep before her kits came.

 “You will be fine” said diamondreaper a she cat that had given birth to one kit, bluekit just that morning “I’m just worried if something happed to me, like something happened to my mom” diamondreaper continued. It was common knowledge in the clan that diamondreapers mom was killed by a bagger shortly after kitting and she probably wanted to be there for her kits. 

Redfur fell asleep and found herself in the same forest she allways dreamed of. “Deap breaths you are going to be fine” a mysterious voice said.

 “Is that a prophecy?” Redfur asked.

 “Opp you weren’t supposed to hear that” the voice said “but I am here to give you a prophecy” redfur paused for a moment. She knew that voice

 “nightpaw! She yelled out loud, I’m sorry I wasn’t there, that I was looking the other way, you were my apprentice I was supposed to watch you, especially during your warrior assessment!” Redfur exclaimed.

 “No one could have seen the fox coming” said nightpaw. “Anyways, with a feather of flame phoenixfeather will heal more than can be broken, and the clans will survive great power, under the wing of Dragonstar” 

“thank you nightpaw” redfur said as she began to wake up. There were two beautiful kits laying there at her waist. 

“You slept through the birth” goldenlight said “you have two healthy kits, a she kit and a Tom”. Redfur instantly knew witch was witch.

 “The Tom will be phoenixkit and the she cat, she will be called Dragonkit”

Chapter 1

“Dragonkit, Dragonkit come on!” Two different voices were shouting. Though she couldn’t see she mustered all her strength to open her eyes. The world was so big and beautiful. The two voices were cats,just like her that looked about her age.

 “Hi I’m bluekit” one of them said. This one was a colour Dragonkit assumed was blue. 

“I’m your brother phoenixkit” phoenixkit looked like her and had the same smile as Dragonkit assumed was on her face. 

“I want to show you how to play mossball!” Bluekit exclaimed. “All you do is one kit throws the ball and the other has to not get hit!”

 She threw a ball at Dragonkit and Dragonkit dogged without trouble. 

“Come on I want to explore camp!” That was phoenixkits mew. 

“Ok, come on bluekit” Dragonkit responded to her brother. The camp was busy. A cat that Dragonkit assumed was the deputy, sneakyclaw based on her moms story’s, assigning patrols, and Goldenlight the medicine cat was putting dressing on a leg wound of another cat. 

“Isn’t what she does beautiful” phoenixkit said “I want to be just like her”

 “a medicine cat?” Bluekit asked “I will be a warrior, no time for medicine cat stuff” “bluekit come in!” That was diamondreapers voice. Bluekit left without hesitation. Then a cat seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

 “Hi I’m nightpaw” she said 

“wait” phoenixkit said “you are in starclan aren’t you”

 “yes I am” nightpaw said “and I’m hear to tell you something.” “What?” Dragonkit asked “with a feather of flame phoenixfeather will heal more than can be broken, and the clans will survive great power under the wing of Dragonstar” nightpaw said sounding more wise then when she introduced herself “now don’t tell anyone about this” 

“we won’t!” Yelled phoenixkit as he ran back to the clearing, probably to watch Goldenlight.

Chapter 2

“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the highrock for a clan meeting!” That was moonstars voice calling. Dragonkit was excited. This was her and bluekits apprentice ceremony. Phenoixkit disided to be a medicine cat almost as soon as he opened his eyes, before hearing the prophecy but dragonkit was sportive of him anyways. The cats gathered beneath highrock and moonstar said “it’s time for three kits to become apprentices. Dragonkit phenoxkit and bluekit please step forward” Dragonkit and the others stepped up eagerly. “Dragonkit phenoxkit and bluekit you have reached the age of six moons and are ready to become  apprentices. from this day forward until you earn your warrior or medicine cat name, you shal be known as dragonpaw, phenoxpaw and Bluepaw. Dragonpaw I will be your mentor. Bluepaw your mentor will be birchblaze.” Dragonpaw liked birchblaze for Bluepaw. Birchblaze was a she who wasn’t that strong, but the kind of patient teacher Bluepaw needed. She was also surprised that the leader herself wanted to mentor her. But moonstar wasn’t done yet. “Phoenixpaw your mentor will be Goldenlight” no surprise there. Phoenixpaw wanted to be the medicine cat, of course his mentor needed to be Goldenlight. 

