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(1 edit)

Willowstorm had to restart the game but she had kits with Moose. Light grey fur with yellow tail: she-cat | Black fur with yellow spot on forehead: she-cat | Light yellow fur: Tom | What should I name them? Think of something like a rogue name (example: Moose)

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Um..... Storm. Jet. Wildflower.

Eclipse, Starling (theres already a starling but there can be two) or maybe Lucid, and Honeysuckle

Hey my cat is names ECLIPSECLAW HAHA

is there like

a claw going out the eclipse

thats why its named like that ???????????????

No like when your a kit your called Eclipsekit and when your an apprentice your Eclipsepaw and when you become a warrior you get a name that end with like tail gaze bird tooth any and if your leader your named yn'star if that makes sense.

(1 edit)

where is the last killable cat? I already killed the apprentices I just couldn't find Sunnygaze lol,it's okay now.

your apprentices

You have to wait until they become warriors tho

who is hollybreeze?

Hollybreeze is the cat in sunclan who used to be an apprentice. She is on the boxes inside of the tent.


uhh, I can't see anything inside the tent except for the circus performing things

On the boxes where the apprentices used to be she is black. If you need I can post a photo :3

Can you post a photo? Tysm!!! ("0")

Sorry I haven't checked my in such a long time... -_-

Deleted 152 days ago

That's really good but you can't call a cat 'star' if they became leader they would be called starstar.

It is so much better than mine though.

Deleted 152 days ago

I get your point... But just I like it so yeh
Imonna make some sense, and then I'm just gonna delete this to make another one.

Chapter Two

"Frogmist! Frogmist!" Bloodpaw ran into the nursery with her mouse. "Look what I caught!" Frogmist looked up from cleaning here pelt. "Hm? What? Oh that's nice." She said, unconvincingly. "Go away Bloodpaw!" Yelled Frondkit. Bloodpaw's adopted siblings were about a moon younger than her so they were still kits. Bloodpaw sighed, unhappily. What does everyone hate me? She thought. Bloodpaw stormed out of the nursery, taking her mouse with her. She tossed it onto the fresh-kill pile and raced out of camp. She wasn't hungry anymore.

Bloodpaw ran and ran until she realised she had reached the border. She was about to turn back when a voice spoke to her. "Frogmist is mean, isn't she?" Said the red tabby. "It's not just her!" Said Bloodpaw before she could stop herself. "It's all of the clan. They either hate me or think I'm one moon old!" She said. The tabby smiled. "Why don't you join us? We hate the clans too." The red cat licked his paw. "Who's we?" Asked Bloodpaw. "The Broken Stars." He said.

Kill them, Silentblaze's words echoed around Bloodpaw's head. Kill them all. "How?" Bloodpaw had asked. "Anyway you can." He'd said. "The cats with the star with a slash through it are on our side." Bloodpaw suddenly remembered a story that Frogmist used to tell her. A story about a cat who killed with a berry. A berry called the deathberry. 

Frogmist was in the nursery. "I brought you some food!" Bloodpaw yelled. "Thank you, Bloodpaw," Frogmist said, smiling at Bloodpaw. This should go smoothly, thought Bloodpaw. Bloodpaw left the Prey at Frogmist's paws and walked out of the nursery, calmly. A few minutes later, there was a scream. "MURDER!" Screamed Canarykit. Bloodpaw and several other cats rushed into the nursery. Bloodpaw acted sad and surprised but she was really just happy that Frogmist was finally gone.

I'm gonna keep adding characters every chapter I make.



WOAH THATS SO GOOD!! Did you draw that!?

No I used a website.

what's the website

a lot of people use Picrew to design characters

Chapter One:

I knew it! Bloodkit thought. She does hate me! Bloodkit stomped back into the nursery, not caring who she woke. First she shouts at me for no reason and then she forgets about me! What did I ever do to her? Bloodkit fumed. She flicked her tail at her mother's shoulder. Frogmist stirred. "Wha-?" She grunted, half asleep. "Go away Bloodkit." Bloodkit sighed and flopped down into her nest in the corner. She slowly drifted into an uneasy sleep.

