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(1 edit)

Some ideas to add to this game... 

1.Name your kits and let them grow up. 

2.Kill the leaders and deputies.

3.Become deputy or leader.

4.Can leave clan.

5.Go on patrols.

6.Create your own clan.

(Moss-shadow your my fav game creator and I love all of your games)

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i love moss-shadows games too lol

Yeah, they are an amazing person.

The're like so detailed and if you didnt know she also an creator on scratch aswell, I always make games of warrior cats myself and always takes notes when I look inside. 

*he :)

There is a reason you can't kill the leaders and deputies but I wish I could kill the med cat thought. She's grumpy and she rejected me lol

(3 edits)

yea I wish I can kill Spottedstar she's so mean to me and that medicine dog he/she gets on my nerves AND AM I CONFUSED WOUDN'T THE MEDICINE DOG KILL SPOTTEDSTAR LOOK WHAT HAPPEND TO SWIFTPAW!!! I THINK THE SUNCLAN CATS HAVE A DEATHWISH APRRENTLY!!!!!!

{rest in peace swiftpaw you we're brave and would made a fine warrior}

the dog (xerus I beleive) is the med dog and shes mute and freindly

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Hey everyone! Along with the West Woods Stormsong character creator challenge, you can also use to make the cats! Use any style you want (Disney, anime, casual, etc) and try to make the best character. :)

I just realized the phone number here is from the song "867-5309 /Jenny" By Tommy Tutone. So it should be called JENNYS trash service, not JAYS >:(

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hmmm maybe moss-shadow wanted to use a gender neutral name

i don't even know if jay is gender neutral

It is gender neutral. Google "Is jay gender neutral?" and this is the answer you'll get:
Neutral names can help make it safer for people to explore their gender expressions. In English-speaking countries, some of the most familiar gender-neutral names starting with J include Jackie, Jaden, Jan, Jamie, Jay, Jean, Jerry, Jessie, Jo, and Jordan.

that makes more sense!

my picture of my oc dragonstar

I love it XD

I'm new to the game, so I was just wondering, how do you train your apprentice? I would LOVE some feedback and tips!

My 4 kit litter with Moose

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I thought star star was funny. I chose the name btw not random genorated

Here is my story about dragonstar

nvm it’s glitching


ok, i can't find Nightlight, where is she?

Get out of SunClan camp and when you're outside, you'll see a brown tabby tom standing there. You'll see 2 arrows. Click on the grey one. Then continue going left till you reach the pink and yellow tulips. Go left again and you'll see two cats guarding the FallenClan camp entrance. The left cat is Nightlight.

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hi im posting my story here and in kit to leader so here it is


  Spot walked up to the wailing kit. He looked at the kit for a moment then flicked his tail in disapproval. I thought the badger would have killed him, not the other one he thought. But as he looked into the weaker kit's eyes he saw fear.  After a few seconds, he tried to put on his most friendly face and said: “Hello young kit my name is Spot. come with me if you want to live” The kit looked unconvinced "I'm just here to help you. I saw what happened to your mother" After he said that he saw a flash of sadness in the kit's eyes but after a few minutes, the kit said, “Oo..ok...” Huh, this kit is easily convinced.  Even though he is weaker maybe this kit is good for my plans after all…

Chapter 1 

  My first memories were of my mother. I still remember snuggling next to my brother and mother as all kits do. A few days later I finally opened my eyes to see the world. I gasped when I finally saw the world I was amazed when I saw how colorful everything was. Her name was Brownie. She despised her name and didn't even know what it meant. So my mother decided to ignore the names the twolegs gave us and named me Moon and my brother Tree.  My mother was a brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes. My brother was cream brown with a few dark grey spots and green eyes. I looked a bit different I was grey with a white stomach and blue eyes. I always wondered what my father looked like. My mother never mentioned it though. As she said it's “unimportant.” One day when me and my brother were playing outside he found a hole in the fence. He said “We need to go outside! Mother is sleeping she will never know! I'm so bored of her not letting us do anything!” I thought It was dangerous but didn't want to seem weak in front of my brother so I said “Let's go” and walked out with my brother.

Chapter 2

   Beyond the garden was NOTHING like I thought it would be like NOTHING! I imagined lush forests surrounded by berry bushes over a blue sky as I saw holes in the twolegs den. But now that I thought of it I remembered that I could never go through it as much as I tried. Maybe they weren't holes after all. I saw a few trees but mostly I saw more twoleg stone dens. “DID YOU EVEN HEAR ME!” my brother snapped me out of my thoughts. I realized that he had been talking to me for a while. “scardy kitty too scared to say anything!” he said mockingly. I growled, “NO ONE CALLS ME SCARDY KITTY!” I yelled and chased him! I chased him until he started coughing and I realized that something was coming out of a pipe “Move away” I said cautiously. And realized that he was on the ground. “No no no no!” I yelled. Then all of a sudden he jumped at me! “AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” I yelled in terror. “Hey, you scared me!” I said, “Ha, I knew you were a scardy kitty!” “NO, I'M No-” I got cut off as my brother said “Sush!” I looked forward and saw a large thing approaching us.

Chapter 3 

  As it got closer I realized that the large thing was a twoleg. I took a deep breath and realized that I was holding my breath the entire time. “It's just a twoleg” said my brother with a big sigh of relief. I felt excitement all the way to my tail tip when I saw her. I knew this twoleg she was our owner! We lived in her den! I knew my brother, Tree knew too when I felt him relax. The twoleg picked us up and I knew my brother was tired when he just let her pick him up. Usually, he would put up a fight and scratch her. I personally never liked being picked up but I was okay with it. The twoleg put us in the back of her monster and got in the belly of it. It was kind of scary riding in the monsters that twolegs ride in but if they always came out okay I knew it was safe. My brother on the other paw pretty much slept in the blankets the whole ride and I was glad he did because I knew if he was awake he would have tried to escape. After about 45 minutes the monster stopped. I thought it was strange because me and my brother did not go that far but I pushed away the thought. The back of it opened and the twoleg scooped me up and picked up my brother. He was still sleeping peacefully. As we walked to the entrance I still felt excited about our adventure but little did I know we were not going home.

Chapter 4

 When we arrived at the steps of the twoleg den I realized that it was a different den.

Huh, strange I wondered.  My brother woke up and was gazing tiredly at me. Another twoleg stood there holding Mother. It looked as if she was sleeping but  I was so shocked when she suddenly said “RUN!” and jumped down the twolegs arm and scratched her. Then she scoped me and put me on her back and carried my brother and we just RAN we ran til we couldn't see twoleg dens anymore. We were in a small forest! I was so amazed at the forest that I couldn't even feel the scratch that I got when Mother picked me up roughly. But before I could say anything my brother growled “ Why did we run away” Our mother looked sad for a second and said, “The twoleg dropped her off at another den.” She was so worried for us that she felt sick. “But the twolegs were talking to each other. In the den, there was a cat named Max that could understand the language. He said they were going to take us away to something called a shelter. He said that a shelter is terrible and we never get to see daylight again” My mother finished with a breath. She was still painting from the long run. Then all of a sudden I smelled something strange. Before I could say anything my mother yelled “BADGER!!!”.