“Dragonpaw! Phoenixpaw! Bluepaw!” The crowd of cats voices echoed in the clearing. 

Dragonpaw thought she saw something else. Suddenly she found herself in a forest she didn’t recognize. It had a huge star with a cat on top. “You shal be known as nightsong. We honor your courage as we welcome you as a full warrior of starclan. Suddenly dragonpaw was back in the clearing. Nightsong. The name echoed in dragonpaws mind. Could that be the same nightsong that gave her the prophecy, all those moons ago?

Chapter 3

“Come on dragonpaw. Training won’t wait” that was moonstar. I stumbled out of my nest and went to follow. Bluepaw and birchblaze were also there. 

“Today we are going to learn the territory and how iceclan is patrolled differently in leaf bare” that was birchblaze. She made a gesture with her tail and trotted off with moonstar. Dragonpaw and bluepaw followed eagerly, ready to learn. 

“So first we have the ice cavern witch marks one of our rouge borders.” Said birchblaze. Iceclan was the only clan in the forest though the rouges were strong so they needed borders anyway

. “The ice cavern always has ice, even in the middle of Greenleaf and has a rock on the bottom so the ice won’t crack so it’s were we will practice ice-hunting and play prey-stone but right now back to borders” moonstar said. After patrolling for a while they headed back to camp. 

“I am going to relax in the nest” bluepaw said.

 Dragonpaw had a different activity in mind. “Phoenixpaw?” Dragonpaw said as she poked her head into the medicine den. 

“Please come in. Goldenlights resting so it’s just us” phoenixpaw said then a starclan cat appeared. 

“Nightsong!” Both the apprentices said at the same time. “How did you know that!” They said to each other again, at the same time. 

“I let you both attend my warrior ceremony ok.” That was Nightsong. “But you were busy with your own so you only got to see the end” 

“so thats why” phoenixpaw said. “That makes total sense”

 “dragonpaw we are going to teach you how to do ice-hunting” moonstars voice echoed through the den. 

“See you phenoixpaw,nightsong!” dragonpaw exclaimed as she went after moonstar. 

Chapter 4

“Want to come to the ice cave?” Phoenixpaw asked dragonpaw. “And talk with her”. Dragonpaw knew her brother was talking about Nightsong. The young starclan warrior had befriended the two apprentices in the first 2 moons,of their apprenticeships. Phoenixpaw was a fast learner and it was estimated that the two apprentices would get their names on the same night.

 “Sure let’s go!” Dragonpaw exclaimed. They came up to the cave 

“here is a tip. Unsheath you claws and grip onto the backbone of some sort of prey. Then you slide a lot easier” phoenixpaw said. 

“Sure I’ll try it” dragonpaw said. It turns out it is super slippery on the ice. “Over here!” Nightsong said.

 “I need to tell you something.” She continued. “Another prophecy?” Dragonpaw asked. “Have you ever heard of foxcatcher?” Nightsong asked. 

“You mean the fox who was raised in the clan and left shortly before we were born?” Phoenixpaw said. Dragonpaw had never heard of this fox but listened to her brother. “Well her forces are rising, foxclan will be here by the end of leaf bare.”

 “Leaf bare? It’s the height of greenleaf! We have plenty of time. I could be leader by then.” Dragonpaw said. 

“Leaf bare is closer than you think. You must be ready. Now is the part I’m supposed to disappear but I kinda want to hang out a little. You know…. Like friends” Nightsong said 

“sure. We would be welcome to slide around on the ice a little with you. Wow that needs a name. It’s not prey stone because there is no stone and we are not ice hunting because we are not hunting” dragonpaw said. 

