Game recovered by Uncannilii_

I've noticed an influx of very young children in the comments section becoming very offended by swearing. I need to remind you that is a 13+ site, and if you are younger than 13, you should not be on this website. I do not care if you are a younger fan of my games, you need to get off of this site. There are other all-ages games you can play like Minecraft.

Thank you.

Updated 2 days ago
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(8 total ratings)
Tagsachievements, Cats, warriors


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Moss-shadow you NEED Jesus. "And he created male and female to be equal" that's from the Bible. Also if you're not a Christian then you should be. Because if you don't turn to Jesus and repent from your sins and ask for forgiveness, you will burn for eternity in the lake of lava where you will suffer forever. This isn't me threatening you, I'm warning you. Turn to Jesus today.

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Moss-shadow is a rat-faced sucker. He said he thought I was a kid... and then cursed at me. Hmm I think all of y'all should leave his weird cult while you can.

anyone online?

Anyone playing this game, there is a new version that is WAY better for roleplaying.

can u chat with the players in this game?


If there are players playing with you, yeah

YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How did you get the resttttttttttttt

The underneath - Fall in the void 5 times

Traveled far - Stand on highrock as Seerflower

I saw Moss-shadow - Mossy joins your game/server


bro took this from griffpatch's multiplayer game and didn't even give credit


The guy saying I have no life is going through my projects and writing essays about his own guilt of trying to get kids on Scratch to go to 13+ Itch and buy his game. Oh nooooo


that reply makes absolutely no sense


from what i remember, i think nala did give credit when it wasn't taken down on scratch. 


whos nala


moss-shadow is Nala



i am a med-cat

can someone join!!

Im on!

are you now?

i will be on in a hour

let me know when your on


Im on!

oh nvm

how do you start the game...?

I dont think the multi player works on here  since its not scratch

It does. I've been on here with other people.

im back

WHEN will you be back on? :(

nobody STAYS on :'(

I can’t move

probably bc ur on mobile lol

Hello? Anyone?


hi is anyone gonna get on


(1 edit)

THANK YOU i cant log in to scratch cuz it wont connect so thank you

Hi there! Since we usually join the game at different times, should we choose a time were everyone can join at the same time?

yes how bout 3:00 on weekends


I think that’s a good time, but I think I am only able to go on at 8 AMs or PMs unfortunately, so maybe it depends on everyone’s schedules.


just get on when ye have time

but please actually GET on


HI this is player 009

i'm on!






Im on!

Is someone on?

anyone want to join me


(1 edit)

If ur on rn how do u move?


oi anyone wanna play lol

somebody join!



Hiiii, can anyone roleplay with me?

When you join, just immediately go to roleplaying, I'm player 120  


mosss shadow make a new account on scratch remake your wwm and your kit to leaders to get your cloud fast just spam projects



ban bypassing is against scratch's rules, plus i'm pretty sure the st would delete that account as soon as they discover it /nm

Press "T" to chat!

does it work

mosss shadow  is needed on scratch

(1 edit)

Gone! I've seen Moss-shadow once in scratch.

shes gone tho now

(3 edits)

Yeah! That's what i said! Finally someone who replied me, and I'm a little Bittle kid who is new to this !And it's me*Mad at herself*

(2 edits)

Why in the world would Scratch delete her account(Last time finished one project she was still there! (tho I might have left scratch for too long) I thought she'd be there forever!)

just a small reminder, mossy uses he/they pronouns. preferably they/them. /nm ^^

so no Ninghtvole?

everyone sry to those who liked my drawing i cant send any more art here cause its difficult to send the art from my ipad to my pc and send it here 

(1 edit) (-1)

That s**ks. Bro. (Sorry for that!!!!)


can someone play

ye but not for long

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