"LET ALL CATS OLD ENOUGH TO CATCH THEIR OWN PREY, GATHER BENEATH THE HIGH ROCK FOR A CLAN MEETING!" Wolfstar yowled. "Bloodkit , you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Bloodpaw. Wattlesplash step forward. Wattlesplash, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Bluepoppy and you have shown yourself to be smart and brave you will be the mentor of Bloodpaw and I expect you to pass on all you know to her." Wattlesplash walked up to Bloodpaw and touched noses with her. "Bloodpaw! Bloodpaw," the clan cats yowled. Bloodpaw smiled. Now she was free from Frogmist. 

"And this is the ShatteredClan border." Said Wattlesplash. "Okay this is kind of boring," said Wattlesplash. "How about we go hunting and you can explore the border with Ferretpaw later." Wattlesplash walked towards the Great Elm and Bloodpaw trailed behind her. "I'm hungry!" Bloodpaw complained. "You can eat once we've hunted. Drop into a hunting crouch. Yes but get lower," said Wattlesplash. Bloodpaw was crouching on the ground. "Can you scent anything?" Wattlesplash asked. "Yes..." Bloodpaw trailed off. "Go on!" Wattlesplash encouraged. "There's a mouse in the bush in front of me." Bloodpaw said. "Yes now try catching it," said Wattlesplash. "Okay," said Bloodpaw. Bloodpaw pounced on the bush, carful not to get pricked by some nearby brambles. She caught the mouse in her mouth and bit down hard, delivering the killing bight. Warm blood seeped into her mouth. "Well done!" Said Wattlesplash. "Your first try! How about we get back to camp and you can eat something." She said. "Alright." Smiled Bloodpaw. Frogmist had to be impressed now!

Blood Awakens chapter one

More characters from my story:




I have an OC named Wolfstar- lol

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Ferretpaw looks a bit like a Ragdoll cat (the cat breed not the toy)

She's meant to look like a ferret lol. I love ferrets. They're my favourite animal. 

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I love ferrets too!

Did you know you can play this game without internet. All you need to do is not make the game refresh when you lose internet. Just make this tab open when you close your iPad. Then open it again when you don’t have internet. It probably works on kit to leader as well

Deleted 152 days ago
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She. :)

Birchblaze may I use your name in my story?

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Of course!


Need help choosing the leader for my story.






I'm thinking bluepoppy

Oh but then we would have another bluestar lol

Wolfsong Wolfsong Wolfsong Wolfsong Wolfsong !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok Wolfstar it is!

Deleted 153 days ago


It's very helpful:)

how do you expose nightlight for cheating?

Not sure

dw i found it out

how do you expose nightlight for cheating?

you have to do moose's favor, then when nightlight asks you "is there something wrong with that?" you have answer with NO. then you go back to moose and he says "give her a wilted flower" then when you see he's not at the tent anymore, go in, he's talking to the grey cat and he'll explain it.

oh then you have to talk to nightlight

Broken Stars

Book One: Blood Awakens


"Tell us about how FlashClan and ShatteredClan were created again!" Said Bloodkit, enthusiastically. "All right." Said Frogmist. "She always wants to hear that." Squeaked Frondkit, angrily. "We never here anything else." "Do you have a better idea?" Snapped Frogmist. Frondkit was silent.

 Frondkit, Toadkit and Canarykit were all listening to Frogmist, their mother, tell them stories. Bloodkit was adopted by Frogmist because Bloodkit's mother, deputy of FlashClan and sister of Frogmist, had been killed by a fox while protecting Bloodkit and no-one knew who her father was.