Chapter 5

As the badger approached us our mother told us to stay here. I glanced at my brother who whispered “Wow I have never seen anything so..BIG!” he had excitement in his voice so I whispered back “You're not scared?” “of course not! Mama will save us!” He sounded as if he was trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince me “ok I guess” I whispered to him. Just as I finished Mother scratched the badger and the badger whipped its paw at her. It flung her backwards, and she got up. Then she hissed loudly at it and it ran to her and started scratching her. Then my brother said “I'm Going to help her” “No don't please I don't want to lose you” I said “You won't don't worry I will be safe” he said bravely. I sighed I knew there was no way I could convince him but I decided to try anyway. “We are only about 12 moons! (The cat term for month)”  ‘NO I'm still going to help her I don't care what you say” And then he rushed off to help Mother. I looked behind me and saw a little hole and decided to take shelter in there. After about an hour I went out. When I left the hole I saw my brother and mother lying there. “No no no this can't be happening” I felt crushed but just as I was about to leave I saw a black and white spotted cat with a scar over his eye. He flicked his tail and after a bit said “Hello young kit my name is Spot. Come with me if you want to live”.

Chapter 6

I stretched my jaws into a massage yawn and padded out of Spot's house with excitement. Spot was apparently my uncle from my dad's side I never knew my dad. “Hey, Spot!” Spot was eating some twoleg scrapes. He lifted his head up to say “Yes?” he said half asleep “Well uh you said you would tell me about my uh dad on my 25 moon” I meowed. “Ah yes, your dad. Well, he looked just like you. And he was super kind and thoughtful I get why your mother liked him.” he chuckled. Then he looked sternly into my eyes “ But the thing that made him run away from you was when one of the cats from Treeclan killed our mother” I was shocked that's why our father left us! If he were still here my mother and brother would still be alive.  I looked up at Spot and saw him grinning. “why are you smiling” I growled “Do you think it's FUNNY that my father ran away!”  He looked shocked for a moment but then said “ Well I was thinking of a plan…”  “You could go to Treeclan and become their leader! Then we can rule the forest TOGETHER!” I thought for a moment but Spot clearly noticed that I looked unconvinced and said “Don't worry it will be a joint leadership” “Uhhh.. I don't really know.” I said thoughtfully. “Don't you remember what I did for YOU” Memories came flooding back as I remembered when the badger attacked my mother and brother and how grateful I was for Spot. After a while, I finally said “Ok” He looked happier than I had ever seen him “Thank you! We only want revenge for my mother and your father!” he said excitedly. “When am I going?” I meowed. “At Sunhigh” He replied.

Chapter 7

“WHAT” I was shocked How could I go today? I'm so nervous! But I already agreed to do it! Think of how much Spot did for you!  I started to remember what Spot did for me. When he found my mother and brother dead he took me to his house which was really a dumpster though but it was better than what most street cats had. Other street cats had to sleep inside boxes at least ours kept out the rain. It was already too small for him but he shared it with me.  I finally said “I will do it at sunhigh” but he had already walked away. I sighed. I REALLY need to keep track of time more when I'm thinking I said to myself. The time went by SO fast and I couldn't believe it when Spot said “It's time to go now” He led me to the border and said “Stay safe out there” “Don't worry I will” I replied. I waited at the border just as Spot instructed. Then I saw a patrol coming towards me. In the patrol, there were about 4 cats. I saw the patrol leader spot me and walked up to me. “Oh no not another rouge” she whispered.” WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! ” she said in a harsh tone. “…wanted to uhh… join the uh... Clan.” I said nervously. The she-cat went back to the patrol. I overheard them say “We just had another rouge join 2 moons ago!” said a young tom “Are they planning an invasion?!” said another high-pitched voice. After a few minutes of talking, the she-cat finally said, “Yes ugh fine.” She flicked her tail. “you can join the clan but ONLY if Redstar approves.”

Chapter 8

After a long walk, we finally arrived at camp. The patrol leader told me to go to the apprentice den and talk to Stonepaw. Stonepaw was a kitty pet that joined the clan recently he was a bit younger than me. He explained some things to me about clan life. Some of the things were if you joined the clan you need to start as an apprentice.  He also explained that the she-cat leading the patrol was Sweetfur the clan deputy and Redstar was her father. He said that they have a way to talk with the place of fallen warriors (Basically Starclan). When he said that I almost felt like bouncing up and down like a kit, but I knew if I did they would probably not let me join the clan. “Do you think I can see my mother there?” I said excitedly. he sighed “No it's only for clan cats” I felt all the excitement drain from me after he said that but before I could say anything Redstar yowled “ALL CATS OLD ENOUGH TO CATCH THEIR OWN PREY GATHER HERE AROUND THE HIGHROCK FOR A CLAN MEETING!” Stonepaw said that “We need to go follow me”. When we got there Redstar said “This cat wanted to join this clan. I know that we just had an outsider join the clan but we need more warriors so Moon step up” I stepped up.” From now until you receive your warrior name you shall now be known as Moonpaw.” I heard whispers of other and felt all eyes on me“He can't! We will soon be more rouge than clan!” said a she-cat “back in my days we chased out rouges and kitty pets!” said an old tom “Redstar needs to think before he invites more cats in!” said a young she-cat. But before they could say anything to Redstar he yelled “THIS CLAN MEETING IS DISMISED”. "WAIT!" I yelled "Who's my mentor?" "OH! I'm Sorry I forgot your mentor is Sweetfur." "ME? I'm just about as old as him! I'm even younger!" Sweetfur said. "NO, I have made my decision your Moonpaws mentor you're the deputy and you need an apprentice if you want to become leader! when I made you deputy I thought you would have an apprentice soon but we might not have a lot of new apprentices before I lose my last life." Sweetfur looked stunned at her father's harsh tone. "OK father you know a can't argue with you so I will be his mentor." "even though it may be weird" she muttered.

