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I got hillkit random generated. I thought it was funny 

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you know what's also funny? Sneezekit



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sneezekit has a chronic sinus issue hahaha

remember when #1 warrior cats fan got yewkit? Well so did i

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check out my AI image of stormsong/paw too!

this is the prologue and the new chapter 1 of Dragonstars journey.


Redfur was worried. Goldenlight said it would be fine, that it’s completely normal to have pains the day before having kits but she was still worried. “What if they get sick!” Redfur said “what if I get hurt and can’t take care of them!” She bombarded goldenlight with my concerns. “They will be fine,you will be fine evryone will be fine” goldenlight said though redfur didint believe her. Redfur tried to lay down for the night, maybe sleep before her kits came. “You will be fine” said diamondreaper a she cat that had given birth to one kit, bluekit just that morning “I’m just worried if something happed to me, like something happened to my mom” diamondreaper continued. It was common knowledge in the clan that diamondreapers mom was killed by a bagger shortly after kitting and she probably wanted to be there for her kits. Redfur fell asleep and found herself in the same forest she allways dreamed of. “Deap breaths you are going to be fine” a mysterious voice said. “Is that a prophecy?” Redfur asked. “Opp you weren’t supposed to hear that” the voice said “but I am here to give you a prophecy” redfur paused for a moment. She knew that voice “nightpaw! She yelled out loud, I’m sorry I wasn’t there, that I was looking the other way, you were my apprentice I was supposed to watch you, especially during your warrior assessment!” Redfur exclaimed. “No one could have seen the fox coming” said nightpaw. “Anyways, with a feather of flame phoenixfeather will heal more than can be broken, and the clans will survive great power, under the wing of Dragonstar” “thank you nightpaw” redfur said as she began to wake up. There were two beautiful kits laying there at her waist. “You slept through the birth” goldenlight said “you have two healthy kits, a she kit and a Tom”. Redfur instantly knew witch was witch. “The Tom will be phoenixkit and the she cat, she will be called Dragonkit”

Chapter 1

“Dragonkit, Dragonkit come on!” Two different voices were shouting. Though she couldn’t see she mustered all her strength to open her eyes. The world was to big and beautiful. The two voice were cats,just like her that looked about her age. “Hi I’m bluekit” one of them said. This one was a colour Dragonkit assumed was blue. “I’m your brother phoenixkit” phoenixkit looked like her and had the same smile as Dragonkit assumed was on her face. “I want to show you how to play mossball!” Bluekit exclaimed. “All you do is one kit throws the ball and the other has to not get hit!” She threw a ball at Dragonkit and Dragonkit dogged without trouble. “Come on I want to explore camp!” That was phoenixkits mew. “Ok, come on bluekit” Dragonkit responded to her brother. The camp was busy. A cat that Dragonkit assumed was the deputy, sneakyclaw based on her moms story’s, assigning patrols, and Goldenlight the medicine cat was putting dressing on a leg wound of another cat. “Isn’t what she does beautiful” phoenixkit said “I want to be just like her” “a medicine cat?” Bluekit asked “I will be a warrior, no time for medicine cat stuff” “bluekit come in!” That was diamondreapers voice. Bluekit left without hesitation. Then a cat seemingly appeared out of nowhere. “Hi I’m nightpaw” she said “wait” phoenixkit said “you are in starclan aren’t you” “yes I am” nightpaw said “and I’m hear to tell you something.” “What?” Dragonkit asked “with a feather of flame phoenixfeather will heal more than can be broken, and the clans will survive great power under the wing of Dragonstar” nightpaw said sounding more wise then when she introduced herself “now don’t tell anyone about this” “we won’t!” Yelled phenoxkit as he ran back to the clearing, probably to watch Goldenlight.

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Stormsong: Chapter 11

Two white kits. One of them had orange eyes, close to Stormpaw's yellow, the other blue like Shadowfall. Stormpaw stared, amazed. "The one with yellow eyes is a she-kit, Amberkit," explained Cherrytuft, "and the one with blue eyes is a tom, named Skykit."