"One day there were four clans living in a place that is now thunderpaths. They were called ThunderClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan and WindClan. After many, many leafbares of peace, the twolegs unexpectedly attacked with their monsters, digging up the forest and moorland. The clan cats were forced to leave their homes but their traditions were not forgotten in the twolegplace. An old kittypet named Smudge told tales about the clans to a group of younger kittypets and they started a clan of their own. they called themselves WarriorClan. They thought it was just a game until Graystripe came along and showed them the Moonstone. That was when Monkeystar got her nine lives and the kittypets left their nests to become full warriors of WarriorClan. A few moons later, the clan realised that they could not continue living in the middle of twolegplace. Prey was scarce and some of the rouges that had joined the clan in the past moon longed to live in the woods again so the clan left twolegplace and started their journey. The clan traveled past the lake cats and, after many moons of traveling, found a beautiful mossy Forest. Sadly, Monkeystar passed away shortly after they arrived at their new home. During the journey, the clan had acquired lots of other cats and they were now the size of two clans. One day, two cats were out hunting at moonhigh. Their names were Shatteredsky and Flashtail. They were tired after a long day of hunting and debating over who should be leader as Monkeystar had not chosen a deputy after Dapplefern died. The cats came across a tree that glittered in the moonlight. They fell asleep in the roots, not noticing or caring about the sparkly tree. That night they dreamt about StarClan. Monkeystar told them that they must split up the clans. She gave them both nine lives. The new leaders woke up and realised what they had to do. They went back to their clan and told them about the Startree and StarClan. After a few sunrises the clan finally split into two. They became FallenClan and FlashClan." Frogmist paused for a breath. "The end." She said sleepily. Her three kits that had been listening intently were now asleep in her nest. Sleep tight little ones, Frogmist thought, as she lowered herself into her nest. What she didn't notice was that her adopted kit was not in her nest.

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nice! OMG you used the names I gave you! :)


Deleted 153 days ago


Maybe delete this post

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Here are some of the characters:



(This is her as a warrior)

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BTW: Frogmist looks a little different because cats can't be green :)

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Yeah. I kind of figured that was why she was gray. Because there are no green cats in the cat creator. Haha.


I'm writing a story. Does anyone want to here the prologue?

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how do you wake up  the nightmare thing 

Idk what nightmare?

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He/she means the prophecy nightmare, from the Robinfur quest.


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Find all three black Firestars. Firestar 1: Leader's den. Firestar 2: BrambleClan border. Firestar 3: I actually entirely forgot, but look around BrambleClan...


you need to keep finding then talking to the black ghost

How do you battle train with featherpaw? to hunt you talk to the cat by the dumpster

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To do battle train find the light gray and white cat at the very far right of the fair.

teaser for the story

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I wish Moss-shadow made an achievment that they found out you mated with a cat from another clan so you have clan cross kits 

(1 edit)

Im mates with Breezestar!

(you have to be a she cat to ask her out bc she only likes she-cats

I just wish I can be mates with plumclaw like Moss-shadow should add this to the game like when moonheart dies he'll have to find a new mate but I guess it has to be like realistic so he needs time to move on or something xD. 

I got 4 kits. It’s just not loading

how do you find out about tansystar's and briarripple's father???

(1 edit)

so u need to talk to hawkfeather and then go ask Beestripe at FallenClan. Keep talking to Beestripe (whatever her name is) until she says she cant give u any more information pr when she keeps repeating the same thing. Talk to Hawkfeather again then still tell youi to go to the barn (find a white wooden arrow and click it) then talk to the cat thats laying down next to the fence and I think u talk to hawkfeather again

where is the white arrow???

(1 edit)

like a room right of Hawkfeather (I thimk()

how do u teach Nightlight about healthy polyamorous relationships now T-T

nvm watching a tutorial <3


how do u help Blizzardstep talk to his crush lol


wait how

talk to him give his crush a pink flower

how do you name your kits

where can you find a stone


You hve to go to bramble clan and click the blue arrow to the south and go to the left den and kill the guards and you press the stone and you get a vision you can press it too times and you will go to the nightmare like robynfur and you have to find the black figure that are at 1.leaders den (fire clan) to plumclaw and outside the leaders den to the right and thats how you get the achivement ''help robynfur with his headachs.

Talk with one of the fallenclan guards i think

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try Sparrowtail next! Maybe that'll make her mellow up lol!

(1 edit)

Hey again! I keep meeting everyone that replies to me xD

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LOL. Want to talk on a padlet?

how do you learn about tansystars and brairriples dad?

so u need to talk to hawkfeather and then go ask Beestripe at FallenClan. Keep talking to Beestripe (whatever her name is) until she says she cant give u any more information. Talk to Hawkfeather again then still tell youi to go to the barn (find a white wooden arrow and click it) then talk to the cat thats laying down next to the fence and I think u talk to hawkfeather again

how do you help robinfur with his headaches?