Chapter 9

“No no no no!” “Keep your tail ABOVE the ground when you're hunting!”  Sweetfur sighed “I really don't know how you're better at fighting than some warriors but you're THIS bad at hunting! “I…er..uh “ “You have caught almost no prey” “I still can't believe Redstar picked ME to be your mentor. He is really losing his mind!” she sighed again. “Well..uh..u..ur.uh a great..mentor..s…so...o..farr..uhh” “Thanks” she meowed in relief. “Well let's try some more battle moves you never know when a fox might come” “Okay” I meowed. When we arrived back at camp Redstar called a clan meeting “LET ALL CATS OLD ENOUGH TO CATCH THEIR OWN PREY” he yelled. “The warrior's den is getting full!” “We need a few warriors to sleep in the apprentice's den” “We have lots of space in there” “I will” Said Sweetfur “I can too!” said a tom named Snowfur “I will!” meowed Dustfur “I CAN T-” Smalltail got cut off “It's ok I think we have enough cats,” said Redstar with a hint of amusement “THIS MEETING IS DISMISED!” he flicked his tail and padded down the rock to his den. After the clan meeting, I told Sweetfur that i needed to get some fresh air. I decided to go to Spots house. He had been asking for a weekly report on my week in the clan he said he wanted to know if everything was going well. “Ah hello, Moonpaw” He meowed “Or is it something else now? Like Moonclaw you were always a natural fighter!” he smirked “No spot! I have only been training for a bit over a moon!” I exclaimed. “Well, your mentor seems…nice” spot meowed. “Yeah… she is deputy so she is pretty cool,” I replied. “It's still strange that Your leader…uh what's his name…? OH, Redstar yeah picked her to be your mentor he could have picked an older warrior but whatever I don't care. He hissed “Have you earned their trust yet? They need to trust you so you can take over the clan.” “You should try to find a way to make them turn against each other…” I started to get really uncomfortable so I blurted out “I really need to go now! They will get suspicious!”  “ok keep thinking about it and try to earn their trust. Spot narowed his eyes “Remember we are doing this for your father” “y..ea now I REALLY need to go” “Bye” he meowed. I rushed out of there as fast as I could. I don't know why but I have a really weird feeling about Spot.

Chapter 10

Today was the day that more warriors would sleep in the apprentice's den. After Stonefur had been made a warrior I was the only one in the apprentice's den and I was looking forward to not sleeping alone. The three warriors arrived in the apprentice's den. “Wow it is SO much smaller than when I was an apprentice!” said Dustfur “That's because YOU were smaller silly” meowed Snowfur “Well we have a long day of training tomorrow Moonpaw so let's get some sleep” I curled up in my nest and wated. “Ugh, why can't I sleep” I heard Sweetfur growl. “I can't either,” I said and went to sit beside her. “Hey,” she meowed “Hi,” I said. ‘OH MOUSE DUNG I FORGOT THAT I'M ON NIGHT WATCH!” she yelled “SUSHHH! You will wake them up! They are so cute sleeping together” I said “Yeah” she replied. “ Can I come on night watch?” “Shure even though you are only an APPRENTICE” she meowed “Ha I'm just as..old as… as...YOU!” We settled down on night watch. “Wow” I exclaimed, “it's beautiful out here at night!” “Yeah I thought the same…” she replied. Then suddenly I fell onto Sweetfur “Uh SORRY for falling for you,” I said quickly “WHAT!!” I realized what I said. “AAA I….mm so sorry FOR falling you ON!” “HUH?” she said confusingly AGH IM S…..ORR... I'M SORRY FOR FALLING ON YOU!” I finally said. “ Wow, you're so ridiculous it's FUNNY!” she meowed “y..eahh” I meowed back and we sat in the moonlight for the rest of the night.

Hello, can anyone answer this question? When you have kits, can you name them? I see some people ask for name idea's for their kits in Over Borders so can you name your kits?

you cant so you just ask

That is so cute! 


(1 edit)

thx but how do i get that extra 0.1 for this

Idk. The eyes are average but I guess they are pretty hard to do.

Can people help me name Frogmist and Seerflower's kits?

I was thinking maybe Leapkit for one of them but I can change it. Possibly something to do with frogs.

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For the green ones, maybe Frondkit (like palm frond) and Toadkit,  for the yellow one, Canarykit

thanks those are cute names

How do you murder someone? And how do you mate? 


Get deathberries from medicine cat den by either becoming med cat apprentice or waiting until a gathering. Click on any water and you will get a fish with deathberries hidden inside. (You need to be holding deathberries while doing this.) Click on a cat while holding hidden deathberries and they should die. Note: you can't kill a leader, deputy or med cat.


To mate with a cat, find a pink tulip in FallenClan territory and click on a cat while holding it.



BIRCHBLAZE. go read! I think yk what I mean

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ok! it's our secret >:)

I'm booooooooooored birchy lets hangout :<

i wasnt paying attention who is hollybreeze

found them

yo are u able to get out of being in a nightmare


Out of all, i like this the most.

    Well How is she?

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That cat is cute!


Out of the three, this is my favorite.

thank u guys I love making these

does anyone know where's Nightlight?

does anyone know how to find ace?


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nightlight is outside fallen clan. Cat on the left. I know how to get to her from Sunclan, first go to the edge, then click rocky gray arrow, go right.


Can someone rate my cats?

This is Frogmist


oooo I like the patterns. now the color....its ok lol...sry I'm not that great at rating


nice cat!

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wow FROG mist! just wow 

(1 edit)

I got the name from a random generator and thought I should use it.




This is actually very lovely! 11/10 (You get 11/10 because i adore frogs :3)

I love frogs too. ❤️🐸

Frog buddies. ❤️🐸

Yes! ❤️🐸

Should I make some more frog themed characters?

yes I love frogs

what do you do after Firestar's prophecy/dream...

also great game :)

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tell Robinfur (cat outside leaders den) then... thats it

ok, thank you

would be nice if he was orange

i was going to add it on the fur but it looked weird so it just the eyes

Chapter 5

As the days passed, the tribe settled into their new home, thriving in the lush valley. The cats worked together to build their dens, hunt for food, and explore their surroundings. 

Echo watched with pride as her tribe flourished, their bonds growing stronger with each passing day. 

She knew that they had found a place where they could truly belong, a place where they could live in peace and harmony. 

One day, as Echo was patrolling the perimeter of the valley with Hawk, they noticed a group of unfamiliar cats approaching. The cats were from a neighboring tribe, led by the fierce warrior Redclaw. 

Echo and Hawk exchanged a wary glance, knowing that the arrival of these cats could bring trouble to their peaceful home. 

Redclaw and his cats stopped at the edge of the valley, their eyes scanning the tribe with a mixture of curiosity and hostility. 

Echo stepped forward, her spine straight and her gaze unwavering. "Greetings, Redclaw. What brings you to our valley?" Echo asked, her voice calm and steady. Redclaw sneered, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Echo and Hawk. 

"We have heard of your new home and wanted to see it for ourselves," Redclaw replied, his tone cold and menacing. "We have no intention of causing trouble, but we will not hesitate to defend our territory if necessary." 

Echo nodded; her expression neutral. She knew that Redclaw and his cats were a formidable force, and she had to tread carefully to avoid conflict. 

Hawk stood by her side, her muscles tense and ready for action. "We welcome you to our valley, Redclaw. We have no desire for conflict, but we will defend our home if threatened," Echo said firmly, her voice filled with determination. Redclaw's eyes narrowed, but he nodded in acknowledgment. 

"Very well. We will respect your territory and not cause trouble," Redclaw replied, his tone begrudging. With a flick of his tail, he signaled for his cats to follow him as they turned to leave the valley. 