“I will get starclans opinion and we will think of a name” Nightsong said. The three cats then spent the rest of the day sliding around on the ice together, forgetting all their worries of the prophecy or the warning from starclan about foxclan.

Chapter 5

“Your name will be blueberry. Starclan honors your courage”Moonstar said. 

“Actually we honor her swiftness but she doesn't know that '' Nightsong said though dragonpaw and phoenixpaw were the only ones who could hear.

 “As we welcome you as a full warrior of iceclan. Dragonpaw your name will be Dragonwing. Starclan honours your intelligence as we welcome you as a full warrior of iceclan.” 

Dragonwing. The name echoed in dragonwings mind just like nightsongs had done. “Tonight you will sit in silent vigil and guard the camp when we sleep. This meeting is dismissed!” Moonstar continued. The sky was already getting dark and it was time for the vigil. 

“I am going to get my full medicine cat name tonight! It’s half moon and we are going to the moontree to get my name!” Phoenixpaw was just as excited as Dragonwing is though she couldn’t sleep. “See you!” Phoenixpaw continued as he rushed after goldenlight.

The first three hours of the vigil rushed by. Dragonwing was looking at the territory because there is a great view from camp.

Then phoenixpaw got back “actually it’s phoenixfeather now” phoenixfeather said as if reading her mind. “We will talk in the morning” he continued as he went to the medicine cat den.

Then Dragonwing saw a cat in the distance. She was freaking out. He was coming towards the camp! She walked into the medicine den and taped on phoenixfeather.

“What is it” he said and Dragonwing made a tail gesture to follow. She went back to her spot and showed her brother what was going on. The rouge was in camp by now and blueberry was facing him, claws unsheathed as if she was going to attack. “Come on now if you would just tell me your name” the rouge said

“I’m phoenixfeather, that cat is blueberry and this is my sister Dragonwing. They are on their warrior vigil so they can’t talk” phoenixfeather said “also my name is phoenixfeather” 

“Dragonwing, what in interesting name, my name is dragon” the rouge said.

“What is going on here!” Moonstar came out of her den. “A rouge in camp! When on vigil you are supposed to guard the camp while we sleep, not wake the whole camp up when a rouge comes!” 

“I want to stay here for a bit if that is ok” dragon said “the cats outside your borders are mean to me”

“Very well. You can sleep in there” moonstar pointed her tail towards the warrior den.

Chapter 6

“ dragonwing?” phoenixfeather was calling her by her new warrior name.She had gone by dragonwing for about a moon now and still has not gotten used to the name. “ have you heard? Birchblaze is expecting” 

“She is? Why dont i know!” dragonwing exclaimed

“ no member of the clan knew. Then all of a sudden she started to have pains. It seems to be a litter of 5 from the amount of squirming in there. But i could only feel one cat.”

“How very odd.”

“I know.”

“Dragonwing! Want to go on patrol with me and moonstar!” Sneakyclaw yelled to the den

“I’m coming!, phoenixfeather I gotta go.” Dragonwing rushed out of the medicine den.

“Let’s hunt on the ice cavern today. I saw some birds resting in the moontree last night” moonstar said.

The three days spent the afternoon hunting birds on the moontree then moonstar broke the silence 

“Dragonwing? I think you are ready for an apprentice. If you want I can give you one of birchblazes kits.

“I would love that! Let’s head back now.” Dragonwing said.

Once the cays got back to camp Dragonwing spotted dragon. “Hey there” he said

“Hey dragon” Dragonwing responded “ how have you been doing”

“ you have been hunting for 2 hours!” Dragon said.

“ but I have missed you” Dragonwing said.

“Well I missed you to” he responded. 

Oh Nah It generated my name to be Brokenkit...

mine is clawkit...

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As in Brokenstar?


(2 edits)

what happens after breezestar becomes leader? and after your father stops talking to you?

some one pleassseeee

U dont have a father.