"Hi, Amberkit," said Stormpaw softly. "Hi, Skykit. I'm your big sister. This, here, he's Turtlepaw. And, um, this is my mentor, Moonheart, and his mentor too, Birchblaze." Then Swiftwind entered, trailed by Deathberrypaw, and Stormpaw sighed. "More introductions. This is Swiftwind, Deathberrypaw's mentor, and this is Deathberrypaw."

"Dead-bally-paws!" squealed Amberkit, stumbling over to him. Meanwhile, Skykit stared inquisitively at Stormpaw, and eventually said, "Big... sissa?"

"Um, yes! Big sister." Stormpaw grinned at Skykit, who asked, "Stump-paws?"

"Uh... close enough." Stormpaw laughed. It was obvious that Skykit didn't understand the meaning of this, but he laughed along. "Mossball?" invited Stormpaw, recalling how Cherrytuft had played this game often with her as a kit. But Cherrytuft interrupted, "No. That's too hard on them, at this young age. You and Deathberrypaw can take them for a walk, instead."

"Walk! A walk! With Deb-berry-paws and Stump-paws!" shouted Skykit. "No," corrected Amberkit, "It's Dead-bally-paws." Stormpaw sighed and laughed, ushering the kits out of the nursery. The two apprentices let the kits go ahead, sniffing and exploring. Deathberrypaw's whiskers brushed hers. Usually her whiskers were very sensitive, and even the smallest touch caused her to yelp and pull away, but this time, it felt... nice.

It felt so nice.

(1 edit)

I like it

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sorry i haven't reposted the others yet :(

that’s fine. Have you read dragonstars jurney yet? I have the prologue and one chapter. You will be in the second once I write it

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I've read it, it's good! also thanks for putting me in the second. (you mean the cat Birchblaze right?)


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I am confused part says that Amberkit has yellow eyes the other says orange

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it's orange-ish yellow, kind of in between the colors

ohh ok

I made my main character on story /my oc. The main fur color should be more pale yellow but this is mainly it

Reedstar's Life

(Chapter 1) Reedkit's awakening

I woke up, seeing my mother and my excited sister, Crystalkit. She call out to me, "Reedkit! Want to play mossball?" I answered with a shake of my head, padding for the first time to my mother's nest. I woke up again, hearing the sound of Breezekit's mewing about how she was excited about being an apprentice. Her mother, Creamfrost told her that it was tomorrow. I was so excited when she said that, I started bounding around with joy and praise in my eyes.

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this story is really good!

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mmm nice



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CAT JOKE    Did you hear about the cat that aced the test? It got a purr-fect score.

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CAT JOKE    Where did the cat go when she lost her tail? The retail store.

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GLACEONDRAGON999 IF YOU SEE THIS GO ON! you know what I mean

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Chapter 9

“No no no no!” “Keep your tail ABOVE the ground when you're hunting!”  Sweetfur sighed “I really don't know how you're better at fighting than some warriors but you're THIS bad at hunting! “I…er..uh “ “You have caught almost no prey” “I still can't believe Redstar picked ME to be your mentor. He is really losing his mind!” she sighed again. “Well..uh..u..ur.uh a great..mentor..s…so...o..farr..uhh” “Thanks” she meowed in relief. “Well let's try some more battle moves you never know when a fox might come” “Okay” I meowed. When we arrived back at camp Redstar called a clan meeting “LET ALL CATS OLD ENOUGH TO CATCH THEIR OWN PREY” he yelled. “The warrior's den is getting full!” “We need a few warriors to sleep in the apprentice's den” “We have lots of space in there” “I will” Said Sweetfur “I can too!” said a tom named Snowfur “I will!” meowed Dustfur “I CAN T-” Smalltail got cut off “Its ok I think we have enough cats” said Redstar with a hint of amusement “THIS MEETING IS DISMISED!” he flicked his tail and padded down the rock to his den. After the clan meeting, I told Sweetfur that i needed to get some fresh air. I decided to go to Spots house. He had been asking for a weekly report on my week in the clan he said he wanted to know if everything was going good. “Ah hello, Moonpaw” He meowed “Or is it something else now? Like Moonclaw you were always a natural fighter!” he smirked “No spot! I have only been training for a bit over a moon!” I exclaimed. “Well, your mentor seems…nice” spot meowed. “Yeah… she is deputy so she is pretty cool,” I replied. “It's still strange that Your leader…uh what's his name…? OH, Redstar yeah picked her to be your mentor he could have picked an older warrior but whatever I don't care. He hissed “Have you earned their trust yet? They need to trust you so you can take over the clan.” “You should try to find a way to make them turn against each other…” I started to get really uncomfortable so I blurted out “I really need to go now! They will get suspicious!”  “ok keep thinking about it and try to earn their trust. Spot narowed his eyes “Remember we are doing this for your father” “y..ea now I REALLY need to go” “Bye” he meowed. I rushed out of there as fast as I could. I don't know why but I have a really weird feeling about Spot.