You'll have to go to bramble clan and click the blue arrow and go to the left den and put c+m and you type deathberries and kill the guards and you get a vison of the cold stone and you sleep and you'll get the nightmare like robynfur and you can find the black figure in thes places (fire clan) leaders den next to plumclaw and outside the leaders den to the right and the nightmare ends and hell say the words that the black figure tolled you and say ''I'll bring this up to lunarclaw'' you'll get the achievment then.



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do you want to perform or watch the show? If you like to watch, press the button in between moose, then press the spacing in between the curtains

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Thanks! Is there a way to perform, too?

Aparently  no  but I think Moss-shadow is gonna add that at some point after all the clans are joinable.

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My random generated name was Bigbird

Like as in sesame street

I have no clue why, but the first thing that came to mind *earrape* LALA LALA ELMO'S WORRLLLDDDD

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(Post stories and read them in Kit To Leader Comments)

Do you guys remember Frogmist?

They kept getting rejected because they are non-binary.

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What?! OMG *insert crying emoji*

It's very sad 😭

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I know, right! And these are people who are fans of a game made by Moss-Shadow, who can identify as "they"!
Hey... do you want to hang out on padlet? Silent_Echos and I have a padlet you can join. (I'll ask her if she's okay with it.)

Sorry I don't have padlet.

Can you tell me how to get it? Then maybe I can join?

what happend to mouse;((((((((((((

she grew up and had kits

Name: Willowstorm  Gender: She-cat Clan: Sunclan

Personality: A kind, gentle cat the will always put her clan first. Can be fierce when being judged of loyalty or when she faces an enemy

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a bit like Stormsong! :)

What should I name me and (a cat I don't know the name of)'s kits?

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Umm, Mudkit? Bluekit? Skykit? ???

how do you find ace?

hes in the show

what should I name this sweetheart its a female she also loves fish I don't know why its her personallity she is smart and knows what each herb does and she is a med cat! be aware SHE IS ALSO A MURDER MWHHHAHAHA ( lol I did the laugh for it to be funny) but pls good names for her

goodbye my lil kestrols

How about Brackenstripe?

I love Brackenstripe its her new name sorry birchblaze I love wattlesplash's idea

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haha, it's okay.

Thank you

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 Herbstripe! Fishblaze!

Fishblaze! Lol. That's cool but funny.


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 to get the rock talk to dark black cat outside fallenclan

When Bramble or fallen clan in joinable I'm  join them right away 

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Me too!

I wish I could just steal the kits from the nest and it could be the acheivment called kidnapper and it will say ''take a kit away from the nursery and raise it as your own'' 

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OMG yes, that's a great idea!

(1 edit)

like think about it if your mates with the she-cat in fireclan that raised tyanstar and the other you can give it to her and she can raise it what you think about that? Bc since she cant give birth and all.

do you think Moss-shadow should add my idea of the kidnapper achievment?

And it would go perfectly with the kits growing up update

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 i had kits with nightlight and idk where they are

Hey again we must like the same games xD

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They're somewhere in FallenClan, look around the dens

I need a name for this demon. Anyone got any suggestions?

Nightberry is a good one. Night because his fur is dark and berry because he wears a deathberry next to his ear. Good one, right?

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Death berry,Night claw, Scar berry,Night scar

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Bloodberry, Darkscar

Cool. Thanks everyone. Also I already have a cat called Bloodberry.

Name: undecided 

Gender: She/they

Personality: Smart and kind but also a killer.

Role: Warrior 

Mate: Frogmist or Wattlesplash (undecided)


Ok let's have a vote.

Say the name you vote for. The options are:






The're all so pretty names but i like bloodmoon and deathberry to be honest if the cat was a evil murdurous cat it would fit the cat perfectly

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Yeah I think I'll use her name again. I can't believe we both thought of the same thing. Also did you use the warrior cats creator that I found for your avatar?

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Yeah. It's really good! I originally made mine brown like the real Birchblaze cat but decided it looked too much like a rip-off of yours.

Can I see the original?

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