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Yes you do, you just haven't gotten far enough in the game yet. He is Ryeheart.

Wait where?

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Read my reply to your other comment. The one where you said "What gravestones?"

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You decorate the gravestones and that's pretty much it. You can go around and get mates & kits if you want

What gravestones?

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Find the gems, move the cave stone, get a prophecy. Train till 300 health, go to FireClan, kill Firestar. Make Breezesong leader of FireClan, and agree to meet her at night. Talk to her often until she says she thinks Ryeheart is your father, you have to say yes to her. Then she'll let you go into FireClan. Talk to the FireClan cats to find out about the gravestones, and decorate them with flowers.

Thanks so much!


A kittypet named Isabelle was having a regular life, until she stumbled upon Thunderclan. She decided she would have a little peek and then go back home, only to walk to a house no people and nothing but dust and a few picture frames. She then thought of Thunderclan, and carried on her life there. She was then trained and named Rainflight. She was a great warrior, and she would scare every rouge away. She survived a rouge ambush and fought for her clan and her life. She luckily survived, only to be murdered by Bloodclan. Here she is :3

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A sweet kit named Purplekit was born in Windclan and was the best at everything her mentor taught her, like hunting, fighting, etc. When she became a warrior she strongly insisted on having a mate. On a rainy, and severe rainy day, she then rescued a lost kit who was gasping for air and drowning in the rapid river. All the cats decided she should be named deputy. She then took place of her leader after they sadly died from old age, may they rest. She saved the clan from Tigerstar attacking shortly after an attack from Firestar. Sadly, she was killed by a pack of wild, and dangerous murderous badgers and was buried in her favorite hot spring spot she'd visit everyday. May she now rest in peace!!

Btw, this is what Bubblepaws looks like for anybody who wants to know: 

I had the roblox one but it uh, won't upload

Deleted 285 days ago

Tysm! <3 

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Can anyone help? I got into the fair before Crystalblaze and Sunfall were a thing. I talked to Cookie about herb magic, and when I needed to talk to her to get in, she kept asking me if I wanted to change my gender or my age. HELP!!!

all you can do is... restart :P

Oh. Tx for the info tho.


MapleStars’ Heart Prologue 

Aspen’Breeze sat, his ears pinned, as his mate Sun’Dance paced around the nursery. ‘What if the kits are late? What if their born dead? What if I die? What if-‘ Sun’Dance fretted, before Aspen’Breeze interrupted.                                            ..‘Sun’Dance! It’ll be fine!” He snapped as she winced. ‘Trust me.” Aspen’Breeze said, his eyes pleading.                                                                                               ‘How do yo-,” Sun’Dance said without a snort, before stopping abruptly and screaming. ‘The kits- Their coming!” She said with a gasp, stepping forward and then falling.

When Sun’Dance woke their were two beautiful kits lying beside her. “Their beautiful,” She said, “The tortishell will be called…Maple’kit. The diluted tortishelle will be called Blossom’kit.”

btw, say... idk, Pickles in the chat if i should change my name. Say pizza in the chat if i should change my profile pic. Say both if both.


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anyone else? (edit) alr, i'll check tomorrow. BTW ice, check tomorrow too if you want.

Its fine! I luv it. But, if i had to choose PIZZA! (I can give u a link to make ur pfp?)

okay yes please

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alright so, um I’ve done everything, but I can’t seem to become leader. Can someone please help?

Did you try to lure Mosskit while you have 79 rep and give her to Bramblestar?

nope! Thank chu! <3

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Dragonstars newest chapter( and a review)


Redfur was worried. Goldenlight said it would be fine, that it’s completely normal to have pains the day before having kits but she was still worried. “What if they get sick!” Redfur said “what if I get hurt and can’t take care of them!” She bombarded goldenlight with her concerns.

 “They will be fine,you will be fine evryone will be fine” goldenlight said though redfur didint believe her. Redfur tried to lay down for the night, maybe sleep before her kits came.