Echo and Hawk watched as the cats disappeared into the distance, their hearts pounding with relief. They knew that the peace of their new home had been preserved, at least for now. Echo turned to Hawk, a small smile tugging at her lips. "We handled that well, Hawk. 

I'm proud of how we stood our ground," Echo said, her voice filled with pride. Hawk nodded, a glint of admiration in her eyes. "We make a good team, Echo. Together, we can face any challenge that comes our way," Hawk replied, her voice strong and unwavering. 

Echo felt a surge of gratitude for her friend and chief guard, knowing that with Hawk by her side, they could overcome anything. As they made their way back to the tribe, Echo felt a sense of peace settle over her. 

She knew that their new home was a place of safety and security, a place where they could thrive and grow together as a tribe. 

And with Hawk by her side, Echo felt confident that they could face whatever challenges came their way, their bond unbreakable and their spirits strong. And as they settled down for the night, Echo and Hawk slept peacefully, knowing that they were truly home in their beautiful valley. 

The stars twinkled brightly in the sky, casting a warm glow over the peaceful scene. And as the night enveloped them, Echo and Hawk drifted off to sleep, their hearts full of gratitude and their minds at ease. Together, they would face the future with courage and strength, knowing that they had found a place where they belonged, a place where they could be truly happy. 

And as the moon rose high in the sky, Echo and Hawk slept soundly, their dreams filled with visions of a bright and prosperous future for their tribe in their new home. The next morning Echo woke up in her den to see hawk wasn’t beside her, then Echo pricked her ears hearing someone running, she peeked her head out her den to see hawk, the white she-cats icy blue eyes were gleaming with worry. 

“Echo come quick!!! Redclaw and his clan are back again and they’ve….they’ve declared war on us if we don’t give up the valley!!!!!” hawk yowled, her voice screaming with worry and fear. 

“I’ve gathered all the guards to guard camp and the outside, and the warriors are defending the mountain so Redclaw and his cats can’t get in but…we’re out numbered…echo we need you!” hawk was on the verge of tears, then echo nuzzled hawk comfortingly then looked her in the eyes with defiant amber eyes. 

“Let’s go defend our territory….” Echo growled with a grin as she narrowed her eyes dangerously and was stalking towards the camp exit, she squeezed through the crack then walked to where snake, ice, and the other warriors were defending the mountain, keeping Redclaw and his cats away so they couldn’t get in. 

Echo narrowed her eyes as she stalked in front and stood between her warriors and Redclaw’s warriors, and Redclaw stood in front of echo with an evil grin plastered on his face. 

“We are taking this valley…” echo snarled at Redclaw’s words then yowled, her voice ringing with defiance “never!!! You’ll have to kill us before you can take our home, we found this valley, and we will NOT hesitate to defend it!!” Redclaw smirked, almost mockingly. “Aww that’s cute…” he then unsheathed his claws and smiled sinisterly “I accept your little challenge…” echo arched her back and yowled a battle cry as she unsheathed her claws and leaped at Redclaw, her tribemates and Redclaw’s clan-mates leaped into battle. 

The sound of claws clashing, yowls of pain, and battle cries filled the air as the two clans fought fiercely for control of the valley. Echo fought with all her strength, her claws, and teeth flashing as she took down enemy after enemy. Hawk fought fiercely beside her, her speed and agility unmatched as she darted in and out of the fray.

But Redclaw was a formidable opponent, his strength and cunning making him a dangerous foe. Echo squared off against him, their eyes locked in a fierce struggle of wills. As they fought, Echo could see the determination and cruelty in Redclaw's eyes, knowing that he would not stop until he had what he wanted.

But Echo was not about to give up without a fight. She dug deep, finding strength and courage she never knew she had. With a fierce battle cry, she lunged at Redclaw, her claws tearing into his fur. Redclaw snarled in pain, but he fought back with equal ferocity.

The battle raged on, both sides determined to win at all costs. But in the end, it was Echo and her tribe who emerged victorious. Redclaw lay defeated at her paws, his forces scattered and broken, she smirked and raised her head as she heard one of Redclaw’s cats yowl out. 

“Redclaw’s dead!!!!!!!!” but instead of running, the tribe of echoing silence saw that Redclaw’s cats were overjoyed? And they were yowling with victory; ice spoke to one of Redclaw’s cats with curiousness laced in his voice. 

“Why are you not running or retreating?” snake then spoke up, “ya, why are you…joyful that your leader is dead?” There were ten cats in Redclaw's group, and their names were Striker, Shadow, Blaze, Frost, Claw, Storm, Luna, Midnight, Thorn, and Raven. 

The cats looked at each other with a mixture of confusion and relief before midnight stepped forward, their eyes filled with gratitude. "Redclaw was a tyrant, a cruel leader who cared only for power and control. 

We were forced to follow him, but we never truly respected him. With him gone, we are free to choose our own path, to live in peace and harmony with your tribe. We have no desire to fight you any longer. We wish to join your tribe, to become a part of your family." Echo and her tribe exchanged surprised glances, not expecting this turn of events. But after a moment of consideration, Echo nodded with a smile. "You are welcome to join us, to become a part of our tribe. 

We are stronger together, and we welcome you with open hearts." The former members of Redclaw's group nodded in gratitude, their eyes filled with relief and hope. And as they joined Echo's tribe, the valley echoed with the sound of joyful yowls and purrs, signaling the beginning of a new era of peace and unity for all who called it home. The tribe celebrated their victory and newfound allies, knowing that together, they could face any challenge that came their way. 

And as they settled down for the night, under the light of the moon and stars, Echo and her tribe slept peacefully, their hearts full of gratitude and their minds at ease. They knew that they were truly home in their beautiful valley, surrounded by friends and allies who would stand by them no matter what. 

And as they dreamed of a bright and prosperous future, Echo knew that they had found a place where they belonged, a place where they could be truly happy. And with Hawk by her side, Echo felt confident that they could face whatever challenges came their way, their bond unbreakable and their spirits strong. 

And as the night enveloped them, Echo and Hawk drifted off to sleep, their dreams filled with visions of a bright and prosperous future for their tribe in their new home. 


The end 

Chapter 4

The tribe moved tirelessly among valleys, forests, mountains, rivers, and even twoleg roads. After days and days of searching….they have found their home….echo narrowed her eyes to see in the shimmering blinding sun light as she tried looking for something to hunt. As she sniffed around. She pricked her ears as she heard someone call out. “Over here!! Look!” echo shifted her eyes to see blaze, the golden tabby tom, he seemed to be looking at a…mountain? Echo padded over to where blaze was.

“What is it blaze?” echo asked with a slightly cold tone, lately echo has been on edge but…no one knows what about. “I um, found this…” blaze pointed his paw to a huge crack hidden behind the bush, echo arched an eyebrow as she looked at the crack, it seemed to be a passage…echo squeezed into the crack then once she bounced out, she was amazed by the sight.