you have to be a warrior and get 80 rep.and then you get the moss ball from the warriors den.and then you have to go to moonheart and talk to her and when the story is done you have to wait until it is dark and then go to he left and click on her and then you have to go to bramblestar.but do not tell on crystalblaze.

and also welcome, i am new here, but I played the kit to leader since I was in 6th grade. and I am a fan of moss shadow

wait im new it would reaallyyy help if anyone told me how to get the role leader!

I understand tho if anyone dont want to but naur i js wanna know!<3

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hi so you need to become a warrior find moss shadow (by talking to Moonheart when your a warrior) and get 80 rep


you have to talk to moonheart, as a warrior then go back to darkclaw at the beach and you'll see a big red X, put a moss-ball there and you will lure moss-shadow, to get the moss-ball tho, go to the warriors den but only when you see that darkclaw is on patrol at the beach, and after u lure moss-shadow and bring her to bramblestar, you have to get 80 reputation THEN go talk to bramblestar, and he'll make you leader. then go to the moonstone to get yr nine lives, then after you will reserve a prophecy to you, and then after that prophecy, IMDDENTLY, go back to the beach and click on that wood arrow, and if you have more then 300 health, you will be able to kill firestar IMDDENTLY, and then after you kill him, go back to the warriors den and talk to breezesong, I suggest saying yes to being able to meet at the border, so that you can go into fire clan


hi. just wated to say hi to all in the chat

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Go on the sideeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Did you know that we are cousins with nightwhisker on our mothers side, lilacpath and webbedfoot (night's father) are siblings, and we are cousins with milkywillow on our dads side, Ryeheart and redclaw (milky's father) are brothers, + nightwhisker and milkywillow share the same mom

so I was dating my cusion?! AND HAD KITS WITH HER!!!!?????? oh my God I'm scrambled!!!

omg no same, im depressed!<3 T-T

Yeah T-T

Tho, i think it is more normal because they are cats? Idk, its still weird to think about

Alright, here's my challenge: make my story cat characters based on their discription and think of their pasts, and I MAY use them in my fifth book, also I need name ideas for my fifth warrior cats echoing silence series book. the only cats who DONT need a past: are the sibling, moth, snake, ice and hawk. and hawks secret crush....echo. also btw spoiler for people who wanna compete in the challange but haven't read the books on kit to leader comments. shadow that strikes in darkness, or formally shadow strike, is echoing whispers father!!!


The tribe of echoing silence

Leader: echoing whispers\echo: a beautiful grey she-cat with amber eyes

guards. (Cats who guard the territory and camp)

Chief guard: hawk that claws the sky\hawk: a white she-cat with blue icy eyes and a scar from her eye to her stomach.

shadow that strikes in darkness\shadow: a jet-black tom with amber eyes.

Fang of fox\fang: a grey tom with black stripes and amber eyes.

Mouse that sleeps in winter\mouse: a dusty brown she-cat

Prey-hunters. (Cats who provide food for the tribe)

Chief prey-hunter: moth that hovers near fire\moth: a tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes.

Black tooth of bear\tooth: a black tom with hazel eyes.

Rain of storm\rain: a light ginger she-cat.