 “You will be fine” said diamondreaper a she cat that had given birth to one kit, bluekit just that morning “I’m just worried if something happed to me, like something happened to my mom” diamondreaper continued. It was common knowledge in the clan that diamondreapers mom was killed by a bagger shortly after kitting and she probably wanted to be there for her kits. 

Redfur fell asleep and found herself in the same forest she allways dreamed of. “Deap breaths you are going to be fine” a mysterious voice said.

 “Is that a prophecy?” Redfur asked.

 “Opp you weren’t supposed to hear that” the voice said “but I am here to give you a prophecy” redfur paused for a moment. She knew that voice

 “nightpaw! She yelled out loud, I’m sorry I wasn’t there, that I was looking the other way, you were my apprentice I was supposed to watch you, especially during your warrior assessment!” Redfur exclaimed.

 “No one could have seen the fox coming” said nightpaw. “Anyways, with a feather of flame phoenixfeather will heal more than can be broken, and the clans will survive great power, under the wing of Dragonstar” 

“thank you nightpaw” redfur said as she began to wake up. There were two beautiful kits laying there at her waist. 

“You slept through the birth” goldenlight said “you have two healthy kits, a she kit and a Tom”. Redfur instantly knew witch was witch.

 “The Tom will be phoenixkit and the she cat, she will be called Dragonkit”

Chapter 1

“Dragonkit, Dragonkit come on!” Two different voices were shouting. Though she couldn’t see she mustered all her strength to open her eyes. The world was so big and beautiful. The two voices were cats,just like her that looked about her age.

 “Hi I’m bluekit” one of them said. This one was a colour Dragonkit assumed was blue. 

“I’m your brother phoenixkit” phoenixkit looked like her and had the same smile as Dragonkit assumed was on her face. 

“I want to show you how to play mossball!” Bluekit exclaimed. “All you do is one kit throws the ball and the other has to not get hit!”

 She threw a ball at Dragonkit and Dragonkit dogged without trouble. 

“Come on I want to explore camp!” That was phoenixkits mew. 

“Ok, come on bluekit” Dragonkit responded to her brother. The camp was busy. A cat that Dragonkit assumed was the deputy, sneakyclaw based on her moms story’s, assigning patrols, and Goldenlight the medicine cat was putting dressing on a leg wound of another cat. 

“Isn’t what she does beautiful” phoenixkit said “I want to be just like her”

 “a medicine cat?” Bluekit asked “I will be a warrior, no time for medicine cat stuff” “bluekit come in!” That was diamondreapers voice. Bluekit left without hesitation. Then a cat seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

 “Hi I’m nightpaw” she said 

“wait” phoenixkit said “you are in starclan aren’t you”

 “yes I am” nightpaw said “and I’m hear to tell you something.” “What?” Dragonkit asked “with a feather of flame phoenixfeather will heal more than can be broken, and the clans will survive great power under the wing of Dragonstar” nightpaw said sounding more wise then when she introduced herself “now don’t tell anyone about this” 

“we won’t!” Yelled phoenixkit as he ran back to the clearing, probably to watch Goldenlight.

Chapter 2

“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the highrock for a clan meeting!” That was moonstars voice calling. Dragonkit was excited. This was her and bluekits apprentice ceremony. Phenoixkit disided to be a medicine cat almost as soon as he opened his eyes, before hearing the prophecy but dragonkit was sportive of him anyways. The cats gathered beneath highrock and moonstar said “it’s time for three kits to become apprentices. Dragonkit phenoxkit and bluekit please step forward” Dragonkit and the others stepped up eagerly. “Dragonkit phenoxkit and bluekit you have reached the age of six moons and are ready to become  apprentices. from this day forward until you earn your warrior or medicine cat name, you shal be known as dragonpaw, phenoxpaw and Bluepaw. Dragonpaw I will be your mentor. Bluepaw your mentor will be birchblaze.” Dragonpaw liked birchblaze for Bluepaw. Birchblaze was a she who wasn’t that strong, but the kind of patient teacher Bluepaw needed. She was also surprised that the leader herself wanted to mentor her. But moonstar wasn’t done yet. “Phoenixpaw your mentor will be Goldenlight” no surprise there. Phoenixpaw wanted to be the medicine cat, of course his mentor needed to be Goldenlight. 

