mossy, if it's ok, can you add a place or a button or anything that you can use to change your gender? Cuz I make a good character in the wrong gender, then have to reset the page just to change the gender and remake the cat. Thxs
Okay, first of all why are you hating in this poor dude, 2nd of all, you misgendered a person on PURPOUSE, Mossy uses He/They pronouns, And they have worked their FREAKING HEART on this game, and why are you on their projects if ya hate on em?
Bastard? If they really are a bastard, they got it all from you. But still, you still kept so much brain-rot and hate that I doubt other people can have even a millimeter.
Just because you don't like someone's games aren't a reason to misgender them. They worked hard on all of their games and they don't want some kid just trashing on them.
For anyone responding, don't worry. Opal Housecake is a troll account and has made like 3 accounts so far that got banned from the whole Itch site itself for harassment. They just want attention
I don't think it's a troll, someone told me that Opal has a whole discord abt haters and lots of ppl are joining. I've tried to find it but its private
"And you are...? Oh wait, just another waste of oxygen. You slithered in like a sewer rat, trying to stay relevant, but even the trash rejects you. I get it, your dad left—but damn, did he have to take your last shred of dignity too? Keep flapping those elephant ears all you want, but no matter how hard you listen, you’ll never hear him say ‘I love you’… because he never did."
ughhhhhh why did you have to come back if you dont like a game then just keep it to yourself you dont need to play the game if you dont like it and mossy did nothing wrong and mossy goes by they/them
found a glitch! when i try match the leg patterns to body/tail, the bangs change aswell! and the 'match body' and 'match tail' buttons don't work when selecting bang color/style
so i talked to crystal (the one at the farm or something), but after "that's my brother. he doesn't talk much" i got stuck and there was no way to progress or end the conversation. is it a bug or it it just unfinished?
moss, are you going to make any major updates besides bugfixes? ive heard of another major update as the last one, tho just wanted to know if it was rumors or such. no pressure tho, the game is already very good
Hey Mossy, if I exit my tab and go into another one, starting a different game with a different name, pelt and all, the characters will still act as if I've already spoke to them. As an example, the leader wouldn't talk to me about mentoring the kits at all and for some reason whenever I spoke to the medicine cat, she only talked about me training as a medicine cat, although I never chose that.
It was mostly because someone from Scratch was randomly attacking me on this project, and I had to keep reminding him that it was pretty dang bad to use Scratch to try to get 8-year-olds (Scratch is catered to 8-16 year olds) to buy stuff from him and link them to unsafe websites.
It was the guy who made this project btw since he deleted all his comments that prove he doesn't care about harming children lol
It's not a bug you need the generational bonds achievement so do that and then you dont have to kill her to get in as long as you dont kill sparrowtail
awwh I know how much the brambleclan cats are in the future now! so cute I played kit to leader for a long time and it seems like the player is dead :0
(become a medicine cat and take the deathberries then click the river by fireclan and brambleclan and then click any cat you wanna OOF. Works only on warriors tho.)
I found some bugs. After talking to Breezestar about the apprentices, or after Nutshade tells you to make the kits apprentices, the textboxes won't close. Also, most of the Sunclan cats don't have textbox names, and Shyeyes won't speak at all.
So,first you gotta find a pink tulip (its in Fallenclan territory) and give it to a cat with the opossite gender as your character.Some might reject you,depends on (ex.They already have a mate or they are loyal.That means if youre a diffrent clan and want to take the loyal character as your mate,they will reject you.)After theyre your mate,give them anotrher pink tulip.Then you say yes tom the ''try for kits'' question.It mostly takes much more tries tho.(srry for my yapping but uh yeah)
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mossy, if it's ok, can you add a place or a button or anything that you can use to change your gender? Cuz I make a good character in the wrong gender, then have to reset the page just to change the gender and remake the cat. Thxs
You can just click the gender symbol
I ment ingame once ur cat has been made
ya can't do that
Okay, first of all why are you hating in this poor dude, 2nd of all, you misgendered a person on PURPOUSE, Mossy uses He/They pronouns, And they have worked their FREAKING HEART on this game, and why are you on their projects if ya hate on em?