It was a huge valley, surrounded by the mountain, there was just enough tree’s to give shade and there was many cracks in the mountain that could make dens, and to top it off there was a huge rock near a beautiful waterfall that shimmered like crystals, The territory was vast and rich with resources. There were plenty of prey animals such as rabbits, birds, and fish in the nearby river.

The trees provided shelter and the mountain cracks made perfect dens for the tribe. The waterfall provided a source of fresh water, sparkling like diamonds in the sunlight.

Echo felt a sense of relief wash over her as she looked out at the stunning landscape. This would be their new home, a place where they could thrive and grow as a tribe. Blaze purred in satisfaction as he looked around, his tail flicking with excitement.

"We've hit the jackpot, Echo," Blaze exclaimed, his eyes shining with joy. "This place has everything we could ever need."

Echo nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of hope and optimism for the first time in a long while. She turned to Blaze and smiled, a genuine smile that reached her eyes.

"We'll make this place our own," Echo said, determination in her voice. "We'll build our tribe here and ensure that we thrive in this beautiful valley."

 As the tribe started coming in through the crack they were amazed by the sight of the new valley. “This is amazing!!” flame squealed as she ran around, some of the older cats chuckled at her antics, echo cracked a small smile then walked towards that big rock then sat down as she looked at her tribe of cats, she then yowled a meeting call. “All cats young and old, gather under the high rock of echoing stars as I speak!” At that every cat in the tribe walked over and sat down, listening to their leader, as usual hawk sat on the side of the rock with a soft smile as she listened to echo speak as well.

“We have traveled tirelessly and after moons of searching…we have found our safe haven!” echo yowled, her voice echoing with triumph. The cats mewed with excitement and relief, eager to hear more about their new home. Echo continued, her voice calm and authoritative, "It is a place of lush green meadows, abundant prey, and fresh flowing streams.

A place where we can finally settle down and build a new life for ourselves." The tribe began to purr with delight, imagining a future filled with peace and security. Hawk's eyes gleamed with pride, knowing that their long journey had finally come to an end. "Tomorrow at dawn, we will have a big feast in this new territory to commence our settlement" Echo announced.

The cats cheered in unison, their hearts filled with hope and anticipation. As the stars twinkled overhead, casting a soft light on their furry faces, “We have many caves here in the cracks of the mountain, which will act as dens for all of us. Hawk, you and the guards find a den for you all, moth you do the same with the prey hunters, snake, you as well with the warriors, and crow, you with the queens. And finally, the elders you will do the same.”

Everyone nodded then despaired into their groups and started setting up their dens, echo walked around pride swelling in her chest as she watched everyone make their dens.

She had found a perfect spot to make for her den and so she went to go gather moss from outside of the valley, she walked towards the entrance of camp and squeezed out through the crack, she then walked for a few hours before she found the lake, she smiled as she immediately saw some moss laying still on a rock, she walked over and rolled the moss into a ball with her paw, and grabbed it in her jaws then she walked off, walking back to the new camp, she squeezed in through the crack entrance of camp then walked towards her den to make herself a nest, Echo settled into her new den, the moss soft and comfortable beneath her. She let out a contented sigh as she looked around at her new home.

Her tribe was bustling with activity, cats working together to build their new life in the valley. Echo felt a sense of pride and accomplishment as she watched them, knowing that they had finally found a place where they could truly belong.

As the sun began to set, Echo gathered the tribe under the high rock of echoing stars once again. She looked out at her cats, their faces illuminated by the fading light. She felt a deep sense of gratitude for each and every one of them, knowing that they had come together to make this new home possible.

"We have faced many challenges and hardships on our journey," Echo began, her voice strong and steady. "But now, we have found a place where we can thrive and grow. This valley will be our home, a place where we can live in harmony and peace."

The tribe let out a cheer of agreement, their voices echoing through the valley. Echo looked out at her tribe, her heart full of love and gratitude.

"We are a tribe, bound together by our strength and our loyalty to one another," Echo continued. "And together, we will build a future for ourselves here in this beautiful valley. Let us never forget the journey that brought us here and let us always remember the bond that unites us."

The tribe nodded in agreement, their eyes shining with determination. Echo knew that they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that they had each other to rely on.

As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Echo felt a sense of peace settle over her. This valley was their new home, a place where they could finally belong. And she knew that together, they would conquer whatever obstacles came their way. As she leaped delicately off the rock, she was accompanied by her trusted chief guard and loyal friend, hawk that claws the sky, echo smiled softly as she looked at the snowy white, she-cat and her shimmering icy blue eyes.

“Hello hawk.” Echo smiled. “Good evening echo…off to your den?” hawk asked with bright blue eyes. Echo smiled as she brushed her tail under hawks chin leaving her in a slight daze.

“I was actually going to see how you were doing…darling” echo smirked slightly, hawk blushed at echo’s words and looked away bashfully. "I-I'm doing well, thank you," she stammered, her cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink. Echo chuckled softly and bumped her shoulder playfully.

"You're adorable when you blush, hawk," she teased, causing hawk to playfully swat at her. The two friends laughed and made their way to Echo's den, chatting and enjoying each other's company.

As they reached Echo's den, they settled down on the moss bedding, comfortable and content in each other's presence. Hawk looked at Echo with a soft smile, admiration shining in her eyes. "You're an amazing leader, Echo. I'm proud to serve by your side," she said sincerely, her voice filled with respect.

Echo felt a warmth in her chest at Hawk's words, grateful for her support and friendship. "And I'm grateful to have you by my side, hawk. You're not just my chief guard, you're my friend," Echo replied, her voice gentle and full of emotion.

The two friends sat in comfortable silence for a moment, enjoying the peace and tranquility of their new home. As the night settled around them, Echo felt a sense of contentment and calm wash over her. She knew that with her tribe by her side, she could face whatever challenges came their way.

And as she drifted off to sleep, she felt a sense of peace and belonging, knowing that she was finally home. The valley was their sanctuary, a place where they could thrive and grow together as a tribe. And with Hawk by her side, Echo knew that they would face the future with strength, unity, and unwavering loyalty.

Together, they would conquer whatever challenges came their way, their bond unbreakable and their spirits strong. And as the stars shone brightly in the night sky, illuminating the valley with their gentle light, Echo and Hawk slept peacefully, knowing that they were truly home.

Chapter 3

Moth gave a sigh of pride as she was watching her apprentice, wolf has been progressing miraculously. His hunting skills were amazing, moth gazed into the open as she was watching wolf playing with his siblings. Raven was dashing and dodging flames claws and wolf was chasing flame practicing his speed it seemed, she got to her paws and went over to the fresh kill pile it seemed to be low, maybe I should gather a hunting patrol. She thought to herself, she grabbed a squirrel then walked over where the siblings were and sat down and used her claw to rip off the fur of it then sunk her teeth taking a bite. She then looked over to see her brothers snake and ice chattering, she shrugged then looked around the crowd of cats for her sister, hawk. Then she spotted her, the chief guard was talking with the leader of the tribe, echoing whispers. Moth had always thought those two she-cats seemed to have a strange but strong bond. She pushed away the intrusive thoughts and focused on wolf, he was showing great promise, and she was determined to help him become the best hunter he could be.