Blaze of speeding rivers\blaze: a golden tabby tom.

Queens. (She-cats nursing or caring for kits)

fern of falling heather\fern: a dark ginger she-cat.

song of singing crow\crow: a brown she-cat with white paws.

storm of flooded rivers\storm: a black she-cat with a white tail and white stripes.

Cold of frozen frost\frost: a white she-cat with grey paws and hazel brown eyes.

Trainee’s. (Toms and she-cats six moons and older in training)

Raven that flies with wings of black\raven: a black tom with green eyes and a white muzzle as well as white paws.

Wolf of wind\wolf: a light grey tom.

Flame of sun\flame: a ginger she-cat with emerald eyes.

Snow that blankets the ground/snow: a white she-cat with grey leopard spots, and violet eyes

Warriors. (Toms and she-cats in charge of fighting and protecting the tribe)

Snake inside a rock\snake: a grey and white tom.

Ice of frozen water\ice: a dark calico tom with blue eyes.

Grey vine on rock\grey: a long-haired grey tom.

Boulder in water\boulder: a chestnut brown tom

Elders. (Toms and she-cats retired or to injured to continue their duties)

Eye of fox\fox: a pale she-cat who is blind in one eye.

Whisker of soot\soot: a black and white tom with a scarred muzzle. The oldest tom in the tribe.

Grey claw of sky\claw: a grey tom. With a muzzle black from age

Meadow of flowers\meadow: a ginger she-cat who is blind from battle.

Cats outside of the tribe

Pip: an orange and black tom with unusual eyes.

Flash: an orange ginger tom

Spark: a white she-cat with grey splotches.

Twig: a light grey she-cat.

dawn of setting sky\dawn: a light ginger tom

Flicker of light\flicker: a pale tom with grey stripes and a torn ear.

snap of crying eagle\snap: a white she-cat with brown stripes

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hey silent echos, I just wrote stormsong chapter 11....

Deleted 150 days ago
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Wow! This is amazing I love it!

Deleted 150 days ago
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Deleted 150 days ago
Deleted 150 days ago

def post more

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omg nice!

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Deleted 150 days ago

I love it. I need to go to bed now but I can’t wait to hear the rest.

Deleted 150 days ago
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you should!!!!

Deleted 150 days ago

who wants to read my warrior cats, echoing silence franchise?

sure why not.

(1 edit)

I posted my 4th book, warrior cats echoing silence, book 4: a haven is found. go to the game: west woods, over borders.


u wanna read all my books?! :O

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Stormsong: Chapter 10

Stormpaw and Turtlepaw ran forward, trailed by Moonheart and Birchblaze. This was the one time in her life Stormpaw would ever run straight into the heart of FireClan territory without hesitation. "FLOWERPAW!" she shouted. Moonheart winced. "Don't attract attention!" she hissed.

"Stormpaw?! Is that you?" cried Flowerpaw, sprinting towards her, trailed by a black apprentice and an orange warrior. Stormpaw said, "Yes, it's m- AAH!" as Flowerpaw covered her with licks and purrs. Turtlepaw stood to the side, looking uncomfortable, so Stormpaw wiggled out of Flowerpaw's grasp. Turtlepaw asked, "That black cat, and that orange cat... are they chasing you? Hurry! They're getting close!" He turned tail, ready to run.

"No!" shouted Flowerpaw. "Those are my new friends."

"What?! They're your friends? But-- but--" stammered Turtlepaw, confused. The black apprentice smiled embarrassedly, while the warrior casually grinned. "Yes, but I think I'm ready to go home with you guys," said Flowerpaw, looking only at Stormpaw.

As they strolled back to WillowClan, the three apprentices and two mentors all chatted together. "You done avoiding Cherrytuft?" asked Flowerpaw. Stormpaw tilted her head, confused. "Why... would I be done? I'm forever a bad omen, Flowerpaw." Stormpaw sighed and stared down at the ground, tears pooling in her eyes. I'll never be able to see Cherrytuft again. We'll be separated until she dies... Stormpaw expected Flowerpaw to say something sympathetic, like "I'm sorry," or even, "That's got to be hard," but instead, Flowerpaw said,

"Even when she's had more kits?"