“Dragonpaw! Phoenixpaw! Bluepaw!” The crowd of cats voices echoed in the clearing. 

Dragonpaw thought she saw something else. Suddenly she found herself in a forest she didn’t recognize. It had a huge star with a cat on top. “You shal be known as nightsong. We honor your courage as we welcome you as a full warrior of starclan. Suddenly dragonpaw was back in the clearing. Nightsong. The name echoed in dragonpaws mind. Could that be the same nightsong that gave her the prophecy, all those moons ago?

Chapter 3

“Come on dragonpaw. Training won’t wait” that was moonstar. I stumbled out of my nest and went to follow. Bluepaw and birchblaze were also there. 

“Today we are going to learn the territory and how iceclan is patrolled differently in leaf bare” that was birchblaze. She made a gesture with her tail and trotted off with moonstar. Dragonpaw and bluepaw followed eagerly, ready to learn. 

“So first we have the ice cavern witch marks one of our rouge borders.” Said birchblaze. Iceclan was the only clan in the forest though the rouges were strong so they needed borders anyway

. “The ice cavern always has ice, even in the middle of Greenleaf and has a rock on the bottom so the ice won’t crack so it’s were we will practice ice-hunting and play prey-stone but right now back to borders” moonstar said. After patrolling for a while they headed back to camp. 

“I am going to relax in the nest” bluepaw said.

 Dragonpaw had a different activity in mind. “Phoenixpaw?” Dragonpaw said as she poked her head into the medicine den. 

“Please come in. Goldenlights resting so it’s just us” phoenixpaw said then a starclan cat appeared. 

“Nightsong!” Both the apprentices said at the same time. “How did you know that!” They said to each other again, at the same time. 

“I let you both attend my warrior ceremony ok.” That was Nightsong. “But you were busy with your own so you only got to see the end” 

“so thats why” phoenixpaw said. “That makes total sense”

 “dragonpaw we are going to teach you how to do ice-hunting” moonstars voice echoed through the den. 

“See you phenoixpaw,nightsong!” dragonpaw exclaimed as she went after moonstar. 

Chapter 4

“Want to come to the ice cave?” Phoenixpaw asked dragonpaw. “And talk with her”. Dragonpaw knew her brother was talking about Nightsong. The young starclan warrior had befriended the two apprentices in the first 2 moons,of their apprenticeships. Phoenixpaw was a fast learner and it was estimated that the two apprentices would get their names on the same night.

 “Sure let’s go!” Dragonpaw exclaimed. They came up to the cave 

“here is a tip. Unsheath you claws and grip onto the backbone of some sort of prey. Then you slide a lot easier” phoenixpaw said. 

“Sure I’ll try it” dragonpaw said. It turns out it is super slippery on the ice. “Over here!” Nightsong said.

 “I need to tell you something.” She continued. “Another prophecy?” Dragonpaw asked. “Have you ever heard of foxcatcher?” Nightsong asked. 

“You mean the fox who was raised in the clan and left shortly before we were born?” Phoenixpaw said. Dragonpaw had never heard of this fox but listened to her brother. “Well her forces are rising, foxclan will be here by the end of leaf bare.”

 “Leaf bare? It’s the height of greenleaf! We have plenty of time. I could be leader by then.” Dragonpaw said. 

“Leaf bare is closer than you think. You must be ready. Now is the part I’m supposed to disappear but I kinda want to hang out a little. You know…. Like friends” Nightsong said 

“sure. We would be welcome to slide around on the ice a little with you. Wow that needs a name. It’s not prey stone because there is no stone and we are not ice hunting because we are not hunting” dragonpaw said. 