As the sun began to set, Moth called for a hunting patrol to restock the fresh kill pile. Wolf eagerly volunteered to join, along with Flame and Snow. Another young she-cat, formally from pantherclan They set off into the area for hunting patrol,

Moth watched them go, a sense of pride swelling in her chest. Her apprentice was on his way to becoming a skilled hunter, and she knew that she had played a part in helping him achieve that goal. She settled down to eat the rest of her squirrel, content with the knowledge that she was doing her part to ensure the survival of the tribe.

As they came back moth was amazed by their catch, wolf had a hawk on his back and two mice dangling from his jaws, while flame had a big vole clamped in her jaw, while snow was carrying a rabbit. “Well done you all!” moth purred happily “now let’s place that all in that into the prey pile and you all can rest ok?” she looked at the three apprentices “ok!” They all said in unison then padded away. Moth searched the clearing and she saw her brothers snake and ice eating together, so she happily scampered over to them. “Hi boys!” she smirked slapping snake on the back of her head with her tail “hey watch it!!” snake hissed baring his teeth “jeez what’s under your fur lately snake?” ice muttered with a scoff, moth arched an eyebrow as she saw her brother tense up. “Er, nothing just leave me alone!” snake growled smoothing his fur to hide the tension he felt. Moth sighed as she sat up and walked away, she knew snake was hiding something, she just didn’t know what…but she WILL find out…soon. As she drifted off to sleep, Moth couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her chest. She knew that something was not right within the tribe, and she was determined to uncover the truth, no matter what it may be. But for now, she would rest and prepare for the challenges that tomorrow may bring. The next morning, Moth woke up determined to get to the bottom of her brother's strange behavior. She approached Snake and Ice, who were now sitting together by the waterhole, their usual playful banter replaced by a tense silence. "Snake, what's going on with you?" Moth asked, her eyes narrowing as she studied her brother's face. Snake looked away, avoiding her gaze.

"It's nothing, Moth. Just drop it," he mumbled, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. Ice shot Moth a knowing look, his expression somber.

"Snake, you know you can tell us anything. We're your siblings, we're here for you," Moth persisted, reaching out to place a comforting paw on Snake's shoulder.

Snake hesitated for a moment before finally speaking, his voice barely above a whisper. "I...I made a mistake. A big mistake. And I don't know how to fix it." 

Moth's heart sank as she realized the seriousness of the situation. She exchanged a worried glance with Ice before turning back to Snake, determination blazing in her eyes.

"We'll figure this out together, Snake. Whatever it is, we'll face it as a family," Moth reassured him, her voice firm and unwavering. 


Chapter 2

Snake groaned as he stretched waking from his slumber. He yawned and got up. He shook his pelt and he saw his brother, ice with the white she-cat frost. What is he doing with her? he thought. He shrugged it off and grabbed a sparrow from the prey pile. “Hello snake.” a voice mewed; snake looked up from his prey to see the amber eyes of the she-cat, storm. “h-hello storm” he stuttered a bit. “Mind if I share with you?” storm asked as she dropped down a fish. Snake sighed; how do these cats eat fish? Snake shook the thought away and just smiled. “of course.” He mewed as he ripped the feathers off his sparrow. Snake and storm talked about the past days in the clans while they ate. “It’s time we move!” snake lifted his head hearing his leader speak. Snake groaned as he lifted himself up to his paws, “c’mon then storm, let’s not make echo angry.” Snake muttered as he nosed the queen to her paws. “I wonder what has her fur ruffled up.” Storm scoffed; snake shrugged. “I don’t know.” Snake huffed, “I hope we get to our new home soon; my paws are killing me.” Storm stifled a laugh. “We are all in pain snake, just have faith we’ll be their sooner than you can hunt a mouse.” She smirked; snake chuckled. “I doubt it.” Snake lifted his head and opened his mouth to taste the air, he heard the rocks rumbling and the breeze was calm, then as he searched, he tasted the scent of fresh river water, a smile crept onto his face. “I smell water!” a voice called from the back. Snakes smile faded, he smelled other cats, and they did not smell friendly, he growled lowering his ears. “Stay here.” He looked at storm then pushed himself through the crowd. “Who are you?!” he snapped unsheathing his claws at the strange cats. “Hey! Chill out.” A light ginger tom said laughing. “My name is dawn of setting sky, and these are my companions, snap of crying eagle, and flicker of light.” Echo scoffed, her claws scraping the rocky hard floor. “We are the tribe of roaring thunder.” The tom smirked, moth rolled her eyes in disbelief, storm snarled lashing her tail, hawk stood watching this, her blue eyes like stone, she twitched her tail signaling to the guards and all the guards shouldered their way through the crowd of cats. And sat at the front looking at the strangers with caution. “We are just passing through.” Dawn grinned, snake hissed at dawn, his eyes switched over to his leader echo, who whispered something in hawks ear, which he did not catch. “This? this is the great tribe of roaring thunder?” shadow laughed lashing his tail at the three cats. “For once I agree with shadow, you are massively outnumbered you can’t possibly be a tribe.” Ice muttered, as he stepped to the left, to sit beside snake. Echo flicked her tail to silence her cats. “But ma’am we can’t possibly-“ hawk cut herself off looking into echo’s soft amber gaze, hawk nodded and stepped back. “You may stay for a little but once you fill your bellies, you will leave, and we must press on to our home.” Dawn nodded to the grey she-cat and gently pushed his way passed. Snake gave a side eye at dawn seeing the ginger tom grin. Snake pushed himself forward as he crouched low to the ground stealthy following dawn. He pricked up his ears as he heard voices coming from the side of the cave. “Dawn you cannot be serious. We should just grab prey, steal the kits, and run.” A voice hissed. “Calm down flicker, we will just grab the prey and eat, but once they aren’t looking, we grab the kits and run.” Dawn smirked; his cats gave silent purrs of agreement. A growl rumbled in snakes throat as he slipped away to his tribe. “Look who we have here.” Dawn smirked, flicker pushed snake down, snap pinned him keeping him still, snake struggled and spat at the cats harshly. Snap leaned to his ear, and she whispered, “if you fight, you’ll only make this harder for yourself.” Snake let out a silent gasp, then stopped struggling and looked up at dawn waiting for the tom to speak. “It seems you were spying on us, yes?” snake nodded narrowing his eyes, dawn unsheathed his claws and brought one paw to snakes neck, “we need someone like you.” Dawn grinned; snake was puzzled. Why did this tom need him? Was he needing a spy? a warrior? What was it? “What do you want from me you fox-heart?” snake snarled through a choked tongue, as snap still had her paw on his neck. Dawn looked at snake with an Icey grin, “we need a spy, and you are the perfect tom for it.” Snake curled his lip with rage. “Shove a mouse down your throat! Theres NO WAY I’m betraying my tribe.” he hissed. Dawn’s eyes narrowed and he flicked his ear, snap let go of snake and grinned, snake arched an eyebrow then turn his head to dawn, the ginger tom unsheathed his claws, snake’s eyes widened with surprise dawn swung his claws at the grey and white tom constantly. Snake tried to dodge, and did but only nearly, dawn snarled and bit down on snakes leg and clawed his torso, snake yowled in pain, after 20 heartbeats of the two toms fighting…snake gave in, “now, are you willing to listen to my demands you piece of fox-dung?” Dawn hissed his eyes narrowed menacingly almost as if he was challenging snake to fight again. Snake gave a nod and winced in pain. “What is it you want?” snake growled. Dawn smirked, “I need you to spy on those mangy flea-pelts, I want to find out their weak spots, where are they most vulnerable?” snake snarled, he can’t possibly go through with this!! snake kept in a hiss of rage and just nodded, dawn sheathed his claws and let snake go. Snake pushed himself to his paws and ran off. But just before he left, he heard dawn speak, “looks like we have a new follower.” Rage inflamed inside of snake; he couldn’t believe he was going to do this! He was going to betray his family, his friends, his leader. 