Deleted 100 days ago

I missed the first few chapters of storm song, would you mind reposting them?

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sure, give me one sec! I'll just compile everything into one big comment :)


the prologue in my story. Right now this is called dragonstars journey but that name is subject to change


Redfur was worried. Goldenlight said it would be fine, that it’s completely normal to have pains the day before having kits but she was still worried. “What if they get sick!” Redfur said “what if I get hurt and can’t take care of them!” She bombarded goldenlight with my concerns. “They will be fine,you will be fine evryone will be fine” goldenlight said though redfur didint believe her. Redfur tried to lay down for the night, maybe sleep before her kits came. “You will be fine” said diamondreaper a she cat that had given birth to one kit, bluekit just that morning “I’m just worried if something happed to me, like something happened to my mom” diamondreaper continued. It was common knowledge in the clan that diamondreapers mom was killed by a bagger shortly after kitting and she probably wanted to be there for her kits. Redfur fell asleep and found herself in the same forest she allways dreamed of. “Deap breaths you are going to be fine” a mysterious voice said. “Is that a prophecy?” Redfur asked. “Opp you weren’t supposed to hear that” the voice said “but I am here to give you a prophecy” redfur paused for a moment. She knew that voice “nightpaw! She yelled out loud, I’m sorry I wasn’t there, that I was looking the other way, you were my apprentice I was supposed to watch you, especially during your warrior assessment!” Redfur exclaimed. “No one could have seen the fox coming” said nightpaw. “Anyways, with a feather of flame phenoxfeather will heal more than can be broken, and the clans will survive great power, under the wing of Dragonstar” “thank you nightpaw” redfur said as she began to wake up. There were two beautiful kits laying there at her waist. “You slept through the birth” goldenlight said “you have two healthy kits, a she kit and a Tom”. Redfur instantly knew witch was witch. “The Tom will be phoenixkit and the she cat, she will be called Dragonkit”

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name idea! Dragonstars fate       dragonstars density     dragonstars hope

Dragonstar's Flurry

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It’s super good Bty


All having fun without meeeeeeeee?!?!

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yes we are XD

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sorry!!! I'll start commenting on your stories!

so will i

I am going to make a story anyone have an oc they would like me to use(no leaders deputy’s or med cats)

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You know mine already ofc

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I do! Birchblaze. Warrior, brown she-cat, pretty but not really strong.

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your favorite cats :)

those names are so good

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is thunderstorm a Tom or she cat

also moon star is the name of my friends cat so I’m not using moonheart

Deleted 150 days ago

What do you think, birchblaze and moonstar, this is thunderstorm and birchblaze, night paw is a warrior in my story she dies before it starts but is still a pov character 

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nice! I like how B.B. (BirchBlaze) mentors B.B. (BlueBerry) lol

complete coincidence in that part but ya

sorry will change description of thunderstorm did not see reply

Deleted 150 days ago

I have one! Reedkit (Reedclaw in the future) Looks like Ryeheart but brighter, handsome and strong

I’m making up this story based on what happed in my game, it’s not gonna be that good because I’m making it on the spot.

dust(yes my kits name is dust it is dust paw but the name gliched so dust) was sitting near the river. He was watching nightwisper talk to his mom, Dragonstar. “Are you going to miss me when I’m gone, I mean we all go someday” nightwisper said to Dragonstar. “With all my heart” Dragonstar replied. Dust thought. What was nightwisper talking about, while Dragonstar walked out of the area. Dust liked nightwisper. He thought maybe they could be mates even though nightwisper was his mom’s age and not his. The nightwisper started doing something odd. She licked her paws. When she sat up her paws were bleeding. She’s not licking her paws she is biting them! Dust thought. What could she be doing. Nightwisper bit her back paws as well then got into the position to pounce. “Nightwisper don’t!” Dust shouted but it was too late. Nightwisper jumped into the river and had no hope of survival. “I really thought you could be my mate” dust muttered under his breath. Then he spotted a blue flower nearby. Scince collecting flowers was nightwispers favourite activity as an apprentice he put the flowers in the spot that she last stood, to memorialize and remember the cat he thought was going to be his mate.

that was the story. I am going to make a real one but for now I hope you like it.