“I will get starclans opinion and we will think of a name” Nightsong said. The three cats then spent the rest of the day sliding around on the ice together, forgetting all their worries of the prophecy or the warning from starclan about foxclan.

Chapter 5

“Your name will be blueberry. Starclan honors your courage”Moonstar said. 

“Actually we honor her swiftness but she doesn't know that '' Nightsong said though dragonpaw and phoenixpaw were the only ones who could hear.

 “As we welcome you as a full warrior of iceclan. Dragonpaw your name will be Dragonwing. Starclan honours your intelligence as we welcome you as a full warrior of iceclan.” 

Dragonwing. The name echoed in dragonwings mind just like nightsongs had done. “Tonight you will sit in silent vigil and guard the camp when we sleep. This meeting is dismissed!” Moonstar continued. The sky was already getting dark and it was time for the vigil. 

“I am going to get my full medicine cat name tonight! It’s half moon and we are going to the moontree to get my name!” Phoenixpaw was just as excited as Dragonwing is though she couldn’t sleep. “See you!” Phoenixpaw continued as he rushed after goldenlight.

The first three hours of the vigil rushed by. Dragonwing was looking at the territory because there is a great view from camp.

Then phoenixpaw got back “actually it’s phoenixfeather now” phoenixfeather said as if reading her mind. “We will talk in the morning” he continued as he went to the medicine cat den.

Then Dragonwing saw a cat in the distance. She was freaking out. He was coming towards the camp! She walked into the medicine den and taped on phoenixfeather.

“What is it” he said and Dragonwing made a tail gesture to follow. She went back to her spot and showed her brother what was going on. The rouge was in camp by now and blueberry was facing him, claws unsheathed as if she was going to attack. “Come on now if you would just tell me your name” the rouge said

“I’m phoenixfeather, that cat is blueberry and this is my sister Dragonwing. They are on their warrior vigil so they can’t talk” phoenixfeather said “also my name is phoenixfeather” 

“Dragonwing, what in interesting name, my name is dragon” the rouge said.

“What is going on here!” Moonstar came out of her den. “A rouge in camp! When on vigil you are supposed to guard the camp while we sleep, not wake the whole camp up when a rouge comes!” 

“I want to stay here for a bit if that is ok” dragon said “the cats outside your borders are mean to me”

“Very well. You can sleep in there” moonstar pointed her tail towards the warrior den.

Chapter 6

“ dragonwing?” phoenixfeather was calling her by her new warrior name.She had gone by dragonwing for about a moon now and still has not gotten used to the name. “ have you heard? Birchblaze is expecting” 

“She is? Why dont i know!” dragonwing exclaimed

“ no member of the clan knew. Then all of a sudden she started to have pains. It seems to be a litter of 5 from the amount of squirming in there. But i could only feel one cat.”

“How very odd.”

“I know.”

“Dragonwing! Want to go on patrol with me and moonstar!” Sneakyclaw yelled to the den

“I’m coming!, phoenixfeather I gotta go.” Dragonwing rushed out of the medicine den.

“Let’s hunt on the ice cavern today. I saw some birds resting in the moontree last night” moonstar said.

The three days spent the afternoon hunting birds on the moontree then moonstar broke the silence 

“Dragonwing? I think you are ready for an apprentice. If you want I can give you one of birchblazes kits.

“I would love that! Let’s head back now.” Dragonwing said.

Once the cays got back to camp Dragonwing spotted dragon. “Hey there” he said

“Hey dragon” Dragonwing responded “ how have you been doing”

“ you have been hunting for 2 hours!” Dragon said.

“ but I have missed you” Dragonwing said.

“Well I missed you to” he responded.



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you're kidding right?

nope. not kidding. those are a thing lol

yoooo i remember playing this when i was a kid!!!! such good memories :)

What yeaar was it made then? (and if u coudl say ur age. im 14) so I cab work out, how long ago u were playing, and hwo old u were

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