Bro, that's rude, mean, and just stupid. You hate a person, so get off their site, so you want to 'share the news'?? Nobody else wants to hear it.
Bastard? If they really are a bastard, they got it all from you. But still, you still kept so much brain-rot and hate that I doubt other people can have even a millimeter.
Go do something with your life besides hating on other people's hard work; a hater always gets hated on, dumbass.
just report them and block them
can somebody tell me what they said? it just says deleted post :pensive:
Just because you don't like someone's games aren't a reason to misgender them. They worked hard on all of their games and they don't want some kid just trashing on them.
just report them and block them
Uhhhh, you might want to be careful about what you’re saying.
For anyone responding, don't worry. Opal Housecake is a troll account and has made like 3 accounts so far that got banned from the whole Itch site itself for harassment. They just want attention
I don't think it's a troll, someone told me that Opal has a whole discord abt haters and lots of ppl are joining. I've tried to find it but its private
They are a troll. All they do is make new accounts to comment homophobic things on my games
"And you are...? Oh wait, just another waste of oxygen. You slithered in like a sewer rat, trying to stay relevant, but even the trash rejects you. I get it, your dad left—but damn, did he have to take your last shred of dignity too? Keep flapping those elephant ears all you want, but no matter how hard you listen, you’ll never hear him say ‘I love you’… because he never did."
Umm… I apologize for this, but that’s a little hush…
ughhhhhh why did you have to come back if you dont like a game then just keep it to yourself you dont need to play the game if you dont like it and mossy did nothing wrong and mossy goes by they/them
Glitch! So when you go to a gathering, they say everything in hyperspeed.
TIP!! If you get stuck on a textbox, you can go to where Creekfoot is and it'll unstuck
Yeah! It works with any other cat on border patrol too.
found a glitch! when i try match the leg patterns to body/tail, the bangs change aswell! and the 'match body' and 'match tail' buttons don't work when selecting bang color/style
possible spoilers?? idk
so i talked to crystal (the one at the farm or something), but after "that's my brother. he doesn't talk much" i got stuck and there was no way to progress or end the conversation. is it a bug or it it just unfinished?
my fix for that is to go the medicine den and get poppy seeds, then press u and click the text that comes up! then just drop them somewhere haha
spoiler! its probably unfinished
ooh i hope there are more accessories soon so i can achieve them ALL >:D
not accessories, achievements (oops ;-;)
I made one of my cats
lol she kinda looks like one of my ocs XD
Cool Cinnamon Is my fluffy cat she's live and breath'in right as ai type this I'ma also make Sally
How do you hide the deathberries...
while your holding them click any form of water to hide it
Anyways here's Crystalfur do fanart if you want
she's light teal not white, and her left eye is a very light blue because she's blind in the left one
Omg she looks so cute! Ima draw her!!!
sorry if it looks bad im not the best when it comes to drawing cats XD
Dats better than I draw I give you An A+ 1000 Points out of 100
awh thanks! :3
Crystalfur is such a pyshco
Why can I kill Moss-shadow ? I don't wanna kill the creator in my opinion , Is the best/
moss, are you going to make any major updates besides bugfixes? ive heard of another major update as the last one, tho just wanted to know if it was rumors or such. no pressure tho, the game is already very good
Hey Mossy, if I exit my tab and go into another one, starting a different game with a different name, pelt and all, the characters will still act as if I've already spoke to them. As an example, the leader wouldn't talk to me about mentoring the kits at all and for some reason whenever I spoke to the medicine cat, she only talked about me training as a medicine cat, although I never chose that.
this the first time i see moss shadow recently comment so much
It was mostly because someone from Scratch was randomly attacking me on this project, and I had to keep reminding him that it was pretty dang bad to use Scratch to try to get 8-year-olds (Scratch is catered to 8-16 year olds) to buy stuff from him and link them to unsafe websites.
It was the guy who made this project btw since he deleted all his comments that prove he doesn't care about harming children lol
that's awful! I can't believe there are people like that out there who would do things like that
oh gosh, darn why did I play that.
i think I found a bug. One of the cat guarding the cold stone doesn't die when I try to kill them, so I can never go to the coldstone.
same happened to me i believe your talking about sunnygaze?