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omg! dustpaw put them there????????

I just made it up but yes

Cat Template:






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Name: Stormsong/paw/kit

Gender: Female

Looks: Dark gray-black, bright yellow eyes

Mate: She's still an apprentice! None.

Kits: none.

Deleted 150 days ago
Deleted 150 days ago



Looks:pale with bright red splotches, just look at my profile pic

Mate:none(that I have disided anyways)


Name: Specklestar/dawn/paw/kit

Gender: Female

Looks: Light gray with darker spots

Mate: None yet

Kits: None yet

I love Warrior Cats 

 I love Warrior Cats

  I love Warrior Cats 

   I love Warrior Cats 

    I love Warrior Cats 

     I love Warrior Cats

      I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats 

     I love Warrior Cats 

    I love Warrior Cats 

   I love Warrior Cats 

  I love Warrior Cats 

 I love Warrior Cats 

I love Warrior Cats 

 I love Warrior Cats 

  I love Warrior Cats 

   I love Warrior Cats 

    I love Warrior Cats 

     I love Warrior Cats 

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             I love Warrior Cats

              I love Warrior Cats 

             I love Warrior Cats 

            I love Warrior Cats 

           I love Warrior Cats 

          I love Warrior Cats 

         I love Warrior Cats

        I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

         I love Warrior Cats 

          I love Warrior Cats 

           I love Warrior Cats 

            I love Warrior Cats

           I love Warrior Cats

          I love Warrior Cats 

         I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats

    I love Warrior Cats 

you coppyed #1 warrior cats fan. I think she meant paste somewhere else but ok

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it’s fine if they paste mine 

Seriously I love Warrior Cats

I posted a yt vid it might not be uploaded yet if you read this when it first comes out but my Chanel is glaceondragon999 and it’s about warrior cats ultimate edition on Roblox if anyone is interested 

new profile pic

I'm using inverted colors lol. it looks so creapy

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OMG im trying that!

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it looks so creapy


Deleted 151 days ago
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Hi Glace I know this is random but I made a working light bulb.  I feel so smart XD

I’m home now but nice. I haven’t escaped work yet. I still have math homework from sprit of math.

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Okay I love the fact that Birchblaze was worried about me dying for some time 😭HITS RIGHT IN THE HEART THAT SOMEONE WAS WORRIED ABT ME :")

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lol :)

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I just relised I wrote gragon instead of dragon

NVM i fixed it

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I love Warrior Cats 

 I love Warrior Cats

  I love Warrior Cats 

   I love Warrior Cats 

    I love Warrior Cats 

     I love Warrior Cats

      I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats 

     I love Warrior Cats 

    I love Warrior Cats 

   I love Warrior Cats 

  I love Warrior Cats 

 I love Warrior Cats 

I love Warrior Cats 

 I love Warrior Cats 

  I love Warrior Cats 

   I love Warrior Cats 

    I love Warrior Cats 

     I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

         I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats 

     I love Warrior Cats 

    I love Warrior Cats 

   I love Warrior Cats 

  I love Warrior Cats 

 I love Warrior Cats 

  I love Warrior Cats 

   I love Warrior Cats 

    I love Warrior Cats 

     I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

         I love Warrior Cats 

          I love Warrior Cats 

           I love Warrior Cats 

            I love Warrior Cats 

           I love Warrior Cats 

          I love Warrior Cats 

         I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats

     I love Warrior Cats

    I love Warrior Cats

     I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

         I love Warrior Cats 

          I love Warrior Cats 

           I love Warrior Cats 

            I love Warrior Cats 

             I love Warrior Cats 

              I love Warrior Cats

             I love Warrior Cats 

            I love Warrior Cats 

           I love Warrior Cats

          I love Warrior Cats 

         I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats

       I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

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          I love Warrior Cats 