Snake ran back to his tribe, his heart pounding with guilt and shame. He couldn't believe what he had agreed to do. How could he betray his own tribe like this? He found Echo and Hawk talking quietly at the edge of the cave. He approached them with his head held low, unable to meet their gaze.

"Snake, what's wrong?" Hawk asked, concern evident in her voice. Snake took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to do. He told them everything, about meeting Dawn, about the deal he had made to spy on their tribe. Echo's eyes widened in shock, her fur bristling in anger. "How could you do this, Snake? How could you betray us like this?" she hissed; her voice filled with disappointment. Snake hung his head in shame, unable to produce a good enough excuse for his actions. "I'm sorry, Echo. I don't know what came over me. I was afraid, I didn't know what else to do," he mumbled, feeling the weight of his betrayal heavy on his shoulders.

Hawk looked at him with a mix of pity and understanding. "We will deal with this, Snake. But you need to make things right. You need to find out what information Dawn is after and report back to us. We need to know what we're up against."

Snake nodded his heart heavy with guilt. He knew he had made a mistake, but he was determined to make amends and redeem himself in the eyes of his tribe. He would do whatever it took to protect his family and ensure their safety.

As he slipped away from the group, Snake knew that his loyalty would be tested like never before. He had a choice to make - to follow through with his deal and betray his tribe, or to find a way to turn the tables and protect his own. The decision weighed heavily on his mind as he disappeared into the shadows, ready to face the consequences of his actions.


Chapter 1

Ice, panted as he came up a cliff, his calico fur ruffled in the wind. Ice looked at frost who looked uneasy and nervous. Frost was one of the queens from maplestar’s group of cats. She used to be sweet and kind and fierce before maplestar became leader, but now she was always scared and uneasy. And her kits will be born soon and so she was very protective. “Are you ok frost?” ice asked as he helped the she-cat up the cliff. “If you think that prickling with fear and uneasy thinking, we will be pounced on any second is ok, then sure I’m fantastic” she muttered sarcastically. Ice gave an amused purr and pressed his pelt to hers to give her warmth. The she-cat was freezing. And ice could understand her fear, her mate crowsnap, was a loyal tom to maplestar. He did not care for anyone except himself, and he was overly aggressive, so she did not want to endanger her family but of course the only family she had were her kits… “it’s ok if you’re not alright frost” ice smiled with a respectful lick on her shoulder. Snake padded up to his brother with a grin. “Seems like you fancy her” he said with a slight snicker. “Shut up I’m sure you’re not different snake” ice gave a wicked smirk, his blue eyes glittering with mischief “oh stop it mouse-brain” snake hissed and flicked his brother’s head with his tail then walked back over to the queen he was protecting. Storm the black and white she-cat was part of wolfclan and named storm’trail before echo gave her, her new name. storm of flooded rivers. Ice knew that his brother had taken a liking to the fierce she-cat, but snake is too embarrassed to admit it. Ice turned to frost and started to talk with her about her kits, frost always was happy to talk about her kits. Ice yawned; his paws were aching. He trotted through the crowd of cats, past the queens and other warriors and prey-hunters but only to be stopped by two of the guards at the front. One was a dark grey tom. fang. And the second was the dusty brown she-cat, mouse. The two were looking at him, their eyes burning into his pelt. “Let me pass” he huffed, trying to push pass only for fang to swat him back. “Sorry ice no one can approach the leader right now chiefs orders” mouse mewed her brown eyes full of apology. Ice gave a sigh, “I just want to talk to the leader” he mewed, as he picked up his paws trying to wake the sleep from them. Fang shook his head. “Sorry ice we would have to ask the chief.” without a reply from the calico tom. the two cats padded back to hawk and their leader, echo. With a disappointed sigh ice walked back to frost, his tail drooping. “what’s wrong ice?” The she-cat placed her tail on his shoulder. “I was going to ask echo if we could stop and rest and hunt” he murmured. “No luck I assume?” Frost gave a sigh, ice noticed she looked tired and hungry as well. “Nope but look on the bright side we will be at our home hopefully soon.” Ice smiled his tail tip twitching. Everyone had stopped immediately, ice accidentally crashed himself into boulder, mouse’s brother. “Hey, watch it ice.” boulder gave a hiss as he snatched his tail out from ice’s paw-path. Ice scoffed at boulder’s rudeness. “what’s going on?” frost, mewed lifting her head up, perking her ears. “I don’t know.” Ice meowed, “I’ll go check it out though” he muttered as he swiveled his way around the crowd of cats. He crouched low to the cold rocky floor so the guards could not see him, and as soon as his sister hawk and echo were in sight he sprang to his paws. “what’s going on?” he asked as he padded up to them. “Ice?!” hawk spat with shock, and she shook her head. “Those mouse-brains, I told the guards to-“ “don’t, I um snuck past them.” Ice muttered as he flattened his ears knowing he had gotten fang and mouse in trouble. “So why are we stopping?” the tom twitched his ears looking at his leader, echo curiously. The grey she-cat was the leader of the tribe and the first one to become friends with ice and his siblings when they met, she was a very fierce and pretty she-cat. He knew that echo did not have a great relationship with her parents. Ice and his siblings do not even know his father and his mother said that he was a mistake and disappointment. Echo and ice and his siblings were the first cats to make the journey and create the tribe. “We need to rest.” Echo muttered as she looked at her warrior. Ice gave an exhale of relief; his paws were aching to the bone. He needed rest, and he looked at the tribe seeing that they were tired as well. It had been moon set as the tribe were beginning to rest their aching bones, the guards were chattering to each other and the queens with the elders, and the hunters with the warriors. Ice saw there was a prey-pile, and so he swiped his tongue over his lips and padded on over to it. “Hey, look its mister ice fang himself.” ice heard a snicker from behind him. He lifted his head and turned to see grey, the tom had a grin on his face. “I’m not in the mood for your bullying grey” ice muttered rolling his eyes and grabbed a rabbit from the pile then pushed past trying to walk away, grey smacked him with his paw sending him tumbling into a rock and his prey fell from his jaws. “You don’t get a say so, you rotting piece of fox-dung.” A cold icy anger shot through the calico tom and ice rounded on the large grey tom. “Watch your mouth fox-heart.” a growl rumbled in ice’s throat. “Who are you talking to?” grey flattened his ears, hovering over the calico tom. Ice unsheathed his claws and his fangs gleamed in the moonlight. “You may be my tribe mate, but I won’t show mercy on you if you-” “if I what?” Grey said laughing circling the tom. With no more patience to keep him steady ice let out a raging yowl leaping at the grey tom. The tribe had run to the two toms to see what was going on. In five heartbeats the entire tribe was in a crowded circle watching the battle. Ice had grey pinned to the ground, grey kicked ice in the stomach and snarled something loud enough for him to hear, “you selfish fox-heart” grey spat, then aimed a blow at ice’s ear. Ice has never felt this alive for moons, he felt as if he was in battle with an enemy warrior. And so, he used the techniques he had learned from being in the tribe so long, he knew he had a better advantage because even though grey was a warrior when they had met ice had been more experienced with the tribe. Ice leaped then twisted his body and before he landed, he swiped his claws at grey’s muzzle causing the grey tom to rear back. With a flash of white that dashed into the crowd ice knew that frost was watching, this was his chance, to prove himself to his tribe, himself, and her. Grey leaped at ice, the two toms clawed each other rolling around and slashing, fur flew in the air and blood splattered on the grass. Grey pinned ice on the ground slamming his head down, ice was panting heavily as blood was oozing from his scars, he knew he could not take anymore. Grey gave a shocked yowl as something barreled into him making him unbalanced. Ice blinked, he saw frost, the white she-cat had her ears flattened and she was standing over ice glaring with hatred at grey. “Stay away from him you snake-heart!” frost hissed at grey, everyone gasped. Grey gave a scoff and a grin, “and who’s gonna stop me?” “I am.” a voice meowed clear and cold from behind the grey tom. Grey stopped dead in his tracks and slowly turned his head to face his leader, and in a heartbeat, she slashed his cheek. “Is this how you treat your tribe grey?” she hissed, pinning him slamming his head down on the cold rock floor. “n-no ma’am” he stuttered unable to hide his fear. “Everyone!! We will move at sun high and no one and I mean NO ONE will fight or argue or if I hear any of it…there will be consequences.” The grey she-cats amber eyes were blazing with an unknown anger, what had gotten her fur in a bundle? Ice wondered to himself. He just shrugged it off and he walked to a place at the nearby cave the tribe had settled at, and he found himself a soft patch of grass to sleep in, and he laid his head on his front paws, he then felt soft fur brush against his pelt, he fluttered his eyes open and met the soft, hazel gaze of the beautiful white she-cat he admired, frost. “I think you fought bravely.” Frost mewed with a purr as she was licking his scars. “I wish my kits did not have a tom like crowsnap for a father. And they could grow up and be like you, strong, brave, fearless.” She turned her head away from him and sighed laying her tail on her swollen stomach, ice let a purr rumble in his throat, and he felt sympathy for the young queen. “It must be hard, being forced to something like this.” ice laid his paw on hers “once the kits are born, if you would like I could…father them.” He muttered. Frost nuzzled his cheek and ice froze, his pelt heating up. “I would love that.” A smile crept on ice’s face, he then slept next to frost, curling his tail around her.