It's not a bug you need the generational bonds achievement so do that and then you dont have to kill her to get in as long as you dont kill sparrowtail
The achievements dont save 😭😭😭
can our kits grow?
Sadly no
dang i really wanted bristlekit shadowkit and rootkit to grow up
Hm. When I get to the gathering before moonhigh, like breezestar says, when the gathering starts it speeds through the dialogue.
Why does the memorial stone disappear after I leave the border and come back?
what are the new updates?
bug fixes + speech bubbles changed to text boxes
oh hey! new update! I missed a lot..
Uhh talked to starlingmoon and now the textbox won't close and i really don't wanna restart...
I've noticed that she opens her box even though there's no text coded. I'll be trying to upload the next update asap
You: " is for 13"
Also You: Tells 8-year-olds on Scratch to go to said 13+ site and buy your game
Then why tell 8-year-olds to go onto an inappropriate website to pay you?
You can fix this by walking over a border, the text will cancel out starlingmoon's textbox
Works with any stuck textbox, actually.
just wander around and talk to other cats; that happened to me and then I went to the gathering and it fixed
I really hope fallenclan is the next one to get added, I desperately want to be mates with russetheart but she's loyal ;-;
I did random and I actually got something good :D
Oh wait-
they kinda remind me of grizzly bears LOL
awwh I know how much the brambleclan cats are in the future now! so cute I played kit to leader for a long time and it seems like the player is dead :0
player name is sliverstone
silverstone is either dead or still alive. it tells you in silverstones destiny that she ran away into the forest and never returned
I did not know that that's cool
i tried to just "deathberry" my way to the prohency stone but apprently sunnygaze is invincible
edit:sorry if i spelt that wrong lol
I mean, to get the generational bond achievement, u gotta talk to her
(also made my name firewing lol)
I tried ltrly the same thing
totally not coincidence 😳
is there a way to mate with a cat with a mate EX.) hayfur?
and who is hayfur?
I might have the name wrong , he's the sun clan deputy
oops not sun the fair, forgot the name
you cant they'll decline
I mean harefur
could you add back sunclan
I tried to talk to Starlingpaw after she became a warrior. Now there's a blank textbox I can't get rid of and I can't talk to anyone else
btw.... how do I get to the cold stone?
nvm I figured it out! You just have to heal enough cats.
Or.. heh.. MURDER!!!
(become a medicine cat and take the deathberries then click the river by fireclan and brambleclan and then click any cat you wanna OOF. Works only on warriors tho.)
Okay, think I might've found a bug because I can't kill Sunnygaze with the hidden deathberries no matter how hard I try :/
It's intentional since she's required for a quest.
what did you do?
Props gave them a pink flower
that would make me feel bad too :X
I found an Easter egg! If you make yourself look like Firestar, the Fireclan cats and Beestripe will be spooked for a moment when you enter the area.
Also, a question for the developer: will a way to erase save data be added, so you can reset achievement progress?
How do you make it so you look like firestar? Like what colours and stuff
i tried this. didn't work???![]()
Why are you telling me?
i was telling hydraulics
if you were telling them you would reply to their comment not mine
I tried, it didn't work
it didnt work :C
Yep. I have a reset achievement button planned
I found some bugs. After talking to Breezestar about the apprentices, or after Nutshade tells you to make the kits apprentices, the textboxes won't close. Also, most of the Sunclan cats don't have textbox names, and Shyeyes won't speak at all.
Wild time to realize things didn't save ;-;
Thank you though!
how do i change or color hair and tail?
Click/tap the other leaves above the color changing thing and find the right ones.
How do you get kits? [I 100% forgot]
So,first you gotta find a pink tulip (its in Fallenclan territory) and give it to a cat with the opossite gender as your character.Some might reject you,depends on (ex.They already have a mate or they are loyal.That means if youre a diffrent clan and want to take the loyal character as your mate,they will reject you.)After theyre your mate,give them anotrher pink tulip.Then you say yes tom the ''try for kits'' question.It mostly takes much more tries tho.(srry for my yapping but uh yeah)
can i continue west woods cause your not gonna make any new games?