           I love Warrior Cats 

            I love Warrior Cats 

             I love Warrior Cats

              I love Warrior Cats 

             I love Warrior Cats 

            I love Warrior Cats 

           I love Warrior Cats 

          I love Warrior Cats 

         I love Warrior Cats

        I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

         I love Warrior Cats 

          I love Warrior Cats 

           I love Warrior Cats 

            I love Warrior Cats

           I love Warrior Cats

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       I love Warrior Cats 

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       I love Warrior Cats 

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       I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats 

     I love Warrior Cats 

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   I love Warrior Cats 

  I love Warrior Cats 

 I love Warrior Cats 

I love Warrior Cats 

 I love Warrior Cats 

  I love Warrior Cats 

   I love Warrior Cats 

    I love Warrior Cats 

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       I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats 

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  I love Warrior Cats 

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            I love Warrior Cats 

             I love Warrior Cats 

              I love Warrior Cats

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            I love Warrior Cats 

           I love Warrior Cats

          I love Warrior Cats 

         I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats

       I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

         I love Warrior Cats 

          I love Warrior Cats 

           I love Warrior Cats 

            I love Warrior Cats 

             I love Warrior Cats

              I love Warrior Cats 

             I love Warrior Cats 

            I love Warrior Cats 

           I love Warrior Cats 

          I love Warrior Cats 

         I love Warrior Cats

        I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

         I love Warrior Cats 

          I love Warrior Cats 

           I love Warrior Cats 

            I love Warrior Cats

           I love Warrior Cats

          I love Warrior Cats 

         I love Warrior Cats 

        I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats 

      I love Warrior Cats 

       I love Warrior Cats

    I love Warrior Cats 

YES! I'm finally done!!!!!!!!!! This took me forever because after I made it there were sooooo many spelling mistakes. I don't mind if you want to copy and paste this :)

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This is SO COOL! when I scrolled down it looked like it was wiggling

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thanks :)


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I know, it was just- A ROPE

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anyone know where b0xalotl is?

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i think they quit idk

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ohh :(


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I got a random name and it was yew kit (yew is Deathberries) I was born to eat deathberries

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yew is deathberries??? aaah

wait one second. So when I wrote about Deathberrykit in "Stormsong", you mean I could have just used Yewkit?!

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yes its real it says it on the warriors wiki and in the books

I made a second account so I could comment at school because my first was with my home email

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hello :) can I call you glace? just call me moon so we don't have to use ar real names or would you want to be dragon?

ether works

I'm supposed to be doing French games. would you like to join in gimkit?(if you can)

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yesss i can!

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i just hate that you need to reload to get new comments

Deleted 152 days ago
Deleted 152 days ago
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i gtg now

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Hi guys, just wanted to say, here are some descriptions of the Stormsong characters, for the West Woods character challenge and for just imagining:

Flowerpaw: I posted an image in the West Woods comments. Light brown.

Stormpaw: Dark gray; yellow eyes.

Turtlepaw: Brownish green.

Deathberrypaw: Brown, with red eyes.

Cherrytuft: White, short red tail.

Shadowfall: Dark colors.

Deleted 150 days ago
Deleted 150 days ago

you can actually click a flower and it'll go into your inventory (you can also put it in your fur!)

HOLY SHIT.. DUDE You were literally my CHILDHOOD on scratch. Only thing that got me through middle school and elementary fr

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you talking to moss-shadow? wanna hear my childhood moss-shadow story too?

I was messing around on scratch as a "kit" and found kit to leader v4. I played it for a bit and forgot about it. Now I'm more of an "apprentice" and was looking for games on, and I found this. I clicked on it because I'm a big cat lover and then went, "Wait... I've played this before!!!!!!"

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b0xalotl where are you?

Sorry busy with school and sports lol

i want to talk to creekfot but i cant T^T

im trying to die of old age rn. cokkie says my age is 1e+33

nvm i hit the flag by mistake

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i thought you had nine lives... so you have 1000 lives? LOL

no cookie just changed my age

I went to the fair

btw I'm glaceondragon999 just at school

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