Btw!! Who wants to read my fourth warrior cats book? Echoing silence a haven is found!!

does no one like my wc books anymore? :< cuz I haven't had any feedback at all, NOT EVEN FROM MY SCHOOL TEACHERS :(

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I want to read it...

its on kit to leader, I think. all the chapters

Deleted 156 days ago
Deleted 156 days ago
Deleted 156 days ago


The tribe of echoing silence

Leader: echoing whispers\echo: a beautiful grey she-cat with amber eyes

guards. (Cats who guard the territory and camp)

Chief guard: hawk that claws the sky\hawk: a white she-cat with blue icy eyes and a scar from her eye to her stomach.

shadow that strikes in darkness\shadow: a jet-black tom with amber eyes.

Fang of fox\fang: a grey tom with black stripes and amber eyes.

Mouse that sleeps in winter\mouse: a dusty brown she-cat

Prey-hunters. (Cats who provide food for the tribe)

Chief prey-hunter: moth that hovers near fire\moth: a tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes.

Black tooth of bear\tooth: a black tom with hazel eyes.

Rain of storm\rain: a light ginger she-cat.

Blaze of speeding rivers\blaze: a golden tabby tom.

Queens. (She-cats nursing or caring for kits)

fern of falling heather\fern: a dark ginger she-cat.

song of singing crow\crow: a brown she-cat with white paws.

storm of flooded rivers\storm: a black she-cat with a white tail and white stripes.

Cold of frozen frost\frost: a white she-cat with grey paws and hazel brown eyes.

Trainee’s. (Toms and she-cats six moons and older in training)

Raven that flies with wings of black\raven: a black tom with green eyes and a white muzzle as well as white paws.

Wolf of wind\wolf: a light grey tom.

Flame of sun\flame: a ginger she-cat with emerald eyes.

Snow that blankets the ground/snow: a white she-cat with grey leopard spots, and violet eyes

Warriors. (Toms and she-cats in charge of fighting and protecting the tribe)

Snake inside a rock\snake: a grey and white tom.

Ice of frozen water\ice: a dark calico tom with blue eyes.

Grey vine on rock\grey: a long-haired grey tom.

Boulder in water\boulder: a chestnut brown tom

Elders. (Toms and she-cats retired or to injured to continue their duties)

Eye of fox\fox: a pale she-cat who is blind in one eye.

Whisker of soot\soot: a black and white tom with a scarred muzzle. The oldest tom in the tribe.

Grey claw of sky\claw: a grey tom. With a muzzle black from age

Meadow of flowers\meadow: a ginger she-cat who is blind from battle.

Cats outside of the tribe

Pip: an orange and black tom with unusual eyes.

Flash: an orange ginger tom

Spark: a white she-cat with grey splotches.

Twig: a light grey she-cat.

dawn of setting sky\dawn: a light ginger tom

Flicker of light\flicker: a pale tom with grey stripes and a torn ear.

snap of crying eagle\snap: a white she-cat with brown stripes

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